Author Topic: General Discussion - 2016  (Read 74160 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #461 on: August 23, 2016, 05:31:00 PM »
Hey yall,
Glad I found this page! I'm 28 years old and a Mama! I've been dipping since I was about 16. I've always dipped Grizzly and usually dip about 1-2 cans a day...I love it, but I hate it. Only quit once cold turkey when I was pregnant with my first and that lasted about 2 months...then I hit a deer. I want to quit sooo bad. I've come close, like from a few hours without to a day, but my withdrawals are scary. I get really angry with a short temper, shakes, all of it. It's bad...I'd appreciate any words of advice because I'm so ready to not have this taking over my life anymore...thanks yall!

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #460 on: August 22, 2016, 01:45:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
Alrighty boys and girls. Grab a cup of coffee. Its lesson time. I am the one referred to here by PPM. All you that step through the doors of KTC are hereby notified that this is an accountability group. Just like I informed PPM of when he hadn't posted roll on the 18th. Told him as an accountability group we 1) Quit with one another, 2) we walk through the suck of withdrawals together, 3) we watch over one another and that was why I messaged him about posting roll. He posted but then didn't respond back with a thank you, screw you, or anything. No problem. I went on to tell him what I would assume to be simply understood. And these words of advise are actually all over KTC. As addicts, the first thing we do when we wake up is to satisfy those nic withdrawals from sleeping. So we replace that behavior with the behavior of Quitting by posting roll first thing. Which is giving our promise to not use nic and leaves non of our day uncovered by our promise. I really figured that he received that info and would step up.

But no. Yesterday he did not post. I and others hit him up. No response. Until after 11 pm. He unloaded saying as a Christian he did not like the cursing by me or on KTC, that he was a Christian, and that he had been at rodeo announcing. So it seems my response back has caused him to walk out. I reminded him of what we do here, pointed out that he had been an addict for 38 years and as a Christian he sees the problem is cussing, not addiction, and that unless all that he had available all day was a rotary telephone the way I see it was he was not only making excuses but he is actually a fucking liar. He apparently didn't like conversing with me once he found out I am a Christian as well. I asked him to note all the scriptures about your body not being your own and then find all the scriptures about cussing. And he would soon find out that God is more concerned about our bodies not being slaves to nicotine. Or any thing else for that matter. I didn't out right call him a hypocrite but said folks that wave the Christian banner and can't tolerate a certain behavior when they obviously are holding on to a much bigger issue, are hypocrites. Its passing wrongful judgment.

I also told him that to borrow a biblical picture, addiction puts a veil up before I eyes. It hides the truth from us. Only after walking down the road of Quit for a while can we first begin to see all that this horrible addiction has done to us and stolen from us. I also told him, I, like him, spent years praying about this sinful addiction. But that nothing changed. I finally realized that God was not going to just take it away. And Im glad he didn't. He knew that not only was I actually capable of it on my own, ( with KTC of course) but that also that would deprive me of the joy, satisfaction, and pride of standing up and taking my freedom back. And Im sure God is proud of me for doing so. Wouldn't parents also desire the same steps by their own children in difficulties. The struggle develops, strengthens, and matures those that go through it. But he told me he wouldn't stand by and take someone putting his God down. Im not sure if that is a response of a severely self-righteous Christian or an addict. I guess both.

So, I am certainly not the wisest person here at KTC, but I've definitely learned some lessons on my personal road of Quit. And since I hit 3 years Quit in 5 days I think I have learned wisdom to share. I love KTC. I love this place for its brutal honesty and openness. I actually wish the Church were more like KTC. No pretense. No fakeness. We all know what each of us are. Addicts. Ive spent 35 years as an addict. Most of that in church. Even dipped in church. Heard many condemn nicotine addicts and then go out back for a dip/smoke. I would still be dealing with the addiction in that environment. Don't get me wrong, Im not preaching against the church. Im saying don't let that hypocrisy prevent you from being Quit. Not just Christians, but everyone needs to see and know that breaking the chains of addiction comes from stepping up and taking that Day 1. The nicotine addicts around us are going through life as zombies. They need to see real life examples of free people. Live this nightmare long enough and it doesn't seem possible. Do not put up any barriers to your success. Again, I liken KTC to what church should be, real people having each others backs for real.

Galatians 4:16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth ? In PPH's eyes that would be a yes. How about you?
You sugar coat things pretty well to make yourself look good, instead of posting the truth. You and I both know what what sent to me via private message on FB. I don't need you or this group cussing at me, going the hypocrite route, basically telling me that I was putting my Christianity in the way of my quit, telling me that God was not going to heal me from this habit, your namecalling with nasty words. It is because of you that I have tried to find a delete profile option, so now I am asking for an administrator to delete my account immediately. I am now 6 days into my quit and doing quite well. Thank you very much.
6 days?

Congrats on that. It is no small feat. A word of caution though, you've only just begun on what is a new journey each and every day. Posted 598 today and I'm still not cured. Maybe day 6 is part of why you're reacting they way you are. Nic rage can be sneaky.

