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Offline DerikR

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #48 on: November 21, 2013, 06:26:00 PM »
Just a quick update from day 17. The dip dreams have been recurring the last couple nights. They aren't pleasant by any means, but I have a history of sleep paralysis so things could be worse. The mouth pain is gradually getting better; of the cut and 2 sores, I'm down to one sore that is beginning to heal. I'm already starting to prepare for the weekend to ensure my quit isn't ruined. QLF

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2013, 04:53:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: DerikR
Day 15 is well underway without any problems. I woke up with a dull headache, but it went away with a big glass of water. The most interesting development of the last couple of days was the dream I had the other night. I've seen stories from some of you guys about dip dreams and I finally see what you mean about how vivid they can be.

In my dream, I had gone back home a few days early to see all my friends before Thanksgiving. We all went out to a bonfire like old times, and sure enough I put in a dip. Even in the dream I realized how bad I had fucked up and started freaking out. Shortly after that I woke up and bolted upright in bed. Dip dreams are flat out scary now.
Just remember that those dreams are nightmares, and not the wishes of what we want back into our lives.

Just keep your head down, be strong, build your web of brotherhood here at KTC, and Quit,

yell if you need anything.
Those night terrors are signals too. You are beating nicotine to the point, that nasty skanky whore sneaks into your subconscious mind. Mine was so vivid, I opened my nightstand drawer. Wondered if I snuck out and bought a can. I felt guilt but a wise vet told me that when you have a dip dream, don't feel guilty because you didn't cave and are beating your addiction.

So it is a nightmare but real progression in your quit! Proud of you. Stay the course. Its all good.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2013, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: DerikR
Day 15 is well underway without any problems. I woke up with a dull headache, but it went away with a big glass of water. The most interesting development of the last couple of days was the dream I had the other night. I've seen stories from some of you guys about dip dreams and I finally see what you mean about how vivid they can be.

In my dream, I had gone back home a few days early to see all my friends before Thanksgiving. We all went out to a bonfire like old times, and sure enough I put in a dip. Even in the dream I realized how bad I had fucked up and started freaking out. Shortly after that I woke up and bolted upright in bed. Dip dreams are flat out scary now.
Just remember that those dreams are nightmares, and not the wishes of what we want back into our lives.

Just keep your head down, be strong, build your web of brotherhood here at KTC, and Quit,

yell if you need anything.

Offline DerikR

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2013, 04:26:00 PM »
Day 15 is well underway without any problems. I woke up with a dull headache, but it went away with a big glass of water. The most interesting development of the last couple of days was the dream I had the other night. I've seen stories from some of you guys about dip dreams and I finally see what you mean about how vivid they can be.

In my dream, I had gone back home a few days early to see all my friends before Thanksgiving. We all went out to a bonfire like old times, and sure enough I put in a dip. Even in the dream I realized how bad I had fucked up and started freaking out. Shortly after that I woke up and bolted upright in bed. Dip dreams are flat out scary now.

Offline DerikR

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #44 on: November 17, 2013, 10:37:00 PM »
Day 13, closing in on 2 weeks with no Nic. My mouth is in pretty bad shape right now. The little "pocket" in my gums where I always put my chew (I'm sure you all know what I mean) is healing itself and it's very sore. I also have 2 sores and a cut on the tip of my tongue, which I presume are from the mass intake of seeds at the start of my quit. The silver lining of all the mouth pain is I've weaned myself off of seeds, so the oral fixation aspect is gone for the most part. See you all in roll call tomorrow.

Offline srans

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2013, 05:45:00 PM »
Quote from: DerikR
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Great job on your quit derekr.  Been keeping an eye on you.  Got a question? 
Today I went back up to the city to apply to a few jobs. I don't mind my current job, but A- my current pay is primarily tip-based and B- there are lots of smokers in there, which brings the fog back while I'm there.
Where do you work that allows this ^^^^^. You don't have to answer, I just find it interesting that there is establishments that still allow this. Keep in mind, i'm very reserved and don't get out much. lol

I would definitely, undeniably, without a shadow of doubt find me another job. That is not the place for you my friend. You don't need that crap. There is no way your making enough money. Quit with you today.
I am usually not for government restricting personal freedoms, but I live in a county that has banned smoking in restaurants and bars, and I am thankful. There is a casino nearby that allows smoking and it is like getting slapped in the face when I go there. I cannot imagine working in a smoky place. Get some clean air.
I'm not 100% sure if you're asking about the wages or the smoking, so I'll address both. In Missouri, the minimum wage for tipped workers is $3.67. Usually my tips make up for the lower base pay, but occasionally I'll have a slow week and my paychecks are awful. The restaurant I work it is sort of a pizza place / sports bar combo, and they still have a smoking section in the restaurant.

