Author Topic: General Discussion - 2015  (Read 86339 times)

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Offline Remshot

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #475 on: July 29, 2015, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Gaius
Quote from: Remshot
Day 2,307? Really?

How did you do it? What finally flipped your switch? Did you have support? Quitters need to know.
For those of you who don't know: I was in Remshots HOF class. I can't remember what day I made it too. Around 30 or so seems to be what my mind comes to. But that could be wrong. Thanks for never giving up on me Rem.

Of course I had support! I was in the July 2009 HOF class over at QS Lite. Took me nearly 5 years at QS/QS Lite/KTC to get to day 100.

How did I do it?

Firstmost, I never gave up giving up. And when I did cave, I just kept nursing my desire, developing it, feeding it, helping it grow until my desire became a burning obsession to quit (sortla like sportsdad said, but a little different). An obsession that would't cave and then I did what everyone else does: I took it one day at a time; and if necessary, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, or even one second at a time. Each heartbeat was and is a victory.

Doesn't mean I haven't had my close calls, I have. But I'm still standing. How are you my friend? Where's ODT? Jase? Killerattorney?
You actually posted day 83 on 5/1/2006....

I am good..Older, hopefully wiser. ODT is still around, but not as active. He is quit as quit can be....I have seen no trace of Jase in years...Killerattorney? He's been off of this site for years and was/is (?) an admin over at lite, the last I heard...Quittin' Time drops by now and again to update his roll.

Glad to know you are quit...Keep your guard up!


Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

Proverbs 18:2

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

Be silly, be honest, be kind

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #474 on: July 29, 2015, 01:24:00 PM »
Quote from: saltydawg
Crazy how everything seems to be going just fine then wham! Craving comes in like a fucking F5 tornado. well time for me to hunker down until this mother fucker passes! this is probably in the top worst ones I've had, but I know i can get past this and see the light at the end.

Well what do you know by the time i was done writing craving has come and gone. thanks to a jolly rancher and KTC to keep my mind occupied.

I will not give in to the nicotine and will not give up with all my brothers.
Way to crush it Dawg! That is EXACTLY how you put the bitch in a choke hold!

Well done!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #473 on: July 29, 2015, 12:51:00 PM »
Crazy how everything seems to be going just fine then wham! Craving comes in like a fucking F5 tornado. well time for me to hunker down until this mother fucker passes! this is probably in the top worst ones I've had, but I know i can get past this and see the light at the end.

Well what do you know by the time i was done writing craving has come and gone. thanks to a jolly rancher and KTC to keep my mind occupied.

I will not give in to the nicotine and will not give up with all my brothers.
I love hunting, fishing, my 5.9 cummins... and oh yea my wife way too much to let some dirt in a can end my life early. lets QUIT

Offline Gaius Petronius

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #472 on: July 28, 2015, 11:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Remshot
Day 2,307? Really?

How did you do it? What finally flipped your switch? Did you have support? Quitters need to know.
For those of you who don't know: I was in Remshots HOF class. I can't remember what day I made it too. Around 30 or so seems to be what my mind comes to. But that could be wrong. Thanks for never giving up on me Rem.

Of course I had support! I was in the July 2009 HOF class over at QS Lite. Took me nearly 5 years at QS/QS Lite/KTC to get to day 100.

How did I do it?

Firstmost, I never gave up giving up. And when I did cave, I just kept nursing my desire, developing it, feeding it, helping it grow until my desire became a burning obsession to quit (sortla like sportsdad said, but a little different). An obsession that would't cave and then I did what everyone else does: I took it one day at a time; and if necessary, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, or even one second at a time. Each heartbeat was and is a victory.

Doesn't mean I haven't had my close calls, I have. But I'm still standing. How are you my friend? Where's ODT? Jase? Killerattorney?
Otherwise known as prick, carpetbagger, dick, ass, hothead, Seattle cocksucker, cocksucker, fucking cocksucker, fucking idiot, and Genius Pinheadius in the political forum.


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Offline Houpilot

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #471 on: July 28, 2015, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Natetex
Hey all, I think this is how you post roll. I'm day two quit after 28 years of use.
Come here Nate - November Nymphos

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #470 on: July 28, 2015, 05:40:00 PM »
Hey all, I think this is how you post roll. I'm day two quit after 28 years of use.

Offline Remshot

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #469 on: July 28, 2015, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Gaius
From a long time old quitter, if you are struggling, sitting there thinking that you can't quit. If you question yourself because you've quit so many times, maybe right here on this forum, only to cave the next day, or the day after that. If you are nervous because you've quit so many times on this forum and caved afterwards that you became the laughing stock of the forum I want you to know: you are not alone.

I was you.

it took me 5 years on these forums to finally kick the can. I joined the original quit smokeless forum ran by a guy named Matt in 2004. Got excited. Quit. Then Caved. Then Got Depressed. Then Quit Again. Then Started Jonsing. Then Caved. I've probably quit and caved over 100 times publicly on quit forums. Caved many many more times (by a factor of 10), privately. Fortunately, many of those caves got deleted when Matt shut down the old original quitsmokeless site. There are still plenty available over at Killthecan's sister site, but not many.

