Author Topic: Addiction & lies  (Read 11523 times)

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Offline Sleestak

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2013, 12:34:00 PM »
Quote from: nebraskadad58
As a relative NOOB I see this thread and it makes me want to cry.

it might be wise for KTC members' to consider this "thought"
IN AA there is a saying:
"We don't shoot our wounded",

I see a lot of people on KTC go off on judgemental tirades. at or about people who cave, and come back, and frankly i've always found that attitude a bit disconcerting..

I dipped for 10 yrs, since a divorce, and was a Ninja dipper, after my spouse and i reconciled.
Lying is a damned normal part of the disease of addiction.

Anyone her who thinks they are above a cave, don't understand it as an addiction and are lying to themselves. I quit judging people, for actions i am guilty of. The fact is this, we are addicts and addicts lie. I was in the same boat with a spouse and bald faced lies and Ninja dipping.

She busted me, I got honest, and have been nicotine free for 14 days now.

Just quit today, quit for you, not for KTC, or your wife, or me, or anyone but you.

Come hell or hi water don't pickup the 1st one.

I will say the 1st few days absolutely suck, but getting past the physical craving means being willing to ride the "SUCK" as guys call it here and use it as your motivation to quite.

I DO NOT want to go through the suck ever again. So for today, even when I have a craving thought, i put gum or fake stuff in my mouth to ride it out.

I am a relative NOOB, and frankly sometimes judgemental A-Holes forget how fucking close the cave is.

I didn't quit to come here and get slapped down by seeming know-it-alls, I came here for honest support and encouragement.. I do get it.

I've been sober and in AA for a long time, I've witnessed a lot of people die through the years, one good friend who was sober died of emphasema last year because he could put down the cigs.

I came to the conclusion the addiction is in control and I am not, and not amount of willpower was going to fix it. I had to have outside help, 1st from the group, here, and also from my wife and the God of my understanding.

try willpower with diarrhea see how well it works.
Fact. We lie.
In order to quit dip or anything else, we have to quit lying to ourselves 1st. Doesn't matter what other people say or do, what we do is what matters.

I am quit TODAY. AND God willing forever. But the forever part is out of my hands.

My 2 Cents.
The vitriol being released on this dude is not because he is a weak, caving, serial quitter. We are all somewhat weak (and I contend stupid as well) for ever getting hooked on this stupid shit. Weakness can be forgiven. This guy is catching hell because he is a liar, plain and simple.

You mention that we are "all liars" and that is fine, but on this site, you DO NOT get to lie and get away with it.

Scott or whatever your name is, I wish you well. Good luck with your quit, but damn have to know that all we have is our word when we post roll. We have to be able to believe each other, or it is absolutely meaningless. Lie to your wife if you want, but don't lie on here.

Offline nebraskadad58

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2013, 11:56:00 AM »
As a relative NOOB I see this thread and it makes me want to cry.

it might be wise for KTC members' to consider this "thought"
IN AA there is a saying:
"We don't shoot our wounded",

I see a lot of people on KTC go off on judgemental tirades. at or about people who cave, and come back, and frankly i've always found that attitude a bit disconcerting..

I dipped for 10 yrs, since a divorce, and was a Ninja dipper, after my spouse and i reconciled.
Lying is a damned normal part of the disease of addiction.

Anyone her who thinks they are above a cave, don't understand it as an addiction and are lying to themselves. I quit judging people, for actions i am guilty of. The fact is this, we are addicts and addicts lie. I was in the same boat with a spouse and bald faced lies and Ninja dipping.

She busted me, I got honest, and have been nicotine free for 14 days now.

Just quit today, quit for you, not for KTC, or your wife, or me, or anyone but you.

Come hell or hi water don't pickup the 1st one.

I will say the 1st few days absolutely suck, but getting past the physical craving means being willing to ride the "SUCK" as guys call it here and use it as your motivation to quite.

I DO NOT want to go through the suck ever again. So for today, even when I have a craving thought, i put gum or fake stuff in my mouth to ride it out.

I am a relative NOOB, and frankly sometimes judgemental A-Holes forget how fucking close the cave is.

I didn't quit to come here and get slapped down by seeming know-it-alls, I came here for honest support and encouragement.. I do get it.

I've been sober and in AA for a long time, I've witnessed a lot of people die through the years, one good friend who was sober died of emphasema last year because he could put down the cigs.

