Author Topic: General Discussion - 2016  (Read 81405 times)

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Offline Nomore1959

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #101 on: January 28, 2016, 05:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Subhalen
I quit 6 days ago. Used copenhagen and red seal for over 30 years. I did quit for nearly 2 and a half years approximately 7 years ago, but a family emergency happened and I was so stressed out that I justified this as a reason to start chewing the crap again. I promised my kids that I would quit, but I needed to get it into my head when the right day was my "quit day." I didn't want to use the new year as a quit day since so many people start their resolution on that day and oftentimes fail. I woke up one morning and ordered NoBac wintergreen and said I have got to do this. After getting the first order, I was going through it like a madman. The fog is nasty and I am having a horrible time focusing at work, being short tempered with my family, doing stupid uncoordinated things.. you know the drill.

Going to use this website for support and hopefully can find some people that can be a support system for me and also return the favor as well. What is funny is that I used to be an addiction counselor (drugs and alcohol), but I minimized my own use of tobacco and nicotine. I am an addict and want to get rid of the stuff permanently.
Sub, 6 days is awesome. Yes it will suck for a while, then get better.

Nicotine is a tough addiction, but you can beat it today. Head to the May 2016 quit group (or check the dates in case King gets all technical again). The important part is to post roll, your daily promise to use no nicotine for 24 hours. The group is full of people who can and will support you. Trade digits with both new and older quitters, build your support network.

For the fog, drink lots of water and cranberry juice, exercise, read this site for information and inspiration.

For the temper, vent here, in your group, in live chat .. We can take it, we have lived it. Spare your family.

Offline Subhalen

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #100 on: January 28, 2016, 04:54:00 PM »
I quit 6 days ago. Used copenhagen and red seal for over 30 years. I did quit for nearly 2 and a half years approximately 7 years ago, but a family emergency happened and I was so stressed out that I justified this as a reason to start chewing the crap again. I promised my kids that I would quit, but I needed to get it into my head when the right day was my "quit day." I didn't want to use the new year as a quit day since so many people start their resolution on that day and oftentimes fail. I woke up one morning and ordered NoBac wintergreen and said I have got to do this. After getting the first order, I was going through it like a madman. The fog is nasty and I am having a horrible time focusing at work, being short tempered with my family, doing stupid uncoordinated things.. you know the drill.

Going to use this website for support and hopefully can find some people that can be a support system for me and also return the favor as well. What is funny is that I used to be an addiction counselor (drugs and alcohol), but I minimized my own use of tobacco and nicotine. I am an addict and want to get rid of the stuff permanently.

Offline southgafarmer

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #99 on: January 28, 2016, 11:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: RDB1972
Hello. I quit Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen on December 28, one month ago. But, I didn't quit nicotine. I began using Nicorette gum. I went through two 20 packs of 4mg gum, then bought a 110 pack of 2mg gum.

A week ago, Jan. 21, at about 12:00 noon, I chewed my last piece of Nicorette. My 110 pack was down to 31 pieces. I've kept them around for the last week "just incase", figuring it was better to cave on a piece of gum than a can of dip.

Today, I'm ready to throw the gum away. I would have already, but it's sitting in the glove compartment of my pick up.

What I have been doing is chomping on piece after piece after piece of Eclipse gum. I have to chew it two pieces at a time.

I'm 43, been dipping since 1991. Started out on Skoal, moved to Coppenhagen for a couple of years, and would say I was pretty much settled on Kodiak by about 1993, or 94. When Kodiak hit $5 a can about 10 years ago (I'm in Michigan - high tobacco taxes), I switched to Grizzly. That's where I've been since. A can costs about $3 locally, but some places I was spending almost $3.50 per can. I'd estimate I was using 7-10 cans per week.

I'd say this is my fourth serious attempt at a quit. I'd guess this is the second longest quit - but I suppose that depends on where you want to start the quit - one month ago when I kicked the can, or one week ago when I kicked the nic gum. I guess it doesn't really matter. If you guys want to brand me as one week quit rather than one month quit, that's fine.

