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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #158 on: March 31, 2016, 03:35:00 PM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #157 on: March 29, 2016, 06:28:00 PM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #156 on: March 24, 2016, 11:00:00 AM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #155 on: March 11, 2016, 10:47:00 AM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #154 on: March 10, 2016, 09:25:00 AM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #153 on: March 09, 2016, 04:13:00 PM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #152 on: March 09, 2016, 09:46:00 AM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #151 on: March 07, 2016, 11:29:00 AM »

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #150 on: March 07, 2016, 11:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Three Weeks Away (Feb. 15 - March 6)

Things got a little too personal for me. I just didn't want to have to log in and deal with the childish things being thrown around. Could I take it? No doubt. I just didn't want to deal with it. So I made my peace with a few people and said I was done with KTC. I posted every single day via email, but to a group of KTC people who I grew to trust. Trust was a big factor why I stepped away. Some people simply are dishonest, are not transparent, act conniving, and are simply not forgiving. I talked to numerous DOGs upon my departure and they all understood why I was leaving. Only one person said they didn't agree with me leaving, but he understood why I was. I still stay connected and helped a few newbies. They deserved the support. They asked for the support. They wanted to help others. They are worth the time.

Three weeks went by. I had newbies and a few vets try to contact me to pull me back. Then a few DOGs texted a few days ago and said they wanted me back in the midst. So I came back. Plus there are some good people around I want to be there to support. To those people, the actual brothers and sisters (in action and not just throwing the terms around loosely), I apologize for walking away. People were saying things that got too personal and being the type of person who generally stands up for myself and others, it would have only escalated. It was getting nasty from some people. I know myself and I needed to step away. I'm called to turn away from such things and not walk into that temptation.

This time around... I'll just be using the ignore function a lot more.
And... it's an Internet forum, dude.

It's a facade.

It can only affect you in unhealthy fashion if you buy in too much. Don't let it bleed into real life... keep it in perspective.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #149 on: March 07, 2016, 10:59:00 AM »
Three Weeks Away (Feb. 15 - March 6)

Things got a little too personal for me. I just didn't want to have to log in and deal with the childish things being thrown around. Could I take it? No doubt. I just didn't want to deal with it. So I made my peace with a few people and said I was done with KTC. I posted every single day via email, but to a group of KTC people who I grew to trust. Trust was a big factor why I stepped away. Some people simply are dishonest, are not transparent, act conniving, and are simply not forgiving. I talked to numerous DOGs upon my departure and they all understood why I was leaving. Only one person said they didn't agree with me leaving, but he understood why I was. I still stay connected and helped a few newbies. They deserved the support. They asked for the support. They wanted to help others. They are worth the time.

Three weeks went by. I had newbies and a few vets try to contact me to pull me back. Then a few DOGs texted a few days ago and said they wanted me back in the midst. So I came back. Plus there are some good people around I want to be there to support. To those people, the actual brothers and sisters (in action and not just throwing the terms around loosely), I apologize for walking away. People were saying things that got too personal and being the type of person who generally stands up for myself and others, it would have only escalated. It was getting nasty from some people. I know myself and I needed to step away. I'm called to turn away from such things and not walk into that temptation.

This time around... I'll just be using the ignore function a lot more.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #148 on: February 12, 2016, 03:31:00 PM »
Resisting that Inner Voice – Kicking Nic

Fair warning: I’m going to talk about being a follower of Christ and how it relates to kicking nicotine. I’m not attempting to be “holier than thou” or “push my faith on you” at all. I say this because some have expressed that in me doing so, they have received it as such in the past. This is my journey and this is how I make sense of it. For me, I cannot do this by myself or for myself. Why? I am more than me. I am in Christ and He is in me. I hope you enjoy this and take it into your heart as Holy Spirit has placed it on mine.

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

One thing that IÂ’ve learned about myself since stepping fully in and accepting Jesus Christ into my life was that I was very misaligned in how I made sense of the world and my experience in it. What do I mean by this? I often used the knowledge that the world provided me to make sense of the world. This is not entirely wrong. Worldly knowledge can be very useful. However, I began to see that this needs to be aligned correctly. IÂ’ve been blessed in acquiring much worldly knowledge over the years (as IÂ’m sure you have), but it wasnÂ’t until I truly stepped into obedience to God that He began to show me how to use all that knowledge. IÂ’m still learning. I, like many of us, was not taught how to align that worldly knowledge correctly.

As a man who has been reborn in Christ, IÂ’ve had to go through an entirely new resocialization process (or realignment.) I am called to walk with my mind set on the spirit and not with my mind set on the flesh. This is contrary to my journey before Christ. For 30+ years, I was socialized in a way that was absent of obedience to GodÂ’s word. I was not taught how to hear Holy Spirit. Even during times when I was a self-professed Christian, I wasnÂ’t truly embracing it wholeheartedly and I surely wasnÂ’t walking in the Spirit. You see, I was largely socialized to take in what the world taught me and use that to navigate the world. My values, beliefs, and norms were largely cultivated in me by various aspects of the world. Largely this was my family, peers, education, media, and a few other components. However, my source of learning is much different now.

I have come to realize that God speaks to the Son. The Son (Jesus) speaks to Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit speaks to our spirit. However, we don’t often listen to our spirit. Instead we listen to our head, our brain. Our head is more-often-than-not filled with what the world has put in it. The world has taught me to bask in the things that just feel good to my flesh. These are my fleshly desires. The world largely says, “If it feels good to you then it’s probably okay.” Nicotine is one of those things that “feels good.” You remember those first couple of dips. They made you feel dizzy, almost drunk-like, and you liked it. Even if you didn’t like it, for some reason, you tried it again. I, for one, puked the first time I dipped and then decided, “I WANT MORE!!!!” (Ridiculous, I know.) Nonetheless, I was moving through life with my mind set on the flesh.

The flesh are the things that our body wants, but our spirit knows and tells us are no good for us. The flesh says to lash out in anger because it will be a release and feel good. The flesh says to take the easy route in almost anything. The flesh really basks in a list of things that provide short-term gratification. Our spirit can tell us about the good and bad. If we are in God’s word, reading scripture, talking to God, praising Him, exalting Him, and walking in Him daily… we will begin to operate from our spirit more and more. If you are like me, your head gets in the way of what the spirit is saying often. Remember, our spirit is where we receive God’s word. When we learn to walk with our mind set on the spirit, we will see that we find much longer lasting pleasures than the temporary gratifications that we once found by caving to the temptations of the flesh. One of those “caves”, is caving to nicotine, to dip.

You know that dipping is no good. You know that it does absolutely nothing to honor God. Dipping is something that serves nothing, but feeding the desires of the flesh. Is there a physical addiction? Sure. Does it mess up your brain? Sure. Is there a scientific explanation for the addiction? Yes, to a point. IÂ’m not rejecting science. Science is good. It helps for sure.

However, quitting dip (and the science of it) is only a small battle connected to a larger war. The war we face is about bringing our bodies into full submission to the Lord so that we can fully live out the purpose that He has for us. When you have that crave next time, remember that it is the fleshly desires calling you. Resist that inner voice. That inner voice is not of God. It is of your fleshly desires. Focus on submitting your body as a living sacrifice to God and the rest will fall into place. My cravings have been few and far in between. When they do come, if I am walking with my mind set on the spirit, it’s a breeze. I can swat the craving like a pesky fly. However, when my mind is lost in the flesh, those cravings are much more difficult to navigate. When a craving comes, get your mind set on the spirit. THAT is what can get you through. Of course, God can talk through people in KTC as well so I’m not saying “abandon KTC for God.”

