Author Topic: Well I think I found the right place  (Read 8186 times)

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Offline jayd41

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2014, 11:21:00 AM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: E&C's
Day 38, I had a really good run of 2 or 3 weeks in there now I am feeling very anxious and craving almost as bad as week 1 the fog is also back. I have all the tools and choose to QLF everyday but I sure hope feeling this way ends soon. Sending this from the fog.
Use your tools. There will be days that are worse than others. The good times will last longer as the days stack up. I had my 4 worst days around day 80 after weeks of practically no problems. You got this.
It's funny how our days are the same and i've got similar shit going fog, but i've been unusually angry at work yesterday and today. I don't know if i can account it to dip rage or just working with a fucking moron but i'm thankful i have some hooch!
Keep pushing brother! You're willing to go through anything to stay quit. It will get better!
Thanks guys. It is great to be able to come here and read and talk to those who actually understand this battle. It would be much more difficult alone. All I know is that I quit for today no matter what!

Jayd- I feel your pain on the work stuff! It certainly doesn't make things any easier. I too have had some blowups recently!
yeah i have to kinda bury it...the guy that is the source of my frustration is in his early 70's and i'm not gonna yell at an old man...he just brings absolutely nothing to our little company and really is kind of bad for business but there's not a whole lot i can do.
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

E&C's Dad

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2014, 11:10:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: E&C's
Day 38, I had a really good run of 2 or 3 weeks in there now I am feeling very anxious and craving almost as bad as week 1 the fog is also back. I have all the tools and choose to QLF everyday but I sure hope feeling this way ends soon. Sending this from the fog.
Use your tools. There will be days that are worse than others. The good times will last longer as the days stack up. I had my 4 worst days around day 80 after weeks of practically no problems. You got this.
It's funny how our days are the same and i've got similar shit going fog, but i've been unusually angry at work yesterday and today. I don't know if i can account it to dip rage or just working with a fucking moron but i'm thankful i have some hooch!
Keep pushing brother! You're willing to go through anything to stay quit. It will get better!
Thanks guys. It is great to be able to come here and read and talk to those who actually understand this battle. It would be much more difficult alone. All I know is that I quit for today no matter what!

Jayd- I feel your pain on the work stuff! It certainly doesn't make things any easier. I too have had some blowups recently!

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2014, 11:04:00 AM »
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: E&C's
Day 38, I had a really good run of 2 or 3 weeks in there now I am feeling very anxious and craving almost as bad as week 1 the fog is also back. I have all the tools and choose to QLF everyday but I sure hope feeling this way ends soon. Sending this from the fog.
Use your tools. There will be days that are worse than others. The good times will last longer as the days stack up. I had my 4 worst days around day 80 after weeks of practically no problems. You got this.
It's funny how our days are the same and i've got similar shit going fog, but i've been unusually angry at work yesterday and today. I don't know if i can account it to dip rage or just working with a fucking moron but i'm thankful i have some hooch!
Keep pushing brother! You're willing to go through anything to stay quit. It will get better!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline jayd41

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2014, 10:54:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: E&C's
Day 38, I had a really good run of 2 or 3 weeks in there now I am feeling very anxious and craving almost as bad as week 1 the fog is also back. I have all the tools and choose to QLF everyday but I sure hope feeling this way ends soon. Sending this from the fog.
Use your tools. There will be days that are worse than others. The good times will last longer as the days stack up. I had my 4 worst days around day 80 after weeks of practically no problems. You got this.
It's funny how our days are the same and i've got similar shit going fog, but i've been unusually angry at work yesterday and today. I don't know if i can account it to dip rage or just working with a fucking moron but i'm thankful i have some hooch!
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #54 on: April 25, 2014, 10:28:00 AM »
Quote from: E&C's
Day 38, I had a really good run of 2 or 3 weeks in there now I am feeling very anxious and craving almost as bad as week 1 the fog is also back. I have all the tools and choose to QLF everyday but I sure hope feeling this way ends soon. Sending this from the fog.
Use your tools. There will be days that are worse than others. The good times will last longer as the days stack up. I had my 4 worst days around day 80 after weeks of practically no problems. You got this.