I came to the conclusion the addiction is in control and I am not, and not amount of willpower was going to fix it. I had to have outside help, 1st from the group, here, and also from my wife and the God of my understanding.

try willpower with diarrhea see how well it works.
Fact. We lie.
In order to quit dip or anything else, we have to quit lying to ourselves 1st. Doesn't matter what other people say or do, what we do is what matters.

I am quit TODAY. AND God willing forever. But the forever part is out of my hands.

My 2 Cents.
Quit Day - May 6 2013
Sobriety Date: January 6, 1986

Offline Romandog

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2013, 11:34:00 AM »
Quote from: scottmacek
When did I ever say that I forgot anything about a name change?  I did not.  Look, I'm coming clean and quitting in good faith.  You don't have to accept that.  I'm doing this for myself and no one else.  There's no reason for me to lie about anything since I'm here to quit and stay quit.

I just think its "over the top" that stuff from around a year ago is being rehashed and mischaracterized.  I admitted from the beginning that I've lied to this community.  I've went to every month that I've posted in in the past and let them know what I'm doing.  I'm not trying to hide from anything.  Plain and simple.  To be honest, I don't know if I'm ready.  I don't really know what being ready to quit means.  I'm just trying to be accountable and promise myself I won't chew one day at a time.   
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: Dchogs
this lil' diddy is from his original quit group when we found out:
Quote from: Dante
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: per034
Quote from: per034
Quote from: parry8587
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Folks, sorry to be the one to break this, I was hoping scottmacek would have been here by now to explain himself.

scottmacek caved after making 105 days. He came back to the site, but used the new alias of bayparkballer, who most recently was posting in March 2012, after caving out of February.  He has been instructed to offer his explanation and to go back to using scottmacek as his login.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Ok Scotty boy ... we're waiting. This should be a good story. so much to tell... why the cave, what will be different, why did you try to "sneak" back? You owe us an explanation. there may not be a lot of quitheads still hanging around but those of us here are interested.... man up.
Scott caved after day 105, but still posted a 107, 110, 112, 116 and 119. So not only did you cave, but then you had the balls to come BACK here and post roll with triple digits up there. FIVE TIMES after your cave. Huge fuck you to all of us, right? What the fuck is that?
If he was posting roll when he was not quit then he should be kicked off the site and sent to Lite..

Folks, we have our word.. If we sully that, then what is left?

See "Dad of Five" aka "Dad of Lies" in early July 11.. There is a precedent here.

My 2c...
I agree romadog. He does not deserve this site and should leave for lite.



Scott, you fucking lying douchbag. Caving is bad, really bad. You fucking knew better, but with 89 posts to your name, I'm not that surprised. You couldn't even be bothered to post roll on your HOF day.

Ducking your cave for over 3 weeks is a bitch move. Again not that surprising, but I prefer to see the best in people. Your accountability was weak to begin with, you posted when you felt like it. It's a bigger slap in the face than the cave itself.

But fucking posting roll as a Quithead HOF'er five separate times over a span of two weeks? You have RUINED your name here. "Scott Macek" will FOREVER be known here as a synonym for a lying, cheating, deceiving cocksucker. I hope Scott Macek is your real fucking name. I hope this shows up on google when someone looks you up. You have nothing to offer me, this group, or this site. If my vote counts in this, send him to lite. Ban both accounts, and black ball his IP addy or whatever ninja computing stuff you all can do.


I wonder if that helps google or not? 'Finger'
I am not usually part of the lynch mob, but I 10000% agree that the person behind "scottmacek" and "bayparkballer" is a coward, a liar, and all around piece of shit. I think it is critical to ban this piece of trash to protect the integrity of the site.

That's just my opinion though.

Carry on quitheads, and I feel yyour pain at the desecration of your roll call.
I'm looking at this from a different angle. You either want to quit and buy into the whole process or you are full of shit and will be a habitual caver, alias changer and lie to yourself and the rest of us.

My time is better spent supporting those quitheads that drank the kool-aid and will never use again. Those are the people that inspire me. I will not lose sleep over someone who will not help himself. So I say...enjoy your dip, slave.

