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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2016, 01:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Taylor
Well it's been just 4 short days since I quit dipping. Dipped for 13 years, 2-3 cans a day for the last several, don't even know how long it was a problem. Definitely in a fog with it. Trying my damndest not to take it out on my family. Find myself just gritting my teeth around them and going into a complete silence. Quitting sucks the pp, but I'm ready to be done.
Welcome to the Brotherhood. Take your anger out on us, not the family, we understand, its going to be a HELL of a rollercoaster ride, but strap in, hold on and post EDD! That is the only way you will be able to do this ,DAY BY DAY, EVERY DAMN DAY, Get some digits from you "Support from other bad ass quitters" and your quit group. They will be there for you to take your anger out on and help hold you accountable, but ultimately, you are the one who must be accountable for yourself and not cave. Most of all and the most important thing you can do is not give into the Nick Bitch! She has been and will be calling your name EDD. CONGRATS ON THE QUIT.
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

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Offline Supermoon Eclipse

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2016, 09:34:00 PM »
Don't hide your thoughts of craving or caving.
Share them with your accountability group. Then the thoughts go away.
If not... Your ninja addict thoughts become another poison eating away at your soul...

"Everyone who depends on you being quit, depends on you caring enough about yourself to post roll every day." - Steakbomb18

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #54 on: January 09, 2016, 08:10:00 PM »
Taylor, congrats on 4 days! That is awesome -- you now have no nicotine in your system!

As you note, the fog and anger that follow are a part of healing from the addiction. We will always be addicts, but we can be quit today and heal.

Best thing to do is join the April 2016 quit group, post roll with them every morning (roll is your daily promise not to use nicotine for 24 hours), get to know them. They too are early in their quit.

As far as anger goes, post here or on April's page, or in chat... spare your family. We can take whatever you dish out -- we went through it ourselves and understand it. You have challenges ahead, but life gets much better quit!

Offline Taylor Glen

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #53 on: January 09, 2016, 10:45:00 AM »
Well it's been just 4 short days since I quit dipping. Dipped for 13 years, 2-3 cans a day for the last several, don't even know how long it was a problem. Definitely in a fog with it. Trying my damndest not to take it out on my family. Find myself just gritting my teeth around them and going into a complete silence. Quitting sucks the pp, but I'm ready to be done.

Offline Cope30

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2016, 10:11:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: mcarmo44
Quote from: Cornholio
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: brunwardo
Quote from: medic401
Getting ready to quit, I went 14 hours today without, until I started feeling like my face was separated from my body, tingling, numb just a very strange feeling, it was like I was high or something. I currently chew about 5 cans a day very large dips 2 dips per can. From what I read that's a lot of nicotine equal to about 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes per day. So should I quit cold turkey or wean a little?
Are you shitting me? 5 cans a day and 2 dips per can?? Were you stuffing it in between each toe as well?? :D
Well my advise would be to slowly wean off of the stuff, I quit cold turkey after 30 years of dipping and my brain went into shock, I'm still Fuc*ed up from it and that was 145 days ago. I never had panic attacks on it and now I feel like a Pussy all the time. That's just my experience of my quit. But I would defiantly quit if I were you the stuff is poison!! STAY STRONG
See a doctor as well. Taper will help, but it's not always that successful. I just finished failing a taper program after smoking and dipping what was equal to 4-5 packs of cigs a day. A doctor may suggest a taper program, but they may also suggest a prescription. I'm not here to push or peddle drugs. But there ARE meds that help and some of us have to use every tool that available to get over this addiction.
All tappering will do is prolong the agony, rip the bandaid off and lets do this.
We DO NOT TAPER anything around here. You are either 100% in on quitting or you are not ready and putting yourself thru constant withdrawls.
Cornholio is right, I would suggest the same thing to see a Dr. to let him know what you are about to embark on. You will need help with your quit, I never thought I would need anything to help me cope, but now I have to take meds just to manage. The Ol Nick Bitch covered up something in everyone who used her and the issues that follow the quit is her way of getting back at you for leaving her. Just keep posting EDD and seek support from other quitters, its going to be a hell of a ride so hold on!
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

HOF 11/24/15 Zombroski Nymphos
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Offline Wt57

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2016, 07:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Cornholio
I am a caver. A quiter of quitting and want to share my experience.

I owe my reasons for caving and what I'm doing differently this time. There's a lot to share, so I will be breaking this down. I do not want to give a clift note version as I hope it will help somebody else who may be heading where I ended up. This morning, I am outlining my WHY.

I am an addict. I had stated that before years ago. I am a full blown addict.
When I first appeared here in 2012, I was getting over an addiction to pain pills. I was stealing from my family and any time I went into somebody's house I would raid their cabinets looking for pain pills.
Before that, I was hooked on bath salts and synthetic weed. And of course, chew. There were other addictions that I had recognized beyond drugs too, like porn and poker.

But there was one drug that was in my life that I did not treat as a drug....alcohol.
There were many clues but I was ignoring them. For example, when I made attempts to quit nicotine in the past, I would quit drinking for a while because the alcohol would make my craves too strong. I would always cave on nicotine as soon as I would drink. Be it days or weeks or months later. So on my last attempt to quit in 2012, I decided I was going to quit nicotine without stopping alcohol so I could get over that hurdle right out of the gate. Clue ignored. My drinking was normal at that time. I was not abusing it, I was not drinking every day, I was never getting black-out drunk, etc.

I had stopped all drugs, stopped nicotine, stopped poker, stopped porn, but I never looked at alcohol as a problem. I have no idea why. No freaking clue whatsoever. The only way I'm able to make sense of it in my mind, is that I let my Addiction have a source of food. I let my addiction quietly focus on one thing. I let that happen because I stopped treating myself as an addict. I felt I had overcome the major addictions in my life. I knew in the back of my mind I was still an addict, but I was just focusing on the issues I had with in the past. As long as I didn't pop a pill, or snort bath salts, or smoke pot or synthetic weed, I would be fine. As long as i didn't start any illegal drugs, I would be fine. As long as I stayed out of head shops looking for the next legal high, I would be fine.

The issue is I didn't fully accept addiction ALL THE WAY. I came close. But I didn't take it ALL THE WAY.

My drinking turned from beer once in a while to daily. Then my beer turned to liquor every day. It wasn't long before I was drinking on lunch then hiding bottles and the amount I drank. I eventually ended up at a point where I had to drink first thing in the morning to stave off anxiety and depression. By that point, I had lost my family because I stopped caring. I had lost my job shortly after that because I didn't care about anything at that point. That's when the all day drinking started. I let my addiction completely take me over and I let it completely destroy me. I had no insurance and no means for seeking professional help....or that's how I thought. That's what my addiction was telling me.

There just came a point where I was suicidal. I would wake up with sweats and a full blown panic attack. I would have a shot to calm things down in the middle of the night. I did not have the strength or courage to talk to anybody about what was going on. It was all left up to me. Exactly how my addiction monster wanted things to be. I found the strength one day to call a suicidal hot line provided in my county. I wasn't anywhere close to actually pulling it off, but I knew I needed to address the problem. I was surprised to hear that free counseling was available for me. VERY surprised and VERY excited to hear that. I could not believe it. I had not been able to take my anti-depression meds for over a year and a half or more by then due to no insurance. Or so I thought. After seeing a counselor, I learned I was able to see the psychiatrist for free as well. Not only that, I was able to get support to help pay for my meds!

That's my downward trend. From that moment on, I began my upward trend which has led me to coming back here. It's taken months of work so far. It's taken trying different depression and anxiety medications. It's taken seeking support for alcoholism. It's taken being open about my issue with my family and those who I trust and care about. Fir the first time, they got to hear my addiction battles. It felt good to get that off my chest and was a huge help for myself to move forward. Openness and honesty.

Along the way during the path of self destruction, I picked up smoking. I don't know when honestly. I believe soon after my divorce. Yes...actually...I remember it now. The day we decided to split ways was the day I said fuck it. I bought a bottle of vodka and a pack of smokes. During this path of self destruction, I bought weed. A few times. I stole pain pills from somebody. I found kratom in a head shop and abused that. I did a complete 180 during all this mess.

I'm blessed and thankful to have a clear mind today. I am 9months sober now. As I approach my 49th birthday this Saturday, I am left with the daunting task of rebuilding. I cannot go backwards any more. Every time we let an addiction take us over again, it gets worse than then the time before. It takes us to new deeper places as though that's where the addiction wanted to go to before and had a slow, methodical plan of getting there. When cut off for a while, then given the steering wheel again, it immediately floors the gas peddle and does not let up.