Ace, I've had North Face and Columbia and haven't had problems with either one. A college buddy of mine grew up in Colorado and loved her Patagonia, so I was just thinking of trying it out. Besides, in Missouri it's about a 70/30 split of North Face/Columbia jackets so I also like the idea of a Patagonia because I wouldn't be wearing the same jacket of everyone and their brother.

Day 12 is going pretty well. Found myself air packing again earlier while I was cleaning the garage. The craving was pretty weak though, so I made it through fine. I can live with an air packing habit if the cravings are weak like that. Sitting down to watch Georgia and Auburn now with a couple beers, then headed out to a bonfire later. No nicotine for me today. Quit on brothers.
I was referring to the smoking. Its just madness to still allow smoking in a public place. I know you need to make a living, but i couldn't work there and to be honest. I feel you would better yourself to find another job. There is something out there for you. Good things coming your way my friend. Stick to the plan.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline DerikR

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #42 on: November 16, 2013, 04:05:00 PM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: srans
Great job on your quit derekr.  Been keeping an eye on you.  Got a question? 
Today I went back up to the city to apply to a few jobs. I don't mind my current job, but A- my current pay is primarily tip-based and B- there are lots of smokers in there, which brings the fog back while I'm there.
Where do you work that allows this ^^^^^. You don't have to answer, I just find it interesting that there is establishments that still allow this. Keep in mind, i'm very reserved and don't get out much. lol

I would definitely, undeniably, without a shadow of doubt find me another job. That is not the place for you my friend. You don't need that crap. There is no way your making enough money. Quit with you today.
I am usually not for government restricting personal freedoms, but I live in a county that has banned smoking in restaurants and bars, and I am thankful. There is a casino nearby that allows smoking and it is like getting slapped in the face when I go there. I cannot imagine working in a smoky place. Get some clean air.
I'm not 100% sure if you're asking about the wages or the smoking, so I'll address both. In Missouri, the minimum wage for tipped workers is $3.67. Usually my tips make up for the lower base pay, but occasionally I'll have a slow week and my paychecks are awful. The restaurant I work it is sort of a pizza place / sports bar combo, and they still have a smoking section in the restaurant.

Ace, I've had North Face and Columbia and haven't had problems with either one. A college buddy of mine grew up in Colorado and loved her Patagonia, so I was just thinking of trying it out. Besides, in Missouri it's about a 70/30 split of North Face/Columbia jackets so I also like the idea of a Patagonia because I wouldn't be wearing the same jacket of everyone and their brother.

Day 12 is going pretty well. Found myself air packing again earlier while I was cleaning the garage. The craving was pretty weak though, so I made it through fine. I can live with an air packing habit if the cravings are weak like that. Sitting down to watch Georgia and Auburn now with a couple beers, then headed out to a bonfire later. No nicotine for me today. Quit on brothers.

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #41 on: November 16, 2013, 12:00:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Great job on your quit derekr. Been keeping an eye on you. Got a question?
Today I went back up to the city to apply to a few jobs. I don't mind my current job, but A- my current pay is primarily tip-based and B- there are lots of smokers in there, which brings the fog back while I'm there.
Where do you work that allows this ^^^^^. You don't have to answer, I just find it interesting that there is establishments that still allow this. Keep in mind, i'm very reserved and don't get out much. lol

I would definitely, undeniably, without a shadow of doubt find me another job. That is not the place for you my friend. You don't need that crap. There is no way your making enough money. Quit with you today.
I am usually not for government restricting personal freedoms, but I live in a county that has banned smoking in restaurants and bars, and I am thankful. There is a casino nearby that allows smoking and it is like getting slapped in the face when I go there. I cannot imagine working in a smoky place. Get some clean air.

Offline srans

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2013, 09:18:00 AM »
Great job on your quit derekr. Been keeping an eye on you. Got a question?
Today I went back up to the city to apply to a few jobs. I don't mind my current job, but A- my current pay is primarily tip-based and B- there are lots of smokers in there, which brings the fog back while I'm there.

Where do you work that allows this ^^^^^. You don't have to answer, I just find it interesting that there is establishments that still allow this. Keep in mind, i'm very reserved and don't get out much. lol

I would definitely, undeniably, without a shadow of doubt find me another job. That is not the place for you my friend. You don't need that crap. There is no way your making enough money. Quit with you today.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Ace121x

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2013, 11:33:00 PM »
Quote from: DerikR
Days 10 and 11 have felt pretty good. Yesterday I found out that I won a $100 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods, so I drove up to the city to claim it. :D Still weighing my options on what I want to buy, but leaning toward a new fleece jacket. While I'm thinking of it - do any of you own/ have you ever owned a Patagonia jacket? I hear they're the way to go for a quality fleece that'll last you for years.

