It's great your family is involved in your quit. Most of us were ninja dippers so coming clean was a tough deal.
What are some of the toughest things you're going through? Sleep pattern? Irritable? have you kicked your dog yet?
The biggest things was irritability, especially during the first two to three weeks. After that it eased off. I warned my wife about it, and she said she would just not ask me anything of importance for the first 21 days. :) And focusing on tasks at hand without going off on many tangents in my head was (and still is) a tough one, too.
I haven't had any issues with sleep patterns or the soundness of my sleep, or kicking my dog. He would eat my S up and not think twice about it.
One of the toughest things has been that after morning coffee craving when the first dip of the day went it. That is tough to shake, but the Hooch helps with the habit piece, just not the nicotine part. It all gets easier with every day passing.
It took me forever to WANT to quit. Now that I do, no way I'm gonna cave when I am this far in.
-= HotRodRacer =-