Day 475
I need to record feelings I've been dealing with lately. I've been falling into a depressed state very gradually over several weeks. Recognizing and trying to overcome I noticed my thoughts of dipping and some degree of craving started taking up too much of my thoughts. I know I used nicotine to 'escape' in the past. I have the tools to stay quit but I don't have the tools to cope with deteriorating mental state. Thus the conflict; the tool I used for depression was removed from the toolbox and hasn't been replaced with a substitute. Just saying I recognize I have a huge void which was part of my life for 4 decades, replacing it will take effort and won't happen overnight. KTC is a tool that has been helpful in filling hours of my time but I need more now. It's my opinion that I'm not alone, it seems that those that cave after long pauses haven't replaced their past nicotine usage with a suitable replacement and fall back on what they knew from the past that fulfilled the need. I'm working on finding the answers and replacement activities. I'm open to suggestions.
Back to basics WT. You are allowing the old lies of the nic bitch to be whispered back into your ear.
Nicotine fills no voids in your life, it creates them.
You don't need that shit to fill any voids in your life. You want something to keep your idle hands and mind busy, get a new hobby. Start needlepoint, widdling wood, reading the good book, playing silly video games, crossword puzzles, model making, SOMETHING other than posioning yourself again. You know damn well that shit is only going to lead to more problems.
Also, is it not true that you said previous that USING nicotine caused you depression? In fact was that not the title of your HOF speech, "The missing warning label...this product may cause depression and thoughs of suicide"? I may be wrong as I'm going by pure memory here, but usually my mind/memory is pretty spot on.
Now you are saying nicotine was the tool you used to deal with depression and has been removed from the toolbox? YOU are the one who told ME that brain chemistry is a tricky thing and it was in fact modern medicine that kept your depression in check and that I should investigate the same thing as I became depressed when I quit...and I did, and it worked and may have saved my fucking life . Was/is that not a tool you should be using to deal with that issue, and not nicotine? Have you been diligent on that front of late?
I think you're daydreaming WT. I think youre feeling a little blue, perhaps a little bored and have that falsified gaze of thinking nic can cure what ails ya
You say guys cave after a long time because they haven't found a suitable replacement for the nic bitch. You really believe that? I don't fully.
I believe guys cave after a long time because they start to believe the lies again. That nic is going to make things better, that they can handle just one now and they aren't addicts anymore, that the reward outweighs the risk. In fact I believe I have heard YOU say such things. Again, I could be mistaken but like I said, my memory serves me pretty well and you have taught me A LOT, and when you speak my ears perk up and I listen.
475 days is a long time to be quit, but after 40 years of use I don't think its uncommon to have thoughts like this. In fact its probably very natural and perhaps even healthy for you.
It gives you yet another chance to step back and see nicotine addiction for what it really is. A pack of bullshit lies that will continually pop into your noggin from time to time.
Not sure I helped you much but just putting down how I honestly feel. Hopefully others will do the same and you will have some good stuff to draw from to help get you back to feeling occupied.
We all know damn sure, nicotine ain't the answer.
Diesel out.