Owensboro KY is encouraging the use of "Smokeless Tobacco" as a safe alternative to smoking! WTF!
http://yourlife.usatoday.com/health/sto ... 50979410/1
This is such bullshit. Who sponsored this research; U.S. Smokeless Tobacco?
"Americans are largely misinformed about the relative risks. Â… They think smokeless tobacco is just as dangerous," Rodu said. "This level of misinformation is an enormous barrier to actually accomplishing tobacco-harm reduction because if people believe that the products have equal risk, there's not a real incentive."
Go check out some cancer pictures, and tell me if smokeless tobacco is not as dangerous.
"I don't think we have any problem in telling a person that drinks a six-pack a day that if they could cut it back to two beers a day or two drinks a day that their health risks are greatly reduced," Thomas said. "Finding a way to let people have their nicotine that carries less risk, it's the realistic solution."
A realistic solution???
A guy who drinks a six pack a day, and switches two drinks a day is unrealistic. One bad day, one trigger, one minor setback, and he his back to six beers a day. Why is quitting not a realistic solution? Thousands of people here have done it. We are no different from any other addict.
Part of this study is funded by Big Tobacco. I would guess there are some " special " payments to doctor numnuts to say dipping is " safer".
Hope he can sleep at night. Still amazes me nicotine can be purchased at any C store in the country.
Nut up and quit people! It CAN be done!
The end of the article says this:
"They are probably safer than conventional cigarettes, if for no other reason than you're not burning anything, you're not smoking anything, you're not inhaling any smoke," he said.
"If you compare it to conventional cigarettes, they're probably a little bit better. If you compare it to quitting, they're absolutely worse."
Unfortunately the issue comes down to the lesser of two evils for a very MISINFORMED public. How is "our" system to be disseminated? "Cold turkey" to most is an unrealistic method of quitting. No doubt, KTC and its methods WORK - but for ME utilizing the tools here, there is no way I could have quit cold turkey. So, for people who have not been introduced to our hardcore and extreme method will view their only option as going to a "lesser of two evils". I am willing to bet that a poll taken of all KTC members would almost unanimously state that "cold turkey" was unrealistic prior to finding this place.
This place is phenomenal and works SUPERBLY for me and everyone else here but for some, it may not. Some either lack the fortitude or just could not live among the extreme methods (lots of cursing, gay jokes, etc.). This is unfortunate because hands down, THIS way works. Certainly the ONLY way that I have reached 94 days. I think it takes a certain type of individual to succeed here. To some, the approach here may seem offensive...cliche but true, they can't see the forest for the trees. For example, on the KTC Facebook page there was a church minister or something other and he commented how he was offended by some comment that someone made and would not visit KTC - so he'll just continue to dip because he didn't like how someone said "God damn".
I truly wish there was a way to disseminate this method to more people - to save more lives - to inform folks that there is a BETTER method than just selecting the lesser of two evils.
Anyway, I think I started going off on a tangent there but you get the point.