Author Topic: USMCray/mando  (Read 8815 times)

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Offline USMCray

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #146 on: July 23, 2014, 11:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Now, that wasn't really that difficult was it? Hopefully you learned from this experiment.

One thing I really do honestly want to know is what is your plan for when the bitch comes a calling in the middle of the night or when you are away from the site.

I want to know this becaues it has happened twice already and you didn't have a plan so you caved (FAILED).

What are you going to do to prevent that again?
I am waiting. This is now the most important thing you can figure out.

Mr apologies this iPhone limits me on this dandy awesome website.. But yea I'm going to reach out to brothers via text,call,or Ktc..I'll be sure to spend five minutes doing so then 5000 hours trying to figure out how to explain to myself my wife and Ktc brothers I failed again!! If I expected to possibly fail again I would of made a new account or joined another website if i thought failure is an option but i have several different foundations through life and Ktc!!!to lean on when weak and hope brothers reach out to me when the nic chick comes a calling as well,lol Ktc has all the foundation one needs with all the "old farts" and "young punks" ������
My goal is to inhale the older gents wisdom and knowledge and the younger gents knowledge..KTC!!! Grizzly/cope can defeat us individually but can't defeat us as a team!!!
I don't know if I'm making any damn sense right now lol my brain is still transitioning but besides that I have had not to many suck periods YET!!! Yea YET!!! There coming they always do but I'm better equipped to knock the nic bisquit out of the park one day at a time!!
This old punk will hold you to this. All we have here is our word. I see you say you will contact quit brothers from now on. I will never ever accept that you failed without reaching out first for permission. You make sure you call every number you have from KTC and see if you can find one person that will allow you to fail.

After you have exhausted every number you have in your phone, go tell your wife that you just can't do it and that you are giving up and see if she says you can fail.

If you make it though all of that and stiill feel like you want to throw in the towel, you give ole Razd a ring and see what I have to say. PM Sent.

Never Again!!!
Someone was drinking some serious Kool-Aid the past 24 hours. Nice job USMCray! You've got some serious quitters here that have your back! Group hug is over! Let's get to that quittin' thang!
YeZzir!!!!! Nothing to it but to do it!!

Offline Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #145 on: July 23, 2014, 05:46:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Now, that wasn't really that difficult was it? Hopefully you learned from this experiment.

One thing I really do honestly want to know is what is your plan for when the bitch comes a calling in the middle of the night or when you are away from the site.

I want to know this becaues it has happened twice already and you didn't have a plan so you caved (FAILED).

What are you going to do to prevent that again?
I am waiting. This is now the most important thing you can figure out.

Mr apologies this iPhone limits me on this dandy awesome website.. But yea I'm going to reach out to brothers via text,call,or Ktc..I'll be sure to spend five minutes doing so then 5000 hours trying to figure out how to explain to myself my wife and Ktc brothers I failed again!! If I expected to possibly fail again I would of made a new account or joined another website if i thought failure is an option but i have several different foundations through life and Ktc!!!to lean on when weak and hope brothers reach out to me when the nic chick comes a calling as well,lol Ktc has all the foundation one needs with all the "old farts" and "young punks" ������
My goal is to inhale the older gents wisdom and knowledge and the younger gents knowledge..KTC!!! Grizzly/cope can defeat us individually but can't defeat us as a team!!!
I don't know if I'm making any damn sense right now lol my brain is still transitioning but besides that I have had not to many suck periods YET!!! Yea YET!!! There coming they always do but I'm better equipped to knock the nic bisquit out of the park one day at a time!!
This old punk will hold you to this. All we have here is our word. I see you say you will contact quit brothers from now on. I will never ever accept that you failed without reaching out first for permission. You make sure you call every number you have from KTC and see if you can find one person that will allow you to fail.

After you have exhausted every number you have in your phone, go tell your wife that you just can't do it and that you are giving up and see if she says you can fail.

If you make it though all of that and stiill feel like you want to throw in the towel, you give ole Razd a ring and see what I have to say. PM Sent.

Never Again!!!
Someone was drinking some serious Kool-Aid the past 24 hours. Nice job USMCray! You've got some serious quitters here that have your back! Group hug is over! Let's get to that quittin' thang!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #144 on: July 23, 2014, 04:55:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Now, that wasn't really that difficult was it? Hopefully you learned from this experiment.

One thing I really do honestly want to know is what is your plan for when the bitch comes a calling in the middle of the night or when you are away from the site.

I want to know this becaues it has happened twice already and you didn't have a plan so you caved (FAILED).

What are you going to do to prevent that again?
I am waiting. This is now the most important thing you can figure out.