E&C's Dad

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #53 on: April 25, 2014, 10:17:00 AM »
Day 38, I had a really good run of 2 or 3 weeks in there now I am feeling very anxious and craving almost as bad as week 1 the fog is also back. I have all the tools and choose to QLF everyday but I sure hope feeling this way ends soon. Sending this from the fog.

Offline jayd41

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2014, 09:09:00 AM »
Quote from: E&C's
Day 31... One month of having my freedom and making a conscious choice to live a cleaner and healthier life. Damn it feels good to be a quitter! I had a couple rough days over the last week or so but dare I say it is starting not to suck on a consistent basis.

So thankful that I ended up here!

'Remshot' Nic ODAAT
you're a bad ass
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

E&C's Dad

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2014, 09:06:00 AM »
Day 31... One month of having my freedom and making a conscious choice to live a cleaner and healthier life. Damn it feels good to be a quitter! I had a couple rough days over the last week or so but dare I say it is starting not to suck on a consistent basis.

So thankful that I ended up here!

'Remshot' Nic ODAAT

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #50 on: April 08, 2014, 07:35:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: E&C's
Well 21 days since I made the best decision I have made in a long time. I feel fanfreakingtastic right now. The cravings have been few and far between and finally I have been sleeping through the night again. I ordered some hooch for an upcoming turkey hunting trip and I have to say it was not enjoyable at all I think I will bring it with me but will likely stick to my trident ( I have been keeping them in business singlehandedly).

I feel a little guilty that quitting has been easy for me so far when I see so many of my quit brothers constantly hurting. I struggled like everyone for the first 5-7 days but since then it has been simple. I follow the program post roll EDD, go thru my day and repeat. It also helped me to read about nicotine and to understand the lies I believed for many years. I always believed that I was so addicted to nicotine that there was no chance of me quitting. I truly owe my life to this community of quitters  addicts.

I was in such a fog when I did my original intro that I thought I would share a little more about my addiction.

I am only 32 and started with smoking as a teen but was exclusively on Grizzly since march of 2008. I remember being proud that I quit smoking and told all my family and friends that I was smokefree. Little did they or I know how very addicted to nicotine I was. I started dipping about a can a week in 2008 and by the time I quit I dipped from the time I woke up until I went to sleep only taking it out for meals. I used the grizzly pouches you know the kind that don't leave shit in your teeth (although it was like eating pussy through pantyhose). There wasn't a meeting, conference, dinner party or anything ever(I AM NOT EXAGERATING) that I couldn't conceal one of those fucking pouches in my cheek. I got so good at hiding it that I didn't even have to hide it. My moment of clarity came when my doc told me I had high 32 I shit.....and right then I flushed my cans. I guess the point of this rant is if a newby ever reads this and thinks I can't quit.....bullshit you can quit.... follow the program!

That is all just wanted to put this into print for later.

I quit will all of KTC today and everyday!
3 weeks is huge and you should be damned proud. Now, be careful and watch out for complacency. You may have had an easy first 3 weeks but it will hit you at some point like a freight train. Keep your guard up have the tools ready to go into action at a moment's notice.

Congrats on 3 weeks of your life back, those plus ones add up fast don't they?
I have no illusions about my addiction. The tools are in my possession at all times. NAFAR Nic Bitch .... NAFAR
I quit with ^^^^^ this kool-aid drinker any damn day!
Love a good koolaid drinker!
Nice job Quitter!! Keep it up 'oh yeah'

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #49 on: April 08, 2014, 07:25:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: E&C's
Well 21 days since I made the best decision I have made in a long time. I feel fanfreakingtastic right now. The cravings have been few and far between and finally I have been sleeping through the night again. I ordered some hooch for an upcoming turkey hunting trip and I have to say it was not enjoyable at all I think I will bring it with me but will likely stick to my trident ( I have been keeping them in business singlehandedly).

