Hello. I quit Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen on December 28, one month ago. But, I didn't quit nicotine. I began using Nicorette gum. I went through two 20 packs of 4mg gum, then bought a 110 pack of 2mg gum.
A week ago, Jan. 22, at about 12:00 noon, I chewed my last piece of Nicorette. My 110 pack was down to 31 pieces. I've kept them around for the last week "just incase", figuring it was better to cave on a piece of gum than a can of dip.
Today, I'm ready to throw the gum away. I would have already, but it's sitting in the glove compartment of my pick up.
What I have been doing is chomping on piece after piece after piece of Eclipse gum. I have to chew it two pieces at a time.
I'm 43, been dipping since 1991. Started out on Skoal, moved to Coppenhagen for a couple of years, and would say I was pretty much settled on Kodiak by about 1993, or 94. When Kodiak hit $5 a can about 10 years ago (I'm in Michigan - high tobacco taxes), I switched to Grizzly. That's where I've been since. A can costs about $3 locally, but some places I was spending almost $3.50 per can. I'd estimate I was using 7-10 cans per week.
I'd say this is my fourth serious attempt at a quit. I'd guess this is the second longest quit - but I suppose that depends on where you want to start the quit - one month ago when I kicked the can, or one week ago when I kicked the nic gum. I guess it doesn't really matter. If you guys want to brand me as one week quit rather than one month quit, that's fine.
The last time I tried to quit was 2011, 2006, and 2002. 2006 and 2002 coincide with when my two daughters were born. My 2006 quit was the longest - I'd say about 6, maybe even 7 weeks. I don't think either of 2011 or 2002 quits went more than a month.
So, why did I quit this time? The Dec. 28 date suggests a New Year resolution. That's not quite right. It has more to do with my holiday schedule than the holiday itself. I was off work that week - lots of family time, so I bought a pack of nic gum to get by. OK, I bought two packs - no need to run out, right.
As those 40 pieces were running out, I bought the 110 pack of 2mg gum, with a commitment to quit dip, and "eventually" quit nicotine.
Last Thursday, I got sick of being a slave to the damn gum! I had set up a schedule of a minimum of two hours between pieces, and my life was revolving around my next piece. I said to hell with it, and bought the Eclipse sugar free chewing gum. Now I chew that stuff almost constantly - and it's not cheap. It's not nearly as expensive as the GLW or Nic gum, but I dunno, a buck or a buck and a half a day? So, I'll have to start weaning myself off that.
Of course I quit for myself, and myself only. It had to be that way. Side benefits include improvement in family relations, saving money, less likely to get cancer, my breath doesn't stink, my teeth might eventually, some day, get less stained, that groove in my cheek is healing, no more spilled spitters, and other things that I'm not thinking of right now.
So, a hearty FUCK YOU to the entire tobacco industry, the entire smokeless tobacco portion of that industry, the American Snuff Company, and my local distributor. I do kind of feel sorry for the guy who took and filled the local orders each week, and kept the stores stocked with Grizzly. Heck, I was helping him make his car payment. Or helping send his kids to college. But, no doubt there's a new kid who started dipping in the last month or so to take my place. Hopefully he finds this site soon.
So, for those of you who are here, I'll be glad to make your acquaintance. If I'm not is quite the right spot, please direct me to where I should go. I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out where to be.
Good Luck!