Author Topic: General Discussion - 2015  (Read 86119 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #655 on: September 28, 2015, 10:50:00 PM »
Quote from: DjPorkchop
Bowfish and Dan, we need to get you in to the january 16 group. This would be your home quit group. You both need to know you are not alone. So many thousands of others here have the same exact story you have or are very close to it. We know what it is like. We have gone through or are going through the Suck as we speak. There are just a couple things you need to do to beat this nic bitch:

1. post roll today and every day. This is your promise to your self and your group that you will not use today in any way shape or form.
2. Drink plenty of water,chew seeds, or what ever you need to do to fight it.
3. Trade phone numbers with others in your group. These may be your life line one of these days.
4. Wake up tomorrow and do steps 1-3 again.

I quit with you both today!!! Take that first step and post roll. Lets grab our sacs and man up and just do it boys!!!!
^^ This.
Grit your fucking teeth and man up like the fucking stud you are. I'm right there with you, and I promise not to dip today

Quit- 2.10.10, HOF- 5.20.10

My Quit.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #654 on: September 28, 2015, 05:18:00 PM »
Bowfish and Dan, we need to get you in to the january 16 group. This would be your home quit group. You both need to know you are not alone. So many thousands of others here have the same exact story you have or are very close to it. We know what it is like. We have gone through or are going through the Suck as we speak. There are just a couple things you need to do to beat this nic bitch:

1. post roll today and every day. This is your promise to your self and your group that you will not use today in any way shape or form.
2. Drink plenty of water,chew seeds, or what ever you need to do to fight it.
3. Trade phone numbers with others in your group. These may be your life line one of these days.
4. Wake up tomorrow and do steps 1-3 again.

I quit with you both today!!! Take that first step and post roll. Lets grab our sacs and man up and just do it boys!!!!
If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #653 on: September 28, 2015, 02:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Bowfish
My first time to post. I have the same story as most, started chew as a young man and been chewing/dipping for 30 years. With weeks of mental preparation last night was my last chew, today it's gum and the beginning of the nicotine purge (dizzy, foggy, etc...) not looking forward to the withdraws but it will be so worth it when its over. Day 1 and counting!

Adjust your quit date and post roll, my brother.

Today I quit with you. Let's take this walk. Don't let Nic pimp you no more.

Post roll: topic/11341759/16/#new

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #652 on: September 28, 2015, 02:16:00 PM »
My first time to post. I have the same story as most, started chew as a young man and been chewing/dipping for 30 years. With weeks of mental preparation last night was my last chew, today it's gum and the beginning of the nicotine purge (dizzy, foggy, etc...) not looking forward to the withdraws but it will be so worth it when its over. Day 1 and counting!

Offline Can_I_Kick_It?

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #651 on: September 28, 2015, 08:34:00 AM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: dswartz22
Hello - I am 43 and have been chewing since I was 22 years old. Up until last year, I was successfully able to hide my chewing addiction from my wife for nearly two decades. I have quit numerous times during the last two decades, and have gone months and even a year on a few occasions without a chew. My problem isn't day 1, day 3, or day 10 - its day 199, or day 250. It's that random possessed feeling on any given day that I need to find a chew immediately or I'll explode. I tell myself - "it's just one chew" or "one can" and I'll go back to being a quitter tomorrow... Tomorrow never comes and the next thing I know, I am a sleeve deep into chew with no end game to quit. I am tired of it - the sneaking around for a chew, the health risks, and the pain and disappointment that I have caused for my wife.

Enough is enough.

Dan, should be no surprise that on a site with 24,000 members your story is fairly common.

ninja dipping to hide from family
stopping for a while, but "one dip won't hurt"
that random crave out of the blue

The quitters here have a plan to deal with that part of addiction: post roll every day (a promise not to use nicotine in any form for 24 hours), repeat daily, share your phone number with fellow quitters and have support ready when that crave hits. As the header says: Brotherhood + Accountability lead to Success.

There is a group of new quitters (many have similar dip histories to you) in the January 2016 quit group. Join them, post roll, support each other past that complacency of a long time without nicotine.

I quit with you today.

I quit with you today. Let's get thru the next 24 without Nic. He's no good anyway. After that, we'll worry bout the next 24.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #650 on: September 28, 2015, 06:09:00 AM »
Quote from: dswartz22
Hello - I am 43 and have been chewing since I was 22 years old. Up until last year, I was successfully able to hide my chewing addiction from my wife for nearly two decades. I have quit numerous times during the last two decades, and have gone months and even a year on a few occasions without a chew. My problem isn't day 1, day 3, or day 10 - its day 199, or day 250. It's that random possessed feeling on any given day that I need to find a chew immediately or I'll explode. I tell myself - "it's just one chew" or "one can" and I'll go back to being a quitter tomorrow... Tomorrow never comes and the next thing I know, I am a sleeve deep into chew with no end game to quit. I am tired of it - the sneaking around for a chew, the health risks, and the pain and disappointment that I have caused for my wife.