I feel a little guilty that quitting has been easy for me so far when I see so many of my quit brothers constantly hurting. I struggled like everyone for the first 5-7 days but since then it has been simple. I follow the program post roll EDD, go thru my day and repeat. It also helped me to read about nicotine and to understand the lies I believed for many years. I always believed that I was so addicted to nicotine that there was no chance of me quitting. I truly owe my life to this community of quitters  addicts.

I was in such a fog when I did my original intro that I thought I would share a little more about my addiction.

I am only 32 and started with smoking as a teen but was exclusively on Grizzly since march of 2008. I remember being proud that I quit smoking and told all my family and friends that I was smokefree. Little did they or I know how very addicted to nicotine I was. I started dipping about a can a week in 2008 and by the time I quit I dipped from the time I woke up until I went to sleep only taking it out for meals. I used the grizzly pouches you know the kind that don't leave shit in your teeth (although it was like eating pussy through pantyhose). There wasn't a meeting, conference, dinner party or anything ever(I AM NOT EXAGERATING) that I couldn't conceal one of those fucking pouches in my cheek. I got so good at hiding it that I didn't even have to hide it. My moment of clarity came when my doc told me I had high 32 I shit.....and right then I flushed my cans. I guess the point of this rant is if a newby ever reads this and thinks I can't quit.....bullshit you can quit.... follow the program!

That is all just wanted to put this into print for later.

I quit will all of KTC today and everyday!
3 weeks is huge and you should be damned proud. Now, be careful and watch out for complacency. You may have had an easy first 3 weeks but it will hit you at some point like a freight train. Keep your guard up have the tools ready to go into action at a moment's notice.

Congrats on 3 weeks of your life back, those plus ones add up fast don't they?
I have no illusions about my addiction. The tools are in my possession at all times. NAFAR Nic Bitch .... NAFAR
I quit with ^^^^^ this kool-aid drinker any damn day!
Love a good koolaid drinker!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #48 on: April 08, 2014, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: E&C's
Well 21 days since I made the best decision I have made in a long time. I feel fanfreakingtastic right now. The cravings have been few and far between and finally I have been sleeping through the night again. I ordered some hooch for an upcoming turkey hunting trip and I have to say it was not enjoyable at all I think I will bring it with me but will likely stick to my trident ( I have been keeping them in business singlehandedly).

I feel a little guilty that quitting has been easy for me so far when I see so many of my quit brothers constantly hurting. I struggled like everyone for the first 5-7 days but since then it has been simple. I follow the program post roll EDD, go thru my day and repeat. It also helped me to read about nicotine and to understand the lies I believed for many years. I always believed that I was so addicted to nicotine that there was no chance of me quitting. I truly owe my life to this community of quitters  addicts.

I was in such a fog when I did my original intro that I thought I would share a little more about my addiction.

I am only 32 and started with smoking as a teen but was exclusively on Grizzly since march of 2008. I remember being proud that I quit smoking and told all my family and friends that I was smokefree. Little did they or I know how very addicted to nicotine I was. I started dipping about a can a week in 2008 and by the time I quit I dipped from the time I woke up until I went to sleep only taking it out for meals. I used the grizzly pouches you know the kind that don't leave shit in your teeth (although it was like eating pussy through pantyhose). There wasn't a meeting, conference, dinner party or anything ever(I AM NOT EXAGERATING) that I couldn't conceal one of those fucking pouches in my cheek. I got so good at hiding it that I didn't even have to hide it. My moment of clarity came when my doc told me I had high 32 I shit.....and right then I flushed my cans. I guess the point of this rant is if a newby ever reads this and thinks I can't quit.....bullshit you can quit.... follow the program!

