Author Topic: General Discussion - 2015  (Read 86277 times)

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Offline KingNothing

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #565 on: September 04, 2015, 12:26:00 PM »
Quote from: JBird
Today is day 1 of my quit. A lot anxious. Been chewing for 22 years, about 2 - 3 cans a week. I did quit 8 years ago for about six months. Wish that would have lasted, but I succumbed to the pressure of work at the end of summer and before you knew it, i popped a dip in. Thought i could be a casual user....yah right. Ya know, only a couple of chews a day sort of as a reward. A reward for what...I have no idea. so hear I am. Been struggling for a bit in my head for a few weeks about quitting. I started cutting back. My last can lasted me 9 days. This morning I threw my can of Kodiak out. Wish me Luck...I will be in touch.
You don't need luck, and I don't believe you'll "be in touch." This site has helped change my life because I put as much into quitting as I used to put into dipping. We've all put off quitting til "tomorrow" too many times, and you and I know that tomorrow never comes. Without the accountability of this site, what is going to keep you from heading to the c-store after work today?

Go to the welcome center: forum/55560/

Read up on how/why/when/what we do here to make sure we stay quit for one day at a time. After reading that, head over to the December 2015 group and post roll. You will be amazed at the outpouring of support you get when you make that promise to them and yourself that you will not use nicotine today. It's incredibly empowering and you will see that this feat is possible. Do it now, don't check in with us later.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

Offline JBird

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #564 on: September 04, 2015, 10:13:00 AM »
Today is day 1 of my quit. A lot anxious. Been chewing for 22 years, about 2 - 3 cans a week. I did quit 8 years ago for about six months. Wish that would have lasted, but I succumbed to the pressure of work at the end of summer and before you knew it, i popped a dip in. Thought i could be a casual user....yah right. Ya know, only a couple of chews a day sort of as a reward. A reward for what...I have no idea. so hear I am. Been struggling for a bit in my head for a few weeks about quitting. I started cutting back. My last can lasted me 9 days. This morning I threw my can of Kodiak out. Wish me Luck...I will be in touch.

Offline drstober

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #563 on: September 03, 2015, 06:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Hubie337
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Nolan
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
Here is what I say about your situation. I LOVE fishing, road trips, etc (haven't gone shooting in a long time) so much better being nicotine free. Just think, no more emergency runs to the store to pick up a can. I am able to spend more money on fishing stuff now that I am not giving big tobacco a damn cent. Join the club. The cost of admission is posting roll daily and being a man of your word. Pretty simple
Thanks a lot everybody, hate to say it but I already failed. I'm not giving up though. I'll be starting my quit on the 7th!! I really hope it works out!
Maybe this time you want to take us up on our offer to post roll? Every guy that posted support for you in here has done so, and not one of us has "already failed" because we don't "really hope it works out." We quit. Period. Today I will not cave because I gave my word to the guys and gals on this site that I would not do so. At first, this seems bizarre, but I guarantee that if you get out of your own way long enough to see that the grass is so much greener on this side, you won't regret it.

Now man up and do this thing Nolan. You have everything you need right in front of your eyes, and it does not include a cancerous weed.
What's so special about the 7th? You know its the 3rd right? You know that if you quit today you'd already be on day 5 by the time the 7th rolled around? The nicotine that's flowing through your veins would be out of your system.

This is addict talk. We know it because we used to spew the same bullshit.

You're not ready. When you are come on back. Till then you're wasting your (and our) time.

How about instead of riding that addiction through the holiday weekend, you quit today and get to enjoy your first nic free holiday?

Make a promise. Keep a promise. It really is that simple.
Yeah, I am with Chewie. I always found a reason to quit tomorrow until I found this place, posted my first roll and took a look in the mirror. Its always easier to quit later because it never comes.

Never met a quitter that looked back and said, "You know, I really should have waited a few more days before I quit."

Offline Hubie337

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #562 on: September 03, 2015, 05:51:00 PM »
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Nolan
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
Here is what I say about your situation. I LOVE fishing, road trips, etc (haven't gone shooting in a long time) so much better being nicotine free. Just think, no more emergency runs to the store to pick up a can. I am able to spend more money on fishing stuff now that I am not giving big tobacco a damn cent. Join the club. The cost of admission is posting roll daily and being a man of your word. Pretty simple
Thanks a lot everybody, hate to say it but I already failed. I'm not giving up though. I'll be starting my quit on the 7th!! I really hope it works out!
Maybe this time you want to take us up on our offer to post roll? Every guy that posted support for you in here has done so, and not one of us has "already failed" because we don't "really hope it works out." We quit. Period. Today I will not cave because I gave my word to the guys and gals on this site that I would not do so. At first, this seems bizarre, but I guarantee that if you get out of your own way long enough to see that the grass is so much greener on this side, you won't regret it.

Now man up and do this thing Nolan. You have everything you need right in front of your eyes, and it does not include a cancerous weed.
What's so special about the 7th? You know its the 3rd right? You know that if you quit today you'd already be on day 5 by the time the 7th rolled around? The nicotine that's flowing through your veins would be out of your system.