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #147 on: February 01, 2016, 03:46:00 PM »
KTC – Building Community

Okay. So you signed into KTC. Some vets told you where and how to post. You posted. Now what? Well, there is a lot of things that you can do from here, but I would recommend that, along with continuing to read the gems that others have left behind in HOF, Words of Wisdom, Intro threads, etcÂ…., to begin building community. Here are a few suggestions to help you begin building a community of support and accountability within your quit group.

1) Start your SSOA - Connect with a previous quit group leader and find out how they developed their spreadsheet of accountability aka the SSOA. Sometimes, you might have a vet reach out and initiative this for you like the DOGs (Jan 2016) did (shot out to ChickDip.) This SSOA helps you very early one begin to take a daily talley of who is in your cohort and who is showing up daily. This helps provide you some direction and accountability each day. Additionally, I would recommend recruiting a crew of people within your cohort to manage the SSOA on a daily basis. DonÂ’t just dump it on one person who is willing to do it, even if they are willing. Give back and support your cohort. You can have a crew delegate days of who is the point person or you can just collectively jump at it each day. IÂ’d recommend trading numbers with this group so you all can keep each other in the loop.

2) Know your cohort
- IÂ’d recommend reaching out each day or two to at least one new person in your cohort. When it makes sense, exchange numbers, but donÂ’t be offended when people donÂ’t want to. Give them time and meet them where they are. DonÂ’t overwhelm yourself, but in addition to regularly posting on your forum and engaging everyone, reach out individually and get to know people more deeply. This can help you understand others and develop trust. Trust is something you need after all as you are largely dealing with strangers online. Most of the people I reached out to were proven to be trustworthy, there was a few who were not. You can take this process to assess this on your own.

3) Fun posts
-- It helps to post a few fun things in the forum to get people interacting. One time, we borrowed something from another cohort and everyone posted their name, job, and a few other items. Do this at your discretion. Remember, at the end of the day, you donÂ’t know who you are dealing with always so you might want to be reserved at times with what you share. Use your own discretion and donÂ’t be pressured by anyone to share what you donÂ’t want to share. However, it helps to cultivate community by doing some fun things like this.

4) Hunting trips together -- Other group activities can be fun and build solidarity. We used to get hounded by a few vets who only seemed to tell us consistently that we weren’t doing this right and weren’t doing that right. As grown men, quite a few of us expressed getting tired of it. Therefore, a few of my fellow DOGs and I used to even team up and take on some good battles with the vets. I seemed to always take the most heat and backlash though. When times got tough, a few of my fellow DOGs used to hide in their DOG pens and I would be pitted as the “drama guy” although we all engaged in it or planned to. Again, it would have helped to build better trust. Obviously, I let my guard down with them, but I didn’t initially mind because I could handle my own. Nonetheless, these little “hunting trips” were always fun. Sometimes we’d get together and go in the chat room or one of the new quit groups. Sometimes it would be for pure fun and other times it would be for pure support.

5) Buddy system -- I think it is extremely important to build a buddy system or a small group system. We called our system the WMD program. It stands for Watch My Dog aka WMD. Each DOG was paired with another DOG. Each pair were also expected to be the next line of search and rescue. The way this worked is like this, let’s say you have WMD pair #1 between 1A and 1B. Then you have WMD pair #2 with 2A and 2B. If one 1B came up missing on roll, 1A was the first line of responsibility. Therefore, whoever is checking SSOA should reach out to the WMD and say, “your boy/girl is missing!” In a case where let’s say 2A and 2B come up missing, then the WMD pair #1 were the second line of search and rescue.

6) Groupme and limitations -- I still think utilizing groupme or other group text apps are extremely beneficial in cultivating community within your quit group. Some people in here, including many admins, are uncomfortable with the spread of groupme, but I think it is good with some very strict parameters set on the front end. I get their concerns though. They don’t want it to take away from the site. After all, you sharing your journey in the forums is a trail for other quitters to learn from. They can’t do that in the groupme. This is a somewhat fair concern although I would reject it being an “all or nothing” thing. If you do, as I suggested, you should set some ground rules.

First off, no one should ever communicate in the groupme if they have not posted roll that day. This is the same expectation in the chat room.

Secondly, you should limit the groupme to discussions that you donÂ’t feel comfortable sharing with the entire KTC community. The groupme should never take place of discussion in forum. However, there were moments when someone might share something like a marital struggle or issues with flatulence that he/she didnÂ’t feel comfortable to share with other strangers in a forum. In this case, the groupme plays a vital role in establishing community, trust, and developing deeper relationships.

However, for this same reason, it brings me to my third suggestion, the groupme is supposed to be more intimate and people should respect each otherÂ’s privacy. What you share in the groupme should be between those in the groupme unless you collectively decide something else. We ran into issues where there was infighting within the groupme and someone would run their mouth in the forum about it. Often they were doing this because they knew the culture in the forum would actually support them and they were trying to build a case against that person. This is a major breach of trust and makes it difficult to develop a true brotherhood.

7) Be yourself, even if you are resisted – KTC has a culture. Culture is fluid. It is created by those within that community. Many of us started dipping because we were following. We wanted to do what we saw others doing. When you quit Nic, you decided that you’d be a leader in your own life and not let Nic do the leading. Extend that mission to your interactions in this community. Don’t follow just to follow. I encourage you to be yourself, even if being yourself naturally “rocks the boat” because those who oppose you will draw everyone and their Ma in to stand against you. They are often to appealing to the “we” in here because they don’t stand on their own two feet. Be strong and stand your ground, as long as you are being reasonable. Check yourself when you are not. Don’t just fit in because it seems easier in the short run. There are other people like you and they need to see that reflected in this community. Don’t tuck you away in a closet. In that same spirit though, don’t feel like you have to prove yourself to anyone in here. If people don’t appreciate what you contribute to the community, don’t waste your time on them. Put your energy elsewhere. For example, I decided to put a good amount of my energy into things like what I am doing now, just creating something for a struggling dipper to be empowered with and turn away from the Nic Pimp. Learn to connect with people who have common value and beliefs, but don’t limit yourself to that. I’m a Christian so it was important for me to connect to other Christians who are comfortable talking about their walk with Christ and how it relates to quitting and navigating this community.

On a final note, keep up the good work! You are here. ThatÂ’s a great start!

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #146 on: January 29, 2016, 03:44:00 PM »
DOG days 1


Background: Someone started a conversation about a political issue ( minimum wage and government assistance.) A few of us were having a healthy conversation, but fundamental disagreements. We were keeping it respectful though. However, as disagreements mounted, others took it too far when they began to dig up non-relevant information about me from my linkedin profile and share it with others in their groupme so that they could make fun of me. One of the others in the groupme, (who didn't look at the profile) then shared what it said on the forum in our quit group. It had zero to do with anything we were talking about. It was purely shared to try to make fun of me.

I'm a big boy. I can take it. However, these are the moments when I question the depths of a "brotherhood". With some, it doesn't exist. I also question what kind of boundaries are set in here at times.

In the past, these are the moments that would make me want to pop in a dip for comfort and just say forget 'em! There's no going back to that. Instead, if I really get that urge... i'll post in forum or come in here.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #145 on: January 29, 2016, 02:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
How do you rationalize this resistance?

I was helping a fellow quitter who I assumed was a fellow Christian because of a signature that included scripture. So, in support of her and also in agreement with other KTC'ers, I posted this and she replied.


As you can see, she was receptive of how I explained it. It was helpful in her quit and making since of KTC norms through the Christian culture.

Why does a vet respond to it this way?


It's crazy to me. Why can't you just respect differences? Why resist...especially when I wasn't resisting your idea but adding to it...
How do you?

With patience.
Thousands before you.
And Thousands behind you.

I believe.....

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #144 on: January 28, 2016, 09:14:00 PM »
