Author Topic: New Member  (Read 5576 times)

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Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #71 on: October 09, 2013, 02:37:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: JayDubya
Day 29, and I got the call from my Dr's office saying that the lab results for the biopsied tissue is callouses/hyperkeratosis.  I'm thankful for that, no doubt!  I've been freaked out and battling some harsh anxiety over this.

I know I responded already in the Dec 13 group thread, but I wanted to also update my Intro thread.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I want to enjoy this moment for sure, but I'm very angry with tobacco, tobacco companies, and myself for being such an idiot for 20+ years.  I will not put those radioactive carcinogenic cat turds in my face.  Not for any reason. 

I know others have gotten results that wasn't what they had hoped for, and my heart goes out to them and their families.
Your uncovering lie after lie j. It's one thing for me and others to tell you the truths but it's another to feel and see them first hand. Damn proud to be quit with you today.
Thanks. The results I got doesnt make me want to start back dipping. It makes me want to quit even more than I already did. I know I read threads where people went back to dipping after getting a good biopsy report and that can be a catalyst for caving, but it had the opposite effect on me.

Im thankful for my KTC brothers and sisters.

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Re: New Member
« Reply #70 on: October 09, 2013, 02:05:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Day 29, and I got the call from my Dr's office saying that the lab results for the biopsied tissue is callouses/hyperkeratosis. I'm thankful for that, no doubt! I've been freaked out and battling some harsh anxiety over this.

I know I responded already in the Dec 13 group thread, but I wanted to also update my Intro thread.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I want to enjoy this moment for sure, but I'm very angry with tobacco, tobacco companies, and myself for being such an idiot for 20+ years. I will not put those radioactive carcinogenic cat turds in my face. Not for any reason.

I know others have gotten results that wasn't what they had hoped for, and my heart goes out to them and their families.
Your uncovering lie after lie j. It's one thing for me and others to tell you the truths but it's another to feel and see them first hand. Damn proud to be quit with you today.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #69 on: October 09, 2013, 01:28:00 PM »
Day 29, and I got the call from my Dr's office saying that the lab results for the biopsied tissue is callouses/hyperkeratosis. I'm thankful for that, no doubt! I've been freaked out and battling some harsh anxiety over this.

I know I responded already in the Dec 13 group thread, but I wanted to also update my Intro thread.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I want to enjoy this moment for sure, but I'm very angry with tobacco, tobacco companies, and myself for being such an idiot for 20+ years. I will not put those radioactive carcinogenic cat turds in my face. Not for any reason.

I know others have gotten results that wasn't what they had hoped for, and my heart goes out to them and their families.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: New Member
« Reply #68 on: October 03, 2013, 11:54:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: Mike
Congrats on getting a clean bill of health from the oral surgeon, there's nothing more relieving than that.  Yet still there'll be some anxiety, so I hope  pray the biopsy test results come back good.  I know they will.  Glad to see you're getting checked out so you can go forward in your quit with more confidence to keep up that clean bill of health!
Thanks, Mike. I appreciate the prayers.
Welcome. They're coming from a guy who got a clean bill of health on everything from the dentist who did a full on oral cancer screening ( I still worried after till I talked to him again  had him take another look) to a doc who did blood work  a full swallow test to check for throat cancer. I've had more anxiety over cancer this last while than I ever have over anything in my life. So I'm sure everything is good for you, but you still need to get checked out. Not necessarily because something might be seriously wrong, but to try to help put your mind at ease that it isn't. Every sensation that your brain usually ignores, as it should, you can now feel like you're dying. So if you at all have any worry, get things checked out  go forward confident that you're quit  can get through this  won't have to ever again!

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #67 on: October 03, 2013, 11:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Mike
Congrats on getting a clean bill of health from the oral surgeon, there's nothing more relieving than that. Yet still there'll be some anxiety, so I hope  pray the biopsy test results come back good. I know they will. Glad to see you're getting checked out so you can go forward in your quit with more confidence to keep up that clean bill of health!
Thanks, Mike. I appreciate the prayers.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: New Member
« Reply #66 on: October 03, 2013, 11:10:00 PM »
Congrats on getting a clean bill of health from the oral surgeon, there's nothing more relieving than that. Yet still there'll be some anxiety, so I hope  pray the biopsy test results come back good. I know they will. Glad to see you're getting checked out so you can go forward in your quit with more confidence to keep up that clean bill of health!

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2013, 01:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: JayDubya
Update:  Today is Day 23, and I will remember this day in my quit.  It is the day I went to the oral surgeon. 

