Author Topic: USMCray/mando  (Read 15780 times)

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #116 on: July 22, 2014, 10:23:00 AM »
Dude...there's like 20,000 members here. We can't possibly reach out to every single one, especially those who were here for only 50 days.

I've been here 779 days and LOVE when anybody, especially someone I had not heard from before reaches out to me in my intro. And if I ever caved I would hope the entire site would jump my ass because I would desserve it. I wouldn't be a bitch about it and say that only certain people could rip me for caving. Because even though they may have never posted on my intro; sent me a pm, got my phone number, etc....we are all still brothers in quit. Perhaps they had read something I wrote in my thread or in someone else's and it reached them even though we never interacted directly.

The ktc flow chart is very fluid. There's no straight line...A helped B, B helped C, C helped D  E who helped F  G so only A, B, ,C, D, E , F and G can comment on each other. That's ridiculous.

My question is what are you going to do different this time to avoid a repeat cave? What, if anything did you learn? What's your nee plan of attack?

These answers may not only help you, but maybe someone else who might be reading this, someone who you or I will never interact with, again.

That's what it's all about.

Think about it.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
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Comma 02/28/15
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16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #115 on: July 22, 2014, 10:12:00 AM »
I was a complete addict moron for many years and I do not hide or sugar coat that in any way. Pony up your quit, stop raging through typed words and make the decisions to either quit and use the anger to add days or roll on down the highway.

If you are looking for can be found in the dictionary in-between shit and syphilis.

If you are looking to quit then stay right here, post a PLUS 1 each day and take what works for you and then leave the rest. Perhaps you cannot see that though some might be poking you with a stick it is to provoke you and when you use words like this it will continue.

If you want to actually talk about it I am here brother, PM me, let's exchange digits and I will count my wrinkles while talking to you on my iQuit.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #114 on: July 22, 2014, 09:49:00 AM »
I'm taking time out of my busy day counting my wrinkles to post here on this new fangled computery thingy. I find it interesting that you are attacking us old folk in our 40's when all we are doing is offering support. But you seem to want something in the lines of ??? an apology ???? for us having traveled around the sun a few more times than you? Sure thing, I hope it helps.

I am old and stupid, I poisoned myself for 17 years until the age of 44, and need to post roll call and be accountable to strangers because I am an addict, and if I don't post roll every day, I risk being complacent and caving. I attempted to quit over 50 times in 17 years, and this KTC method works.

You are young and smart, because you are attempting to be quit at a young age. If you can accomplish this task, you are much smarter than me. I hope you do accomplish staying quit.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #113 on: July 22, 2014, 08:00:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Knockout
I'm 25. I bet at my age you were stuffing your face full of tobacco.

See how stupid that sounds?

We all used nicotine, we were all slaves. You are not "better" than anyone here just because you used for less time. I understand you're defensive stance, but you disrespected this place that we all hold dear. Caving is taboo here. You came back asking to be a part of the house of quit again, don't come running your mouth about how you're going to "do it your way". You want to do it your way? Leave. You want to do it our way? Then suck it up and show some respect to the people you disrespected by abusing the system (everyone here).

Nicotine addiction is life or death. Piss on those that are fighting for life here and you're going to get backlash. The frustrations voiced here are well deserved after your fuck up, and we need to make sure that you are serious this time. Take it, shut up, and post roll to show us that you want to be a part of the brotherhood. Keep fighting back and you're going to end up like the countless other special butterflies who took that approach - slaves to the can, destroying their lives.

I hope this levels out man, I really do. But you need to educate yourself here and understand where we are coming from.