Take the good stuff, ignore the bad. But post roll, first thing every day.
I have known Gdub for almost 3 years. He is a good man and has nothing but your best interest at heart PPM. You may not always like the way a message is delivered, but it is whats in the message that counts.

You are six days in and that is no small feat, BUT you are missing roll. It was noticed and you were called out. Be glad someone is looking out for your ass you. I have a tendency to swear ALOT.

We have nothing but our word, our accountability and our balls here. Not posting roll shows a lack of all three.

Come join ole Razd on the porch in the extra rocking chair and have a nice tall glass of KTC kool-aid.

You can do this and you are gonna make it.
PPM, I hope you stay quit and you find your own way.

For all others: KTC can be raw, harsh and different than other aspects of our lives but the formula of accountability works. I cannot afford to ever cave and chew again, the sleepless nights worrying about cancer and financial ruin of my family. There is a saying here take what works for you and leave the rest. Post your promise and stay quit. That is the bare minimum we ask. I will do that everyday it is a small price to pay for freedom.

GDub, has been a supporter of mine, when I failed and now in my success, thank you for all you do, see you tomorrow (and congrats at almost 3years!)

Offline TheFinnisher

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #459 on: August 21, 2016, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: TheFinnisher
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: TheFinnisher
Hey everyone, I'm brand new to the community here and I quit a week ago today. A week ago I arrived in Finland to visit family and had with me in my carry on what would be my last can of Grizzly. I had been a long cut user for about 5-6 years and started using the pouches instead over the last few months. Had a few pouches left when I arrived at my parents house, and sure enough by the end of my first day there it was all gone. I've been planning this to be my quitting time for awhile now, as chew isn't even available in Finland so I figured even though I might want a new can, it will be impossible to get. I go back home to the US in another couple of weeks, and plan to never buy a can again. The first few days with the physical withdrawal were pretty tough, I actually got a feeling of a really bad cold, but with ibuprofen that initially passed. Now I'm spending lots of time exercising and in the sauna to help out even more, and found this great group while researching how quitting affects others. Looking forward to interacting with all of you!
I would say going all the way to Finland to quit is quit extreme! This is an awesome place to come for daily support and accountability! Stick with the quit and be a better person for it. Good luck!
Thanks man! Yeah it is a little extreme lol but it's a yearly trip I make so figured it's the best chance at success! Still got two weeks to go with no dip until I head home so hopefully all the cravings will be gone by then. Toughest part will be the 5 hour drive I have from the airport to my apartment, I'm just so used to driving with a dip in. I know I'll be able to pull through though, but no doubt I'll be thinking about it heading into the gas station.
I have bad news for you. I have been quit since 2005. Lost a few things because of dip. Wake every morning in pain because of dip. And yes, I even think it about it most every day despite all that. The difference is it no longer controls me so thinking about it is simply thinking about it. At any rate, good luck and quit strong!

ODT, congrats on being quit for so long, that's awesome! Thanks for your kind words, I haven't really had that many cravings at all luckily. Once I land at the airport and begin my drive back I'll be tempted to buy a can for the drive but I won't give in! Already planning on hitting up the Wal-Mart and seeing if they have Smokey Mountain, and I'm not even planning on using that, only if I have some crazy kind of craving going on lol. Sunflower seeds are gonna be my go-to to keep up the quit.
I'm Finnished with the chew!!

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #458 on: August 21, 2016, 04:12:00 AM »
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
Alrighty boys and girls. Grab a cup of coffee. Its lesson time. I am the one referred to here by PPM. All you that step through the doors of KTC are hereby notified that this is an accountability group. Just like I informed PPM of when he hadn't posted roll on the 18th. Told him as an accountability group we 1) Quit with one another, 2) we walk through the suck of withdrawals together, 3) we watch over one another and that was why I messaged him about posting roll. He posted but then didn't respond back with a thank you, screw you, or anything. No problem. I went on to tell him what I would assume to be simply understood. And these words of advise are actually all over KTC. As addicts, the first thing we do when we wake up is to satisfy those nic withdrawals from sleeping. So we replace that behavior with the behavior of Quitting by posting roll first thing. Which is giving our promise to not use nic and leaves non of our day uncovered by our promise. I really figured that he received that info and would step up.

But no. Yesterday he did not post. I and others hit him up. No response. Until after 11 pm. He unloaded saying as a Christian he did not like the cursing by me or on KTC, that he was a Christian, and that he had been at rodeo announcing. So it seems my response back has caused him to walk out. I reminded him of what we do here, pointed out that he had been an addict for 38 years and as a Christian he sees the problem is cussing, not addiction, and that unless all that he had available all day was a rotary telephone the way I see it was he was not only making excuses but he is actually a fucking liar. He apparently didn't like conversing with me once he found out I am a Christian as well. I asked him to note all the scriptures about your body not being your own and then find all the scriptures about cussing. And he would soon find out that God is more concerned about our bodies not being slaves to nicotine. Or any thing else for that matter. I didn't out right call him a hypocrite but said folks that wave the Christian banner and can't tolerate a certain behavior when they obviously are holding on to a much bigger issue, are hypocrites. Its passing wrongful judgment.