Mr apologies this iPhone limits me on this dandy awesome website.. But yea I'm going to reach out to brothers via text,call,or Ktc..I'll be sure to spend five minutes doing so then 5000 hours trying to figure out how to explain to myself my wife and Ktc brothers I failed again!! If I expected to possibly fail again I would of made a new account or joined another website if i thought failure is an option but i have several different foundations through life and Ktc!!!to lean on when weak and hope brothers reach out to me when the nic chick comes a calling as well,lol Ktc has all the foundation one needs with all the "old farts" and "young punks" #55357;#56836;#55357;#56836;#55357;#56836;
My goal is to inhale the older gents wisdom and knowledge and the younger gents knowledge..KTC!!! Grizzly/cope can defeat us individually but can't defeat us as a team!!!
I don't know if I'm making any damn sense right now lol my brain is still transitioning but besides that I have had not to many suck periods YET!!! Yea YET!!! There coming they always do but I'm better equipped to knock the nic bisquit out of the park one day at a time!!
This old punk will hold you to this. All we have here is our word. I see you say you will contact quit brothers from now on. I will never ever accept that you failed without reaching out first for permission. You make sure you call every number you have from KTC and see if you can find one person that will allow you to fail.

After you have exhausted every number you have in your phone, go tell your wife that you just can't do it and that you are giving up and see if she says you can fail.

If you make it though all of that and stiill feel like you want to throw in the towel, you give ole Razd a ring and see what I have to say. PM Sent.

Never Again!!!
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline USMCray

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #143 on: July 23, 2014, 04:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Adigg
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.
Spirit fingers!
Jazz hands!
Hand Jive
Pinched for the win! 'roflmao'
I feel violated and gooey inside lmaoo!! SPIRIT FINGERS!! Hahaha

Offline USMCray

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #142 on: July 23, 2014, 04:21:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Now, that wasn't really that difficult was it? Hopefully you learned from this experiment.

One thing I really do honestly want to know is what is your plan for when the bitch comes a calling in the middle of the night or when you are away from the site.

I want to know this becaues it has happened twice already and you didn't have a plan so you caved (FAILED).

What are you going to do to prevent that again?
I am waiting. This is now the most important thing you can figure out.

Mr apologies this iPhone limits me on this dandy awesome website.. But yea I'm going to reach out to brothers via text,call,or Ktc..I'll be sure to spend five minutes doing so then 5000 hours trying to figure out how to explain to myself my wife and Ktc brothers I failed again!! If I expected to possibly fail again I would of made a new account or joined another website if i thought failure is an option but i have several different foundations through life and Ktc!!!to lean on when weak and hope brothers reach out to me when the nic chick comes a calling as well,lol Ktc has all the foundation one needs with all the "old farts" and "young punks" ???
My goal is to inhale the older gents wisdom and knowledge and the younger gents knowledge..KTC!!! Grizzly/cope can defeat us individually but can't defeat us as a team!!!
I don't know if I'm making any damn sense right now lol my brain is still transitioning but besides that I have had not to many suck periods YET!!! Yea YET!!! There coming they always do but I'm better equipped to knock the nic bisquit out of the park one day at a time!!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #141 on: July 23, 2014, 01:28:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: razd611
Now, that wasn't really that difficult was it? Hopefully you learned from this experiment.

One thing I really do honestly want to know is what is your plan for when the bitch comes a calling in the middle of the night or when you are away from the site.

I want to know this becaues it has happened twice already and you didn't have a plan so you caved (FAILED).

What are you going to do to prevent that again?
I am waiting. This is now the most important thing you can figure out.

Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline Smeds

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #140 on: July 23, 2014, 10:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Adigg
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.
Spirit fingers!
Jazz hands!
Hand Jive
Pinched for the win! 'roflmao'
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #139 on: July 23, 2014, 10:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Adigg
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.
Spirit fingers!
Jazz hands!
Hand Jive
Nice vid Pinched. If you wait all the way until the end she takes her shirt off.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Pinched

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #138 on: July 23, 2014, 10:30:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Adigg
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.
Spirit fingers!
Jazz hands!
Hand Jive
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline wastepanel

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #137 on: July 23, 2014, 10:27:00 AM »
Quote from: Adigg
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.
Spirit fingers!
Jazz hands!
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Adigg

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #136 on: July 23, 2014, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.
Spirit fingers!

Offline USMCray

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #135 on: July 23, 2014, 05:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #134 on: July 22, 2014, 11:13:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Slow clap.

Every dude who responded after you answered the questions (which, I thank you for doing) is in my accountability network. I am at day 223 as of this writing, because of their support and my promise to them every damn day to stay quit. Go check the rolls - I quit with them and they quit with me. Cray, you gotta want this more than anything in this world and you need to fight to stay quit just as hard.

Almost every badass veteran has jumped on this thread and ripped you, and ripped you hard. Mere child's play compared to how your nicotine can rip you apart and put you 6 feet under. Post roll every day, post with the Iron men, and show me and my pillars of quit that you are worthy of being a pillar too.
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline Derk40

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #133 on: July 22, 2014, 07:52:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.
So, what do you think about this roll thing?