I can take a verbal ass beating, I'll be the first one to acknowledge it's granted for my past caves.but from worthy gents I quit with and who had my back when I was weak etc.. But as a man I wouldn't go bash someone's head in like a coward who I never took the time to ask me how's his quit going or reach out to him.i have to be a punk bitch to talk shit to a man with enough balls to show his face after he caved.. Now I would get a hold of his contacts through pm and have em express my disappointment and frustrations and year his ass a new one a
Through yhe worthy gents who deservingly so can bash the caver in!!! So if we never communicated or helped each other out or exchanged contacts numbers please go about it maturely and properly..and waste that time to reach out to a more worthy brother who hasn't pusses out and cave before and so if he ever does u will be granted rightfully so to tear him a new one!! Common sense gents were all men here!! To call me anything less then a man if I don't know u personally through this "temporary" stoppages I've had and never heard from u during the stoppage says!! Your certified bitch!!! Go waste that message reaching out to a quiter in need!!!
I'm quit today!! I been there done it!! But failed!! I may not be able to do everything but I will do something and that something is being quit day by day!!
Quote from: Brother
It's not about the dunk. It's about the journey...the surrendering...
You are quit today.

For that, I'm glad and happy for you.

Everybody has the right to be quit. However, the "right to quit" does not equate to the "willingness to quit". Hell, I can't even define in days what the "right to quit" is, but quitting is mere moment in our lives. It's a decision, and it's backed up with our actions.

A quit starts with one decision. It's one moment. It's a light bulb coming on.

But that moment passes, and we find ourselves in the present. Then that moment passes and we are yet still in the present. You see, what I'm getting at is that your decision to be quit has passed. The goal now is to keep you quit.

We do that by learning from our mistakes.

You've been here twice already. You made it a whopping 50 days before failing. You came back for a 10 day vacation a month later. This is now your third time here. You've started it off by telling off anybody that confronts you. You've missed multiple days of roll. You show up to fight. haven't learned shit.

Posting a day 1 here is like being baptized. It's our chance to denounce the nicotine devil and all her works. It's that moment that we declare our quit, and accept our position in this battle. It's a shedding of our past, and our rebirth as badass quitters. It is a beautiful, scary moment that passes very quickly.

But, like my quote says above, it's not about the dunk.

Quitting is not about that moment. It's a great memory, but that's all it is. No...quitting is every moment since that time. When did I quit? June 28, 2011. I've been quitting every moment since for 1,120 days. And quitting here at the KTC requires just a little more than regarding our personal quits. It means that we have to watch others' quits as well. Their brotherhood will lead to our success. When a new quitter "gets it", you can see the excitement in their posts. They might struggle on occasion with their quit, but the you don't see their faith in this program falter.

When I see you give a middle finger to the 3 questions, that tells me that you aren't there. You still believe that quitting is just a dunk in the water. You aren't there, and I don't know if you ever will be. That's up to you. Quitting is your right, but I don't see you willing to do EVERYTHING in your power to be there. I see you holding onto doubt, and it's sad. Maybe you need to go elsewhere. We can't hold this quit for you, but we can help.

You can do this. Let go. Surrender. Quit.
You joined 11-30 and you received a number of pm from me between then and 2-27 when you decided purposefully to put the shackles of nicotine slavery back on.

You won't accept the advice of successful quitters who are older, weren't in your group or who didn't reach out to you but you blatantly told the ones who did to pound sand by not accepting the helping hand and the attempt to hold your sorry ass accountable.

Selective accountability ??? This is accountability site - not a pick and choose

QLFEDD or blow
The more you quit, the more you'll quit.
The more you cave, the more you'll cave.
We are human bodies, not angelic or indestructive.
Cave=cancer, slavery.
Quit=healthy, freedom.
Your choice every day that your feet hit the floor.

drop the addict cognitive stuff, make up your mind no more poison. You're not special, but the poison is...get it?
we are ALL here for a reason (because we are dumbass addicts), noone here has everyone's number, everyone here wants you to "be quit".

You know you can, but you gotta reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy want to for You.

Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline cbird65

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #112 on: July 22, 2014, 07:15:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Knockout
I'm 25. I bet at my age you were stuffing your face full of tobacco.

See how stupid that sounds?

