Well 21 days since I made the best decision I have made in a long time. I feel fanfreakingtastic right now. The cravings have been few and far between and finally I have been sleeping through the night again. I ordered some hooch for an upcoming turkey hunting trip and I have to say it was not enjoyable at all I think I will bring it with me but will likely stick to my trident ( I have been keeping them in business singlehandedly).
I feel a little guilty that quitting has been easy for me so far when I see so many of my quit brothers constantly hurting. I struggled like everyone for the first 5-7 days but since then it has been simple. I follow the program post roll EDD, go thru my day and repeat. It also helped me to read about nicotine and to understand the lies I believed for many years. I always believed that I was so addicted to nicotine that there was no chance of me quitting. I truly owe my life to this community of quitters addicts.
I was in such a fog when I did my original intro that I thought I would share a little more about my addiction.
I am only 32 and started with smoking as a teen but was exclusively on Grizzly since march of 2008. I remember being proud that I quit smoking and told all my family and friends that I was smokefree. Little did they or I know how very addicted to nicotine I was. I started dipping about a can a week in 2008 and by the time I quit I dipped from the time I woke up until I went to sleep only taking it out for meals. I used the grizzly pouches you know the kind that don't leave shit in your teeth (although it was like eating pussy through pantyhose). There wasn't a meeting, conference, dinner party or anything ever(I AM NOT EXAGERATING) that I couldn't conceal one of those fucking pouches in my cheek. I got so good at hiding it that I didn't even have to hide it. My moment of clarity came when my doc told me I had high bp....at 32 I thought....no shit.....and right then I flushed my cans. I guess the point of this rant is if a newby ever reads this and thinks I can't quit.....bullshit you can quit.... follow the program!
That is all just wanted to put this into print for later.
I quit will all of KTC today and everyday!