I'm 17 days into my quit and tobacco free. I have been chewing nicotine gum to wean myself off the nasty shit. Has anyone else had success with this method, or does it do more harm than good. I'm interested to hear other peoples experience with this. I feel great without having that turd in my lip, so regardless I feel like it is a step in the right direction. I wont but the dip back in. I will get off the gum soon. I just need to pick a date and make it happen. Please reply with any thoughts about "the gum".
-BCAGreenfield. 'help'
Stop the nic gum now. You are just fooling yourself. Nicotine is Nicotine is Nicotine and it is very addictive in any form.
You are an addict. The only way to quit is to quit, period, not plan to quit, not think about it, not substitute one form of the drug for the other, just quit, now, this minute, finished.
Until then, you are not quit and shouldn't be posting role.
Howell is correct. The gum has nicotine in it so while you are dip free, you are not yet nic free. If you're using the gum AS PRESCRIBED (IE, stepping down the way they suggest) then you're perfectly OK to post roll with your group (in my opinion).
However, if you're using the gum just to "take the edge off" or "only when you're craving" then all you've done is changed your delivery method (from dip to gum).
You've definitely taken a step in the right direction so congrats for that!
Thanks for the replies guys. I have been taking less than the amount the directions say to take. They say to take up to 24 pieces of gum per day. Right now I'm at about 12-14. I've been taking it as it indicates on the box, not to avoid the cravings. What I've seen is that if you take it as perscribed you dont get cravings at all.
If you dont want me posting roll I can respect that. My quit plan is more conservative than some others. I've been on / off chew for over 16years. Some of the guys here have been doing it much longer and have taken a more aggresive approach to quitting. I have a ton of respect for those guys. It is huge to quit cold turkey. Hats off.
What I will commit to this group is that I will not buy another pack of nic gum period. Its done. Thanks for the kick in the ass.
So I haven't provided a ton of background on my quit to date in the chat rooms. I was a closet chewer. I would hide it from my wife and only chew in my car or when I was alone. I was lying to her and it was killing me emotionally every day and physically. I just refused to face up to my weakness. So inevitabley I was busted chewing. I needed this kick in the ass to help my quit. This is quitting on my terms, not hers. I'm doing it for me. I just needed something, someone to help me realize how much I was hurting myself and them by lying to them and putting toxins in my body. I felt like shit.
I was telling myself I was going to quit sooner or later and I had done it before. But I was getting away with it. Chewing is embarassing, so why would I tell her about it, I was ashamed of myself. But after the storm of getting busted blew over the one nice thing is that my wife has been super supportive and is holding me to staying quit in a way that is comfortable (not overbearing). She realizes I'm an addict. I do to. It sucks admitting it. Were both cool with the gum. Tonight when I get home from work I'm telling her that is over too. Thanks for the additional kick in the ass guys. Tomorrow my roll will post day 18 days no tobacco, day 1 no gum. If I need to repost day 1 I'll do that too. Whatever it takes to be respectful of the guys that have taken a harder path.