We all used nicotine, we were all slaves. You are not "better" than anyone here just because you used for less time. I understand you're defensive stance, but you disrespected this place that we all hold dear. Caving is taboo here. You came back asking to be a part of the house of quit again, don't come running your mouth about how you're going to "do it your way". You want to do it your way? Leave. You want to do it our way? Then suck it up and show some respect to the people you disrespected by abusing the system (everyone here).

Nicotine addiction is life or death. Piss on those that are fighting for life here and you're going to get backlash. The frustrations voiced here are well deserved after your fuck up, and we need to make sure that you are serious this time. Take it, shut up, and post roll to show us that you want to be a part of the brotherhood. Keep fighting back and you're going to end up like the countless other special butterflies who took that approach - slaves to the can, destroying their lives.

I hope this levels out man, I really do. But you need to educate yourself here and understand where we are coming from.


I can take a verbal ass beating, I'll be the first one to acknowledge it's granted for my past caves.but from worthy gents I quit with and who had my back when I was weak etc.. But as a man I wouldn't go bash someone's head in like a coward who I never took the time to ask me how's his quit going or reach out to him.i have to be a punk bitch to talk shit to a man with enough balls to show his face after he caved.. Now I would get a hold of his contacts through pm and have em express my disappointment and frustrations and year his ass a new one a
Through yhe worthy gents who deservingly so can bash the caver in!!! So if we never communicated or helped each other out or exchanged contacts numbers please go about it maturely and properly..and waste that time to reach out to a more worthy brother who hasn't pusses out and cave before and so if he ever does u will be granted rightfully so to tear him a new one!! Common sense gents were all men here!! To call me anything less then a man if I don't know u personally through this "temporary" stoppages I've had and never heard from u during the stoppage says!! Your certified bitch!!! Go waste that message reaching out to a quiter in need!!!
I'm quit today!! I been there done it!! But failed!! I may not be able to do everything but I will do something and that something is being quit day by day!!
Quote from: Brother
It's not about the dunk. It's about the journey...the surrendering...
You are quit today.

For that, I'm glad and happy for you.

Everybody has the right to be quit. However, the "right to quit" does not equate to the "willingness to quit". Hell, I can't even define in days what the "right to quit" is, but quitting is mere moment in our lives. It's a decision, and it's backed up with our actions.

A quit starts with one decision. It's one moment. It's a light bulb coming on.

But that moment passes, and we find ourselves in the present. Then that moment passes and we are yet still in the present. You see, what I'm getting at is that your decision to be quit has passed. The goal now is to keep you quit.

We do that by learning from our mistakes.

You've been here twice already. You made it a whopping 50 days before failing. You came back for a 10 day vacation a month later. This is now your third time here. You've started it off by telling off anybody that confronts you. You've missed multiple days of roll. You show up to fight. haven't learned shit.

Posting a day 1 here is like being baptized. It's our chance to denounce the nicotine devil and all her works. It's that moment that we declare our quit, and accept our position in this battle. It's a shedding of our past, and our rebirth as badass quitters. It is a beautiful, scary moment that passes very quickly.

But, like my quote says above, it's not about the dunk.

Quitting is not about that moment. It's a great memory, but that's all it is. No...quitting is every moment since that time. When did I quit? June 28, 2011. I've been quitting every moment since for 1,120 days. And quitting here at the KTC requires just a little more than regarding our personal quits. It means that we have to watch others' quits as well. Their brotherhood will lead to our success. When a new quitter "gets it", you can see the excitement in their posts. They might struggle on occasion with their quit, but the you don't see their faith in this program falter.

When I see you give a middle finger to the 3 questions, that tells me that you aren't there. You still believe that quitting is just a dunk in the water. You aren't there, and I don't know if you ever will be. That's up to you. Quitting is your right, but I don't see you willing to do EVERYTHING in your power to be there. I see you holding onto doubt, and it's sad. Maybe you need to go elsewhere. We can't hold this quit for you, but we can help.