The last time I tried to quit was 2011, 2006, and 2002. 2006 and 2002 coincide with when my two daughters were born. My 2006 quit was the longest - I'd say about 6, maybe even 7 weeks. I don't think either of 2011 or 2002 quits went more than a month.

So, why did I quit this time? The Dec. 28 date suggests a New Year resolution. That's not quite right. It has more to do with my holiday schedule than the holiday itself. I was off work that week - lots of family time, so I bought a pack of nic gum to get by. OK, I bought two packs - no need to run out, right.

As those 40 pieces were running out, I bought the 110 pack of 2mg gum, with a commitment to quit dip, and "eventually" quit nicotine.

Last Thursday, I got sick of being a slave to the damn gum! I had set up a schedule of a minimum of two hours between pieces, and my life was revolving around my next piece. I said to hell with it, and bought the Eclipse sugar free chewing gum. Now I chew that stuff almost constantly - and it's not cheap. It's not nearly as expensive as the GLW or Nic gum, but I dunno, a buck or a buck and a half a day? So, I'll have to start weaning myself off that.

Of course I quit for myself, and myself only. It had to be that way. Side benefits include improvement in family relations, saving money, less likely to get cancer, my breath doesn't stink, my teeth might eventually, some day, get less stained, that groove in my cheek is healing, no more spilled spitters, and other things that I'm not thinking of right now.

So, a hearty FUCK YOU to the entire tobacco industry, the entire smokeless tobacco portion of that industry, the American Snuff Company, and my local distributor. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy who took and filled the local orders each week, and kept the stores stocked with Grizzly. Heck, I was helping him make his car payment. Or helping send his kids to college. But, no doubt there's a new kid who started dipping in the last month or so to take my place. Hopefully he finds this site soon.

So, for those of you who are here, I'll be glad to make your acquaintance. If I'm not is quite the right spot, please direct me to where I should go. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to be.

Good Luck!
Welcome and congratulations on your decision.
You are addict to nicotine so the gum was just another delivery method and prolonged the suck. KTC quits cold turkey, toss that gum and bite a spoon.
The most important part of your quit is posting roll:
go over to MAY 2016 and post your promise
Quit on brother, see you tomorrow
Idaho Spuds

I think based on the 1/21 quit date you are still in April RDB, but May would welcome your support as well I'm sure!
dang, getting all technical and what not.
"the only way to mess up roll, is to not be on it..." 'winker'

What he said. Get on that roll, doesn't matter how or where... Just quit every damn day!
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #98 on: January 28, 2016, 11:38:00 AM »
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: RDB1972
Hello. I quit Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen on December 28, one month ago. But, I didn't quit nicotine. I began using Nicorette gum. I went through two 20 packs of 4mg gum, then bought a 110 pack of 2mg gum.

A week ago, Jan. 21, at about 12:00 noon, I chewed my last piece of Nicorette. My 110 pack was down to 31 pieces. I've kept them around for the last week "just incase", figuring it was better to cave on a piece of gum than a can of dip.

Today, I'm ready to throw the gum away. I would have already, but it's sitting in the glove compartment of my pick up.

What I have been doing is chomping on piece after piece after piece of Eclipse gum. I have to chew it two pieces at a time.

I'm 43, been dipping since 1991. Started out on Skoal, moved to Coppenhagen for a couple of years, and would say I was pretty much settled on Kodiak by about 1993, or 94. When Kodiak hit $5 a can about 10 years ago (I'm in Michigan - high tobacco taxes), I switched to Grizzly. That's where I've been since. A can costs about $3 locally, but some places I was spending almost $3.50 per can. I'd estimate I was using 7-10 cans per week.

I'd say this is my fourth serious attempt at a quit. I'd guess this is the second longest quit - but I suppose that depends on where you want to start the quit - one month ago when I kicked the can, or one week ago when I kicked the nic gum. I guess it doesn't really matter. If you guys want to brand me as one week quit rather than one month quit, that's fine.

The last time I tried to quit was 2011, 2006, and 2002. 2006 and 2002 coincide with when my two daughters were born. My 2006 quit was the longest - I'd say about 6, maybe even 7 weeks. I don't think either of 2011 or 2002 quits went more than a month.

