After a certain matter of time is it Normal to still have cravings but not want to buy it ?
Yep. Totally normal.
Over time, the cravings and those desires go away too... Keep on keeping on!
It took a long time for you to become an addict. It will take a long time for you to break those associations.
Here's the thing: I chewed for nearly 16 years of my life. I'm a little over 2 years quit. Of those 2 years, I bet 20 were really bad days, 150 were ho hum, and the rest has been great. During those bad days, time seemed to stand still. They weren't fun.
But I got through them.
Eventually, the sun shines again and we remember why we quit in the first place.
When times are good, we practice for the bad.
When times are bad, we lean on what we've learned.