Author Topic: General Discussion - 2014  (Read 114215 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #190 on: February 05, 2014, 04:33:00 PM »

Trust these guys, they know what they are talking about. If you really want to quit, now is the time. Not some 'comfort date' you pick in the future. I can guaran-danm-tee you that when Monday rolls around, you're going to have a harder time quitting than if you start now.

I'm not telling you this to sound like some kind of quit expert. I'm telling you because I was there, in your shoes, many times....and each time I failed. The day I joined KTC I had almost two full sleeves of Kodiak in my possession and a mind that was chock full of 'comfort dates' that were out in the future about as far as those two sleeves were gonna last me. My previous attempts at quitting all failed on or shortly after my 'quit date'.

27 days ago, I threw away those two sleeves of poison, all empty cans, spitters, and even cleaned that crap out of the upholstery of my car. Was I scared shitless? You bet. I felt cold (literally, like up my spine cold), alone, and uncertain about whether I would be strong enough to finally quit.....but I prevailed and so can you.

All of the tools you will ever need to quit can be found, or developed here. Send me a PM and I'll give you my phone number. I will help you start TODAY, and you will have all of these fine folks here behind you all the way.

(Updated) Decided to be proactive and send you a PM. You have my number. Call me when you're ready.
Living the dream, one day at a time.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #189 on: February 05, 2014, 03:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: TonyBCM
I hear you guys, thanks so much for the support.  I'm kinda freaking out already just thinking about the can I'm staring at and throwing it in the trash and taking it outside the house, then what am I going to do the rest of the day? I want to watch tv tonight with a nice fat lipper in after dinner.  Ugh.  I sound like an idiot, I know.  I guess I just want to put it off as long as possible and still tell myself I "plan" to quit??  Sucks.
Trust me, no one here has ever thought "Man I'm so glad I done, but I just wish I had one more dip before I quit" There is always a reason to not quit. You are addicted to nicotine, and that addiction is going to tell you any lie it can to keep nicotine flowing through your veins. Quit today; there is no reason to wait.
Fuck that. Quit NOW.

There is a lot of fucking power in flushing that shit NOW.

You know what's going to happen if you plan to quit on Monday? Nothing. You'll find some reason not to do it.


You know what happens if you Quit Now? On Monday, you will be on Day 6 and the Nicotine will be COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR BODY!

The question is, Tony, are you comitted? I know you're not ready, but...(listen to me now)...You didn't just trip and find this place.

You are here for a reason.
You can always put it off until Monday, then on Monday when the siren inside the can lures you back you can put it off again until the following Monday. I mean one more week can't hurt right?

I myself was tired of playing Russian roulette with the cancer can.
Don't wait, just do it. It's like a fucking nasty band aid that is stuck in a spot with too much hair, you just gotta rip that son of a bitch off!

The sooner you put the shit down, the sooner you can begin healing process. I hope you join us.

Quit on!

Offline Pinched

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #188 on: February 05, 2014, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: TonyBCM
I hear you guys, thanks so much for the support.  I'm kinda freaking out already just thinking about the can I'm staring at and throwing it in the trash and taking it outside the house, then what am I going to do the rest of the day? I want to watch tv tonight with a nice fat lipper in after dinner.  Ugh.  I sound like an idiot, I know.  I guess I just want to put it off as long as possible and still tell myself I "plan" to quit??  Sucks.
Trust me, no one here has ever thought "Man I'm so glad I done, but I just wish I had one more dip before I quit" There is always a reason to not quit. You are addicted to nicotine, and that addiction is going to tell you any lie it can to keep nicotine flowing through your veins. Quit today; there is no reason to wait.
Fuck that. Quit NOW.

There is a lot of fucking power in flushing that shit NOW.

You know what's going to happen if you plan to quit on Monday? Nothing. You'll find some reason not to do it.


You know what happens if you Quit Now? On Monday, you will be on Day 6 and the Nicotine will be COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR BODY!

The question is, Tony, are you comitted? I know you're not ready, but...(listen to me now)...You didn't just trip and find this place.

You are here for a reason.
You can always put it off until Monday, then on Monday when the siren inside the can lures you back you can put it off again until the following Monday. I mean one more week can't hurt right?

I myself was tired of playing Russian roulette with the cancer can.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #187 on: February 05, 2014, 01:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: TonyBCM
I hear you guys, thanks so much for the support.  I'm kinda freaking out already just thinking about the can I'm staring at and throwing it in the trash and taking it outside the house, then what am I going to do the rest of the day? I want to watch tv tonight with a nice fat lipper in after dinner.  Ugh.  I sound like an idiot, I know.  I guess I just want to put it off as long as possible and still tell myself I "plan" to quit??  Sucks.
Trust me, no one here has ever thought "Man I'm so glad I done, but I just wish I had one more dip before I quit" There is always a reason to not quit. You are addicted to nicotine, and that addiction is going to tell you any lie it can to keep nicotine flowing through your veins. Quit today; there is no reason to wait.
Fuck that. Quit NOW.

There is a lot of fucking power in flushing that shit NOW.

You know what's going to happen if you plan to quit on Monday? Nothing. You'll find some reason not to do it.


You know what happens if you Quit Now? On Monday, you will be on Day 6 and the Nicotine will be COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR BODY!

The question is, Tony, are you comitted? I know you're not ready, but...(listen to me now)...You didn't just trip and find this place.

You are here for a reason.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline steve1357

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #186 on: February 05, 2014, 01:09:00 PM »
Quote from: TonyBCM
I hear you guys, thanks so much for the support. I'm kinda freaking out already just thinking about the can I'm staring at and throwing it in the trash and taking it outside the house, then what am I going to do the rest of the day? I want to watch tv tonight with a nice fat lipper in after dinner. Ugh. I sound like an idiot, I know. I guess I just want to put it off as long as possible and still tell myself I "plan" to quit?? Sucks.
Trust me, no one here has ever thought "Man I'm so glad I done, but I just wish I had one more dip before I quit" There is always a reason to not quit. You are addicted to nicotine, and that addiction is going to tell you any lie it can to keep nicotine flowing through your veins. Quit today; there is no reason to wait.

Offline JayDubya

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #185 on: February 05, 2014, 01:05:00 PM »
Quote from: TonyBCM
I hear you guys, thanks so much for the support. I'm kinda freaking out already just thinking about the can I'm staring at and throwing it in the trash and taking it outside the house, then what am I going to do the rest of the day? I want to watch tv tonight with a nice fat lipper in after dinner. Ugh. I sound like an idiot, I know. I guess I just want to put it off as long as possible and still tell myself I "plan" to quit?? Sucks.
That's because right now you are in a stare-down contest with the nic-bitch. Are you gonna back down and let her win, or are you gonna kick her to the curb and claim your freedom?

The same stare-down contest that is going on today will be there tomorrow, day after that, etc., UNTIL you kick her to the curb. Here at KTC is where she gets kicked to the curb. We can't quit for you, but we will be here to support you and help you every step of the way.

Offline TonyBCM

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #184 on: February 05, 2014, 12:59:00 PM »
I hear you guys, thanks so much for the support. I'm kinda freaking out already just thinking about the can I'm staring at and throwing it in the trash and taking it outside the house, then what am I going to do the rest of the day? I want to watch tv tonight with a nice fat lipper in after dinner. Ugh. I sound like an idiot, I know. I guess I just want to put it off as long as possible and still tell myself I "plan" to quit?? Sucks.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #183 on: February 05, 2014, 12:45:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: TonyBCM
Thanks Nolaq.  From what I've read you all are dedicated and great folks that help yourselves and each other. 

I want to start my quit next Monday, Feb 10, 2014.   I feel like I need to mentally prepare for it.  Do I join a separate group for that? And if I should be post these replies on a different chat or something, pls let me know.  Thanks.
Tony, planning your quit is dangerous. I was not mentally prepared to quit, yet I am at day 205 today. A planned quit typically leads to a planned cave. However, if you still feel you have to plan I among others will happily support you. I just know that if you quit today, nicotine will be out of your body by your planned quit date. So why prolog the inevitable?
Don't think. Just quit. It'll suck just as much, if not more, when whatever future date comes. In fact, most folks set a quit date and don't stick to it. The only way to quit is right now.
Yo Tony - you know what's worse than dipping Kodiak for 2 decades? Dipping Kodiak for 2 decades and a day. All 4 of us responding used over 2 decades as well. All of us gutted that cancer juice. All of us were scared. You are Home Tony. Quit today.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #182 on: February 05, 2014, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: TonyBCM
Thanks Nolaq.  From what I've read you all are dedicated and great folks that help yourselves and each other. 

I want to start my quit next Monday, Feb 10, 2014.  I feel like I need to mentally prepare for it.  Do I join a separate group for that? And if I should be post these replies on a different chat or something, pls let me know.  Thanks.
Tony, planning your quit is dangerous. I was not mentally prepared to quit, yet I am at day 205 today. A planned quit typically leads to a planned cave. However, if you still feel you have to plan I among others will happily support you. I just know that if you quit today, nicotine will be out of your body by your planned quit date. So why prolog the inevitable?
Don't think. Just quit. It'll suck just as much, if not more, when whatever future date comes. In fact, most folks set a quit date and don't stick to it. The only way to quit is right now.

Offline Pinched

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #181 on: February 05, 2014, 12:22:00 PM »
Quote from: TonyBCM
Thanks Nolaq. From what I've read you all are dedicated and great folks that help yourselves and each other.

I want to start my quit next Monday, Feb 10, 2014. I feel like I need to mentally prepare for it. Do I join a separate group for that? And if I should be post these replies on a different chat or something, pls let me know. Thanks.
Tony, planning your quit is dangerous. I was not mentally prepared to quit, yet I am at day 205 today. A planned quit typically leads to a planned cave. However, if you still feel you have to plan I among others will happily support you. I just know that if you quit today, nicotine will be out of your body by your planned quit date. So why prolog the inevitable?
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline TonyBCM

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #180 on: February 05, 2014, 12:04:00 PM »
Thanks Nolaq. From what I've read you all are dedicated and great folks that help yourselves and each other.

I want to start my quit next Monday, Feb 10, 2014. I feel like I need to mentally prepare for it. Do I join a separate group for that? And if I should be post these replies on a different chat or something, pls let me know. Thanks.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #179 on: February 05, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Quote from: TonyBCM
Hi there. I'm Tony, and I live in NY. I've been dipping Kodiak since college and I'm 41 now. Have two daughters (4 and 1) and a great wife. I've tried patches several times and they work for a while and then I get back on and start dipping. I don't spit anymore, which I guess is even worse. I used to hate the taste of dip in the morning, and now it's the first thing I do. When I don't get to the dip fast enough, I get really angry and touchy and everyone in the house suffers. My wife begs me to quit constantly. If I've forgotten the tin at home and we head out shopping or to a friend's house, I start internally freaking out and the only thing I can think of is when I can break away and find some convenience store where I can buy another tin. I'm sure (at least I hope) that many of you know the feeling. I dip at the office, constantly checking my teeth in the mirror before meetings, etc.

I read an article recently that said that data shows that only a very small percentage of people are able to quit using quitting aids like patches or gum or pills. And that data shows that long term quitters almost always have quit "cold turkey" (but after several attempts). Whether that's accurate or not, I can say that for me the patches haven't worked. I start to lean on patches like I leaned on dip, basically switching one addiction for the other.

Anway, I've never belonged to an online community and am relatively new at posting, etc. I don't use facebook etc., so I'm sure I'll be making many mistakes in postings etc. Let me apologize in advance.

I guess this is just an introduction and request for some help and advice as to where to go from here. I'd honestly like to quit, and for good. It's quite depressing to me that I can't. I've been able to accomplish some good things in my life and this makes me feel rather helpless and weak. If anyone can help point the way on using this forum, that would be greatly appreciated. I've read various sections and can't find a 2014 HOF quit schedule etc. And have some questions about what to do next. The article I mention above also stated that for those who actually quit, it was essential that they find a support community. I hope this will be mine. Thanks for reading.
Welcome Tony. You've found home.

The truth is, Tony, that when you were on the Patch, you weren't quit. You were just delivering Nicotine to your body in a different system.

It's like saying you quit dipping by picking up cigarettes. No difference.

Cold Turkey is the only way to Quit - here. If you want support, I can garuntee you will get more support than you can imagine. You will find people here that 'get you' better than your longest freind, or even your wife.

We're addicts, and so are you. Once you embrace that fact, and change you mindset that you WILL Quit, you will see the support coming out of the woodwork.

Read up here, as much as you can. When you make the decision, jump in with two feet and DRINK THE KOOL AID.

Don't come here faint of heart. We don't use words like "try" or "hope". We DO. And the thing we DO here is Quit.

You need help, or have questions, PM me by clicking the PM button in my post.

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #178 on: February 05, 2014, 11:46:00 AM »
Hi there. I'm Tony, and I live in NY. I've been dipping Kodiak since college and I'm 41 now. Have two daughters (4 and 1) and a great wife. I've tried patches several times and they work for a while and then I get back on and start dipping. I don't spit anymore, which I guess is even worse. I used to hate the taste of dip in the morning, and now it's the first thing I do. When I don't get to the dip fast enough, I get really angry and touchy and everyone in the house suffers. My wife begs me to quit constantly. If I've forgotten the tin at home and we head out shopping or to a friend's house, I start internally freaking out and the only thing I can think of is when I can break away and find some convenience store where I can buy another tin. I'm sure (at least I hope) that many of you know the feeling. I dip at the office, constantly checking my teeth in the mirror before meetings, etc.

I read an article recently that said that data shows that only a very small percentage of people are able to quit using quitting aids like patches or gum or pills. And that data shows that long term quitters almost always have quit "cold turkey" (but after several attempts). Whether that's accurate or not, I can say that for me the patches haven't worked. I start to lean on patches like I leaned on dip, basically switching one addiction for the other.

Anway, I've never belonged to an online community and am relatively new at posting, etc. I don't use facebook etc., so I'm sure I'll be making many mistakes in postings etc. Let me apologize in advance.

I guess this is just an introduction and request for some help and advice as to where to go from here. I'd honestly like to quit, and for good. It's quite depressing to me that I can't. I've been able to accomplish some good things in my life and this makes me feel rather helpless and weak. If anyone can help point the way on using this forum, that would be greatly appreciated. I've read various sections and can't find a 2014 HOF quit schedule etc. And have some questions about what to do next. The article I mention above also stated that for those who actually quit, it was essential that they find a support community. I hope this will be mine. Thanks for reading.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #177 on: February 05, 2014, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Mjollnir
This is HUGE !!!

Please shop at CVS and show your support so more businesses will take notice and do the same thing !!!! ... d%2Bsearch
Just read this news report as well.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #176 on: February 05, 2014, 10:14:00 AM »
New Blog Post: The 2014 Savannah Quit Together - 18,096 Days Of Quit! ... s-of-quit/
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |