A trip to the Service Department
Let's do a little comparison. If your computer shit the bed, what would you do? If your car stops running what do you do? When you're not feeling well, or your kids are sick what do you do? Water heater not heating? Well?
The answer is, you go to what ever Service Department, Doctor, call a plumber, etc. Basically, you call on those people that fix your shit. And when you bring your laptop into the Geek Squad and the wormy little pencil neck behind the counter (no offense to those of you who work at the Geek Squad) says you need a new hard drive, do you listen? When the auto guy says you need (fill in the blank) do you argue? When the Dr. says you need anti-biotics do you pass on his advice? When the plumber says you need to replace your heater do you do it your way?
Well, maybe yes for some of you that are plumbers, or mechanics or doctors, or geeks, but do you all get my point? I don't know shit about computers. When mine stops working I take it to 'the guy'. Why do we do this? Because 'the guy' knows. This is what he does. We listen. We may not like it, but we listen because, well, they know, right?
So why is it different here? Why are there guys that come on here and think they can do it "My way". "I don't need to account to nobody." "I can have just one." "I know better than that vet." "I don't need to justify my cave to you or anyone."
Read anything like this in a group? Of course you have, but why? Why are you here? I'll tell you. You are here because YOUR WAY DOESN'T FUCKING WORK! You may have replaced the heater, but you got the supply and discharge sides mixed up.
I'm not the inventor here. I don't lay claim to any great secret, or anything like that. Here's all I'm saying. I dipped for almost 30 years. I tried to quit a million times. I've been successful once: this time. What's different? Two things. KTC and my MINDSET.
When I got here I read. And I hate to read. But I read, and then I read, and then I read some more. Every time I saw something that made sense and I identified with, I read it twice.
Now, I try to be a part of the solution. I know what works for ME. Not you, but I know that KTC works for EVERYONE that wants it to. Read new guys. Read. And when a guy who has a couple of zeroes after his post tells you something - listen. You may not like it. You may not identify completely with it, but listen. You won't regret it.