So, why did I quit this time? The Dec. 28 date suggests a New Year resolution. That's not quite right. It has more to do with my holiday schedule than the holiday itself. I was off work that week - lots of family time, so I bought a pack of nic gum to get by. OK, I bought two packs - no need to run out, right.

As those 40 pieces were running out, I bought the 110 pack of 2mg gum, with a commitment to quit dip, and "eventually" quit nicotine.

Last Thursday, I got sick of being a slave to the damn gum! I had set up a schedule of a minimum of two hours between pieces, and my life was revolving around my next piece. I said to hell with it, and bought the Eclipse sugar free chewing gum. Now I chew that stuff almost constantly - and it's not cheap. It's not nearly as expensive as the GLW or Nic gum, but I dunno, a buck or a buck and a half a day? So, I'll have to start weaning myself off that.

Of course I quit for myself, and myself only. It had to be that way. Side benefits include improvement in family relations, saving money, less likely to get cancer, my breath doesn't stink, my teeth might eventually, some day, get less stained, that groove in my cheek is healing, no more spilled spitters, and other things that I'm not thinking of right now.

So, a hearty FUCK YOU to the entire tobacco industry, the entire smokeless tobacco portion of that industry, the American Snuff Company, and my local distributor. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy who took and filled the local orders each week, and kept the stores stocked with Grizzly. Heck, I was helping him make his car payment. Or helping send his kids to college. But, no doubt there's a new kid who started dipping in the last month or so to take my place. Hopefully he finds this site soon.

So, for those of you who are here, I'll be glad to make your acquaintance. If I'm not is quite the right spot, please direct me to where I should go. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to be.

Good Luck!
Welcome and congratulations on your decision.
You are addict to nicotine so the gum was just another delivery method and prolonged the suck. KTC quits cold turkey, toss that gum and bite a spoon.
The most important part of your quit is posting roll:
go over to MAY 2016 and post your promise
Quit on brother, see you tomorrow
Idaho Spuds

I think based on the 1/21 quit date you are still in April RDB, but May would welcome your support as well I'm sure!
dang, getting all technical and what not.
"the only way to mess up roll, is to not be on it..." 'winker'

Offline KingNothing

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #97 on: January 28, 2016, 11:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: RDB1972
Hello. I quit Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen on December 28, one month ago. But, I didn't quit nicotine. I began using Nicorette gum. I went through two 20 packs of 4mg gum, then bought a 110 pack of 2mg gum.

A week ago, Jan. 21, at about 12:00 noon, I chewed my last piece of Nicorette. My 110 pack was down to 31 pieces. I've kept them around for the last week "just incase", figuring it was better to cave on a piece of gum than a can of dip.

Today, I'm ready to throw the gum away. I would have already, but it's sitting in the glove compartment of my pick up.

What I have been doing is chomping on piece after piece after piece of Eclipse gum. I have to chew it two pieces at a time.

I'm 43, been dipping since 1991. Started out on Skoal, moved to Coppenhagen for a couple of years, and would say I was pretty much settled on Kodiak by about 1993, or 94. When Kodiak hit $5 a can about 10 years ago (I'm in Michigan - high tobacco taxes), I switched to Grizzly. That's where I've been since. A can costs about $3 locally, but some places I was spending almost $3.50 per can. I'd estimate I was using 7-10 cans per week.

I'd say this is my fourth serious attempt at a quit. I'd guess this is the second longest quit - but I suppose that depends on where you want to start the quit - one month ago when I kicked the can, or one week ago when I kicked the nic gum. I guess it doesn't really matter. If you guys want to brand me as one week quit rather than one month quit, that's fine.

The last time I tried to quit was 2011, 2006, and 2002. 2006 and 2002 coincide with when my two daughters were born. My 2006 quit was the longest - I'd say about 6, maybe even 7 weeks. I don't think either of 2011 or 2002 quits went more than a month.

So, why did I quit this time? The Dec. 28 date suggests a New Year resolution. That's not quite right. It has more to do with my holiday schedule than the holiday itself. I was off work that week - lots of family time, so I bought a pack of nic gum to get by. OK, I bought two packs - no need to run out, right.

As those 40 pieces were running out, I bought the 110 pack of 2mg gum, with a commitment to quit dip, and "eventually" quit nicotine.

Last Thursday, I got sick of being a slave to the damn gum! I had set up a schedule of a minimum of two hours between pieces, and my life was revolving around my next piece. I said to hell with it, and bought the Eclipse sugar free chewing gum. Now I chew that stuff almost constantly - and it's not cheap. It's not nearly as expensive as the GLW or Nic gum, but I dunno, a buck or a buck and a half a day? So, I'll have to start weaning myself off that.

Of course I quit for myself, and myself only. It had to be that way. Side benefits include improvement in family relations, saving money, less likely to get cancer, my breath doesn't stink, my teeth might eventually, some day, get less stained, that groove in my cheek is healing, no more spilled spitters, and other things that I'm not thinking of right now.

So, a hearty FUCK YOU to the entire tobacco industry, the entire smokeless tobacco portion of that industry, the American Snuff Company, and my local distributor. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy who took and filled the local orders each week, and kept the stores stocked with Grizzly. Heck, I was helping him make his car payment. Or helping send his kids to college. But, no doubt there's a new kid who started dipping in the last month or so to take my place. Hopefully he finds this site soon.

So, for those of you who are here, I'll be glad to make your acquaintance. If I'm not is quite the right spot, please direct me to where I should go. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to be.

Good Luck!
Welcome and congratulations on your decision.
You are addict to nicotine so the gum was just another delivery method and prolonged the suck. KTC quits cold turkey, toss that gum and bite a spoon.
The most important part of your quit is posting roll:
go over to MAY 2016 and post your promise
Quit on brother, see you tomorrow
Idaho Spuds

I think based on the 1/21 quit date you are still in April RDB, but May would welcome your support as well I'm sure!
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #96 on: January 28, 2016, 11:34:00 AM »
Quote from: RDB1972
Hello. I quit Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen on December 28, one month ago. But, I didn't quit nicotine. I began using Nicorette gum. I went through two 20 packs of 4mg gum, then bought a 110 pack of 2mg gum.

A week ago, Jan. 21, at about 12:00 noon, I chewed my last piece of Nicorette. My 110 pack was down to 31 pieces. I've kept them around for the last week "just incase", figuring it was better to cave on a piece of gum than a can of dip.

Today, I'm ready to throw the gum away. I would have already, but it's sitting in the glove compartment of my pick up.

What I have been doing is chomping on piece after piece after piece of Eclipse gum. I have to chew it two pieces at a time.

I'm 43, been dipping since 1991. Started out on Skoal, moved to Coppenhagen for a couple of years, and would say I was pretty much settled on Kodiak by about 1993, or 94. When Kodiak hit $5 a can about 10 years ago (I'm in Michigan - high tobacco taxes), I switched to Grizzly. That's where I've been since. A can costs about $3 locally, but some places I was spending almost $3.50 per can. I'd estimate I was using 7-10 cans per week.

I'd say this is my fourth serious attempt at a quit. I'd guess this is the second longest quit - but I suppose that depends on where you want to start the quit - one month ago when I kicked the can, or one week ago when I kicked the nic gum. I guess it doesn't really matter. If you guys want to brand me as one week quit rather than one month quit, that's fine.

The last time I tried to quit was 2011, 2006, and 2002. 2006 and 2002 coincide with when my two daughters were born. My 2006 quit was the longest - I'd say about 6, maybe even 7 weeks. I don't think either of 2011 or 2002 quits went more than a month.

So, why did I quit this time? The Dec. 28 date suggests a New Year resolution. That's not quite right. It has more to do with my holiday schedule than the holiday itself. I was off work that week - lots of family time, so I bought a pack of nic gum to get by. OK, I bought two packs - no need to run out, right.

As those 40 pieces were running out, I bought the 110 pack of 2mg gum, with a commitment to quit dip, and "eventually" quit nicotine.