What I'm trying to say is...what I'm throwing out there for others to consider....
Is nicotine your only addiction? Are there other drugs or problem patterns like porn or gambling where your addiction can still survive?
For me...I wasn't fighting the nic bitch. I was fighting addiction. And I didn't address all the issues. I didn't take away all of it's life blood.

As you follow through your plans to quit nicotine, I beg you to expand that drive and focus and look at addiction as a whole. Look at other areas in your life and see if there are clues.
Is there anything in your life that is not good for you that you are also not so quick to give up? Porn? Gambling? Alcohol? Addiction has the ability to move all it's power and strength to another source if you remove only one issue.

That's all I have the time for now. I am working two jobs and always on the run. I will post what I'm doing differently to make this quit real later today.

So for now...Please think about your addiction and how far does it stretch beyond nicotine. The fact is...most, if not all, of everyone here is an addict.
Just as well add this in there. Sound familiar?

I am sorry gents. I smoked cigs for the last couple days without reaching out to anyone in fear of being talked down. I knew full well that I could have called several caring brothers, but chose to ignore that. Despite how much help you guys gave me.

I call this a planned cave, cause the road to this point is a long one with several factors I could have easily taken care of along the way. It really all started not too soon after leaving my wife. My real vice for nic is cigs. I got hooked on chew in a lame attempt to quit smoking over 10yrs ago. The thought of smoking "one more time" popped in my head I think before I was out the door. I managed to stay clear for a couple months.

My life really started to come together, things overall were going awesome. I quit nic, I quit drugs, took control of my life and chose to start eating better, P90X, and mountain biking. I decided to stop Therapy, Welbutrin, and meds for ADD. I was on top of a mountain and feeling strong. Very ignorant of me to stop what had gotten me to that point.

Anyway...I had to return to my house for a week to finish projects before we sell. The wife was out of town so I could stay there. Turns out leaving the 2nd time was more depressing than the 1st. Felt like I was just leaving my boys, my dog, and all the history in the house this factors with the wife this time. THis was followed by a line of stresses and issues that continued to tear me down.

At no point did I get back on meds, restart P90, schedule an appt with therapist, tell my family, or even you guys.

Instead I pulled the trigger on something I thought I really wanted. To smoke one more time. Of course alcohol was involved in the initial purchase, but I continued the next day until gone. Bought another pack that evening, smoked a couple then came to my senses. I was lying again. Only I knew what I was doing....just like the past. Only this time, I wasn't going to lie until I got busted.

It's the lying that I am most regretful over. Lying has to be my worst trait. Every time I would cave in the past, I would lie for months even years once. I have been dating this totally awesome women who also happen to quit a few months ago. I told her how I lied in the past and hoped to be better than that with her. She really hoped for the same and made it clear that she would love me regardless and would be there in any way needed. Exactly like you guys. I know w/o a doubt that ALL of you would be there for me. I KNEW that with my GF as doubts at all. But I STILL chose to go Ninja.

Last night I told my GF what I had done behind her back. She's definately disappointed that I wasn't able to be open up front. And honestly, that's what I'm more disappointed in as well. I made a big step by admitting to my errors early on, but I still failed for 48hrs+. I have a better sense of how much harder it is to deal with the lying than it is to deal with the issue I'm lying about. Lying is just not worth it. I'd like to say I wont lie like that again, but I don't have that much faith in myself.

Yesterday I started up on Welbutrin and ADD meds. Today I am nic free I am scheduling an appt with my therapist. I would like to deal with this lying issue head on.

I am sorry I denyed you the opportunity to stop me. You guys have done a lot for me. I at least owed you an upfront chat or even a text or something saying FUCK IT, I'm on my way to buy a pack. I put myself first and shit on everyone around me. I didn't care whose feelings I was going to hurt. I am terribly sorry for that.

