Hi there. I'm Tony, and I live in NY. I've been dipping Kodiak since college and I'm 41 now. Have two daughters (4 and 1) and a great wife. I've tried patches several times and they work for a while and then I get back on and start dipping. I don't spit anymore, which I guess is even worse. I used to hate the taste of dip in the morning, and now it's the first thing I do. When I don't get to the dip fast enough, I get really angry and touchy and everyone in the house suffers. My wife begs me to quit constantly. If I've forgotten the tin at home and we head out shopping or to a friend's house, I start internally freaking out and the only thing I can think of is when I can break away and find some convenience store where I can buy another tin. I'm sure (at least I hope) that many of you know the feeling. I dip at the office, constantly checking my teeth in the mirror before meetings, etc.
I read an article recently that said that data shows that only a very small percentage of people are able to quit using quitting aids like patches or gum or pills. And that data shows that long term quitters almost always have quit "cold turkey" (but after several attempts). Whether that's accurate or not, I can say that for me the patches haven't worked. I start to lean on patches like I leaned on dip, basically switching one addiction for the other.
Anway, I've never belonged to an online community and am relatively new at posting, etc. I don't use facebook etc., so I'm sure I'll be making many mistakes in postings etc. Let me apologize in advance.
I guess this is just an introduction and request for some help and advice as to where to go from here. I'd honestly like to quit, and for good. It's quite depressing to me that I can't. I've been able to accomplish some good things in my life and this makes me feel rather helpless and weak. If anyone can help point the way on using this forum, that would be greatly appreciated. I've read various sections and can't find a 2014 HOF quit schedule etc. And have some questions about what to do next. The article I mention above also stated that for those who actually quit, it was essential that they find a support community. I hope this will be mine. Thanks for reading.