Last Thursday, I got sick of being a slave to the damn gum! I had set up a schedule of a minimum of two hours between pieces, and my life was revolving around my next piece. I said to hell with it, and bought the Eclipse sugar free chewing gum. Now I chew that stuff almost constantly - and it's not cheap. It's not nearly as expensive as the GLW or Nic gum, but I dunno, a buck or a buck and a half a day? So, I'll have to start weaning myself off that.

Of course I quit for myself, and myself only. It had to be that way. Side benefits include improvement in family relations, saving money, less likely to get cancer, my breath doesn't stink, my teeth might eventually, some day, get less stained, that groove in my cheek is healing, no more spilled spitters, and other things that I'm not thinking of right now.

So, a hearty FUCK YOU to the entire tobacco industry, the entire smokeless tobacco portion of that industry, the American Snuff Company, and my local distributor. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy who took and filled the local orders each week, and kept the stores stocked with Grizzly. Heck, I was helping him make his car payment. Or helping send his kids to college. But, no doubt there's a new kid who started dipping in the last month or so to take my place. Hopefully he finds this site soon.

So, for those of you who are here, I'll be glad to make your acquaintance. If I'm not is quite the right spot, please direct me to where I should go. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to be.

Good Luck!
Welcome and congratulations on your decision.
You are addict to nicotine so the gum was just another delivery method and prolonged the suck. KTC quits cold turkey, toss that gum and bite a spoon.
The most important part of your quit is posting roll:
go over to MAY 2016 and post your promise
Quit on brother, see you tomorrow
Idaho Spuds

Offline KingNothing

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #95 on: January 28, 2016, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: RDB1972
Hello. I quit Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen on December 28, one month ago. But, I didn't quit nicotine. I began using Nicorette gum. I went through two 20 packs of 4mg gum, then bought a 110 pack of 2mg gum.

A week ago, Jan. 21, at about 12:00 noon, I chewed my last piece of Nicorette. My 110 pack was down to 31 pieces. I've kept them around for the last week "just incase", figuring it was better to cave on a piece of gum than a can of dip.

Today, I'm ready to throw the gum away. I would have already, but it's sitting in the glove compartment of my pick up.

What I have been doing is chomping on piece after piece after piece of Eclipse gum. I have to chew it two pieces at a time.

I'm 43, been dipping since 1991. Started out on Skoal, moved to Coppenhagen for a couple of years, and would say I was pretty much settled on Kodiak by about 1993, or 94. When Kodiak hit $5 a can about 10 years ago (I'm in Michigan - high tobacco taxes), I switched to Grizzly. That's where I've been since. A can costs about $3 locally, but some places I was spending almost $3.50 per can. I'd estimate I was using 7-10 cans per week.

I'd say this is my fourth serious attempt at a quit. I'd guess this is the second longest quit - but I suppose that depends on where you want to start the quit - one month ago when I kicked the can, or one week ago when I kicked the nic gum. I guess it doesn't really matter. If you guys want to brand me as one week quit rather than one month quit, that's fine.

The last time I tried to quit was 2011, 2006, and 2002. 2006 and 2002 coincide with when my two daughters were born. My 2006 quit was the longest - I'd say about 6, maybe even 7 weeks. I don't think either of 2011 or 2002 quits went more than a month.

So, why did I quit this time? The Dec. 28 date suggests a New Year resolution. That's not quite right. It has more to do with my holiday schedule than the holiday itself. I was off work that week - lots of family time, so I bought a pack of nic gum to get by. OK, I bought two packs - no need to run out, right.

As those 40 pieces were running out, I bought the 110 pack of 2mg gum, with a commitment to quit dip, and "eventually" quit nicotine.

Last Thursday, I got sick of being a slave to the damn gum! I had set up a schedule of a minimum of two hours between pieces, and my life was revolving around my next piece. I said to hell with it, and bought the Eclipse sugar free chewing gum. Now I chew that stuff almost constantly - and it's not cheap. It's not nearly as expensive as the GLW or Nic gum, but I dunno, a buck or a buck and a half a day? So, I'll have to start weaning myself off that.