I also told him that to borrow a biblical picture, addiction puts a veil up before I eyes. It hides the truth from us. Only after walking down the road of Quit for a while can we first begin to see all that this horrible addiction has done to us and stolen from us. I also told him, I, like him, spent years praying about this sinful addiction. But that nothing changed. I finally realized that God was not going to just take it away. And Im glad he didn't. He knew that not only was I actually capable of it on my own, ( with KTC of course) but that also that would deprive me of the joy, satisfaction, and pride of standing up and taking my freedom back. And Im sure God is proud of me for doing so. Wouldn't parents also desire the same steps by their own children in difficulties. The struggle develops, strengthens, and matures those that go through it. But he told me he wouldn't stand by and take someone putting his God down. Im not sure if that is a response of a severely self-righteous Christian or an addict. I guess both.

So, I am certainly not the wisest person here at KTC, but I've definitely learned some lessons on my personal road of Quit. And since I hit 3 years Quit in 5 days I think I have learned wisdom to share. I love KTC. I love this place for its brutal honesty and openness. I actually wish the Church were more like KTC. No pretense. No fakeness. We all know what each of us are. Addicts. Ive spent 35 years as an addict. Most of that in church. Even dipped in church. Heard many condemn nicotine addicts and then go out back for a dip/smoke. I would still be dealing with the addiction in that environment. Don't get me wrong, Im not preaching against the church. Im saying don't let that hypocrisy prevent you from being Quit. Not just Christians, but everyone needs to see and know that breaking the chains of addiction comes from stepping up and taking that Day 1. The nicotine addicts around us are going through life as zombies. They need to see real life examples of free people. Live this nightmare long enough and it doesn't seem possible. Do not put up any barriers to your success. Again, I liken KTC to what church should be, real people having each others backs for real.

Galatians 4:16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth ? In PPH's eyes that would be a yes. How about you?
You sugar coat things pretty well to make yourself look good, instead of posting the truth. You and I both know what what sent to me via private message on FB. I don't need you or this group cussing at me, going the hypocrite route, basically telling me that I was putting my Christianity in the way of my quit, telling me that God was not going to heal me from this habit, your namecalling with nasty words. It is because of you that I have tried to find a delete profile option, so now I am asking for an administrator to delete my account immediately. I am now 6 days into my quit and doing quite well. Thank you very much.
Folks this is nothing more than a rare breed of special butterfly. Hidden within all of the righteous indignation and moral superiority is the message of "I'm 6 days quit, doing just fine and I don't need to do it your way."

I think we've all seen this a time or two.

Now ProPhotoMan, you might believe that your opposition to the "name calling  cussing" lies within your faith, but I assure you that it is your addict brain doing everything it can to make up excuses to get you back on the can.

The idea that your six days has you anywhere close to cured is simply not true. Our Savior was tempted in the wilderness for forty days. How about you stick around for that? Maybe you're mindset will change when you see the difference in your life start to take place a little further out.

Now I'm not making fun of you with the Special Butterfly comment. What I mean by that, is your attitude is very common amongst the addicts that come to this place. They want to do things their way, they get annoyed with little aspects here and they rationalize any excuse to leave. Pal, you aren't special or different than any rank addict. Luckily though, that's what this place is built for.

Stick it out and you'll see what I mean.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #457 on: August 20, 2016, 03:42:00 PM »
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
Alrighty boys and girls. Grab a cup of coffee. Its lesson time. I am the one referred to here by PPM. All you that step through the doors of KTC are hereby notified that this is an accountability group. Just like I informed PPM of when he hadn't posted roll on the 18th. Told him as an accountability group we 1) Quit with one another, 2) we walk through the suck of withdrawals together, 3) we watch over one another and that was why I messaged him about posting roll. He posted but then didn't respond back with a thank you, screw you, or anything. No problem. I went on to tell him what I would assume to be simply understood. And these words of advise are actually all over KTC. As addicts, the first thing we do when we wake up is to satisfy those nic withdrawals from sleeping. So we replace that behavior with the behavior of Quitting by posting roll first thing. Which is giving our promise to not use nic and leaves non of our day uncovered by our promise. I really figured that he received that info and would step up.

But no. Yesterday he did not post. I and others hit him up. No response. Until after 11 pm. He unloaded saying as a Christian he did not like the cursing by me or on KTC, that he was a Christian, and that he had been at rodeo announcing. So it seems my response back has caused him to walk out. I reminded him of what we do here, pointed out that he had been an addict for 38 years and as a Christian he sees the problem is cussing, not addiction, and that unless all that he had available all day was a rotary telephone the way I see it was he was not only making excuses but he is actually a fucking liar. He apparently didn't like conversing with me once he found out I am a Christian as well. I asked him to note all the scriptures about your body not being your own and then find all the scriptures about cussing. And he would soon find out that God is more concerned about our bodies not being slaves to nicotine. Or any thing else for that matter. I didn't out right call him a hypocrite but said folks that wave the Christian banner and can't tolerate a certain behavior when they obviously are holding on to a much bigger issue, are hypocrites. Its passing wrongful judgment.