This is addict talk. We know it because we used to spew the same bullshit.

You're not ready. When you are come on back. Till then you're wasting your (and our) time.

How about instead of riding that addiction through the holiday weekend, you quit today and get to enjoy your first nic free holiday?

Make a promise. Keep a promise. It really is that simple.
Yeah, I am with Chewie. I always found a reason to quit tomorrow until I found this place, posted my first roll and took a look in the mirror. Its always easier to quit later because it never comes.


Offline drstober

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #561 on: September 03, 2015, 02:32:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Nolan
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
Here is what I say about your situation. I LOVE fishing, road trips, etc (haven't gone shooting in a long time) so much better being nicotine free. Just think, no more emergency runs to the store to pick up a can. I am able to spend more money on fishing stuff now that I am not giving big tobacco a damn cent. Join the club. The cost of admission is posting roll daily and being a man of your word. Pretty simple
Thanks a lot everybody, hate to say it but I already failed. I'm not giving up though. I'll be starting my quit on the 7th!! I really hope it works out!
Maybe this time you want to take us up on our offer to post roll? Every guy that posted support for you in here has done so, and not one of us has "already failed" because we don't "really hope it works out." We quit. Period. Today I will not cave because I gave my word to the guys and gals on this site that I would not do so. At first, this seems bizarre, but I guarantee that if you get out of your own way long enough to see that the grass is so much greener on this side, you won't regret it.

Now man up and do this thing Nolan. You have everything you need right in front of your eyes, and it does not include a cancerous weed.
What's so special about the 7th? You know its the 3rd right? You know that if you quit today you'd already be on day 5 by the time the 7th rolled around? The nicotine that's flowing through your veins would be out of your system.

This is addict talk. We know it because we used to spew the same bullshit.

You're not ready. When you are come on back. Till then you're wasting your (and our) time.

How about instead of riding that addiction through the holiday weekend, you quit today and get to enjoy your first nic free holiday?

Make a promise. Keep a promise. It really is that simple.

Offline chewie

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #560 on: September 03, 2015, 02:10:00 PM »
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: Nolan
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
Here is what I say about your situation. I LOVE fishing, road trips, etc (haven't gone shooting in a long time) so much better being nicotine free. Just think, no more emergency runs to the store to pick up a can. I am able to spend more money on fishing stuff now that I am not giving big tobacco a damn cent. Join the club. The cost of admission is posting roll daily and being a man of your word. Pretty simple
Thanks a lot everybody, hate to say it but I already failed. I'm not giving up though. I'll be starting my quit on the 7th!! I really hope it works out!
Maybe this time you want to take us up on our offer to post roll? Every guy that posted support for you in here has done so, and not one of us has "already failed" because we don't "really hope it works out." We quit. Period. Today I will not cave because I gave my word to the guys and gals on this site that I would not do so. At first, this seems bizarre, but I guarantee that if you get out of your own way long enough to see that the grass is so much greener on this side, you won't regret it.

Now man up and do this thing Nolan. You have everything you need right in front of your eyes, and it does not include a cancerous weed.
What's so special about the 7th? You know its the 3rd right? You know that if you quit today you'd already be on day 5 by the time the 7th rolled around? The nicotine that's flowing through your veins would be out of your system.

This is addict talk. We know it because we used to spew the same bullshit.

You're not ready. When you are come on back. Till then you're wasting your (and our) time.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24

Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

Offline KingNothing

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #559 on: September 03, 2015, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolan
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
Here is what I say about your situation. I LOVE fishing, road trips, etc (haven't gone shooting in a long time) so much better being nicotine free. Just think, no more emergency runs to the store to pick up a can. I am able to spend more money on fishing stuff now that I am not giving big tobacco a damn cent. Join the club. The cost of admission is posting roll daily and being a man of your word. Pretty simple
Thanks a lot everybody, hate to say it but I already failed. I'm not giving up though. I'll be starting my quit on the 7th!! I really hope it works out!
Maybe this time you want to take us up on our offer to post roll? Every guy that posted support for you in here has done so, and not one of us has "already failed" because we don't "really hope it works out." We quit. Period. Today I will not cave because I gave my word to the guys and gals on this site that I would not do so. At first, this seems bizarre, but I guarantee that if you get out of your own way long enough to see that the grass is so much greener on this side, you won't regret it.

Now man up and do this thing Nolan. You have everything you need right in front of your eyes, and it does not include a cancerous weed.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #558 on: September 03, 2015, 12:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
Here is what I say about your situation. I LOVE fishing, road trips, etc (haven't gone shooting in a long time) so much better being nicotine free. Just think, no more emergency runs to the store to pick up a can. I am able to spend more money on fishing stuff now that I am not giving big tobacco a damn cent. Join the club. The cost of admission is posting roll daily and being a man of your word. Pretty simple
Thanks a lot everybody, hate to say it but I already failed. I'm not giving up though. I'll be starting my quit on the 7th!! I really hope it works out!

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #557 on: September 01, 2015, 01:30:00 AM »
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
Here is what I say about your situation. I LOVE fishing, road trips, etc (haven't gone shooting in a long time) so much better being nicotine free. Just think, no more emergency runs to the store to pick up a can. I am able to spend more money on fishing stuff now that I am not giving big tobacco a damn cent. Join the club. The cost of admission is posting roll daily and being a man of your word. Pretty simple

Offline KingNothing

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #556 on: August 31, 2015, 06:46:00 PM »
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.
Get hooked up in this community Nolan. I know it probably sounds weird to you, but this place can honestly be the life ring you've been looking for. You have to do the heavy lifting, but the support and accountability around these parts have made all the difference for me. You will see after a few days how you don't need dip to enjoy your life activities. I'm telling you, the freedom that you will begin to enjoy when you put that stuff down once and for all is exhilarating. Post roll with December and the support will come rushing towards you.

Life or death, Nolan, you choose.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #555 on: August 31, 2015, 06:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolan
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?
Welcome! You're making the best decision of your life.

If today is your first day nicotine free, head on over to December 2015. That will be your quit group. Check out the last roll post for how to post roll and make a promise to be nicotine free today.

The fear of not enjoying things without dip is nothing but pure addict brain. It is how nicotine convinces ourselves to keep poisoning ourselves day in and day out. For me, lots of things I used to do while dipping are actually more enjoyable. For starters, I don't have to worry about making sure I have enough dip on hand. Second, I was a ninja dipper so I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get caught.

Trust me, you're not going to miss those little crumbs of cat turd in your car seats, the nasty spitters that sat in the sun too long, that spit that didn't quite leave cleanly and now you're playing it off like you didn't just spit on yourself.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #554 on: August 31, 2015, 06:05:00 PM »
What's up everyone, quitting today after about 18 years of dipping a can a day. My biggest worry is I won't enjoy the things I like to do as much without dip. Like fishing, shooting, road Anyone have any wisdom on that?

Offline datsunking1

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #553 on: August 23, 2015, 05:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Gman101
Hey everyone, I just quit dipping about 4 days ago and so far so good. What does everybody do to fight the nicotine cravings and what can I expect when quitting?
Hi GMan, welcome to KTC.

4 Days! WAY TO GO! now the nasty nicotine is out of your system, and some of the worst symptoms and cravings have already passed.

Personally, I had panic attacks, and anxiety. Make sure you have a really good support network, family, friends, and NEVER GIVE IN.

The physical cravings weren't nearly as bad as the 'If I keep dipping I won't feel like this' there were some days I felt like shit, others on top of the world. For me (and I'm speaking for me only) it was an emotional roller coaster, but it DOES get better.

It takes 6-12 weeks for your brain to rewire itself from that nasty shit, but EVERY DAY is a step forward. You will be you again. Day 44 here, and I'm still chugging along. I've noticed the shitty feel time is at a minimum, and it's totally mental, not physical. YOU control it. I literally say 'FK YOU, NO. NOT TODAY' and control it.

A lot of people use jerky, seeds, mints, or herbal chew. I used all, didn't really need it (lol ok maybe the mints...). I felt shitty and just wanted to be me. Drink lots of water, and post roll. In the case you do feel anxious or panic attacky (yes I made that word) try meditating, and deep breathing. Anxiety, depression, and panic attacks are VERY VERY COMMON, as an update, I was freaking out thinking I was going to die, and the doctor said I'm very healthy, blood pressure, blood count, everything is optimum (I workout a lot, always have, dip was a nasty crutch) but no effects other than the mental game. There IS light. You'll be fine.

I haven't been around here long, but the guys will show you how it's done.

Excellent move on quitting dude. From experience, you will NOT be sorry. Hell, I'm sorry I even picked up that can, but I'm proud of myself for putting it behind me permanently.

We're proud of you, welcome to KTC!

PS. Look up dip fog, if you feel fuzzy it's common. I did :) it also goes away.

once again, congrats!

Offline Grievous Angel

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #552 on: August 23, 2015, 02:22:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
It's not just baseball; NFL has a smokeless tobacco habit, too ... t-baseball
They call it a "habit" 9 times in that story. "Helps 'em focus." Drives me nuts.

Guess I never thought about it but we've been watching Hard Knocks and you can see that it is prevalent.

Offline drstober

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #551 on: August 22, 2015, 05:41:00 AM »
Quote from: saltydawg
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: saltydawg
Well I'm happy that I got my dentist apt scheduled. But yesterday after seeing the dr for a follow up he has ordered me a biopsy to be done on my top lip. I will be going to a specialist on wed of next week. Can't lie it is a little worrisome but I've made my choices in the past all I can do is keep bettering myself for the future. Sure hope everything comes up ok.
Let us know how it goes. Here's hoping that it's nothing more than just some extra quit motivation.
Will keep yall posted. Definitely a lot of worrying kicking in at the moment. Right when I was starting to think everything's going great this happens. But I'm going to keep my head in the game and have good thoughts.
Regardless of whatever the outcome is, quit is a much better place to face it from.

Quit with you today.