I've been laughed at. Told to never come back. Told that I was a coward. Told that I didn't have what it took to quit. Been told that I wasn't serious enough. Been told to go away by past members of forums. Been told that I was a detriment to a quit group. I've been urged to keep chewing by even past leaders of HOF groups when I was trying to quit. I've had tears in my eyes as my son picked up my can of chew and wanted to emulate me.

I know the void that chewing fills. It took me many more years after chewing to learn the real secret about chewing and the void: chewing (one of many) is a causation of the void.

I'm here to tell you to never give up. Don't listen to the people who tell you that you can't quit. I had a friend who told me that I'd never be able to quit chewing. He's not a friend of mine anymore. If you have a girlfriend or a wife that doesn't support you, divorce the wife that tells you to go ahead and buy that can of chew because she can't stand you without a dip in your mouth. Do whatever it takes to quit chewing. What does it take? Well the biggest one is that you can't give up on quitting. If you stumble, get back up, post Day 1 and keep going. I tore up my credit cards many times on my journey to quitting to not allow me to have the temptation within reach. I began carrying only a Starbucks card and could get coffee, but buy nothing else while out and about in my day. But I quit. Was it easy? Fuck No. I've made all the mistakes. Tried to "replace" chewing with food. Alcohol. Tried to have the "trophy" can of chew. You name it. Gained 50 pounds and then had to lose it. But I did. And you can too.

I'm reaching out to you my friend on Day 2,307 to urge you to become the man you were meant to be. Not the pussy who hides behind the can. Not man that doesn't want to stay at his girlfriend's late because he wants to make sure he gets a dip in before bed. The real man. The winner. The guy that isn't afraid to smile because he isn't worried anymore that he will embarrass himself because he has kodiak in his mouth or seriously stained teeth. You can choose freedom. I'm living breathing proof that there is a day when Nicotine no longer controls you. When it no longer has power over you.

But you've got to want it. All my failures, all my caves, all the negativity could not overcome one thing: desire. I desired to be free. Join me and become free with me.

Day 2,307? Really?

How did you do it? What finally flipped your switch? Did you have support? Quitters need to know.

Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

Proverbs 18:2

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

Be silly, be honest, be kind

Offline Gaius Petronius

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #468 on: July 28, 2015, 03:34:00 AM »
From a long time old quitter, if you are struggling, sitting there thinking that you can't quit. If you question yourself because you've quit so many times, maybe right here on this forum, only to cave the next day, or the day after that. If you are nervous because you've quit so many times on this forum and caved afterwards that you became the laughing stock of the forum I want you to know: you are not alone.

I was you.

it took me 5 years on these forums to finally kick the can. I joined the original quit smokeless forum ran by a guy named Matt in 2004. Got excited. Quit. Then Caved. Then Got Depressed. Then Quit Again. Then Started Jonsing. Then Caved. I've probably quit and caved over 100 times publicly on quit forums. Caved many many more times (by a factor of 10), privately. Fortunately, many of those caves got deleted when Matt shut down the old original quitsmokeless site. There are still plenty available over at Killthecan's sister site, but not many.

I've been laughed at. Told to never come back. Told that I was a coward. Told that I didn't have what it took to quit. Been told that I wasn't serious enough. Been told to go away by past members of forums. Been told that I was a detriment to a quit group. I've been urged to keep chewing by even past leaders of HOF groups when I was trying to quit. I've had tears in my eyes as my son picked up my can of chew and wanted to emulate me.

I know the void that chewing fills. It took me many more years after chewing to learn the real secret about chewing and the void: chewing (one of many) is a causation of the void.

I'm here to tell you to never give up. Don't listen to the people who tell you that you can't quit. I had a friend who told me that I'd never be able to quit chewing. He's not a friend of mine anymore. If you have a girlfriend or a wife that doesn't support you, divorce the wife that tells you to go ahead and buy that can of chew because she can't stand you without a dip in your mouth. Do whatever it takes to quit chewing. What does it take? Well the biggest one is that you can't give up on quitting. If you stumble, get back up, post Day 1 and keep going. I tore up my credit cards many times on my journey to quitting to not allow me to have the temptation within reach. I began carrying only a Starbucks card and could get coffee, but buy nothing else while out and about in my day. But I quit. Was it easy? Fuck No. I've made all the mistakes. Tried to "replace" chewing with food. Alcohol. Tried to have the "trophy" can of chew. You name it. Gained 50 pounds and then had to lose it. But I did. And you can too.

I'm reaching out to you my friend on Day 2,307 to urge you to become the man you were meant to be. Not the pussy who hides behind the can. Not man that doesn't want to stay at his girlfriend's late because he wants to make sure he gets a dip in before bed. The real man. The winner. The guy that isn't afraid to smile because he isn't worried anymore that he will embarrass himself because he has kodiak in his mouth or seriously stained teeth. You can choose freedom. I'm living breathing proof that there is a day when Nicotine no longer controls you. When it no longer has power over you.

But you've got to want it. All my failures, all my caves, all the negativity could not overcome one thing: desire. I desired to be free. Join me and become free with me.
Otherwise known as prick, carpetbagger, dick, ass, hothead, Seattle cocksucker, cocksucker, fucking cocksucker, fucking idiot, and Genius Pinheadius in the political forum.


Quit Date - 4/3/09
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The Comma - 12/29/2011
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15th Floor - 5/12/2013
17th Floor - 11/28/2013
5 years - 4/3/2014
19th Floor - 6/16/2014
2nd Comma (2,000/20th Floor) - 9/24/2014
6 Years - 4/3/2015
23rd Floor - 7/21/2015

Running around Fairbanks, AK looking to bust some chops of loser engineers who leech off government dole and need to get their ass kicked. Know anyone???[/SIZE][/color]

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #467 on: July 27, 2015, 03:51:00 PM »
Quote from: saltydawg
Quote from: Mancave
Quote from: saltydawg
Day 5 and still alive . cravings coming in fairly hard at times but i just grab a jolly rancher and continue on with my day. I have definitely been a little irritable at times but i informed the wife and everyone i work with already that i am quitting so they understand for the most part. While I'm at work is when i get my worst cravings but every night i have been able to get out of the shower look myself in the mirror and say that's right nicotine i made you my bitch today and tomorrow you don't stand a chance either.
Love it man! Its been 26 years since I have been able to say that and I am looking forward to doing so tonight!
It really is a great feeling of achievement for that day and something to look forward to. Main thing to remember is stay busy, do it one day at a time, and never let your guard down. lets do this quit together!
This morning I woke reaching for the can. It wasn't there. I remembered, I quit. Heck Yeah! Yesterday was tough. Today is better, I feel the win! Keeping it up. We can all do this! ;Ironman:

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #466 on: July 27, 2015, 01:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Mancave
Quote from: saltydawg
Day 5 and still alive . cravings coming in fairly hard at times but i just grab a jolly rancher and continue on with my day. I have definitely been a little irritable at times but i informed the wife and everyone i work with already that i am quitting so they understand for the most part. While I'm at work is when i get my worst cravings but every night i have been able to get out of the shower look myself in the mirror and say that's right nicotine i made you my bitch today and tomorrow you don't stand a chance either.
Love it man! Its been 26 years since I have been able to say that and I am looking forward to doing so tonight!
It really is a great feeling of achievement for that day and something to look forward to. Main thing to remember is stay busy, do it one day at a time, and never let your guard down. lets do this quit together!
I love hunting, fishing, my 5.9 cummins... and oh yea my wife way too much to let some dirt in a can end my life early. lets QUIT

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #465 on: July 27, 2015, 01:34:00 PM »
Quote from: saltydawg
Day 5 and still alive . cravings coming in fairly hard at times but i just grab a jolly rancher and continue on with my day. I have definitely been a little irritable at times but i informed the wife and everyone i work with already that i am quitting so they understand for the most part. While I'm at work is when i get my worst cravings but every night i have been able to get out of the shower look myself in the mirror and say that's right nicotine i made you my bitch today and tomorrow you don't stand a chance either.
Love it man! Its been 26 years since I have been able to say that and I am looking forward to doing so tonight!

Offline saltydawg

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #464 on: July 27, 2015, 01:32:00 PM »
Day 5 and still alive . cravings coming in fairly hard at times but i just grab a jolly rancher and continue on with my day. I have definitely been a little irritable at times but i informed the wife and everyone i work with already that i am quitting so they understand for the most part. While I'm at work is when i get my worst cravings but every night i have been able to get out of the shower look myself in the mirror and say that's right nicotine i made you my bitch today and tomorrow you don't stand a chance either.
I love hunting, fishing, my 5.9 cummins... and oh yea my wife way too much to let some dirt in a can end my life early. lets QUIT

Offline Mancave

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #463 on: July 27, 2015, 01:13:00 PM »
Question, is it wrong to want to rip the face off of every co-worker and wear it around the office like a mask? Just kidding of course, but i have to say i am very irritable and need to scream Fuck U Nic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #462 on: July 27, 2015, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Mancave
Hello fellow quitters, I am on day 4 and still in a fog. I am sitting at work hanging on for dear life, Im feeling weak but will not give in. Just needed to post this for accountability.
Grab a hold and buckle up sweetheart! You are WINNING, but it's a bumpy damned ride!

You can DO this!
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #461 on: July 27, 2015, 09:27:00 AM »
Hello fellow quitters, I am on day 4 and still in a fog. I am sitting at work hanging on for dear life, Im feeling weak but will not give in. Just needed to post this for accountability.