Today I went back up to the city to apply to a few jobs. I don't mind my current job, but A- my current pay is primarily tip-based and B- there are lots of smokers in there, which brings the fog back while I'm there.

I'm starting to gear up for the weekend. My mouth is still going through the healing phase where I have lots of sores, so I stocked up on gum in place of my usual seeds. No Nicotine for me this weekend. Quit on brothers.
Glad to be quit with you my fellow Flyin' Freedom Duck Fuck...

I have a Patagonia jacket and like it quite well it is one of their more expensive outdoor jackets (400) but I use it for big winter vacations.

Personally for lighter weight fleece jackets nothing beats Columbia for me, I have North Face, Under Armour, ... you name it. I don't know nothing lasts and washes and stays in original condition quit like it dunno why.

Keep the quit going brother. See you at Roll
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'crackup' You Actually Think I May Cave Today? 'crackup'
Quit Date: Sunday November 10, 2013
'tanks'February 2014 Freedom Fighters'tanks'

Offline DerikR

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2013, 07:12:00 PM »
Days 10 and 11 have felt pretty good. Yesterday I found out that I won a $100 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods, so I drove up to the city to claim it. :D Still weighing my options on what I want to buy, but leaning toward a new fleece jacket. While I'm thinking of it - do any of you own/ have you ever owned a Patagonia jacket? I hear they're the way to go for a quality fleece that'll last you for years.

Today I went back up to the city to apply to a few jobs. I don't mind my current job, but A- my current pay is primarily tip-based and B- there are lots of smokers in there, which brings the fog back while I'm there.

I'm starting to gear up for the weekend. My mouth is still going through the healing phase where I have lots of sores, so I stocked up on gum in place of my usual seeds. No Nicotine for me this weekend. Quit on brothers.

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2013, 10:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Ace121x
Quote from: DerikR
Today (Day 9) was a good day with one small bump that almost caught me. Got in a morning workout and then class and work went well. What almost caught me was after work. I went up to the city to hang out with my lady friend, and we wound up at a hookah bar where one of our friends works. He was on break so he grabbed a hookah and we all sat down at a table. I had the hose in my hand and halfway to my mouth before I realized there is tobacco in hookah smoke. I passed it on and had a beer instead.

Other than that things have been great. Quit on brothers and I'll see you at roll call tomorrow.
Well Done Man, I Will See You There !!
Good job keeping your mind and fists up! May not have been a typical trigger for you, but you kicked its ASS!

Offline Ace121x

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2013, 09:43:00 PM »
Quote from: DerikR
Today (Day 9) was a good day with one small bump that almost caught me. Got in a morning workout and then class and work went well. What almost caught me was after work. I went up to the city to hang out with my lady friend, and we wound up at a hookah bar where one of our friends works. He was on break so he grabbed a hookah and we all sat down at a table. I had the hose in my hand and halfway to my mouth before I realized there is tobacco in hookah smoke. I passed it on and had a beer instead.

Other than that things have been great. Quit on brothers and I'll see you at roll call tomorrow.
Well Done Man, I Will See You There !!
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'crackup' You Actually Think I May Cave Today? 'crackup'
Quit Date: Sunday November 10, 2013
'tanks'February 2014 Freedom Fighters'tanks'

Offline DerikR

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2013, 09:37:00 PM »
Today (Day 9) was a good day with one small bump that almost caught me. Got in a morning workout and then class and work went well. What almost caught me was after work. I went up to the city to hang out with my lady friend, and we wound up at a hookah bar where one of our friends works. He was on break so he grabbed a hookah and we all sat down at a table. I had the hose in my hand and halfway to my mouth before I realized there is tobacco in hookah smoke. I passed it on and had a beer instead.

Other than that things have been great. Quit on brothers and I'll see you at roll call tomorrow.

Offline DerikR

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Re: Manning Up
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2013, 03:00:00 PM »
Day 8 has gone fairly smoothly so far. Class went by without any problems. The ninja dipper in front of me didn't even bother me today; in fact, instead of a strong crave when I smelled his wintergreen, I felt sick to my stomach. I'll take stomach pain over a crave any day.

One interesting development in my quit is the mouth sores that I woke up with. They were a bit sore yesterday, so I avoided seeds for the day in case they were tearing my mouth up. When I woke up this morning however the sores were much more painful. Mouth sores are nothing new so I'm not terribly concerned, but it has been very inconvenient since I practically live off spicy foods. I reread the "Symptoms of Quitting Dip" article and this seems to be a common occurrence among quitters.

Overall I'm feeling great after my first week without the Nic bitch. She's tried to creep back into my life, but each time I've punched her right in the teeth and she's gone back to whimpering in her corner. I couldn't have made it this far without all of you badasses giving me encouragement and holding me accountable. I quit with you today.