About 6 days after I quit, I finally got my head out of the fog long enough to have a lucid thought, "Hey, dummy, you have been putting carcinogenic chemicals in your mouth for years, and it might be a good idea to go look in the mirror..."  Well, I did, and I found a spot at the back of my mouth on the gum line.  My anxiety kicked into overdrive.  I've been freaked out about it since that day.  Then I began noticing what I thought was white patches and white areas inside my cheeks, white lines down the side of my tongue, the dorsal/top part of my tongue was white.  I freaked out yet again.  I brushed my tongue until it was lightly raw in places, but got that white crap mostly gone. 

Anyway, so I get to the oral surgeon (who extracted my wisdom teeth 17 years ago), and he looks around and said that he doesn't see anything scary.  I specifically asked him about the spot and if it was a Fordyce granule or something else.  He said he thinks it is a Fordyce granule (a rather large one).  I also had some white tissue on the gums directly behind my back molar where the wisdom teeth would have protruded.  He said that looked like callouses from my teeth hitting it and from chewing food.  He said he didn't think it was necessary to biopsy anything, but he would if I wanted to because he knew how scared I have been.  So, the spot and the tissue behind my bottom rear molars has been cut out and sent to the lab.  Yep, I'm still nervous and will be until I know for sure.  It is a little comforting that he said he didn't see anything scary. However, I'm waiting on the lab results before I breathe any sigh of relief.

I was disappointed to hear the Dr say that there isn't a direct scientific link between dipping and oral cancer.  I told him I don't care and that I quit.  I quit before I even considered looking in my mouth.  Dang.  The nic bitch had her claws deep in me!!  I'm so ashamed.
You need not be ashamed today brother, you are quit and you have admitted your addiction. You should rejoice that you are quit and that your Oral Surgeon consult ended well.

I am glad that you wrote that note in your intro today, because it will serve as a reminder for you in the months and years to come. I quit with you today JW.

Thanks for the encouraging words. The brotherhood and accountability on KTC is unsurpassed. That's for sure!

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Re: New Member
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2013, 12:26:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Update: Today is Day 23, and I will remember this day in my quit. It is the day I went to the oral surgeon.

About 6 days after I quit, I finally got my head out of the fog long enough to have a lucid thought, "Hey, dummy, you have been putting carcinogenic chemicals in your mouth for years, and it might be a good idea to go look in the mirror..." Well, I did, and I found a spot at the back of my mouth on the gum line. My anxiety kicked into overdrive. I've been freaked out about it since that day. Then I began noticing what I thought was white patches and white areas inside my cheeks, white lines down the side of my tongue, the dorsal/top part of my tongue was white. I freaked out yet again. I brushed my tongue until it was lightly raw in places, but got that white crap mostly gone.

Anyway, so I get to the oral surgeon (who extracted my wisdom teeth 17 years ago), and he looks around and said that he doesn't see anything scary. I specifically asked him about the spot and if it was a Fordyce granule or something else. He said he thinks it is a Fordyce granule (a rather large one). I also had some white tissue on the gums directly behind my back molar where the wisdom teeth would have protruded. He said that looked like callouses from my teeth hitting it and from chewing food. He said he didn't think it was necessary to biopsy anything, but he would if I wanted to because he knew how scared I have been. So, the spot and the tissue behind my bottom rear molars has been cut out and sent to the lab. Yep, I'm still nervous and will be until I know for sure. It is a little comforting that he said he didn't see anything scary. However, I'm waiting on the lab results before I breathe any sigh of relief.

I was disappointed to hear the Dr say that there isn't a direct scientific link between dipping and oral cancer. I told him I don't care and that I quit. I quit before I even considered looking in my mouth. Dang. The nic bitch had her claws deep in me!! I'm so ashamed.
You need not be ashamed today brother, you are quit and you have admitted your addiction. You should rejoice that you are quit and that your Oral Surgeon consult ended well.

I am glad that you wrote that note in your intro today, because it will serve as a reminder for you in the months and years to come. I quit with you today JW.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2013, 12:22:00 PM »
Update: Today is Day 23, and I will remember this day in my quit. It is the day I went to the oral surgeon.

About 6 days after I quit, I finally got my head out of the fog long enough to have a lucid thought, "Hey, dummy, you have been putting carcinogenic chemicals in your mouth for years, and it might be a good idea to go look in the mirror..." Well, I did, and I found a spot at the back of my mouth on the gum line. My anxiety kicked into overdrive. I've been freaked out about it since that day. Then I began noticing what I thought was white patches and white areas inside my cheeks, white lines down the side of my tongue, the dorsal/top part of my tongue was white. I freaked out yet again. I brushed my tongue until it was lightly raw in places, but got that white crap mostly gone.

Anyway, so I get to the oral surgeon (who extracted my wisdom teeth 17 years ago), and he looks around and said that he doesn't see anything scary. I specifically asked him about the spot and if it was a Fordyce granule or something else. He said he thinks it is a Fordyce granule (a rather large one). I also had some white tissue on the gums directly behind my back molar where the wisdom teeth would have protruded. He said that looked like callouses from my teeth hitting it and from chewing food. He said he didn't think it was necessary to biopsy anything, but he would if I wanted to because he knew how scared I have been. So, the spot and the tissue behind my bottom rear molars has been cut out and sent to the lab. Yep, I'm still nervous and will be until I know for sure. It is a little comforting that he said he didn't see anything scary. However, I'm waiting on the lab results before I breathe any sigh of relief.

I was disappointed to hear the Dr say that there isn't a direct scientific link between dipping and oral cancer. I told him I don't care and that I quit. I quit before I even considered looking in my mouth. Dang. The nic bitch had her claws deep in me!! I'm so ashamed.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #62 on: September 24, 2013, 10:38:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: JayDubya
Just thought I'd update my thread: 

Today is Day 13 without nicotine.  I'm starting to feel better and better.  While I still have some cravings, the cravings are not as frequent and not nearly as intense as it was the first days.  The support that I have gotten from the members of this site has been unbelievable.  I hope I am able to give back now and in the days to come. 

Before I quit, I had made an appointment with my local hospital that offers a state funded nicotine cessation program.  I went today to see if there was anything I could benefit from such as counseling, local support group, or if I would even be a viable candidate for their program because my mind was made up, and I had given all of you my word to be nicotine free one day at a time.  I was very pleasantly surprised when my counselor had heard of KTC.  He started smiling and nodding his head yes when I was telling him how we do things.  He said he knew about KTC and said that the KTC way is the best way to quit smokeless tobacco.  He also said that they primarily do NRT for smokers, and that smokeless tobacco users are rare in their program.  He went to a workshop last month for smokeless tobacco users, and said that after discussing the differences between NRT therapy and cold turkey while there, he said for smokeless tobacco users that cold turkey/KTC way is the best way.

I am gonna check out a local support group, but posting roll here and all of you are my 1st priority for support.  Anyway, just wanted to update my thread.
THat is outstanding news!!! The gradual cessation is failure waiting to happen. My local hospital has some program that includes "planning" to quit. I saw a flyer in my doc's office a while back and just stood there shaking my head. Didn't get into it with him that day, but I intend to do that next trip.

Congrats on 13! Now, don't let your guard down. There will be the occasional bad day. It will kick your ass if you're not prepared for it.
I definitely appreciate your encouragement and reminding me to keep my guard up. The accountability we have here is priceless.
I sure am glad that's not a picture of a dodge or chevy up there. lol
Ha! But it is a Chrysler....Chrysler Jeep, Dodge, Ram lol

Offline srans

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Re: New Member
« Reply #61 on: September 24, 2013, 10:27:00 AM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: JayDubya
Just thought I'd update my thread: 

Today is Day 13 without nicotine.  I'm starting to feel better and better.  While I still have some cravings, the cravings are not as frequent and not nearly as intense as it was the first days.  The support that I have gotten from the members of this site has been unbelievable.  I hope I am able to give back now and in the days to come. 

Before I quit, I had made an appointment with my local hospital that offers a state funded nicotine cessation program.  I went today to see if there was anything I could benefit from such as counseling, local support group, or if I would even be a viable candidate for their program because my mind was made up, and I had given all of you my word to be nicotine free one day at a time.  I was very pleasantly surprised when my counselor had heard of KTC.  He started smiling and nodding his head yes when I was telling him how we do things.  He said he knew about KTC and said that the KTC way is the best way to quit smokeless tobacco.  He also said that they primarily do NRT for smokers, and that smokeless tobacco users are rare in their program.  He went to a workshop last month for smokeless tobacco users, and said that after discussing the differences between NRT therapy and cold turkey while there, he said for smokeless tobacco users that cold turkey/KTC way is the best way.

I am gonna check out a local support group, but posting roll here and all of you are my 1st priority for support.  Anyway, just wanted to update my thread.
THat is outstanding news!!! The gradual cessation is failure waiting to happen. My local hospital has some program that includes "planning" to quit. I saw a flyer in my doc's office a while back and just stood there shaking my head. Didn't get into it with him that day, but I intend to do that next trip.

Congrats on 13! Now, don't let your guard down. There will be the occasional bad day. It will kick your ass if you're not prepared for it.
I definitely appreciate your encouragement and reminding me to keep my guard up. The accountability we have here is priceless.
I sure am glad that's not a picture of a dodge or chevy up there. lol
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: New Member
« Reply #60 on: September 23, 2013, 11:26:00 PM »
Congrats on day 13! Yeah as I look back on my unplanned quit, this really is the best way to do it, nothing like jumping right in  making it happen! No excuses, just do it.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #59 on: September 23, 2013, 02:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Radman
Quote from: JayDubya
Just thought I'd update my thread: 

Today is Day 13 without nicotine.  I'm starting to feel better and better.  While I still have some cravings, the cravings are not as frequent and not nearly as intense as it was the first days.  The support that I have gotten from the members of this site has been unbelievable.  I hope I am able to give back now and in the days to come. 

Before I quit, I had made an appointment with my local hospital that offers a state funded nicotine cessation program.  I went today to see if there was anything I could benefit from such as counseling, local support group, or if I would even be a viable candidate for their program because my mind was made up, and I had given all of you my word to be nicotine free one day at a time.  I was very pleasantly surprised when my counselor had heard of KTC.  He started smiling and nodding his head yes when I was telling him how we do things.  He said he knew about KTC and said that the KTC way is the best way to quit smokeless tobacco.  He also said that they primarily do NRT for smokers, and that smokeless tobacco users are rare in their program.  He went to a workshop last month for smokeless tobacco users, and said that after discussing the differences between NRT therapy and cold turkey while there, he said for smokeless tobacco users that cold turkey/KTC way is the best way.

I am gonna check out a local support group, but posting roll here and all of you are my 1st priority for support.  Anyway, just wanted to update my thread.
THat is outstanding news!!! The gradual cessation is failure waiting to happen. My local hospital has some program that includes "planning" to quit. I saw a flyer in my doc's office a while back and just stood there shaking my head. Didn't get into it with him that day, but I intend to do that next trip.

Congrats on 13! Now, don't let your guard down. There will be the occasional bad day. It will kick your ass if you're not prepared for it.
I definitely appreciate your encouragement and reminding me to keep my guard up. The accountability we have here is priceless.

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Re: New Member
« Reply #58 on: September 23, 2013, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Just thought I'd update my thread:

Today is Day 13 without nicotine. I'm starting to feel better and better. While I still have some cravings, the cravings are not as frequent and not nearly as intense as it was the first days. The support that I have gotten from the members of this site has been unbelievable. I hope I am able to give back now and in the days to come.

Before I quit, I had made an appointment with my local hospital that offers a state funded nicotine cessation program. I went today to see if there was anything I could benefit from such as counseling, local support group, or if I would even be a viable candidate for their program because my mind was made up, and I had given all of you my word to be nicotine free one day at a time. I was very pleasantly surprised when my counselor had heard of KTC. He started smiling and nodding his head yes when I was telling him how we do things. He said he knew about KTC and said that the KTC way is the best way to quit smokeless tobacco. He also said that they primarily do NRT for smokers, and that smokeless tobacco users are rare in their program. He went to a workshop last month for smokeless tobacco users, and said that after discussing the differences between NRT therapy and cold turkey while there, he said for smokeless tobacco users that cold turkey/KTC way is the best way.

I am gonna check out a local support group, but posting roll here and all of you are my 1st priority for support. Anyway, just wanted to update my thread.
THat is outstanding news!!! The gradual cessation is failure waiting to happen. My local hospital has some program that includes "planning" to quit. I saw a flyer in my doc's office a while back and just stood there shaking my head. Didn't get into it with him that day, but I intend to do that next trip.

Congrats on 13! Now, don't let your guard down. There will be the occasional bad day. It will kick your ass if you're not prepared for it.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #57 on: September 23, 2013, 01:25:00 PM »
Just thought I'd update my thread:

Today is Day 13 without nicotine. I'm starting to feel better and better. While I still have some cravings, the cravings are not as frequent and not nearly as intense as it was the first days. The support that I have gotten from the members of this site has been unbelievable. I hope I am able to give back now and in the days to come.

Before I quit, I had made an appointment with my local hospital that offers a state funded nicotine cessation program. I went today to see if there was anything I could benefit from such as counseling, local support group, or if I would even be a viable candidate for their program because my mind was made up, and I had given all of you my word to be nicotine free one day at a time. I was very pleasantly surprised when my counselor had heard of KTC. He started smiling and nodding his head yes when I was telling him how we do things. He said he knew about KTC and said that the KTC way is the best way to quit smokeless tobacco. He also said that they primarily do NRT for smokers, and that smokeless tobacco users are rare in their program. He went to a workshop last month for smokeless tobacco users, and said that after discussing the differences between NRT therapy and cold turkey while there, he said for smokeless tobacco users that cold turkey/KTC way is the best way.

I am gonna check out a local support group, but posting roll here and all of you are my 1st priority for support. Anyway, just wanted to update my thread.