That is all just wanted to put this into print for later.

I quit will all of KTC today and everyday!
3 weeks is huge and you should be damned proud. Now, be careful and watch out for complacency. You may have had an easy first 3 weeks but it will hit you at some point like a freight train. Keep your guard up have the tools ready to go into action at a moment's notice.

Congrats on 3 weeks of your life back, those plus ones add up fast don't they?
I have no illusions about my addiction. The tools are in my possession at all times. NAFAR Nic Bitch .... NAFAR
I quit with ^^^^^ this kool-aid drinker any damn day!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

E&C's Dad

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #47 on: April 08, 2014, 04:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: E&C's
Well 21 days since I made the best decision I have made in a long time. I feel fanfreakingtastic right now. The cravings have been few and far between and finally I have been sleeping through the night again. I ordered some hooch for an upcoming turkey hunting trip and I have to say it was not enjoyable at all I think I will bring it with me but will likely stick to my trident ( I have been keeping them in business singlehandedly).

I feel a little guilty that quitting has been easy for me so far when I see so many of my quit brothers constantly hurting. I struggled like everyone for the first 5-7 days but since then it has been simple. I follow the program post roll EDD, go thru my day and repeat. It also helped me to read about nicotine and to understand the lies I believed for many years. I always believed that I was so addicted to nicotine that there was no chance of me quitting. I truly owe my life to this community of quitters  addicts.

I was in such a fog when I did my original intro that I thought I would share a little more about my addiction.

I am only 32 and started with smoking as a teen but was exclusively on Grizzly since march of 2008. I remember being proud that I quit smoking and told all my family and friends that I was smokefree. Little did they or I know how very addicted to nicotine I was. I started dipping about a can a week in 2008 and by the time I quit I dipped from the time I woke up until I went to sleep only taking it out for meals. I used the grizzly pouches you know the kind that don't leave shit in your teeth (although it was like eating pussy through pantyhose). There wasn't a meeting, conference, dinner party or anything ever(I AM NOT EXAGERATING) that I couldn't conceal one of those fucking pouches in my cheek. I got so good at hiding it that I didn't even have to hide it. My moment of clarity came when my doc told me I had high 32 I shit.....and right then I flushed my cans. I guess the point of this rant is if a newby ever reads this and thinks I can't quit.....bullshit you can quit.... follow the program!

That is all just wanted to put this into print for later.

I quit will all of KTC today and everyday!
3 weeks is huge and you should be damned proud. Now, be careful and watch out for complacency. You may have had an easy first 3 weeks but it will hit you at some point like a freight train. Keep your guard up have the tools ready to go into action at a moment's notice.

Congrats on 3 weeks of your life back, those plus ones add up fast don't they?
I have no illusions about my addiction. The tools are in my possession at all times. NAFAR Nic Bitch .... NAFAR

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #46 on: April 08, 2014, 04:11:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Well 21 days since I made the best decision I have made in a long time. I feel fanfreakingtastic right now. The cravings have been few and far between and finally I have been sleeping through the night again. I ordered some hooch for an upcoming turkey hunting trip and I have to say it was not enjoyable at all I think I will bring it with me but will likely stick to my trident ( I have been keeping them in business singlehandedly).

I feel a little guilty that quitting has been easy for me so far when I see so many of my quit brothers constantly hurting. I struggled like everyone for the first 5-7 days but since then it has been simple. I follow the program post roll EDD, go thru my day and repeat. It also helped me to read about nicotine and to understand the lies I believed for many years. I always believed that I was so addicted to nicotine that there was no chance of me quitting. I truly owe my life to this community of quitters  addicts.

I was in such a fog when I did my original intro that I thought I would share a little more about my addiction.