You can do this. Let go. Surrender. Quit.
You joined 11-30 and you received a number of pm from me between then and 2-27 when you decided purposefully to put the shackles of nicotine slavery back on.

You won't accept the advice of successful quitters who are older, weren't in your group or who didn't reach out to you but you blatantly told the ones who did to pound sand by not accepting the helping hand and the attempt to hold your sorry ass accountable.

Selective accountability ??? This is accountability site - not a pick and choose

QLFEDD or blow
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
 ,,,,41 42 43 44 45 46 47


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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #111 on: July 22, 2014, 04:46:00 AM »
Usmcray, why did you cave last time? What was the reason you went back to nicotine after stopping for a while?
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline wastepanel

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #110 on: July 22, 2014, 02:11:00 AM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Knockout
I'm 25. I bet at my age you were stuffing your face full of tobacco.

See how stupid that sounds?

We all used nicotine, we were all slaves. You are not "better" than anyone here just because you used for less time. I understand you're defensive stance, but you disrespected this place that we all hold dear. Caving is taboo here. You came back asking to be a part of the house of quit again, don't come running your mouth about how you're going to "do it your way". You want to do it your way? Leave. You want to do it our way? Then suck it up and show some respect to the people you disrespected by abusing the system (everyone here).

Nicotine addiction is life or death. Piss on those that are fighting for life here and you're going to get backlash. The frustrations voiced here are well deserved after your fuck up, and we need to make sure that you are serious this time. Take it, shut up, and post roll to show us that you want to be a part of the brotherhood. Keep fighting back and you're going to end up like the countless other special butterflies who took that approach - slaves to the can, destroying their lives.

I hope this levels out man, I really do. But you need to educate yourself here and understand where we are coming from.


I can take a verbal ass beating, I'll be the first one to acknowledge it's granted for my past caves.but from worthy gents I quit with and who had my back when I was weak etc.. But as a man I wouldn't go bash someone's head in like a coward who I never took the time to ask me how's his quit going or reach out to him.i have to be a punk bitch to talk shit to a man with enough balls to show his face after he caved.. Now I would get a hold of his contacts through pm and have em express my disappointment and frustrations and year his ass a new one a
Through yhe worthy gents who deservingly so can bash the caver in!!! So if we never communicated or helped each other out or exchanged contacts numbers please go about it maturely and properly..and waste that time to reach out to a more worthy brother who hasn't pusses out and cave before and so if he ever does u will be granted rightfully so to tear him a new one!! Common sense gents were all men here!! To call me anything less then a man if I don't know u personally through this "temporary" stoppages I've had and never heard from u during the stoppage says!! Your certified bitch!!! Go waste that message reaching out to a quiter in need!!!
I'm quit today!! I been there done it!! But failed!! I may not be able to do everything but I will do something and that something is being quit day by day!!
Quote from: Brother
It's not about the dunk. It's about the journey...the surrendering...
You are quit today.

For that, I'm glad and happy for you.

Everybody has the right to be quit. However, the "right to quit" does not equate to the "willingness to quit". Hell, I can't even define in days what the "right to quit" is, but quitting is mere moment in our lives. It's a decision, and it's backed up with our actions.

A quit starts with one decision. It's one moment. It's a light bulb coming on.

But that moment passes, and we find ourselves in the present. Then that moment passes and we are yet still in the present. You see, what I'm getting at is that your decision to be quit has passed. The goal now is to keep you quit.

We do that by learning from our mistakes.

You've been here twice already. You made it a whopping 50 days before failing. You came back for a 10 day vacation a month later. This is now your third time here. You've started it off by telling off anybody that confronts you. You've missed multiple days of roll. You show up to fight. haven't learned shit.

Posting a day 1 here is like being baptized. It's our chance to denounce the nicotine devil and all her works. It's that moment that we declare our quit, and accept our position in this battle. It's a shedding of our past, and our rebirth as badass quitters. It is a beautiful, scary moment that passes very quickly.