Of course I quit for myself, and myself only. It had to be that way. Side benefits include improvement in family relations, saving money, less likely to get cancer, my breath doesn't stink, my teeth might eventually, some day, get less stained, that groove in my cheek is healing, no more spilled spitters, and other things that I'm not thinking of right now.

So, a hearty FUCK YOU to the entire tobacco industry, the entire smokeless tobacco portion of that industry, the American Snuff Company, and my local distributor. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy who took and filled the local orders each week, and kept the stores stocked with Grizzly. Heck, I was helping him make his car payment. Or helping send his kids to college. But, no doubt there's a new kid who started dipping in the last month or so to take my place. Hopefully he finds this site soon.

So, for those of you who are here, I'll be glad to make your acquaintance. If I'm not is quite the right spot, please direct me to where I should go. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to be.

Good Luck!
Great to have you RDB! Head over to April 2016 and post roll with them. Posting roll is posting your promise that you will not use nicotine in any form today (including nic gum). You post as soon as you can after you wake up so that your April brethren know they can count on you to stay quit that day. Keep your promise for the rest of the day, go to bed, wake up and do it again. It really is that simple.

I would encourage you to get to know the April quitters. They will help you through some tough times, give you a few laughs, and make this quit stick. You'll blow past 7 weeks by getting in here and posting your promise one day at a time.

You can do this, but no need to do it alone.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #94 on: January 28, 2016, 11:16:00 AM »
Hello. I quit Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen on December 28, one month ago. But, I didn't quit nicotine. I began using Nicorette gum. I went through two 20 packs of 4mg gum, then bought a 110 pack of 2mg gum.

A week ago, Jan. 22, at about 12:00 noon, I chewed my last piece of Nicorette. My 110 pack was down to 31 pieces. I've kept them around for the last week "just incase", figuring it was better to cave on a piece of gum than a can of dip.

Today, I'm ready to throw the gum away. I would have already, but it's sitting in the glove compartment of my pick up.

What I have been doing is chomping on piece after piece after piece of Eclipse gum. I have to chew it two pieces at a time.

I'm 43, been dipping since 1991. Started out on Skoal, moved to Coppenhagen for a couple of years, and would say I was pretty much settled on Kodiak by about 1993, or 94. When Kodiak hit $5 a can about 10 years ago (I'm in Michigan - high tobacco taxes), I switched to Grizzly. That's where I've been since. A can costs about $3 locally, but some places I was spending almost $3.50 per can. I'd estimate I was using 7-10 cans per week.

I'd say this is my fourth serious attempt at a quit. I'd guess this is the second longest quit - but I suppose that depends on where you want to start the quit - one month ago when I kicked the can, or one week ago when I kicked the nic gum. I guess it doesn't really matter. If you guys want to brand me as one week quit rather than one month quit, that's fine.

The last time I tried to quit was 2011, 2006, and 2002. 2006 and 2002 coincide with when my two daughters were born. My 2006 quit was the longest - I'd say about 6, maybe even 7 weeks. I don't think either of 2011 or 2002 quits went more than a month.

So, why did I quit this time? The Dec. 28 date suggests a New Year resolution. That's not quite right. It has more to do with my holiday schedule than the holiday itself. I was off work that week - lots of family time, so I bought a pack of nic gum to get by. OK, I bought two packs - no need to run out, right.

As those 40 pieces were running out, I bought the 110 pack of 2mg gum, with a commitment to quit dip, and "eventually" quit nicotine.

Last Thursday, I got sick of being a slave to the damn gum! I had set up a schedule of a minimum of two hours between pieces, and my life was revolving around my next piece. I said to hell with it, and bought the Eclipse sugar free chewing gum. Now I chew that stuff almost constantly - and it's not cheap. It's not nearly as expensive as the GLW or Nic gum, but I dunno, a buck or a buck and a half a day? So, I'll have to start weaning myself off that.

Of course I quit for myself, and myself only. It had to be that way. Side benefits include improvement in family relations, saving money, less likely to get cancer, my breath doesn't stink, my teeth might eventually, some day, get less stained, that groove in my cheek is healing, no more spilled spitters, and other things that I'm not thinking of right now.