I am only 32 and started with smoking as a teen but was exclusively on Grizzly since march of 2008. I remember being proud that I quit smoking and told all my family and friends that I was smokefree. Little did they or I know how very addicted to nicotine I was. I started dipping about a can a week in 2008 and by the time I quit I dipped from the time I woke up until I went to sleep only taking it out for meals. I used the grizzly pouches you know the kind that don't leave shit in your teeth (although it was like eating pussy through pantyhose). There wasn't a meeting, conference, dinner party or anything ever(I AM NOT EXAGERATING) that I couldn't conceal one of those fucking pouches in my cheek. I got so good at hiding it that I didn't even have to hide it. My moment of clarity came when my doc told me I had high 32 I shit.....and right then I flushed my cans. I guess the point of this rant is if a newby ever reads this and thinks I can't quit.....bullshit you can quit.... follow the program!

That is all just wanted to put this into print for later.

I quit will all of KTC today and everyday!
3 weeks is huge and you should be damned proud. Now, be careful and watch out for complacency. You may have had an easy first 3 weeks but it will hit you at some point like a freight train. Keep your guard up have the tools ready to go into action at a moment's notice.

Congrats on 3 weeks of your life back, those plus ones add up fast don't they?
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

E&C's Dad

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2014, 04:07:00 PM »
Well 21 days since I made the best decision I have made in a long time. I feel fanfreakingtastic right now. The cravings have been few and far between and finally I have been sleeping through the night again. I ordered some hooch for an upcoming turkey hunting trip and I have to say it was not enjoyable at all I think I will bring it with me but will likely stick to my trident ( I have been keeping them in business singlehandedly).

I feel a little guilty that quitting has been easy for me so far when I see so many of my quit brothers constantly hurting. I struggled like everyone for the first 5-7 days but since then it has been simple. I follow the program post roll EDD, go thru my day and repeat. It also helped me to read about nicotine and to understand the lies I believed for many years. I always believed that I was so addicted to nicotine that there was no chance of me quitting. I truly owe my life to this community of quitters  addicts.

I was in such a fog when I did my original intro that I thought I would share a little more about my addiction.

I am only 32 and started with smoking as a teen but was exclusively on Grizzly since march of 2008. I remember being proud that I quit smoking and told all my family and friends that I was smokefree. Little did they or I know how very addicted to nicotine I was. I started dipping about a can a week in 2008 and by the time I quit I dipped from the time I woke up until I went to sleep only taking it out for meals. I used the grizzly pouches you know the kind that don't leave shit in your teeth (although it was like eating pussy through pantyhose). There wasn't a meeting, conference, dinner party or anything ever(I AM NOT EXAGERATING) that I couldn't conceal one of those fucking pouches in my cheek. I got so good at hiding it that I didn't even have to hide it. My moment of clarity came when my doc told me I had high 32 I shit.....and right then I flushed my cans. I guess the point of this rant is if a newby ever reads this and thinks I can't quit.....bullshit you can quit.... follow the program!

That is all just wanted to put this into print for later.

I quit will all of KTC today and everyday!

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Re: Well I think I found the right place
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2014, 02:47:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Busy weekend with quite a few firsts. I am now at day 13 without the bitch. That feels good in and of itself. I still sleep like shit but the days have been getting much better and the craves has been few and far between. It has helped that I took the time to learn what the Nic Bitch actually does and doesn't do. When I feel stressed I now know that the bitch won't make it better and that its all a fucking sham.

Firsts from this past weekend

1- first time fishing without her. It was bad ......worse than first thing in the morning or after meals. I made it but it took a few extra sticks of gum.

2- first round of golf without her. Not as bad as fishing but a steady supply of seeds helped the craves.

coming up on 2 weeks ODAAT

'Finger' Nic Bitch 'arse'
Just keep flipping her the bird and she will stay away but be careful because she is one crafty bitch. Fishing will be my next test as well but I plan on arming myself with some fake just to be safe. Seeds are good but I don't want all they crap in my boat. You are doing great. Glad to be quit with ya.