hey guys i just passed 2 year mark of dipping (I am in no way proud of that). I've tried to quit plenty of times ,but i fall back into it. I am military and currentley not in the states. I'm always bored here and dippin seems like the only thing to do. We have a class where you can get the pills,gum,patch etc. I dont wanna go that route what so ever. I have tried gum,seeds,mints. That will work for a day or so then i just stroll to the b and grab a can. I nee help please anyone who has been in this situation help !!! Also when i would go a day without it I really on edge and very easly irritated.
You sound at least a little intellegent as you are looking to quit after only 2 years of use and not after 10, 16 (my case), 20, 30+ years like most of us.
Now, you need to acknowledge that your stopping in the past and every decision to put that stuff in your yapper is all by choice. No one forced you. Don't blame being in the military, being surrounded by it, boring days overseas etc. on your use. You either accept that you are an addict to nicotine and decide to quit and fight like hell to remain quit, or you choose to continue to be a slave to the can. Both are your choices. Oh, there are many guys here that are active military, in the US and overseas, that post roll everyday and even get involved in Live Chat. Sorry, that isn't a valid excuse or justification to use.
Post Roll:
Every day you log into your “Group”, a bunch of guys all quitting together and going through the same suck, fog, cravings, etc. You “Post Roll”; add your name and the number of days quit that you are. This is your promise, a pledge to your quit brothers and sisters,
to yourself, and to everyone else here on KTC to not use nicotine in any way, shape, or form, for the next 24 hours. Keep your promise. A man is nothing if his word is no good.
Get Involved:
Introductions and
HOF Speeches. Read the banter in other groups. Read the non-dip discussions in the
Wilcard section when you want to get away from thoughts of dip. By doing this you will realize that you are not alone in the feeling you are having. You will gain strength through others. And, you will get to know these people on a personal level, which adds accountability.
Send out a few PMs:
Send out a PM to someone in your group, or to someone that posted something that you related to. Offer your phone number. I bet you will get a phone number in return. Store those numbers in your phone and USE THEM in a moment of weakness. Sending a text out has prevented me from caving more than a few times. Sometimes I didn’t even need a response, just taking a few seconds to text was all it took to get me thinking straight again. Other times the response I got was, “you do NOT have permission to cave”, which I took to heart.
Every tool you need to QUIT and remain QUIT is here, for free, but
you have to want it. No one can quit for you, but we can offer support whenever you need it.
So, think about if you really want to quit and if you want to quit for you. If they answer is yes, read the links I posted and then head over to
Pre HOF November 2013 and post your promise to remain clean today.
Wecome to the madness.