But, like my quote says above, it's not about the dunk.

Quitting is not about that moment. It's a great memory, but that's all it is. No...quitting is every moment since that time. When did I quit? June 28, 2011. I've been quitting every moment since for 1,120 days. And quitting here at the KTC requires just a little more than regarding our personal quits. It means that we have to watch others' quits as well. Their brotherhood will lead to our success. When a new quitter "gets it", you can see the excitement in their posts. They might struggle on occasion with their quit, but the you don't see their faith in this program falter.

When I see you give a middle finger to the 3 questions, that tells me that you aren't there. You still believe that quitting is just a dunk in the water. You aren't there, and I don't know if you ever will be. That's up to you. Quitting is your right, but I don't see you willing to do EVERYTHING in your power to be there. I see you holding onto doubt, and it's sad. Maybe you need to go elsewhere. We can't hold this quit for you, but we can help.

You can do this. Let go. Surrender. Quit.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #109 on: July 22, 2014, 01:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Knockout
I'm 25. I bet at my age you were stuffing your face full of tobacco.

See how stupid that sounds?

We all used nicotine, we were all slaves. You are not "better" than anyone here just because you used for less time. I understand you're defensive stance, but you disrespected this place that we all hold dear. Caving is taboo here. You came back asking to be a part of the house of quit again, don't come running your mouth about how you're going to "do it your way". You want to do it your way? Leave. You want to do it our way? Then suck it up and show some respect to the people you disrespected by abusing the system (everyone here).

Nicotine addiction is life or death. Piss on those that are fighting for life here and you're going to get backlash. The frustrations voiced here are well deserved after your fuck up, and we need to make sure that you are serious this time. Take it, shut up, and post roll to show us that you want to be a part of the brotherhood. Keep fighting back and you're going to end up like the countless other special butterflies who took that approach - slaves to the can, destroying their lives.

I hope this levels out man, I really do. But you need to educate yourself here and understand where we are coming from.


I can take a verbal ass beating, I'll be the first one to acknowledge it's granted for my past caves.but from worthy gents I quit with and who had my back when I was weak etc.. But as a man I wouldn't go bash someone's head in like a coward who I never took the time to ask me how's his quit going or reach out to him.i have to be a punk bitch to talk shit to a man with enough balls to show his face after he caved.. Now I would get a hold of his contacts through pm and have em express my disappointment and frustrations and year his ass a new one a
Through yhe worthy gents who deservingly so can bash the caver in!!! So if we never communicated or helped each other out or exchanged contacts numbers please go about it maturely and properly..and waste that time to reach out to a more worthy brother who hasn't pusses out and cave before and so if he ever does u will be granted rightfully so to tear him a new one!! Common sense gents were all men here!! To call me anything less then a man if I don't know u personally through this "temporary" stoppages I've had and never heard from u during the stoppage says!! Your certified bitch!!! Go waste that message reaching out to a quiter in need!!!
I'm quit today!! I been there done it!! But failed!! I may not be able to do everything but I will do something and that something is being quit day by day!!

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #108 on: July 21, 2014, 09:43:00 PM »
I'm 25. I bet at my age you were stuffing your face full of tobacco.

See how stupid that sounds?

We all used nicotine, we were all slaves. You are not "better" than anyone here just because you used for less time. I understand you're defensive stance, but you disrespected this place that we all hold dear. Caving is taboo here. You came back asking to be a part of the house of quit again, don't come running your mouth about how you're going to "do it your way". You want to do it your way? Leave. You want to do it our way? Then suck it up and show some respect to the people you disrespected by abusing the system (everyone here).

Nicotine addiction is life or death. Piss on those that are fighting for life here and you're going to get backlash. The frustrations voiced here are well deserved after your fuck up, and we need to make sure that you are serious this time. Take it, shut up, and post roll to show us that you want to be a part of the brotherhood. Keep fighting back and you're going to end up like the countless other special butterflies who took that approach - slaves to the can, destroying their lives.

I hope this levels out man, I really do. But you need to educate yourself here and understand where we are coming from.

Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #107 on: July 21, 2014, 09:36:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: bigton16335
If you feel you are above answering the 3 questions then you don't belong here. You have been given multiple chances. You think the KTC way doesn't work and you know how it's done then get the hell off KTC and do it yourself. Until you do things the way that has proven to work then you will not succeed.
By the way when you jump on roll call and say fuk you and then get pissed because of how it was read and then tell everyone fuck you are an asshole! You deserve no respect because you give no respect... you are worthless to the site because your word means nothing...Do everyone a favor and go to You have a better chance with them because clearly you don't get what this site is all about.
I'm not get in to a major childish diva back and forth with some old folks regarding chewing tobacco when over half of y'all got me in chewing by years if not decades!!! If it was so easy why the hell is mostly everyone over thirty or forty years old.. I quit and caved and came back on as myself not a new account!!! And tried the 3 questions and didn't work! Call me crazy because this world is what it is because enough craZy people thought they could make difference on there perspective and approach!!! Your cup of yea isn't my cup of tea!!! And before y'all start yapping gums look in the mirror and count the wrinkles on your face before I had the balls to finally quit then talk to me I'm 27 half y'all dudes where stuffing halls face at that age and older so please!! Just if helps u not cave running your suck hole then more power to but it really effect on me I know I'm quit and know I'm done!!! So....
Not to bump t these fine file, but I am your huckleberry.

Quit just before my 30th birthday. Now sitting at 1275 days quit, just over 33.
I know for a fact there are many quitters your age or younger that are doing this. So stop being a whiny bitch with no balls.

No one ever said this wasnt hard.

Don't use your age as another excuse to cave or buck the system. This works. You can do it if you are willing to at least look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. Go to the words of wisdom and read why we ask the the questions. Pm wastepanel and ask him what the the questions meant to him.

It's your call. Or way practically guarantees success if you are able to keep your word for 24 hours. Your way? Good luck with that 2x caver.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline 30yraddict

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #106 on: July 21, 2014, 09:14:00 PM »
We exchanged pm's a few days ago regarding symptoms that you had... bumps under the skin and the like. I went a bit gentle on you, cause it seemed like you were freaked out... I can see that may have been a mistake

I knew this guy, had a sore throat for a while. Went to the doctor... diagnosed with throat cancer.

He's dead now. Died in December of 2011. 51 years old. His name was Keith, and he was my older brother.

That means at 27 his life was more than half over.

Think about it.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #105 on: July 21, 2014, 09:06:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: bigton16335
If you feel you are above answering the 3 questions then you don't belong here. You have been given multiple chances. You think the KTC way doesn't work and you know how it's done then get the hell off KTC and do it yourself. Until you do things the way that has proven to work then you will not succeed.
By the way when you jump on roll call and say fuk you and then get pissed because of how it was read and then tell everyone fuck you are an asshole! You deserve no respect because you give no respect... you are worthless to the site because your word means nothing...Do everyone a favor and go to You have a better chance with them because clearly you don't get what this site is all about.
I'm not get in to a major childish diva back and forth with some old folks regarding chewing tobacco when over half of y'all got me in chewing by years if not decades!!! If it was so easy why the hell is mostly everyone over thirty or forty years old.. I quit and caved and came back on as myself not a new account!!! And tried the 3 questions and didn't work! Call me crazy because this world is what it is because enough craZy people thought they could make difference on there perspective and approach!!! Your cup of yea isn't my cup of tea!!! And before y'all start yapping gums look in the mirror and count the wrinkles on your face before I had the balls to finally quit then talk to me I'm 27 half y'all dudes where stuffing halls face at that age and older so please!! Just if helps u not cave running your suck hole then more power to but it really effect on me I know I'm quit and know I'm done!!! So....
You never quit. You're an insult to the word. You stopped for a little bit. Big fucking deal. Any asshole can stop for awhile. You're proof of that.

Yeah, most of us are older than you and have chewed longer but so what? An addict is an addict, regardless of age of time of useage. What, you think you're less addicted because you haven't used as long as me? That's bullshit.

I'm 778-0 since I quit. I'm kicking the ever living shit out of your young, punk ass.

But I wish I wasn't, because this isn't a competition. This isn't young guys vs old guys. This is US vs nicotine.

I wish you would listen to us old guys and get with the program, rather than deflect your failure by shifting the attention to our age. I wish we were fighting side by side.

Instead your ego is doing all the talking while your brain is stuck up your ass.

I don't get how you "tried" the 3 questions, but they didn't work? Can you explain that a little better.

You obviously were not humbled by your failure, and it's obvious you didn't learn anything from it.

So what I see here, is a young punk who is scared shirtless to quit. A pussy who despite ripping on us "old guys" came running back looking for our advice when you had some sores in your mouth. Someone who thinks they have it all figured out but has no fucking clue.

A straight up bitch.

You don't want to be here, so just move along you little bitch.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline RAZD611

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #104 on: July 21, 2014, 09:00:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: bigton16335
If you feel you are above answering the 3 questions then you don't belong here. You have been given multiple chances. You think the KTC way doesn't work and you know how it's done then get the hell off KTC and do it yourself. Until you do things the way that has proven to work then you will not succeed.
By the way when you jump on roll call and say fuk you and then get pissed because of how it was read and then tell everyone fuck you are an asshole! You deserve no respect because you give no respect... you are worthless to the site because your word means nothing...Do everyone a favor and go to You have a better chance with them because clearly you don't get what this site is all about.
I'm not get in to a major childish diva back and forth with some old folks regarding chewing tobacco when over half of y'all got me in chewing by years if not decades!!! If it was so easy why the hell is mostly everyone over thirty or forty years old.. I quit and caved and came back on as myself not a new account!!! And tried the 3 questions and didn't work! Call me crazy because this world is what it is because enough craZy people thought they could make difference on there perspective and approach!!! Your cup of yea isn't my cup of tea!!! And before y'all start yapping gums look in the mirror and count the wrinkles on your face before I had the balls to finally quit then talk to me I'm 27 half y'all dudes where stuffing halls face at that age and older so please!! Just if helps u not cave running your suck hole then more power to but it really effect on me I know I'm quit and know I'm done!!! So....
Fukin seriously. We all see how well your cup of tea worked last time. I don't give a frogs fat ass how old anybody is. Addiction doesn't pick you by your age.

Maybe if you took the time to understand the three questions and what they can actually do for you instead of using your head as an anal probe you will have a better chance at suceeding than you did last time you jerked us off.

Quit being an asshat, answer the three questions with some self reflection, and learn some humility or find somewhere to quit that you can be an doosh and noone will care.
I'm done replying to this disrespectful 2 + 7 year old. Waste of time, waste of Kool-Aid ...
And who are these bums yapping there gums jumping on the bandwagon shit talking diva bull shit!!! I know who the real troopers are and who I let down now y'all bros can smash me until your blue in the face and it will be relevant and ill respect it I'm evry way... But some newbies talking shit or dudes I never heard a word from when I did fail the first time I quit for 50 days.. So please get off my dick unless u were there from the beginning damn!! Bunch of bandwagon cheer leaders!!
I see neither humility nor the English language are strong points for you. i will ride your ass as I see fit, till you either get with the program or get gone. Your choice.

50 days, that's pretty impressive. 'jerk' Dosen't seem like you learned a thing during that time. What you don't understand is you let everyone on this site down.

Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline USMCray

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #103 on: July 21, 2014, 08:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: bigton16335
If you feel you are above answering the 3 questions then you don't belong here. You have been given multiple chances. You think the KTC way doesn't work and you know how it's done then get the hell off KTC and do it yourself. Until you do things the way that has proven to work then you will not succeed.
By the way when you jump on roll call and say fuk you and then get pissed because of how it was read and then tell everyone fuck you are an asshole! You deserve no respect because you give no respect... you are worthless to the site because your word means nothing...Do everyone a favor and go to You have a better chance with them because clearly you don't get what this site is all about.
I'm not get in to a major childish diva back and forth with some old folks regarding chewing tobacco when over half of y'all got me in chewing by years if not decades!!! If it was so easy why the hell is mostly everyone over thirty or forty years old.. I quit and caved and came back on as myself not a new account!!! And tried the 3 questions and didn't work! Call me crazy because this world is what it is because enough craZy people thought they could make difference on there perspective and approach!!! Your cup of yea isn't my cup of tea!!! And before y'all start yapping gums look in the mirror and count the wrinkles on your face before I had the balls to finally quit then talk to me I'm 27 half y'all dudes where stuffing halls face at that age and older so please!! Just if helps u not cave running your suck hole then more power to but it really effect on me I know I'm quit and know I'm done!!! So....
Fukin seriously. We all see how well your cup of tea worked last time. I don't give a frogs fat ass how old anybody is. Addiction doesn't pick you by your age.

Maybe if you took the time to understand the three questions and what they can actually do for you instead of using your head as an anal probe you will have a better chance at suceeding than you did last time you jerked us off.

Quit being an asshat, answer the three questions with some self reflection, and learn some humility or find somewhere to quit that you can be an doosh and noone will care.
I'm done replying to this disrespectful 2 + 7 year old. Waste of time, waste of Kool-Aid ...
And who are these bums yapping there gums jumping on the bandwagon shit talking diva bull shit!!! I know who the real troopers are and who I let down now y'all bros can smash me until your blue in the face and it will be relevant and ill respect it I'm evry way... But some newbies talking shit or dudes I never heard a word from when I did fail the first time I quit for 50 days.. So please get off my dick unless u were there from the beginning damn!! Bunch of bandwagon cheer leaders!!

Offline slug.go

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #102 on: July 21, 2014, 08:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: bigton16335
If you feel you are above answering the 3 questions then you don't belong here. You have been given multiple chances. You think the KTC way doesn't work and you know how it's done then get the hell off KTC and do it yourself. Until you do things the way that has proven to work then you will not succeed.
By the way when you jump on roll call and say fuk you and then get pissed because of how it was read and then tell everyone fuck you are an asshole! You deserve no respect because you give no respect... you are worthless to the site because your word means nothing...Do everyone a favor and go to You have a better chance with them because clearly you don't get what this site is all about.
I'm not get in to a major childish diva back and forth with some old folks regarding chewing tobacco when over half of y'all got me in chewing by years if not decades!!! If it was so easy why the hell is mostly everyone over thirty or forty years old.. I quit and caved and came back on as myself not a new account!!! And tried the 3 questions and didn't work! Call me crazy because this world is what it is because enough craZy people thought they could make difference on there perspective and approach!!! Your cup of yea isn't my cup of tea!!! And before y'all start yapping gums look in the mirror and count the wrinkles on your face before I had the balls to finally quit then talk to me I'm 27 half y'all dudes where stuffing halls face at that age and older so please!! Just if helps u not cave running your suck hole then more power to but it really effect on me I know I'm quit and know I'm done!!! So....
Fukin seriously. We all see how well your cup of tea worked last time. I don't give a frogs fat ass how old anybody is. Addiction doesn't pick you by your age.

Maybe if you took the time to understand the three questions and what they can actually do for you instead of using your head as an anal probe you will have a better chance at suceeding than you did last time you jerked us off.

Quit being an asshat, answer the three questions with some self reflection, and learn some humility or find somewhere to quit that you can be an doosh and noone will care.
I'm done replying to this disrespectful 2 + 7 year old. Waste of time, waste of Kool-Aid ...
I'm out. Going to support quitters. Find a way that works, USMCRay.
Quit since 1/23/14