Author Topic: General Discussion - 2015  (Read 86228 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #595 on: September 14, 2015, 11:08:00 AM »
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: felson33
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: felson33
I certainly hear what you're all saying and sure, dipping certainly doesn't improve your odds of not getting cancer. I just prefer the other detrimental effects of tobacco on your health as better motivators to quit.
Whatever motivates your quit is good motivation. Remember to quit each day, stopping for a while doesn't help with detrimental health effects of tobacco / nicotine-- quitting does.

Give yourself the best odds of keeping your quit going today, tomorrow, and onward by posting roll with the December 15 quit group. The public statement, made every morning when you wake up, that you will not use any form of nicotine that day increases your odds of continuing the path of quit you have started. It is continuing the quit that ensures the positive changes in health.
Yep. I will start the roll call tomorrow. Today was not easy and i will need all the help i can get.
It's late, but better late than never. Why not go ahead and post up now for 9/11?

You'll have all the kinks worked out for when you post first thing tomorrow on 9/12. No time like the present and all.
I did all the research on the cancer stuff when I was still a slave and came to the same conclusion about the "stats"--and I think it was my addict brain speaking.

I particularly liked that study from Sweden or wherever the hell it was.

Whatever the hell I could tell myself that it was OK to continue being subservient to Copenhagen.

It was hard to ignore the baseball players that had died because of it.

Offline drstober

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #594 on: September 11, 2015, 11:51:00 PM »
Quote from: felson33
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: felson33
I certainly hear what you're all saying and sure, dipping certainly doesn't improve your odds of not getting cancer. I just prefer the other detrimental effects of tobacco on your health as better motivators to quit.
Whatever motivates your quit is good motivation. Remember to quit each day, stopping for a while doesn't help with detrimental health effects of tobacco / nicotine-- quitting does.

Give yourself the best odds of keeping your quit going today, tomorrow, and onward by posting roll with the December 15 quit group. The public statement, made every morning when you wake up, that you will not use any form of nicotine that day increases your odds of continuing the path of quit you have started. It is continuing the quit that ensures the positive changes in health.
Yep. I will start the roll call tomorrow. Today was not easy and i will need all the help i can get.
It's late, but better late than never. Why not go ahead and post up now for 9/11?

You'll have all the kinks worked out for when you post first thing tomorrow on 9/12. No time like the present and all.

Offline felson33

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #593 on: September 11, 2015, 11:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: felson33
I certainly hear what you're all saying and sure, dipping certainly doesn't improve your odds of not getting cancer. I just prefer the other detrimental effects of tobacco on your health as better motivators to quit.
Whatever motivates your quit is good motivation. Remember to quit each day, stopping for a while doesn't help with detrimental health effects of tobacco / nicotine-- quitting does.

Give yourself the best odds of keeping your quit going today, tomorrow, and onward by posting roll with the December 15 quit group. The public statement, made every morning when you wake up, that you will not use any form of nicotine that day increases your odds of continuing the path of quit you have started. It is continuing the quit that ensures the positive changes in health.
Yep. I will start the roll call tomorrow. Today was not easy and i will need all the help i can get.

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #592 on: September 11, 2015, 06:38:00 PM »
Quote from: felson33
I certainly hear what you're all saying and sure, dipping certainly doesn't improve your odds of not getting cancer. I just prefer the other detrimental effects of tobacco on your health as better motivators to quit.
Whatever motivates your quit is good motivation. Remember to quit each day, stopping for a while doesn't help with detrimental health effects of tobacco / nicotine-- quitting does.

Give yourself the best odds of keeping your quit going today, tomorrow, and onward by posting roll with the December 15 quit group. The public statement, made every morning when you wake up, that you will not use any form of nicotine that day increases your odds of continuing the path of quit you have started. It is continuing the quit that ensures the positive changes in health.

Offline felson33

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #591 on: September 11, 2015, 05:19:00 PM »
I certainly hear what you're all saying and sure, dipping certainly doesn't improve your odds of not getting cancer. I just prefer the other detrimental effects of tobacco on your health as better motivators to quit.

Offline felson33

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #590 on: September 11, 2015, 05:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: Keja
Quote from: felson33
The cancer stuff never really motivated me to stop because the odds are ridiculously low as there are only about 40,000 case of oral/esophageal in the U.S. each year with the vast majority of those cases coming from smoking/drinking/HPV virus. With over 8 million smokeless tobacco users, I did the math.
While the chances of getting cancer as a result of smokeless tobacco are slim, is it a stats game you're willing to play? This is one reason why I decided to quit. I didn't just want to be another stat.

All the best. Quit on.
^^^ agreed, what percentage of cancer risk is acceptable to you? 1/100, 1/1,000, 1/10,000, 1/100,000 or reduce that to 0/100 being quit and staying that way?

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #589 on: September 11, 2015, 11:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Keja
Quote from: felson33
The cancer stuff never really motivated me to stop because the odds are ridiculously low as there are only about 40,000 case of oral/esophageal in the U.S. each year with the vast majority of those cases coming from smoking/drinking/HPV virus. With over 8 million smokeless tobacco users, I did the math.
While the chances of getting cancer as a result of smokeless tobacco are slim, is it a stats game you're willing to play? This is one reason why I decided to quit. I didn't just want to be another stat.

All the best. Quit on.
^^^ agreed, what percentage of cancer risk is acceptable to you? 1/100, 1/1,000, 1/10,000, 1/100,000 or reduce that to 0/100 being quit and staying that way?

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #588 on: September 11, 2015, 10:18:00 AM »
Quote from: felson33
Quit 4 days ago. Dipped Mint Skoal pretty much exclusivley for 20 years with the last 4 years at about 1/2-1 can per day. It's going surprisingly well and i even watched to NFL opener NE vs Pittsburgh nicotine free! Actually, tonight was the hardest night. A couple of things i have noticed physically so far from quitting. One is that i have a bad taste in my mouth and a sore throat and the other is that my blood pressure and heart rate have plummeted. I have basically lived half of my life artificially inflating those important vital signs by injesting a constant stream of a stimulant into my system. This is what i am really keying in on from a health standpoint to keep me motivated. The cancer stuff never really motivated me to stop because the odds are ridiculously low as there are only about 40,000 case of oral/esophageal in the U.S. each year with the vast majority of those cases coming from smoking/drinking/HPV virus. With over 8 million smokeless tobacco users, I did the math. No, for me my heart is where it's at. I workout, cardio and weight lifting, 5 days a week yet i have always had blood pressure that was slightly high, usually around 130/90. I always kind of thought the nicotine may be to blame because it's the only thing that made any sense. Sure enough, I have taken my BP that last 2 days and it was 102/69 both times. Never has it been anywhere near that low in my life. It has to be a result of quitting dip. All those years i have been putting undue strain on my entire circulatory system and making it work harder than it needed to is very frustrating but at the same time I will be using those numbers(and my better performances running) to keep my motivated. I hope.
Yeah, BP is one benefit of quitting. Your cholesterol should be closer to ideal as well. (at least that worked for me).

I think the sore throat and bad taste will clear up over time (perhaps see a dentist?).

Anyway you look at it getting healthier is a better way to go than poisoning yourself with tobacco.

I urge you to head over to the December 15 quit group, say hello, and start posting roll every day and building accountability and relationships to help you stay on track. Everyone here has stopped for a week or month many times -- only to go back to the dip. Give yourself the best chance at keeping your health by teaming with like minded quitters to get each other through the rough spots which come along in the flow of life.

Offline Keja

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #587 on: September 11, 2015, 02:49:00 AM »
Quote from: felson33
The cancer stuff never really motivated me to stop because the odds are ridiculously low as there are only about 40,000 case of oral/esophageal in the U.S. each year with the vast majority of those cases coming from smoking/drinking/HPV virus. With over 8 million smokeless tobacco users, I did the math.
While the chances of getting cancer as a result of smokeless tobacco are slim, is it a stats game you're willing to play? This is one reason why I decided to quit. I didn't just want to be another stat.

All the best. Quit on.

Offline drstober

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #586 on: September 11, 2015, 02:19:00 AM »
Quote from: felson33
Quit 4 days ago. Dipped Mint Skoal pretty much exclusivley for 20 years with the last 4 years at about 1/2-1 can per day. It's going surprisingly well and i even watched to NFL opener NE vs Pittsburgh nicotine free! Actually, tonight was the hardest night. A couple of things i have noticed physically so far from quitting. One is that i have a bad taste in my mouth and a sore throat and the other is that my blood pressure and heart rate have plummeted. I have basically lived half of my life artificially inflating those important vital signs by injesting a constant stream of a stimulant into my system. This is what i am really keying in on from a health standpoint to keep me motivated. The cancer stuff never really motivated me to stop because the odds are ridiculously low as there are only about 40,000 case of oral/esophageal in the U.S. each year with the vast majority of those cases coming from smoking/drinking/HPV virus. With over 8 million smokeless tobacco users, I did the math. No, for me my heart is where it's at. I workout, cardio and weight lifting, 5 days a week yet i have always had blood pressure that was slightly high, usually around 130/90. I always kind of thought the nicotine may be to blame because it's the only thing that made any sense. Sure enough, I have taken my BP that last 2 days and it was 102/69 both times. Never has it been anywhere near that low in my life. It has to be a result of quitting dip. All those years i have been putting undue strain on my entire circulatory system and making it work harder than it needed to is very frustrating but at the same time I will be using those numbers(and my better performances running) to keep my motivated. I hope.

It looks like you already found your quit group, December 2015. Take a look at how to post roll and join us in making a promise to remain nicotine free today.

The taste stuff along with sore mouth and throat is part of the change. The chemistry and ecosystem of your mouth is going through a pretty significant change right now. I was a ninja dipper, so most the time I gut my spit. I think that contributed to my throat being a bit sore when I quit. If it doesn't go away in a bit, go see a doctor though. Or go see one now. Depsite my username, I'm not an M.D., not even a PhD.

As to the BP and pulse, despite the "calming effect" of nicotine, it actually stimulates your cardiovasular system resulting in elevated BP and pulse rate. I believe that's part of why tobacco use (and really nicotine) leads to increased incidence of heart disease.

I used to crossfit a fair bit. I went from a little dip after a good workout to seeing just how much I could have in my lip while I beat the crap out of my body. I didn't realize it at the time, but my performance went way down. I was short of breath and never seemed to have the gas.

Anyways, welcome aboard! Whatever the reason, quit for you. Make your promise and post roll every day, one day at a time. Wake up, piss and post for best results.

Offline felson33

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #585 on: September 10, 2015, 11:59:00 PM »
Quit 4 days ago. Dipped Mint Skoal pretty much exclusivley for 20 years with the last 4 years at about 1/2-1 can per day. It's going surprisingly well and i even watched to NFL opener NE vs Pittsburgh nicotine free! Actually, tonight was the hardest night. A couple of things i have noticed physically so far from quitting. One is that i have a bad taste in my mouth and a sore throat and the other is that my blood pressure and heart rate have plummeted. I have basically lived half of my life artificially inflating those important vital signs by injesting a constant stream of a stimulant into my system. This is what i am really keying in on from a health standpoint to keep me motivated. The cancer stuff never really motivated me to stop because the odds are ridiculously low as there are only about 40,000 case of oral/esophageal in the U.S. each year with the vast majority of those cases coming from smoking/drinking/HPV virus. With over 8 million smokeless tobacco users, I did the math. No, for me my heart is where it's at. I workout, cardio and weight lifting, 5 days a week yet i have always had blood pressure that was slightly high, usually around 130/90. I always kind of thought the nicotine may be to blame because it's the only thing that made any sense. Sure enough, I have taken my BP that last 2 days and it was 102/69 both times. Never has it been anywhere near that low in my life. It has to be a result of quitting dip. All those years i have been putting undue strain on my entire circulatory system and making it work harder than it needed to is very frustrating but at the same time I will be using those numbers(and my better performances running) to keep my motivated. I hope.

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #584 on: September 10, 2015, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Rusty1959
Thanks guys, having difficult time navigating the site, maybe because I am an old guy :) I do catch myself being able to smile at others without curling the bottom lip. I will try to spend more time on here as time allows. I am gonna do this. Don't want to waste the good start. Stressful business related day tomorrow so wish me well.
Practice makes perfect, did you post roll this AM, Stress is not an excuse to cave or not post.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #583 on: September 09, 2015, 08:49:00 PM »
Thanks guys, having difficult time navigating the site, maybe because I am an old guy :) I do catch myself being able to smile at others without curling the bottom lip. I will try to spend more time on here as time allows. I am gonna do this. Don't want to waste the good start. Stressful business related day tomorrow so wish me well.

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #582 on: September 09, 2015, 05:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Quote from: Rusty1959
Hope I'm posting this correctly and in the right spot. This is my 21st day and finally figured out how to do roll call yesterday (I think). Anyway, for the first time in nearly 40 years Skoal isn't the first thing I think about when I get up in the morning. When I want to dip I just think of my 15 month old grandson and know I don't want him to see me or smell my breath with that crap in my mouth. I know my wife is pleased as well. We just moved to Florida to be near the grandkids and to start a new business. The cost of chew in Florida is crazy high. Like $7 can!!! Another reason to quit. The cravings are not near as bad but I know I am not out of the woods yet (may never be) My question for you long time quitters: I feel like crap! I am super tired by 9:00 PM, diarrhea, head doesn't hurt but just feel's blah. I feel anxious and shaky. Is this normal nicotine withdrawal?
Rusty, 21 days kicks ass. Your system is still adjusting to operate without nicotine. The tired , blah, anxious and occasional shaky I went through as well. It is a bit different for everyone.

You may want to post it in your quit group (more traffic, better responses).

You also might want to look around the site. The General KTC home page has some info on what to expect when quitting (not sure how to link it here).

As with anything, if it gets bad see a doctor  let them know what you are doing. (Just don't go on NRT).
^^^ Well done, rusty.
I would recommend getting active on the site, read intros, hall of fame stories and BS in the wildcard section.
Invest in your quit daily and repeat!

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #581 on: September 09, 2015, 04:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Rusty1959
Hope I'm posting this correctly and in the right spot. This is my 21st day and finally figured out how to do roll call yesterday (I think). Anyway, for the first time in nearly 40 years Skoal isn't the first thing I think about when I get up in the morning. When I want to dip I just think of my 15 month old grandson and know I don't want him to see me or smell my breath with that crap in my mouth. I know my wife is pleased as well. We just moved to Florida to be near the grandkids and to start a new business. The cost of chew in Florida is crazy high. Like $7 can!!! Another reason to quit. The cravings are not near as bad but I know I am not out of the woods yet (may never be) My question for you long time quitters: I feel like crap! I am super tired by 9:00 PM, diarrhea, head doesn't hurt but just feel's blah. I feel anxious and shaky. Is this normal nicotine withdrawal?
Rusty, 21 days kicks ass. Your system is still adjusting to operate without nicotine. The tired , blah, anxious and occasional shaky I went through as well. It is a bit different for everyone.

You may want to post it in your quit group (more traffic, better responses).

You also might want to look around the site. The General KTC home page has some info on what to expect when quitting (not sure how to link it here).

As with anything, if it gets bad see a doctor  let them know what you are doing. (Just don't go on NRT).