So, a hearty FUCK YOU to the entire tobacco industry, the entire smokeless tobacco portion of that industry, the American Snuff Company, and my local distributor. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy who took and filled the local orders each week, and kept the stores stocked with Grizzly. Heck, I was helping him make his car payment. Or helping send his kids to college. But, no doubt there's a new kid who started dipping in the last month or so to take my place. Hopefully he finds this site soon.

So, for those of you who are here, I'll be glad to make your acquaintance. If I'm not is quite the right spot, please direct me to where I should go. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to be.

Good Luck!

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #93 on: January 26, 2016, 08:18:00 PM »
Quote from: kywildcat
Dipped 1 can/day Grizzly for 5 years, quit for 6 months, and then stupidly started back again. Added another 8 years onto that. Made a commitment to myself and to my family to quit this nasty habit, and I would've broken already if it wasn't for the support on this website. Thank you all for sharing your stories and providing support to all of us who really need it in the beginning stages. Good luck to everyone in their quit!
Make this 100% about you!!

Couple of word corrections if you don't mind

nasty habit = ADDICTION

Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #92 on: January 25, 2016, 11:13:00 PM »
Quote from: bicycleptic
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Forgoodthistime
Today marks 7 days dip free. Feeling some strong cravings today and am debating on ordering some fake snuff. In the meantime chewing on tooth picks soaked in tea tree oil. One step at a time.
Welcome to the brotherhood! It is going to be a long crazy ride but all of us in the BROTHERHOOD are behind you 100%.
Make that promise to not pick that can up ever again, you will want to, but don't give in to the Nic Bitch. She will whisper sweet nothings in your ear to get you to re-commit to her, I now she is sexy to look, she is a 10 right now, but like the saying goes, I went to bed at 2 with a 10 and woke up at 10 with a 2. That's what she will look like after some time a 2, then she will just disgust you to look at her. Hang in there we are all here for you! 'bang head'
I know all are different but the fake stuff didn't work for me. Number one reason I feel is because it is difficult to find places that carry it. You run out and don't have any place around where you can run to and buy it, what then. I went and bought Skoal and then started over at square one. I went to gum personally. Found a few common brands and flavors I like so when I travel I'm confident I can find it if I come up short. And when I crave a chew I soften up two pieces and slip it between my cheek and gum.
On my first day of quit, I took tea bags and brewed them, then used the wet tea as a fake dip. It seemed to work for me. I've played around with that a bit by adding mint and some spices and it does the trick for me. Hard to find the fake stuff in my area (though I did order some on-line from teaza and elecit), but making my own is easier I think.
?No One Here Gets Out Alive.? ~Jim Morrison

"I rubbed a little quit on it, problem solved!!" ~ Morpheus

Short Stories by Morpheus and others

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #91 on: January 25, 2016, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: kywildcat
Dipped 1 can/day Grizzly for 5 years, quit for 6 months, and then stupidly started back again. Added another 8 years onto that. Made a commitment to myself and to my family to quit this nasty habit, and I would've broken already if it wasn't for the support on this website. Thank you all for sharing your stories and providing support to all of us who really need it in the beginning stages. Good luck to everyone in their quit!
KY, why don't you come join in on the fun over in the April 16 Pre-HOF quit group? You get that additional commitment of posting role every day, and get the "two way" support street.

Nothing to lose and everything to gain; how bout giving it a go if YOU are ready to make this THE quit!
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #90 on: January 25, 2016, 05:29:00 PM »
Dipped 1 can/day Grizzly for 5 years, quit for 6 months, and then stupidly started back again. Added another 8 years onto that. Made a commitment to myself and to my family to quit this nasty habit, and I would've broken already if it wasn't for the support on this website. Thank you all for sharing your stories and providing support to all of us who really need it in the beginning stages. Good luck to everyone in their quit!