I am nic free today and posted day 1 in OCT12.
I'm sorry to have let you all down.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #50 on: January 08, 2016, 06:33:00 PM »
Quote from: mcarmo44
Quote from: Cornholio
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: brunwardo
Quote from: medic401
Getting ready to quit, I went 14 hours today without, until I started feeling like my face was separated from my body, tingling, numb just a very strange feeling, it was like I was high or something. I currently chew about 5 cans a day very large dips 2 dips per can. From what I read that's a lot of nicotine equal to about 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes per day. So should I quit cold turkey or wean a little?
Are you shitting me? 5 cans a day and 2 dips per can?? Were you stuffing it in between each toe as well?? :D
Well my advise would be to slowly wean off of the stuff, I quit cold turkey after 30 years of dipping and my brain went into shock, I'm still Fuc*ed up from it and that was 145 days ago. I never had panic attacks on it and now I feel like a Pussy all the time. That's just my experience of my quit. But I would defiantly quit if I were you the stuff is poison!! STAY STRONG
See a doctor as well. Taper will help, but it's not always that successful. I just finished failing a taper program after smoking and dipping what was equal to 4-5 packs of cigs a day. A doctor may suggest a taper program, but they may also suggest a prescription. I'm not here to push or peddle drugs. But there ARE meds that help and some of us have to use every tool that available to get over this addiction.
All tappering will do is prolong the agony, rip the bandaid off and lets do this.
We DO NOT TAPER anything around here. You are either 100% in on quitting or you are not ready and putting yourself thru constant withdrawls.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline Mcarmo44

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #49 on: January 08, 2016, 05:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Cornholio
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: brunwardo
Quote from: medic401
Getting ready to quit, I went 14 hours today without, until I started feeling like my face was separated from my body, tingling, numb just a very strange feeling, it was like I was high or something. I currently chew about 5 cans a day very large dips 2 dips per can. From what I read that's a lot of nicotine equal to about 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes per day. So should I quit cold turkey or wean a little?
Are you shitting me? 5 cans a day and 2 dips per can?? Were you stuffing it in between each toe as well?? :D
Well my advise would be to slowly wean off of the stuff, I quit cold turkey after 30 years of dipping and my brain went into shock, I'm still Fuc*ed up from it and that was 145 days ago. I never had panic attacks on it and now I feel like a Pussy all the time. That's just my experience of my quit. But I would defiantly quit if I were you the stuff is poison!! STAY STRONG
See a doctor as well. Taper will help, but it's not always that successful. I just finished failing a taper program after smoking and dipping what was equal to 4-5 packs of cigs a day. A doctor may suggest a taper program, but they may also suggest a prescription. I'm not here to push or peddle drugs. But there ARE meds that help and some of us have to use every tool that available to get over this addiction.
All tappering will do is prolong the agony, rip the bandaid off and lets do this.
Quit date 11/3/11
HOF - 2/10/12


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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #48 on: January 08, 2016, 01:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: brunwardo
Quote from: medic401
Getting ready to quit, I went 14 hours today without, until I started feeling like my face was separated from my body, tingling, numb just a very strange feeling, it was like I was high or something. I currently chew about 5 cans a day very large dips 2 dips per can. From what I read that's a lot of nicotine equal to about 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes per day. So should I quit cold turkey or wean a little?
Are you shitting me? 5 cans a day and 2 dips per can?? Were you stuffing it in between each toe as well?? :D
Well my advise would be to slowly wean off of the stuff, I quit cold turkey after 30 years of dipping and my brain went into shock, I'm still Fuc*ed up from it and that was 145 days ago. I never had panic attacks on it and now I feel like a Pussy all the time. That's just my experience of my quit. But I would defiantly quit if I were you the stuff is poison!! STAY STRONG
See a doctor as well. Taper will help, but it's not always that successful. I just finished failing a taper program after smoking and dipping what was equal to 4-5 packs of cigs a day. A doctor may suggest a taper program, but they may also suggest a prescription. I'm not here to push or peddle drugs. But there ARE meds that help and some of us have to use every tool that available to get over this addiction.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #47 on: January 08, 2016, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: brunwardo
Quote from: medic401
Getting ready to quit, I went 14 hours today without, until I started feeling like my face was separated from my body, tingling, numb just a very strange feeling, it was like I was high or something. I currently chew about 5 cans a day very large dips 2 dips per can. From what I read that's a lot of nicotine equal to about 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes per day. So should I quit cold turkey or wean a little?
Are you shitting me? 5 cans a day and 2 dips per can?? Were you stuffing it in between each toe as well?? :D
Well my advise would be to slowly wean off of the stuff, I quit cold turkey after 30 years of dipping and my brain went into shock, I'm still Fuc*ed up from it and that was 145 days ago. I never had panic attacks on it and now I feel like a Pussy all the time. That's just my experience of my quit. But I would defiantly quit if I were you the stuff is poison!! STAY STRONG
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #46 on: January 08, 2016, 10:41:00 AM »
I am a caver. A quiter of quitting and want to share my experience.

I owe my reasons for caving and what I'm doing differently this time. There's a lot to share, so I will be breaking this down. I do not want to give a clift note version as I hope it will help somebody else who may be heading where I ended up. This morning, I am outlining my WHY.

I am an addict. I had stated that before years ago. I am a full blown addict.
When I first appeared here in 2012, I was getting over an addiction to pain pills. I was stealing from my family and any time I went into somebody's house I would raid their cabinets looking for pain pills.
Before that, I was hooked on bath salts and synthetic weed. And of course, chew. There were other addictions that I had recognized beyond drugs too, like porn and poker.

But there was one drug that was in my life that I did not treat as a drug....alcohol.
There were many clues but I was ignoring them. For example, when I made attempts to quit nicotine in the past, I would quit drinking for a while because the alcohol would make my craves too strong. I would always cave on nicotine as soon as I would drink. Be it days or weeks or months later. So on my last attempt to quit in 2012, I decided I was going to quit nicotine without stopping alcohol so I could get over that hurdle right out of the gate. Clue ignored. My drinking was normal at that time. I was not abusing it, I was not drinking every day, I was never getting black-out drunk, etc.

I had stopped all drugs, stopped nicotine, stopped poker, stopped porn, but I never looked at alcohol as a problem. I have no idea why. No freaking clue whatsoever. The only way I'm able to make sense of it in my mind, is that I let my Addiction have a source of food. I let my addiction quietly focus on one thing. I let that happen because I stopped treating myself as an addict. I felt I had overcome the major addictions in my life. I knew in the back of my mind I was still an addict, but I was just focusing on the issues I had with in the past. As long as I didn't pop a pill, or snort bath salts, or smoke pot or synthetic weed, I would be fine. As long as i didn't start any illegal drugs, I would be fine. As long as I stayed out of head shops looking for the next legal high, I would be fine.

The issue is I didn't fully accept addiction ALL THE WAY. I came close. But I didn't take it ALL THE WAY.

My drinking turned from beer once in a while to daily. Then my beer turned to liquor every day. It wasn't long before I was drinking on lunch then hiding bottles and the amount I drank. I eventually ended up at a point where I had to drink first thing in the morning to stave off anxiety and depression. By that point, I had lost my family because I stopped caring. I had lost my job shortly after that because I didn't care about anything at that point. That's when the all day drinking started. I let my addiction completely take me over and I let it completely destroy me. I had no insurance and no means for seeking professional help....or that's how I thought. That's what my addiction was telling me.

There just came a point where I was suicidal. I would wake up with sweats and a full blown panic attack. I would have a shot to calm things down in the middle of the night. I did not have the strength or courage to talk to anybody about what was going on. It was all left up to me. Exactly how my addiction monster wanted things to be. I found the strength one day to call a suicidal hot line provided in my county. I wasn't anywhere close to actually pulling it off, but I knew I needed to address the problem. I was surprised to hear that free counseling was available for me. VERY surprised and VERY excited to hear that. I could not believe it. I had not been able to take my anti-depression meds for over a year and a half or more by then due to no insurance. Or so I thought. After seeing a counselor, I learned I was able to see the psychiatrist for free as well. Not only that, I was able to get support to help pay for my meds!

That's my downward trend. From that moment on, I began my upward trend which has led me to coming back here. It's taken months of work so far. It's taken trying different depression and anxiety medications. It's taken seeking support for alcoholism. It's taken being open about my issue with my family and those who I trust and care about. Fir the first time, they got to hear my addiction battles. It felt good to get that off my chest and was a huge help for myself to move forward. Openness and honesty.

Along the way during the path of self destruction, I picked up smoking. I don't know when honestly. I believe soon after my divorce. Yes...actually...I remember it now. The day we decided to split ways was the day I said fuck it. I bought a bottle of vodka and a pack of smokes. During this path of self destruction, I bought weed. A few times. I stole pain pills from somebody. I found kratom in a head shop and abused that. I did a complete 180 during all this mess.

I'm blessed and thankful to have a clear mind today. I am 9months sober now. As I approach my 49th birthday this Saturday, I am left with the daunting task of rebuilding. I cannot go backwards any more. Every time we let an addiction take us over again, it gets worse than then the time before. It takes us to new deeper places as though that's where the addiction wanted to go to before and had a slow, methodical plan of getting there. When cut off for a while, then given the steering wheel again, it immediately floors the gas peddle and does not let up.

What I'm trying to say is...what I'm throwing out there for others to consider....
Is nicotine your only addiction? Are there other drugs or problem patterns like porn or gambling where your addiction can still survive?
For me...I wasn't fighting the nic bitch. I was fighting addiction. And I didn't address all the issues. I didn't take away all of it's life blood.

As you follow through your plans to quit nicotine, I beg you to expand that drive and focus and look at addiction as a whole. Look at other areas in your life and see if there are clues.
Is there anything in your life that is not good for you that you are also not so quick to give up? Porn? Gambling? Alcohol? Addiction has the ability to move all it's power and strength to another source if you remove only one issue.

That's all I have the time for now. I am working two jobs and always on the run. I will post what I'm doing differently to make this quit real later today.

So for now...Please think about your addiction and how far does it stretch beyond nicotine. The fact is...most, if not all, of everyone here is an addict.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #45 on: January 08, 2016, 06:07:00 AM »
Quote from: backwoods901
This is my day I chose to quit. 7 years on the can and this is the end of it all i dumped the can into the toilet. I have had enough of being slaved to the can and I will not dip again. I have 3 days off from work starting tomorrow and I will not cave to this again. I am going to make this quit happen harder then anyrhing else I have done in life and am ready for the next chapter without a can in my pocket or late night runs to the gas station for a can. No more drinking coffee with a chew in I'm done. I will be posting in roll call everyday and insuring I make this happen. I will be a quitter
Sounds like you're ready to rock brother. We are ready for you over in April 16. One day at a time, you can and will kick that nic. If there is anything I can do, or if you just need to vent, just shoot me a PM and I'll gladly share digits.

Quit on brother! 'oh yeah'
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2016, 11:05:00 PM »
This is my day I chose to quit. 7 years on the can and this is the end of it all i dumped the can into the toilet. I have had enough of being slaved to the can and I will not dip again. I have 3 days off from work starting tomorrow and I will not cave to this again. I am going to make this quit happen harder then anyrhing else I have done in life and am ready for the next chapter without a can in my pocket or late night runs to the gas station for a can. No more drinking coffee with a chew in I'm done. I will be posting in roll call everyday and insuring I make this happen. I will be a quitter

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2016, 12:02:00 PM »
Quote from: mtnMom
Congrats to all of you working so hard. Have any of you guys quit drinking and dipping at the same time? Hubby is trying to do both but dip is proving much harder. Any suggestions? Doing my best to just offer support and not nag...he has been drinking and chewing since 12 yrs old. What is like quitting both... 'tough'
A lot of folks recommend quitting drinking and chewing at the same time. At least for the first 100 days. It will help eliminate drinking caves or undo lapse judgement.
However, if there is a drinking problem involved that needs to addressed first.

There is also a quitting drinking section of this site that can help.

First step is to post roll, (your daily promise) and that daily accountability is the backbone of KTC.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2016, 11:40:00 AM »
Quote from: d-dub66
so this guestion goes out to the vets. was wondering what the average is when you start feeling better. i know everybodys different but i figured with all the replys you've read there might be a pattern that has shown up. just curious. thanks
I have quit since 1/1/16. Im starting to feel better on day 7. Im sleeping a little better.

The first few days I didnt sleep very much at all and the "fog" you read about on here is real. I was shocked at how real it was! But I am doing a pretty drastic diet change as well, so as bad as i feel without nicotine, the clean diet is helping me feel better. I may not have been sleeping but I feel like I dont need as much sleep.

days 4-7. still craving pretty hard. Trying to just break the habit of dipping snuff. Ive eaten some seeds and Ive got some fake pouches but i am trying to just man up and push through and not use the oral vices very much.

today: day 7. I feel pretty irritable but overall i feel good. Ive been hitting the gym pretty hard since the first. once or twice a day for an hour or so. It seems to help. I never dipped in the gym so cravings dont exist for me in that environment.

I hope my experience will help you.
Each day is a new hill, new challenges. Win each battle to ultimately win the war.