I get a kick out of guts like nsk.
They have it figured out, or so they think. . He talks himself in circles and is full of speculation and one man theories. He has no idea what lies ahead, but many here do.
While this is a unique addiction, the commonalities amongst quitters is astonishing, and they are REAL. They don't come about because you read "what to expect when you quit". There is no osmosis going on here, ktc or no ktc the struggles and feelings one experiences when they quit would be the same. This isn't a cult of made up stories. It's a brotherhood of people trying to help others cope by providing support and sharing real life experiences.
As for his theory that "one day" we will be cured...It doesnt register with me. The only thing I'm focused on is TODAY, because that's all I, and anyone else, can control.
Quit on....