I also told him that to borrow a biblical picture, addiction puts a veil up before I eyes. It hides the truth from us. Only after walking down the road of Quit for a while can we first begin to see all that this horrible addiction has done to us and stolen from us. I also told him, I, like him, spent years praying about this sinful addiction. But that nothing changed. I finally realized that God was not going to just take it away. And Im glad he didn't. He knew that not only was I actually capable of it on my own, ( with KTC of course) but that also that would deprive me of the joy, satisfaction, and pride of standing up and taking my freedom back. And Im sure God is proud of me for doing so. Wouldn't parents also desire the same steps by their own children in difficulties. The struggle develops, strengthens, and matures those that go through it. But he told me he wouldn't stand by and take someone putting his God down. Im not sure if that is a response of a severely self-righteous Christian or an addict. I guess both.

So, I am certainly not the wisest person here at KTC, but I've definitely learned some lessons on my personal road of Quit. And since I hit 3 years Quit in 5 days I think I have learned wisdom to share. I love KTC. I love this place for its brutal honesty and openness. I actually wish the Church were more like KTC. No pretense. No fakeness. We all know what each of us are. Addicts. Ive spent 35 years as an addict. Most of that in church. Even dipped in church. Heard many condemn nicotine addicts and then go out back for a dip/smoke. I would still be dealing with the addiction in that environment. Don't get me wrong, Im not preaching against the church. Im saying don't let that hypocrisy prevent you from being Quit. Not just Christians, but everyone needs to see and know that breaking the chains of addiction comes from stepping up and taking that Day 1. The nicotine addicts around us are going through life as zombies. They need to see real life examples of free people. Live this nightmare long enough and it doesn't seem possible. Do not put up any barriers to your success. Again, I liken KTC to what church should be, real people having each others backs for real.

Galatians 4:16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth ? In PPH's eyes that would be a yes. How about you?
You sugar coat things pretty well to make yourself look good, instead of posting the truth. You and I both know what what sent to me via private message on FB. I don't need you or this group cussing at me, going the hypocrite route, basically telling me that I was putting my Christianity in the way of my quit, telling me that God was not going to heal me from this habit, your namecalling with nasty words. It is because of you that I have tried to find a delete profile option, so now I am asking for an administrator to delete my account immediately. I am now 6 days into my quit and doing quite well. Thank you very much.
6 days?

Congrats on that. It is no small feat. A word of caution though, you've only just begun on what is a new journey each and every day. Posted 598 today and I'm still not cured. Maybe day 6 is part of why you're reacting they way you are. Nic rage can be sneaky.

Take the good stuff, ignore the bad. But post roll, first thing every day.
I have known Gdub for almost 3 years. He is a good man and has nothing but your best interest at heart PPM. You may not always like the way a message is delivered, but it is whats in the message that counts.

You are six days in and that is no small feat, BUT you are missing roll. It was noticed and you were called out. Be glad someone is looking out for your ass you. I have a tendency to swear ALOT.

We have nothing but our word, our accountability and our balls here. Not posting roll shows a lack of all three.

Come join ole Razd on the porch in the extra rocking chair and have a nice tall glass of KTC kool-aid.

You can do this and you are gonna make it.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #456 on: August 20, 2016, 01:55:00 PM »
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
Alrighty boys and girls. Grab a cup of coffee. Its lesson time. I am the one referred to here by PPM. All you that step through the doors of KTC are hereby notified that this is an accountability group. Just like I informed PPM of when he hadn't posted roll on the 18th. Told him as an accountability group we 1) Quit with one another, 2) we walk through the suck of withdrawals together, 3) we watch over one another and that was why I messaged him about posting roll. He posted but then didn't respond back with a thank you, screw you, or anything. No problem. I went on to tell him what I would assume to be simply understood. And these words of advise are actually all over KTC. As addicts, the first thing we do when we wake up is to satisfy those nic withdrawals from sleeping. So we replace that behavior with the behavior of Quitting by posting roll first thing. Which is giving our promise to not use nic and leaves non of our day uncovered by our promise. I really figured that he received that info and would step up.

But no. Yesterday he did not post. I and others hit him up. No response. Until after 11 pm. He unloaded saying as a Christian he did not like the cursing by me or on KTC, that he was a Christian, and that he had been at rodeo announcing. So it seems my response back has caused him to walk out. I reminded him of what we do here, pointed out that he had been an addict for 38 years and as a Christian he sees the problem is cussing, not addiction, and that unless all that he had available all day was a rotary telephone the way I see it was he was not only making excuses but he is actually a fucking liar. He apparently didn't like conversing with me once he found out I am a Christian as well. I asked him to note all the scriptures about your body not being your own and then find all the scriptures about cussing. And he would soon find out that God is more concerned about our bodies not being slaves to nicotine. Or any thing else for that matter. I didn't out right call him a hypocrite but said folks that wave the Christian banner and can't tolerate a certain behavior when they obviously are holding on to a much bigger issue, are hypocrites. Its passing wrongful judgment.

I also told him that to borrow a biblical picture, addiction puts a veil up before I eyes. It hides the truth from us. Only after walking down the road of Quit for a while can we first begin to see all that this horrible addiction has done to us and stolen from us. I also told him, I, like him, spent years praying about this sinful addiction. But that nothing changed. I finally realized that God was not going to just take it away. And Im glad he didn't. He knew that not only was I actually capable of it on my own, ( with KTC of course) but that also that would deprive me of the joy, satisfaction, and pride of standing up and taking my freedom back. And Im sure God is proud of me for doing so. Wouldn't parents also desire the same steps by their own children in difficulties. The struggle develops, strengthens, and matures those that go through it. But he told me he wouldn't stand by and take someone putting his God down. Im not sure if that is a response of a severely self-righteous Christian or an addict. I guess both.

So, I am certainly not the wisest person here at KTC, but I've definitely learned some lessons on my personal road of Quit. And since I hit 3 years Quit in 5 days I think I have learned wisdom to share. I love KTC. I love this place for its brutal honesty and openness. I actually wish the Church were more like KTC. No pretense. No fakeness. We all know what each of us are. Addicts. Ive spent 35 years as an addict. Most of that in church. Even dipped in church. Heard many condemn nicotine addicts and then go out back for a dip/smoke. I would still be dealing with the addiction in that environment. Don't get me wrong, Im not preaching against the church. Im saying don't let that hypocrisy prevent you from being Quit. Not just Christians, but everyone needs to see and know that breaking the chains of addiction comes from stepping up and taking that Day 1. The nicotine addicts around us are going through life as zombies. They need to see real life examples of free people. Live this nightmare long enough and it doesn't seem possible. Do not put up any barriers to your success. Again, I liken KTC to what church should be, real people having each others backs for real.

Galatians 4:16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth ? In PPH's eyes that would be a yes. How about you?
You sugar coat things pretty well to make yourself look good, instead of posting the truth. You and I both know what what sent to me via private message on FB. I don't need you or this group cussing at me, going the hypocrite route, basically telling me that I was putting my Christianity in the way of my quit, telling me that God was not going to heal me from this habit, your namecalling with nasty words. It is because of you that I have tried to find a delete profile option, so now I am asking for an administrator to delete my account immediately. I am now 6 days into my quit and doing quite well. Thank you very much.
6 days?

Congrats on that. It is no small feat. A word of caution though, you've only just begun on what is a new journey each and every day. Posted 598 today and I'm still not cured. Maybe day 6 is part of why you're reacting they way you are. Nic rage can be sneaky.

Take the good stuff, ignore the bad. But post roll, first thing every day.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #455 on: August 20, 2016, 01:24:00 PM »
Who is an admin on here? I am requesting my account be permanently deleted, please.

Offline ProPhotoMan

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #454 on: August 20, 2016, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
Alrighty boys and girls. Grab a cup of coffee. Its lesson time. I am the one referred to here by PPM. All you that step through the doors of KTC are hereby notified that this is an accountability group. Just like I informed PPM of when he hadn't posted roll on the 18th. Told him as an accountability group we 1) Quit with one another, 2) we walk through the suck of withdrawals together, 3) we watch over one another and that was why I messaged him about posting roll. He posted but then didn't respond back with a thank you, screw you, or anything. No problem. I went on to tell him what I would assume to be simply understood. And these words of advise are actually all over KTC. As addicts, the first thing we do when we wake up is to satisfy those nic withdrawals from sleeping. So we replace that behavior with the behavior of Quitting by posting roll first thing. Which is giving our promise to not use nic and leaves non of our day uncovered by our promise. I really figured that he received that info and would step up.

But no. Yesterday he did not post. I and others hit him up. No response. Until after 11 pm. He unloaded saying as a Christian he did not like the cursing by me or on KTC, that he was a Christian, and that he had been at rodeo announcing. So it seems my response back has caused him to walk out. I reminded him of what we do here, pointed out that he had been an addict for 38 years and as a Christian he sees the problem is cussing, not addiction, and that unless all that he had available all day was a rotary telephone the way I see it was he was not only making excuses but he is actually a fucking liar. He apparently didn't like conversing with me once he found out I am a Christian as well. I asked him to note all the scriptures about your body not being your own and then find all the scriptures about cussing. And he would soon find out that God is more concerned about our bodies not being slaves to nicotine. Or any thing else for that matter. I didn't out right call him a hypocrite but said folks that wave the Christian banner and can't tolerate a certain behavior when they obviously are holding on to a much bigger issue, are hypocrites. Its passing wrongful judgment.

I also told him that to borrow a biblical picture, addiction puts a veil up before I eyes. It hides the truth from us. Only after walking down the road of Quit for a while can we first begin to see all that this horrible addiction has done to us and stolen from us. I also told him, I, like him, spent years praying about this sinful addiction. But that nothing changed. I finally realized that God was not going to just take it away. And Im glad he didn't. He knew that not only was I actually capable of it on my own, ( with KTC of course) but that also that would deprive me of the joy, satisfaction, and pride of standing up and taking my freedom back. And Im sure God is proud of me for doing so. Wouldn't parents also desire the same steps by their own children in difficulties. The struggle develops, strengthens, and matures those that go through it. But he told me he wouldn't stand by and take someone putting his God down. Im not sure if that is a response of a severely self-righteous Christian or an addict. I guess both.

So, I am certainly not the wisest person here at KTC, but I've definitely learned some lessons on my personal road of Quit. And since I hit 3 years Quit in 5 days I think I have learned wisdom to share. I love KTC. I love this place for its brutal honesty and openness. I actually wish the Church were more like KTC. No pretense. No fakeness. We all know what each of us are. Addicts. Ive spent 35 years as an addict. Most of that in church. Even dipped in church. Heard many condemn nicotine addicts and then go out back for a dip/smoke. I would still be dealing with the addiction in that environment. Don't get me wrong, Im not preaching against the church. Im saying don't let that hypocrisy prevent you from being Quit. Not just Christians, but everyone needs to see and know that breaking the chains of addiction comes from stepping up and taking that Day 1. The nicotine addicts around us are going through life as zombies. They need to see real life examples of free people. Live this nightmare long enough and it doesn't seem possible. Do not put up any barriers to your success. Again, I liken KTC to what church should be, real people having each others backs for real.

Galatians 4:16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth ? In PPH's eyes that would be a yes. How about you?
You sugar coat things pretty well to make yourself look good, instead of posting the truth. You and I both know what what sent to me via private message on FB. I don't need you or this group cussing at me, going the hypocrite route, basically telling me that I was putting my Christianity in the way of my quit, telling me that God was not going to heal me from this habit, your namecalling with nasty words. It is because of you that I have tried to find a delete profile option, so now I am asking for an administrator to delete my account immediately. I am now 6 days into my quit and doing quite well. Thank you very much.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #453 on: August 20, 2016, 12:48:00 PM »
Quote from: GDubya
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
Alrighty boys and girls. Grab a cup of coffee. Its lesson time. I am the one referred to here by PPM. All you that step through the doors of KTC are hereby notified that this is an accountability group. Just like I informed PPM of when he hadn't posted roll on the 18th. Told him as an accountability group we 1) Quit with one another, 2) we walk through the suck of withdrawals together, 3) we watch over one another and that was why I messaged him about posting roll. He posted but then didn't respond back with a thank you, screw you, or anything. No problem. I went on to tell him what I would assume to be simply understood. And these words of advise are actually all over KTC. As addicts, the first thing we do when we wake up is to satisfy those nic withdrawals from sleeping. So we replace that behavior with the behavior of Quitting by posting roll first thing. Which is giving our promise to not use nic and leaves non of our day uncovered by our promise. I really figured that he received that info and would step up.

But no. Yesterday he did not post. I and others hit him up. No response. Until after 11 pm. He unloaded saying as a Christian he did not like the cursing by me or on KTC, that he was a Christian, and that he had been at rodeo announcing. So it seems my response back has caused him to walk out. I reminded him of what we do here, pointed out that he had been an addict for 38 years and as a Christian he sees the problem is cussing, not addiction, and that unless all that he had available all day was a rotary telephone the way I see it was he was not only making excuses but he is actually a fucking liar. He apparently didn't like conversing with me once he found out I am a Christian as well. I asked him to note all the scriptures about your body not being your own and then find all the scriptures about cussing. And he would soon find out that God is more concerned about our bodies not being slaves to nicotine. Or any thing else for that matter. I didn't out right call him a hypocrite but said folks that wave the Christian banner and can't tolerate a certain behavior when they obviously are holding on to a much bigger issue, are hypocrites. Its passing wrongful judgment.

I also told him that to borrow a biblical picture, addiction puts a veil up before I eyes. It hides the truth from us. Only after walking down the road of Quit for a while can we first begin to see all that this horrible addiction has done to us and stolen from us. I also told him, I, like him, spent years praying about this sinful addiction. But that nothing changed. I finally realized that God was not going to just take it away. And Im glad he didn't. He knew that not only was I actually capable of it on my own, ( with KTC of course) but that also that would deprive me of the joy, satisfaction, and pride of standing up and taking my freedom back. And Im sure God is proud of me for doing so. Wouldn't parents also desire the same steps by their own children in difficulties. The struggle develops, strengthens, and matures those that go through it. But he told me he wouldn't stand by and take someone putting his God down. Im not sure if that is a response of a severely self-righteous Christian or an addict. I guess both.

So, I am certainly not the wisest person here at KTC, but I've definitely learned some lessons on my personal road of Quit. And since I hit 3 years Quit in 5 days I think I have learned wisdom to share. I love KTC. I love this place for its brutal honesty and openness. I actually wish the Church were more like KTC. No pretense. No fakeness. We all know what each of us are. Addicts. Ive spent 35 years as an addict. Most of that in church. Even dipped in church. Heard many condemn nicotine addicts and then go out back for a dip/smoke. I would still be dealing with the addiction in that environment. Don't get me wrong, Im not preaching against the church. Im saying don't let that hypocrisy prevent you from being Quit. Not just Christians, but everyone needs to see and know that breaking the chains of addiction comes from stepping up and taking that Day 1. The nicotine addicts around us are going through life as zombies. They need to see real life examples of free people. Live this nightmare long enough and it doesn't seem possible. Do not put up any barriers to your success. Again, I liken KTC to what church should be, real people having each others backs for real.

Galatians 4:16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth ? In PPH's eyes that would be a yes. How about you?
This is one of the best things I've ever read on KTC.

I hope he comes back to read this. You are a great man Grat for sharing this.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #452 on: August 20, 2016, 11:47:00 AM »
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
Alrighty boys and girls. Grab a cup of coffee. Its lesson time. I am the one referred to here by PPM. All you that step through the doors of KTC are hereby notified that this is an accountability group. Just like I informed PPM of when he hadn't posted roll on the 18th. Told him as an accountability group we 1) Quit with one another, 2) we walk through the suck of withdrawals together, 3) we watch over one another and that was why I messaged him about posting roll. He posted but then didn't respond back with a thank you, screw you, or anything. No problem. I went on to tell him what I would assume to be simply understood. And these words of advise are actually all over KTC. As addicts, the first thing we do when we wake up is to satisfy those nic withdrawals from sleeping. So we replace that behavior with the behavior of Quitting by posting roll first thing. Which is giving our promise to not use nic and leaves non of our day uncovered by our promise. I really figured that he received that info and would step up.

But no. Yesterday he did not post. I and others hit him up. No response. Until after 11 pm. He unloaded saying as a Christian he did not like the cursing by me or on KTC, that he was a Christian, and that he had been at rodeo announcing. So it seems my response back has caused him to walk out. I reminded him of what we do here, pointed out that he had been an addict for 38 years and as a Christian he sees the problem is cussing, not addiction, and that unless all that he had available all day was a rotary telephone the way I see it was he was not only making excuses but he is actually a fucking liar. He apparently didn't like conversing with me once he found out I am a Christian as well. I asked him to note all the scriptures about your body not being your own and then find all the scriptures about cussing. And he would soon find out that God is more concerned about our bodies not being slaves to nicotine. Or any thing else for that matter. I didn't out right call him a hypocrite but said folks that wave the Christian banner and can't tolerate a certain behavior when they obviously are holding on to a much bigger issue, are hypocrites. Its passing wrongful judgment.

I also told him that to borrow a biblical picture, addiction puts a veil up before I eyes. It hides the truth from us. Only after walking down the road of Quit for a while can we first begin to see all that this horrible addiction has done to us and stolen from us. I also told him, I, like him, spent years praying about this sinful addiction. But that nothing changed. I finally realized that God was not going to just take it away. And Im glad he didn't. He knew that not only was I actually capable of it on my own, ( with KTC of course) but that also that would deprive me of the joy, satisfaction, and pride of standing up and taking my freedom back. And Im sure God is proud of me for doing so. Wouldn't parents also desire the same steps by their own children in difficulties. The struggle develops, strengthens, and matures those that go through it. But he told me he wouldn't stand by and take someone putting his God down. Im not sure if that is a response of a severely self-righteous Christian or an addict. I guess both.

So, I am certainly not the wisest person here at KTC, but I've definitely learned some lessons on my personal road of Quit. And since I hit 3 years Quit in 5 days I think I have learned wisdom to share. I love KTC. I love this place for its brutal honesty and openness. I actually wish the Church were more like KTC. No pretense. No fakeness. We all know what each of us are. Addicts. Ive spent 35 years as an addict. Most of that in church. Even dipped in church. Heard many condemn nicotine addicts and then go out back for a dip/smoke. I would still be dealing with the addiction in that environment. Don't get me wrong, Im not preaching against the church. Im saying don't let that hypocrisy prevent you from being Quit. Not just Christians, but everyone needs to see and know that breaking the chains of addiction comes from stepping up and taking that Day 1. The nicotine addicts around us are going through life as zombies. They need to see real life examples of free people. Live this nightmare long enough and it doesn't seem possible. Do not put up any barriers to your success. Again, I liken KTC to what church should be, real people having each others backs for real.

Galatians 4:16 Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth ? In PPH's eyes that would be a yes. How about you?

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #451 on: August 20, 2016, 12:29:00 AM »
Quote from: ProPhotoMan
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!
I can't really comment on the nature of this other person's messages as I am not privy to them. Regardless, you're early in your quit and you found an excuse to skip roll. That should set off red lights and alarms for any quitter worth their salt.

Exchange digits with members of your group. Heck PM me and we can swap. The you can call or text your commitment to be nicotine free. No excuses needed.

Sounds to me like someone tried to help you out by showing some brotherhood and accountability. Maybe you should be saying thank you to the person that's obviously more invested in your quit than you are.