When asking what are you gonna do different... Recommend starting there. That is really important. You need to make a commitment every day. Otherwise you lose the fact that you are an addict. Own that. Post roll and commit to quitting for the day.

Recommend putting together a quit plan and work it. You have to work it today. When u get thru today... Get up tomorrow and work it again. I say that but I don't want u worrying about tomorrow until then.

You can do this... Forget the 2 strikes and bottom of ninth. Let's put together a plan and stay quit today. You are not on the ropes. You can do this.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline worktowin

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #132 on: July 22, 2014, 07:33:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
I personally don't think he has the resolve to stay quit. I hope I'm wrong.

Mcray, answer the questions. Be humble. Get with the program. It's the only way.
  • Why did you cave? (please tell us what you thought about when you shoved a dip in your mouth)
  • What will you do differently? (give us your strategy for staying quit)

You need to examine yourself. You need to eliminate failure as an option. Is it in you to do this?
I CAVED!!! I dipped!!! But out of respect for this awesome program I tried and tried to avoid getting in to detail..because truth is personally I tried cold turky quitting and failed because as motivated as I was and dedicated as I thought i knew I was a addict but I didn't have a passion of hate for it..I was quitting for me and my family would benefit but for me my family came first and I chose to dip because I was only harming my self my tunnel vision I tried a new formula that has given me a inner strength I can't explain and it's simply tapered off litte by little I was a can a day for years and with dips hours on In my mouth per I did a dip for 40-30-20 minutes decreasing..cut daily dips in half etc..I just simply tapered off I tried to just jump on in and says"FUK IT" I'm quit!!! And I read the forums and some of em put this grown man to tears!!
But I needed to find that passion of hate for it to build this inner strength to live with out it and prove to my self personally that I can live with out it I can function with out it I can breathe with out it I can work,shit, etc!! With out it!!! So I tapered off and little by little defined so many moments in proven to myself I can cope with out it!! Call me young dumb or whatever I don't give a fuk I just found what working for me!!! I tried to avoid the questions because I didn't want to dis respect the web site but honesty is what I'll give but by all means the Ktc brotherhood is real and helpful and I envy you old farts for having more strength and wisdom to do it the exact cold turky Ktc way!! But I needed to taper off to get where Iam at in my frame of mind and strength..and the I haven't had much suck or fog period yet but it will come I know... But I assessed each and evry possible situation that would always include a dip while I was tapering off..and wired my brain to cope with those red flag areas..but I'm here back because for all I know it's going easy now but maybe the fog slams me later so I do beleive in posting roll and leaning on bros when weak and being there for them when strong etc..but as far as the cold turky it may just be me but I failed at it and had to recalculate my anyways I'm quit and done with all forms of NICOTENE!! One week I'll never forget was two weeks ago when during the tapering off I was so disgusted with the tobacco and input dips and felt like a experiment project and that's when I knew my QUIT had arrived but still finished my taper off dips up til planned date but it's not dip proof because after being done tapering I checked my self oral check and felt some worrisome things and I wavered slightly but it was a numb waver where I would have to be injected with that nasty smelly crap FUCK U TOBACCO AND ALL YOU ARE ABD ALL YOU TORTURE DESTROY AND KILL!!!but today I'm one with u!! For that if I keep u by my side and near u can never sneak up and stab me in the back!!!
Good progress.

What are you going to do when shit hits the fan again? What are you going to do when that next stressful event inevitably rears it's head? Are you prepared for that time? How are you prepared?
Mr.grizz, it's already hit the fan daily.. Daly stresses and wife and kids anxiety and work etc...not to mention the dentist saying I have perfect gums and healthy teeth and yah the bumps and growths our normal muscle tissue and I'm all clear.. But naturally I want to beleive everyday until I retire in a nice beach some where with piña caladas is going to be stressful and a daily as long as I keep my word after posting roll daily and take more and more wisdom from all these old farts ;) I'll be able to stay quit. I drove my self back to the ball park with my head held high.. And it's bottoms of the ninth I'm 2 caves in=2 strikes!! Bottoms of the ninth bases loaded down by 3 runs!! May not be as old or wise as most yall gents but one thing Iam is CLUTCH!!! Iam knock the nic bitch out the park today!!!
Okay, getting better.

But the last two times that you stopped with KTC you quit posting roll.

You were all gung ho for a a couple of weeks and then start skipping days here and there. And then you went MIA altogether.

Why should we trust your commitment this time. Will you fade away again when the going gets tough?
Just my suggestion... I would get mr grizz's phone number and I would send him a text. You have a 5-star mentor. This process is hard - but it is easier with support and a mentor in your corner.