Enough is enough.

Dan, should be no surprise that on a site with 24,000 members your story is fairly common.

ninja dipping to hide from family
stopping for a while, but "one dip won't hurt"
that random crave out of the blue

The quitters here have a plan to deal with that part of addiction: post roll every day (a promise not to use nicotine in any form for 24 hours), repeat daily, share your phone number with fellow quitters and have support ready when that crave hits. As the header says: Brotherhood + Accountability lead to Success.

There is a group of new quitters (many have similar dip histories to you) in the January 2016 quit group. Join them, post roll, support each other past that complacency of a long time without nicotine.

I quit with you today.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #649 on: September 28, 2015, 01:10:00 AM »
Hello - I am 43 and have been chewing since I was 22 years old. Up until last year, I was successfully able to hide my chewing addiction from my wife for nearly two decades. I have quit numerous times during the last two decades, and have gone months and even a year on a few occasions without a chew. My problem isn't day 1, day 3, or day 10 - its day 199, or day 250. It's that random possessed feeling on any given day that I need to find a chew immediately or I'll explode. I tell myself - "it's just one chew" or "one can" and I'll go back to being a quitter tomorrow... Tomorrow never comes and the next thing I know, I am a sleeve deep into chew with no end game to quit. I am tired of it - the sneaking around for a chew, the health risks, and the pain and disappointment that I have caused for my wife.

Enough is enough.


Offline datsunking1

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #648 on: September 27, 2015, 08:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: datsunking1
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Gunner72
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
in addition to that, if you can take a walk, get some exercise or some sun, that can help.

Truth is, when shit's bad like that it's as much about passing the time and getting through it as it is about making it better. Time will make it better. What do you do while time is passing? Whatever you can.
thanks man I try and keep busy just to keep my mind off things it comes and goes just ready to get away from work a few days I think that will help some
Hi Gunner,

Hang in there it a hell of a ride. Ups and downs, twists and turns in the road ahead all I can say is buckle up hold on an STAY STRONG! DONT CAVE. I'm on day 41 and still have weird feelings, strange feelings!

We are all in this together!
Yeah, mine ended around day 72. It was like a night and day change, I starated drinking coffee and didn't feel anxious or my mind racing. Stay strong, every day is an improvementioned and you really start to feel well. Make sure you're eating well, avoiding drinking has helped a lot, same with vitamins and lots of water.

Good work so far guys!
I'm on 56 and I had a real shitty couple of weeks that kind of took a turn this Friday for the better.

This is the place for support though. You know you are not alone.
You're not alone. Our bodies are all different, and recover at different rates. Once you have that turn around day, you start to become YOU again.

It is known that anywhere from 6-12 weeks a nicotine user (US) will have more nicotine receptors than a non user, as the brain reverts back into it's normal state.

Remember that we pummeled ourselves with nicotine and numerous other garbage chemicals, our body isn't just freaking out to no nicotine, it doesn't know how to behave without these toxins, because it's so accustomed to it.

It took me weeks to realize this, I thought when I quit everything would be fine and dandy. lol


It does get better, much better. Every day is a step forward. You will be yourself again. Hell, the worst part is over, and you should be on the uphill swing.

From the research I've seen online, It takes 3-12 months to really be normal again (minimal to no anxiety, depression, racing mind, etc.) Just keep thinking positive, breathe, and make sure you talk it out with people. You're not going crazy.

I literally thought I was. I thought I was going nuts.

Like I said, that shit is fucking VILE.

I am quit with you!

Offline Mike23mx

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #647 on: September 26, 2015, 11:41:00 PM »
Quote from: datsunking1
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Gunner72
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
in addition to that, if you can take a walk, get some exercise or some sun, that can help.

Truth is, when shit's bad like that it's as much about passing the time and getting through it as it is about making it better. Time will make it better. What do you do while time is passing? Whatever you can.
thanks man I try and keep busy just to keep my mind off things it comes and goes just ready to get away from work a few days I think that will help some
Hi Gunner,

Hang in there it a hell of a ride. Ups and downs, twists and turns in the road ahead all I can say is buckle up hold on an STAY STRONG! DONT CAVE. I'm on day 41 and still have weird feelings, strange feelings!

We are all in this together!
Yeah, mine ended around day 72. It was like a night and day change, I starated drinking coffee and didn't feel anxious or my mind racing. Stay strong, every day is an improvementioned and you really start to feel well. Make sure you're eating well, avoiding drinking has helped a lot, same with vitamins and lots of water.

Good work so far guys!
I'm on 56 and I had a real shitty couple of weeks that kind of took a turn this Friday for the better.

This is the place for support though. You know you are not alone.
Man up and be a quitter ODAAT. Post Roll EDD. It works.

ODAAT: One Day At A Time
EDD: Every Damn Day

Offline datsunking1

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #646 on: September 26, 2015, 10:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Cope30
Quote from: Gunner72
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
in addition to that, if you can take a walk, get some exercise or some sun, that can help.

Truth is, when shit's bad like that it's as much about passing the time and getting through it as it is about making it better. Time will make it better. What do you do while time is passing? Whatever you can.
thanks man I try and keep busy just to keep my mind off things it comes and goes just ready to get away from work a few days I think that will help some
Hi Gunner,

Hang in there it a hell of a ride. Ups and downs, twists and turns in the road ahead all I can say is buckle up hold on an STAY STRONG! DONT CAVE. I'm on day 41 and still have weird feelings, strange feelings!

We are all in this together!
Yeah, mine ended around day 72. It was like a night and day change, I starated drinking coffee and didn't feel anxious or my mind racing. Stay strong, every day is an improvementioned and you really start to feel well. Make sure you're eating well, avoiding drinking has helped a lot, same with vitamins and lots of water.

Good work so far guys!

Offline Cope30

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #645 on: September 26, 2015, 07:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Gunner72
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
in addition to that, if you can take a walk, get some exercise or some sun, that can help.

Truth is, when shit's bad like that it's as much about passing the time and getting through it as it is about making it better. Time will make it better. What do you do while time is passing? Whatever you can.
thanks man I try and keep busy just to keep my mind off things it comes and goes just ready to get away from work a few days I think that will help some
Hi Gunner,

Hang in there it a hell of a ride. Ups and downs, twists and turns in the road ahead all I can say is buckle up hold on an STAY STRONG! DONT CAVE. I'm on day 41 and still have weird feelings, strange feelings!

We are all in this together!
2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #644 on: September 24, 2015, 12:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Mike23mx
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
in addition to that, if you can take a walk, get some exercise or some sun, that can help.

Truth is, when shit's bad like that it's as much about passing the time and getting through it as it is about making it better. Time will make it better. What do you do while time is passing? Whatever you can.
thanks man I try and keep busy just to keep my mind off things it comes and goes just ready to get away from work a few days I think that will help some

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #643 on: September 24, 2015, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
in addition to that, if you can take a walk, get some exercise or some sun, that can help.

Truth is, when shit's bad like that it's as much about passing the time and getting through it as it is about making it better. Time will make it better. What do you do while time is passing? Whatever you can.
Man up and be a quitter ODAAT. Post Roll EDD. It works.

ODAAT: One Day At A Time
EDD: Every Damn Day

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #642 on: September 24, 2015, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
Good morning Gunner.

What you are going through is normal as the last physical traces of nicotine wash out of your body 3-4 days into your quit. Time dilation and light headedness are what we call the fog. Nicotine has been messing with your brain for as long as you have been dipping (35 years for me). It takes a while for your brain to rewire into a less fuzzy you once the toxin is gone. As for what you can do:

1. realize you are an addict, like all of us here.

2. start to control your addiction (you have started), get support to succeed.

3. go to the December 2015 quit group, say hello and post roll today. Share phone numbers with fellow quitters. There are a bunch of people at day 1 through 30 who are going through what you are right now. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

4. drink lots of water, exercise, find seeds or fake dip to handle the oral fix without giving in to nicotine. You quit group will have plenty of ideas as well.

The point of posting roll is to promise to yourself, and everyone on this site, that you will not use nicotine in any form for 24 hours. That we can all do. There are days, especially early where getting through the next minute or hour is extremely hard. It is worth it in ways you can't imagine.

I quit with you today.
thank you for the message

I never knew what this stuff was doing to me I loved it for 16 years but I have been reading and seeing things on your site that have really been eye openers thanks so much I know its not over but I feel a little better every day that I can say I have quit I honestly feel like I don't want it anymore and im going to make it stay that way

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #641 on: September 24, 2015, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: Gunner72
Hi everyone im in day 3 of no nicotine I don't feel like myself the lightheadedness is really getting to me like everything is in slow motion its messing with my head can anyone tell me whats the best ways to cope with this I feel like im going to just loose it
Good morning Gunner.

What you are going through is normal as the last physical traces of nicotine wash out of your body 3-4 days into your quit. Time dilation and light headedness are what we call the fog. Nicotine has been messing with your brain for as long as you have been dipping (35 years for me). It takes a while for your brain to rewire into a less fuzzy you once the toxin is gone. As for what you can do:

1. realize you are an addict, like all of us here.

2. start to control your addiction (you have started), get support to succeed.

3. go to the December 2015 quit group, say hello and post roll today. Share phone numbers with fellow quitters. There are a bunch of people at day 1 through 30 who are going through what you are right now. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

4. drink lots of water, exercise, find seeds or fake dip to handle the oral fix without giving in to nicotine. You quit group will have plenty of ideas as well.

The point of posting roll is to promise to yourself, and everyone on this site, that you will not use nicotine in any form for 24 hours. That we can all do. There are days, especially early where getting through the next minute or hour is extremely hard. It is worth it in ways you can't imagine.

I quit with you today.