Or, stomp out of the life raft and swim with the sharks on your own. It's your life man, I'm just living in it.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #450 on: August 20, 2016, 12:19:00 AM »
I am five days into my quit and doing quite well. I am determined to make it permanent, but I am getting badgered, heckled, sworn at, called names, and I am not going to put up with this sort of activity. I have asked this person, twice to stop with the messages and he still continues. I don't need it! I didn't post in roll call because I left my home very early this morning to co-announce a pro rodeo at our state fair and I just got home. I was going to post in roll call tonight, but instead, I am deleting my account. I am a Christian man and quite frankly not going to be treated or talked to in the manner. If this is to be a support group, doing so in this manner is not the way to do it and certainly not how I am going to accept this type of messages. I have the loving support of my family, friends, and of my Lord. Goodbye KTC!

Offline outdoortexan

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #449 on: August 18, 2016, 11:11:00 PM »
Quote from: TheFinnisher
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: TheFinnisher
Hey everyone, I'm brand new to the community here and I quit a week ago today. A week ago I arrived in Finland to visit family and had with me in my carry on what would be my last can of Grizzly. I had been a long cut user for about 5-6 years and started using the pouches instead over the last few months. Had a few pouches left when I arrived at my parents house, and sure enough by the end of my first day there it was all gone. I've been planning this to be my quitting time for awhile now, as chew isn't even available in Finland so I figured even though I might want a new can, it will be impossible to get. I go back home to the US in another couple of weeks, and plan to never buy a can again. The first few days with the physical withdrawal were pretty tough, I actually got a feeling of a really bad cold, but with ibuprofen that initially passed. Now I'm spending lots of time exercising and in the sauna to help out even more, and found this great group while researching how quitting affects others. Looking forward to interacting with all of you!
I would say going all the way to Finland to quit is quit extreme! This is an awesome place to come for daily support and accountability! Stick with the quit and be a better person for it. Good luck!
Thanks man! Yeah it is a little extreme lol but it's a yearly trip I make so figured it's the best chance at success! Still got two weeks to go with no dip until I head home so hopefully all the cravings will be gone by then. Toughest part will be the 5 hour drive I have from the airport to my apartment, I'm just so used to driving with a dip in. I know I'll be able to pull through though, but no doubt I'll be thinking about it heading into the gas station.
I have bad news for you. I have been quit since 2005. Lost a few things because of dip. Wake every morning in pain because of dip. And yes, I even think it about it most every day despite all that. The difference is it no longer controls me so thinking about it is simply thinking about it. At any rate, good luck and quit strong!


?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #448 on: August 16, 2016, 08:29:00 AM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: TheFinnisher
Hey everyone, I'm brand new to the community here and I quit a week ago today. A week ago I arrived in Finland to visit family and had with me in my carry on what would be my last can of Grizzly. I had been a long cut user for about 5-6 years and started using the pouches instead over the last few months. Had a few pouches left when I arrived at my parents house, and sure enough by the end of my first day there it was all gone. I've been planning this to be my quitting time for awhile now, as chew isn't even available in Finland so I figured even though I might want a new can, it will be impossible to get. I go back home to the US in another couple of weeks, and plan to never buy a can again. The first few days with the physical withdrawal were pretty tough, I actually got a feeling of a really bad cold, but with ibuprofen that initially passed. Now I'm spending lots of time exercising and in the sauna to help out even more, and found this great group while researching how quitting affects others. Looking forward to interacting with all of you!
I would say going all the way to Finland to quit is quit extreme! This is an awesome place to come for daily support and accountability! Stick with the quit and be a better person for it. Good luck!
Thanks man! Yeah it is a little extreme lol but it's a yearly trip I make so figured it's the best chance at success! Still got two weeks to go with no dip until I head home so hopefully all the cravings will be gone by then. Toughest part will be the 5 hour drive I have from the airport to my apartment, I'm just so used to driving with a dip in. I know I'll be able to pull through though, but no doubt I'll be thinking about it heading into the gas station.
I'm Finnished with the chew!!

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #447 on: August 16, 2016, 12:16:00 AM »
Quote from: TheFinnisher
Hey everyone, I'm brand new to the community here and I quit a week ago today. A week ago I arrived in Finland to visit family and had with me in my carry on what would be my last can of Grizzly. I had been a long cut user for about 5-6 years and started using the pouches instead over the last few months. Had a few pouches left when I arrived at my parents house, and sure enough by the end of my first day there it was all gone. I've been planning this to be my quitting time for awhile now, as chew isn't even available in Finland so I figured even though I might want a new can, it will be impossible to get. I go back home to the US in another couple of weeks, and plan to never buy a can again. The first few days with the physical withdrawal were pretty tough, I actually got a feeling of a really bad cold, but with ibuprofen that initially passed. Now I'm spending lots of time exercising and in the sauna to help out even more, and found this great group while researching how quitting affects others. Looking forward to interacting with all of you!
I would say going all the way to Finland to quit is quit extreme! This is an awesome place to come for daily support and accountability! Stick with the quit and be a better person for it. Good luck!

?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne