Hello. I'm a wife of a dipper and I need advice. I honestly don't want to be a nag. BUT I honestly cannot live in a home where tobacco is being used in it. For lots of reasons.
1. When my husband started dating 8 years ago and was smoking, I made it very clear that dipping was not ok with me.
2. I tolerated the smoking because he said he wanted to quit and tried to.
3. He NEVER smoked in the house -- he did not think it was appropriate either.
4. When he quit smoking, he started dipping.
5. When I noticed he started dipping in the house {I'm the one who spends hours cleaning it and can tell when it becomes a "dip-tray." (it's like living in an ash tray)} I said I'm not ok with that. He said ok.
6. My husband has said on more than one occasion "I am dependent. I need and want to quit. Please get on me about that, but not like you normally do".
7. Unsurprisingly, he continues to dip in the house.
8. For his Christmas gift, he spent hundreds of dollars (that we really didn't need to be spending) on a riffle a hunting gun. I asked for a tobacco free house. He said he'd think about it. Doesn't want to make a promise he can't keep. We visited family for 2 weeks (where he did not dip inside). We came home. He dipped inside. A LOT.
9. I wake up to find him dipping in the middle of the night. I tell him: look, when you dip in the house, it's like you're cheating on me.
10. The next day, he dips in the house twice.
Trust me, I get that he's addicted hiding it from me is part of the fun.
BUT I did not sign up for living in a house with tobacco. To me, that is unacceptable. Just like it would be unacceptable for him to live in a filthy house that doesn't get cleaned every week or so.
I'm very, very serious about this. To the point where I've found a therapist to help me make sure I'm being fair to him and myself.
I know I can't make him quit or be his reason to quit. But one day, in the near future, he's going to have to choose: dip is in the house or I am. He can't have both.
Do I tell him this ultimatum? Or do I gently encourage him to come to the forum remind him that he has gone with out dipping in the house all sorts of other positive things.
TheWife who is about done waiting.
To TheWife:
This is my opinion, and my opinion only:
I think you have made some very valid points. You understand that your husband is an addict, and that this is not "easy" for him. At the same time, it is easy for me to see this is a "hot button" topic for you as well.
I think this is one of those times when you as a spouse have to trust your judgement. If you think you need to give an ultimatum, then give one. In my opinion, his coming here is not going to help unless HE wants to quit. We will support and help anyone, but for us the only end to nicotine is cold turkey quit...one that you do only for yourself.
Quitting has to be for yourself because quitting for others only leads to more heartache. I am a firm believer an addict (which is what your husband is, not "dependent" as he says) will never, ever stick to anything so long as he/she has a way "out". As in "oh she made me do it" or "I did it because of my kids". Those may be great reasons, but they won't keep someone quit. Until an addict first admits that he/she is an addict, and then decides he/she is worth enough (read: gains an understanding of self worth), a quit will never stick.
So, I said all that to say this: do what you think is best. It may be best, if he is willing, to have him go to therapy or counseling to see if there are underlying issues there as well. I have gone in the past, and it has been a major benefit to my current relationship.
I hope all that helps/makes sense!