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #89 on: January 25, 2016, 01:58:00 PM »
Quote from: bicycleptic
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: bicycleptic
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Forgoodthistime
Today marks 7 days dip free. Feeling some strong cravings today and am debating on ordering some fake snuff. In the meantime chewing on tooth picks soaked in tea tree oil. One step at a time.
Welcome to the brotherhood! It is going to be a long crazy ride but all of us in the BROTHERHOOD are behind you 100%.
Make that promise to not pick that can up ever again, you will want to, but don't give in to the Nic Bitch. She will whisper sweet nothings in your ear to get you to re-commit to her, I now she is sexy to look, she is a 10 right now, but like the saying goes, I went to bed at 2 with a 10 and woke up at 10 with a 2. That's what she will look like after some time a 2, then she will just disgust you to look at her. Hang in there we are all here for you! 'bang head'
I know all are different but the fake stuff didn't work for me. Number one reason I feel is because it is difficult to find places that carry it. You run out and don't have any place around where you can run to and buy it, what then. I went and bought Skoal and then started over at square one. I went to gum personally. Found a few common brands and flavors I like so when I travel I'm confident I can find it if I come up short. And when I crave a chew I soften up two pieces and slip it between my cheek and gum.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that makes "gum dip". Thought I was just crazy! 'Crazy'
No, your not crazy at all. Sunday for some reason is the day I always face the worst when I have quit this time and in the past. Right now I have two strips of Doublemint between my cheek and gum. Best part is I don't ever have to spit.
Wish I'd thought of that. Yeah folks don't talk about that downside of the take--you often have to walk up to the REAL counter. And that's just too close.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #88 on: January 24, 2016, 04:33:00 PM »
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: bicycleptic
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Forgoodthistime
Today marks 7 days dip free. Feeling some strong cravings today and am debating on ordering some fake snuff. In the meantime chewing on tooth picks soaked in tea tree oil. One step at a time.
Welcome to the brotherhood! It is going to be a long crazy ride but all of us in the BROTHERHOOD are behind you 100%.
Make that promise to not pick that can up ever again, you will want to, but don't give in to the Nic Bitch. She will whisper sweet nothings in your ear to get you to re-commit to her, I now she is sexy to look, she is a 10 right now, but like the saying goes, I went to bed at 2 with a 10 and woke up at 10 with a 2. That's what she will look like after some time a 2, then she will just disgust you to look at her. Hang in there we are all here for you! 'bang head'
I know all are different but the fake stuff didn't work for me. Number one reason I feel is because it is difficult to find places that carry it. You run out and don't have any place around where you can run to and buy it, what then. I went and bought Skoal and then started over at square one. I went to gum personally. Found a few common brands and flavors I like so when I travel I'm confident I can find it if I come up short. And when I crave a chew I soften up two pieces and slip it between my cheek and gum.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that makes "gum dip". Thought I was just crazy! 'Crazy'
No, your not crazy at all. Sunday for some reason is the day I always face the worst when I have quit this time and in the past. Right now I have two strips of Doublemint between my cheek and gum. Best part is I don't ever have to spit.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #87 on: January 23, 2016, 11:46:00 PM »
Quote from: bicycleptic
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Forgoodthistime
Today marks 7 days dip free. Feeling some strong cravings today and am debating on ordering some fake snuff. In the meantime chewing on tooth picks soaked in tea tree oil. One step at a time.
Welcome to the brotherhood! It is going to be a long crazy ride but all of us in the BROTHERHOOD are behind you 100%.
Make that promise to not pick that can up ever again, you will want to, but don't give in to the Nic Bitch. She will whisper sweet nothings in your ear to get you to re-commit to her, I now she is sexy to look, she is a 10 right now, but like the saying goes, I went to bed at 2 with a 10 and woke up at 10 with a 2. That's what she will look like after some time a 2, then she will just disgust you to look at her. Hang in there we are all here for you! 'bang head'
I know all are different but the fake stuff didn't work for me. Number one reason I feel is because it is difficult to find places that carry it. You run out and don't have any place around where you can run to and buy it, what then. I went and bought Skoal and then started over at square one. I went to gum personally. Found a few common brands and flavors I like so when I travel I'm confident I can find it if I come up short. And when I crave a chew I soften up two pieces and slip it between my cheek and gum.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that makes "gum dip". Thought I was just crazy! 'Crazy'
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL