Author Topic: New Member  (Read 5582 times)

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Re: New Member
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2013, 09:53:00 PM »

Working on learning how to roll call. I will get on that Monday Morning at work.


Im not carrying any gum on me. I do have some in my overnight bag that is at my parents' house. I dont even have it with me here at my bud's house. I will toss that out. You have my word on it. I needed to have days of no nicotine while carrying it around with me. It was a personal thing since I have caved with the gum before. I had to beat the gum too. Now, I know the physical symptoms are way less and mostly in my mind.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Offline Jlud007

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Re: New Member
« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2013, 05:58:00 PM »
Glad to hear your quit today Jaydub, I hope you tossed the gum and all now......

Posting roll is at the heart of everything we do here and below is a link with step by step on how to do it. I'll quit with you today!

Posting Roll Instructions

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Re: New Member
« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2013, 05:52:00 PM »

Congrats man. Keep hanging in there. You really are at the point where each day will be a bit better than the day before. At the least, if its not better, at least your body and system is getting adjusted to dealing with life without nicotine.

Hey, I still haven't seen you post roll. Roll call is important and can't be done without here. Think of it like this. It's not stepping up to a line for the day. Instead, it's stepping over a line. And promising yourself and the December quit group, that nothing on the face of Gods green earth will be able to push you backwards across it. That promise is only for one day. One.

Only you can make that promise. Find the info on how to post. Print it out. Stick it in your pocket. Get it out first thing in the morning and post roll. Making that promise to yourself and to all of us is one of the major keys in the success of the system of this site. Now go Get R Done bro !!!


Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2013, 05:11:00 PM »
Day 4 and no nicotine. Starting to see more support from my friends and family. That helps. One of my friends offered to punch me in the head if I even mention wanting a dip

I am thankful for all who post, even when they talk about how bad they are feeling or how much better they feel. I know when I woke up this morning there was a difference in the intensity that my body craved nicotine. It was much less but still there.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2013, 10:00:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: GDubya
Now that y'all mention the fartn thing.  Yep.  Just call me breezy.
Hoping this gas stage passes quickly!
oh boy.....I had the rootin tootin's for about 2 weeks early on in my quit.

never the stench but I gave a trumpet its run for the money...... 'crackup'
Hahaha!!! Ready for that phase to pass on by.

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Re: New Member
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2013, 09:09:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: GDubya
Now that y'all mention the fartn thing.  Yep.  Just call me breezy.
Hoping this gas stage passes quickly!
oh boy.....I had the rootin tootin's for about 2 weeks early on in my quit.

never the stench but I gave a trumpet its run for the money...... 'crackup'

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2013, 08:58:00 PM »
Quote from: GDubya
Now that y'all mention the fartn thing. Yep. Just call me breezy.
Hoping this gas stage passes quickly!

Offline Gdubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2013, 06:47:00 PM »
Now that y'all mention the fartn thing. Yep. Just call me breezy.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2013, 06:13:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: Ron_Cross
I know it is hard.  It is the hardest things you will ever do.  Let me ask you a question.  What if you instead of keeping nicotine in your pocket you swap it out with Smokey Mountain which is a non-tobbaco herbal chew?  It looks and tastes the same.  Wouldn't that be better having that in your pocket rather than Nicotine?
The thought of something shaped like a can of snuff/dip in my pocket causes me to have anxiety in and of itself. That will be out for me. The nicotine gum was to be there during the hardest/highest peak of withdrawal symptoms, so I could push through or fail early on. I pushed through.

I understand the temptation, flirtation, etc....again, that was for during my peak times with my withdrawal symptoms at their worst. I made it through and feel encouraged. It makes me more proud and feel more confidence that I could go this long without taking any form of nicotine, although I had easy access to it in my pocket. I needed that for ME.

(Edited for minor grammatical correction)

I hope you prove other wise brother.
Just to jump in, the actual withdrawal symptoms of nicotine (not the mental shit that goes on for a LOOOOONG time), but the physical withdrawal is gone when that last bit of nicotine is out of your system at 72 hours. If you spit out your last dip and havent touched nicotine since sept 10 @ 10:30, you are pretty damn close to the 72 hour mark now. Why not flush the gum, since you have already made it through the very worst of it all?

What you think is a life vest will very quickly become an anchor....

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Re: New Member
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2013, 06:07:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: Ron_Cross
I know it is hard.  It is the hardest things you will ever do.  Let me ask you a question.  What if you instead of keeping nicotine in your pocket you swap it out with Smokey Mountain which is a non-tobbaco herbal chew?  It looks and tastes the same.  Wouldn't that be better having that in your pocket rather than Nicotine?
The thought of something shaped like a can of snuff/dip in my pocket causes me to have anxiety in and of itself. That will be out for me. The nicotine gum was to be there during the hardest/highest peak of withdrawal symptoms, so I could push through or fail early on. I pushed through.

I understand the temptation, flirtation, etc....again, that was for during my peak times with my withdrawal symptoms at their worst. I made it through and feel encouraged. It makes me more proud and feel more confidence that I could go this long without taking any form of nicotine, although I had easy access to it in my pocket. I needed that for ME.

(Edited for minor grammatical correction)

I hope you prove other wise brother.
Just to jump in, the actual withdrawal symptoms of nicotine (not the mental shit that goes on for a LOOOOONG time), but the physical withdrawal is gone when that last bit of nicotine is out of your system at 72 hours. If you spit out your last dip and havent touched nicotine since sept 10 @ 10:30, you are pretty damn close to the 72 hour mark now. Why not flush the gum, since you have already made it through the very worst of it all?

What you think is a life vest will very quickly become an anchor....
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: New Member
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2013, 05:25:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: Ron_Cross
I know it is hard.  It is the hardest things you will ever do.  Let me ask you a question.  What if you instead of keeping nicotine in your pocket you swap it out with Smokey Mountain which is a non-tobbaco herbal chew?  It looks and tastes the same.  Wouldn't that be better having that in your pocket rather than Nicotine?
The thought of something shaped like a can of snuff/dip in my pocket causes me to have anxiety in and of itself. That will be out for me. The nicotine gum was to be there during the hardest/highest peak of withdrawal symptoms, so I could push through or fail early on. I pushed through.

I understand the temptation, flirtation, etc....again, that was for during my peak times with my withdrawal symptoms at their worst. I made it through and feel encouraged. It makes me more proud and feel more confidence that I could go this long without taking any form of nicotine, although I had easy access to it in my pocket. I needed that for ME.

(Edited for minor grammatical correction)

I hope you prove other wise brother.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2013, 05:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Ron_Cross
I know it is hard.  It is the hardest things you will ever do.  Let me ask you a question.  What if you instead of keeping nicotine in your pocket you swap it out with Smokey Mountain which is a non-tobbaco herbal chew?  It looks and tastes the same.  Wouldn't that be better having that in your pocket rather than Nicotine?
The thought of something shaped like a can of snuff/dip in my pocket causes me to have anxiety in and of itself. That will be out for me. The nicotine gum was to be there during the hardest/highest peak of withdrawal symptoms, so I could push through or fail early on. I pushed through.

I understand the temptation, flirtation, etc....again, that was for during my peak times with my withdrawal symptoms at their worst. I made it through and feel encouraged. It makes me more proud and feel more confidence that I could go this long without taking any form of nicotine, although I had easy access to it in my pocket. I needed that for ME.

(Edited for minor grammatical correction)

Offline SirDerek

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Re: New Member
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2013, 05:08:00 PM »
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: Ron_Cross
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: JayDubya
To clarify...I have had absolutely ZERO nicotine in my body since I spit out my last dip at 10:30 PM, Tuesday night on Sept 10, 2013.  I began counting Sept 11, 2013 as my quit date.  I still had one dip remaining and I emptied it out in the toilet first thing that morning. 

I am not interested in a gradual cessation program at all.  I think that drags it out and makes it worse. 

With the nic gum in my pocket and not using it whatsoever, it has been my final  'Finger'  to the nicotine.

I have had a TON of stressful things pressing on me outside of quitting, but I didn't let that deter me in serious, life altering things...If I could stop using nicotine with those things going on, and also not use nicotine while having easy access to nic gum in my pocket, then my mindset and actions are in the right place.  My mom tried to discourage me from quitting right now, as well as a couple close friends.  (None of them have a nicotine addiction or dependency).
I don't want to discourage you man.... but you still sound like someone who hasn't quite jumped in with both feet. I'm not sure what else to's pretty well laid out by the quitters who have given you advice already.
Fuck stress. You need to make a adult decision. Quit or no quit. There is no pussy footing around with nicotine. You know what happens with Nicotine gum? Your $15/week addiction turns into a $40/week addiction. First it is gum, then it's lozonges, then it's patches. It fucking doesn't work. Drink the KTC koolaid. I want to call you a brother and welcome you with open arms but you must now make a decision. Get rid of the gum and post roll with us or don't.
I already know it doesn't work. That's why I have to break my 2nd go to source. Gum. Done it many times. Like I said in my first post...I can chew 3-4 4mg pieces and blow bubbles with it.

I HAVE to break the urge by having easy access. If y'all don't do it that way, ok...but I have to.

And, as far as decision...whoever it was said that, doesn't have a clue what is going on. And, I did make an adult decision and quit regardless of what all else is going on, in addition to my mom saying not a good time, 2 close friends saying not a good time...I said I'm quitting and doing it regardless. I chose to quit even with this crap going on.
well done so far Jay -

what the concern is about is that nic gum that you have hanging around. You are right that you need to get rid of that dependence on nicotene in any form, so why not dispose of that gum and replace it with trident or another sugarfree variety (hell after almost 440 days I still carry a little sucrets tin around with some trident and sugarfree candy in it).

In the beginning it is do whatever it takes, trident, candy, seeds, toothpicks,....whatever to keep nicotene out of your body, and also remove any temptation....

And you have made the right decision as the only good time to quit is yesterday....and continue to quit today...and each and every day that follows.

I quit beside you today


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Re: New Member
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2013, 05:07:00 PM »
I know it is hard. It is the hardest things you will ever do. Let me ask you a question. What if you instead of keeping nicotine in your pocket you swap it out with Smokey Mountain which is a non-tobbaco herbal chew? It looks and tastes the same. Wouldn't that be better having that in your pocket rather than Nicotine?

Offline JayDubya

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Re: New Member
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2013, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Ron_Cross
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: JayDubya
To clarify...I have had absolutely ZERO nicotine in my body since I spit out my last dip at 10:30 PM, Tuesday night on Sept 10, 2013.  I began counting Sept 11, 2013 as my quit date.  I still had one dip remaining and I emptied it out in the toilet first thing that morning. 

I am not interested in a gradual cessation program at all.  I think that drags it out and makes it worse. 

With the nic gum in my pocket and not using it whatsoever, it has been my final  'Finger'  to the nicotine.

I have had a TON of stressful things pressing on me outside of quitting, but I didn't let that deter me in serious, life altering things...If I could stop using nicotine with those things going on, and also not use nicotine while having easy access to nic gum in my pocket, then my mindset and actions are in the right place.  My mom tried to discourage me from quitting right now, as well as a couple close friends.  (None of them have a nicotine addiction or dependency).
I don't want to discourage you man.... but you still sound like someone who hasn't quite jumped in with both feet. I'm not sure what else to's pretty well laid out by the quitters who have given you advice already.
Fuck stress. You need to make a adult decision. Quit or no quit. There is no pussy footing around with nicotine. You know what happens with Nicotine gum? Your $15/week addiction turns into a $40/week addiction. First it is gum, then it's lozonges, then it's patches. It fucking doesn't work. Drink the KTC koolaid. I want to call you a brother and welcome you with open arms but you must now make a decision. Get rid of the gum and post roll with us or don't.
I already know it doesn't work. That's why I have to break my 2nd go to source. Gum. Done it many times. Like I said in my first post...I can chew 3-4 4mg pieces and blow bubbles with it.

I HAVE to break the urge by having easy access. If y'all don't do it that way, ok...but I have to.

And, as far as decision...whoever it was said that, doesn't have a clue what is going on. And, I did make an adult decision and quit regardless of what all else is going on, in addition to my mom saying not a good time, 2 close friends saying not a good time...I said I'm quitting and doing it regardless. I chose to quit even with this crap going on.