To the rest of you "true Quitheads"...I quit with you today! (tomorrow looks good too!)
good point, dante.

now that i've had time to process this betrayal, i'm strangely neutral. scottmacek should still be gone forever, but i really don't give a shit. he was such a non-factor here that no one is going to notice his presence or absence. he's still a liar, a con, and someone i'd never want to hang out with, but i've got nothing invested in his life, his quit, or his death.

now, if any of the regular post-HOF quitheads did this... whoa. i'm invested in you guys, even if we don't pm/chat/text, etc. i look over the names and seeing sayrah there, for example, makes my quit stronger.

at the end of it all, scott wasn't here enough for me to give a shit about him. i didn't even notice he was gone. that speaks volumes about his quit and how he used this site. his lying and deceit (not caving) earn him banishment, though.

i still kinda hope scott macek's his real name and that the google spiders pick this up.
All this is a little harsh and over the top. I can take it if it makes you feel better to dish it out. I stand by everything I said in my original post today. I also said that I was in a bad place when I previously tried to quit. Again, not trying to make excuses, just trying to offer an explanation.

As for the name change thing, it is true and there was no bad intentions behind it. I just wanted a clean start. I did not participate much when I first previously stated. Since I did not participate much, I did not know it was prohibited. The reaction of indifference is anticipated. If it makes you feel better to keep piling on, then do it. All I want to do is quit one day at a time. That is what I wanted in the past, but didn't accomplish. I obviously have lied and am admitting it.

If you want to keep talking shit, go ahead. I want to quit for the reasons stated earlier today.
The fact that you think it is over the top makes me think you're not ready, sparky. This place is here for quitters to hold themselves and the other quitters accountable. Your actions were the exact opposite of what KTC is all about. You changed your name for a clean start... i.e. you didn't want to be accountable and take your lumps. You also posted roll for two weeks (true to form, that meant 5 roll calls) while you were using tobacco. That kind of deceit cuts to the heart of a place that is built on trust.

Just to be clear, those reactions below we're from when the dishonesty was discovered... Not today.

Oh, the guys that were over the top? They are all quit. Per even caved, owned up to it, and is almost hitting his year anni. That's how it is done, fucker.
Ah I know where I remembered your name from. Let's be honest, there's no way in hell that you managed to forget all of that shit.....which means your return post was anything but sincere.

No one forgets changing their name and posting after caving. Sorry, that's just not possible.
Scott Macek.. Here you go.. --
July 2011 Tornadoes of Quit
Since April 18, 2011, 08:42:00 AM

Offline scottmacek

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2013, 11:21:00 AM »
When did I ever say that I forgot anything about a name change? I did not. Look, I'm coming clean and quitting in good faith. You don't have to accept that. I'm doing this for myself and no one else. There's no reason for me to lie about anything since I'm here to quit and stay quit.

I just think its "over the top" that stuff from around a year ago is being rehashed and mischaracterized. I admitted from the beginning that I've lied to this community. I've went to every month that I've posted in in the past and let them know what I'm doing. I'm not trying to hide from anything. Plain and simple. To be honest, I don't know if I'm ready. I don't really know what being ready to quit means. I'm just trying to be accountable and promise myself I won't chew one day at a time.
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: Dchogs
this lil' diddy is from his original quit group when we found out:
Quote from: Dante
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: per034
Quote from: per034
Quote from: parry8587
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Folks, sorry to be the one to break this, I was hoping scottmacek would have been here by now to explain himself.

scottmacek caved after making 105 days. He came back to the site, but used the new alias of bayparkballer, who most recently was posting in March 2012, after caving out of February.  He has been instructed to offer his explanation and to go back to using scottmacek as his login.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Ok Scotty boy ... we're waiting. This should be a good story. so much to tell... why the cave, what will be different, why did you try to "sneak" back? You owe us an explanation. there may not be a lot of quitheads still hanging around but those of us here are interested.... man up.
Scott caved after day 105, but still posted a 107, 110, 112, 116 and 119. So not only did you cave, but then you had the balls to come BACK here and post roll with triple digits up there. FIVE TIMES after your cave. Huge fuck you to all of us, right? What the fuck is that?
If he was posting roll when he was not quit then he should be kicked off the site and sent to Lite..

Folks, we have our word.. If we sully that, then what is left?

See "Dad of Five" aka "Dad of Lies" in early July 11.. There is a precedent here.

My 2c...
I agree romadog. He does not deserve this site and should leave for lite.



Scott, you fucking lying douchbag. Caving is bad, really bad. You fucking knew better, but with 89 posts to your name, I'm not that surprised. You couldn't even be bothered to post roll on your HOF day.

Ducking your cave for over 3 weeks is a bitch move. Again not that surprising, but I prefer to see the best in people. Your accountability was weak to begin with, you posted when you felt like it. It's a bigger slap in the face than the cave itself.

But fucking posting roll as a Quithead HOF'er five separate times over a span of two weeks? You have RUINED your name here. "Scott Macek" will FOREVER be known here as a synonym for a lying, cheating, deceiving cocksucker. I hope Scott Macek is your real fucking name. I hope this shows up on google when someone looks you up. You have nothing to offer me, this group, or this site. If my vote counts in this, send him to lite. Ban both accounts, and black ball his IP addy or whatever ninja computing stuff you all can do.


I wonder if that helps google or not? 'Finger'
I am not usually part of the lynch mob, but I 10000% agree that the person behind "scottmacek" and "bayparkballer" is a coward, a liar, and all around piece of shit. I think it is critical to ban this piece of trash to protect the integrity of the site.

That's just my opinion though.

Carry on quitheads, and I feel yyour pain at the desecration of your roll call.
I'm looking at this from a different angle. You either want to quit and buy into the whole process or you are full of shit and will be a habitual caver, alias changer and lie to yourself and the rest of us.

My time is better spent supporting those quitheads that drank the kool-aid and will never use again. Those are the people that inspire me. I will not lose sleep over someone who will not help himself. So I say...enjoy your dip, slave.

To the rest of you "true Quitheads"...I quit with you today! (tomorrow looks good too!)
good point, dante.

now that i've had time to process this betrayal, i'm strangely neutral. scottmacek should still be gone forever, but i really don't give a shit. he was such a non-factor here that no one is going to notice his presence or absence. he's still a liar, a con, and someone i'd never want to hang out with, but i've got nothing invested in his life, his quit, or his death.

now, if any of the regular post-HOF quitheads did this... whoa. i'm invested in you guys, even if we don't pm/chat/text, etc. i look over the names and seeing sayrah there, for example, makes my quit stronger.

at the end of it all, scott wasn't here enough for me to give a shit about him. i didn't even notice he was gone. that speaks volumes about his quit and how he used this site. his lying and deceit (not caving) earn him banishment, though.

i still kinda hope scott macek's his real name and that the google spiders pick this up.
All this is a little harsh and over the top. I can take it if it makes you feel better to dish it out. I stand by everything I said in my original post today. I also said that I was in a bad place when I previously tried to quit. Again, not trying to make excuses, just trying to offer an explanation.

As for the name change thing, it is true and there was no bad intentions behind it. I just wanted a clean start. I did not participate much when I first previously stated. Since I did not participate much, I did not know it was prohibited. The reaction of indifference is anticipated. If it makes you feel better to keep piling on, then do it. All I want to do is quit one day at a time. That is what I wanted in the past, but didn't accomplish. I obviously have lied and am admitting it.

If you want to keep talking shit, go ahead. I want to quit for the reasons stated earlier today.
The fact that you think it is over the top makes me think you're not ready, sparky. This place is here for quitters to hold themselves and the other quitters accountable. Your actions were the exact opposite of what KTC is all about. You changed your name for a clean start... i.e. you didn't want to be accountable and take your lumps. You also posted roll for two weeks (true to form, that meant 5 roll calls) while you were using tobacco. That kind of deceit cuts to the heart of a place that is built on trust.

Just to be clear, those reactions below we're from when the dishonesty was discovered... Not today.

Oh, the guys that were over the top? They are all quit. Per even caved, owned up to it, and is almost hitting his year anni. That's how it is done, fucker.
Ah I know where I remembered your name from. Let's be honest, there's no way in hell that you managed to forget all of that shit.....which means your return post was anything but sincere.

No one forgets changing their name and posting after caving. Sorry, that's just not possible.
?You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes?

-- John Wooden

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2013, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: Dchogs
this lil' diddy is from his original quit group when we found out:
Quote from: Dante
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: per034
Quote from: per034
Quote from: parry8587
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Folks, sorry to be the one to break this, I was hoping scottmacek would have been here by now to explain himself.

scottmacek caved after making 105 days. He came back to the site, but used the new alias of bayparkballer, who most recently was posting in March 2012, after caving out of February.  He has been instructed to offer his explanation and to go back to using scottmacek as his login.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Ok Scotty boy ... we're waiting. This should be a good story. so much to tell... why the cave, what will be different, why did you try to "sneak" back? You owe us an explanation. there may not be a lot of quitheads still hanging around but those of us here are interested.... man up.
Scott caved after day 105, but still posted a 107, 110, 112, 116 and 119. So not only did you cave, but then you had the balls to come BACK here and post roll with triple digits up there. FIVE TIMES after your cave. Huge fuck you to all of us, right? What the fuck is that?
If he was posting roll when he was not quit then he should be kicked off the site and sent to Lite..

Folks, we have our word.. If we sully that, then what is left?

See "Dad of Five" aka "Dad of Lies" in early July 11.. There is a precedent here.

My 2c...
I agree romadog. He does not deserve this site and should leave for lite.



Scott, you fucking lying douchbag. Caving is bad, really bad. You fucking knew better, but with 89 posts to your name, I'm not that surprised. You couldn't even be bothered to post roll on your HOF day.

Ducking your cave for over 3 weeks is a bitch move. Again not that surprising, but I prefer to see the best in people. Your accountability was weak to begin with, you posted when you felt like it. It's a bigger slap in the face than the cave itself.

But fucking posting roll as a Quithead HOF'er five separate times over a span of two weeks? You have RUINED your name here. "Scott Macek" will FOREVER be known here as a synonym for a lying, cheating, deceiving cocksucker. I hope Scott Macek is your real fucking name. I hope this shows up on google when someone looks you up. You have nothing to offer me, this group, or this site. If my vote counts in this, send him to lite. Ban both accounts, and black ball his IP addy or whatever ninja computing stuff you all can do.


I wonder if that helps google or not? 'Finger'
I am not usually part of the lynch mob, but I 10000% agree that the person behind "scottmacek" and "bayparkballer" is a coward, a liar, and all around piece of shit. I think it is critical to ban this piece of trash to protect the integrity of the site.

That's just my opinion though.

Carry on quitheads, and I feel yyour pain at the desecration of your roll call.
I'm looking at this from a different angle. You either want to quit and buy into the whole process or you are full of shit and will be a habitual caver, alias changer and lie to yourself and the rest of us.

My time is better spent supporting those quitheads that drank the kool-aid and will never use again. Those are the people that inspire me. I will not lose sleep over someone who will not help himself. So I say...enjoy your dip, slave.

To the rest of you "true Quitheads"...I quit with you today! (tomorrow looks good too!)
good point, dante.

now that i've had time to process this betrayal, i'm strangely neutral. scottmacek should still be gone forever, but i really don't give a shit. he was such a non-factor here that no one is going to notice his presence or absence. he's still a liar, a con, and someone i'd never want to hang out with, but i've got nothing invested in his life, his quit, or his death.

now, if any of the regular post-HOF quitheads did this... whoa. i'm invested in you guys, even if we don't pm/chat/text, etc. i look over the names and seeing sayrah there, for example, makes my quit stronger.

at the end of it all, scott wasn't here enough for me to give a shit about him. i didn't even notice he was gone. that speaks volumes about his quit and how he used this site. his lying and deceit (not caving) earn him banishment, though.

i still kinda hope scott macek's his real name and that the google spiders pick this up.
All this is a little harsh and over the top. I can take it if it makes you feel better to dish it out. I stand by everything I said in my original post today. I also said that I was in a bad place when I previously tried to quit. Again, not trying to make excuses, just trying to offer an explanation.

As for the name change thing, it is true and there was no bad intentions behind it. I just wanted a clean start. I did not participate much when I first previously stated. Since I did not participate much, I did not know it was prohibited. The reaction of indifference is anticipated. If it makes you feel better to keep piling on, then do it. All I want to do is quit one day at a time. That is what I wanted in the past, but didn't accomplish. I obviously have lied and am admitting it.

If you want to keep talking shit, go ahead. I want to quit for the reasons stated earlier today.
The fact that you think it is over the top makes me think you're not ready, sparky. This place is here for quitters to hold themselves and the other quitters accountable. Your actions were the exact opposite of what KTC is all about. You changed your name for a clean start... i.e. you didn't want to be accountable and take your lumps. You also posted roll for two weeks (true to form, that meant 5 roll calls) while you were using tobacco. That kind of deceit cuts to the heart of a place that is built on trust.

Just to be clear, those reactions below we're from when the dishonesty was discovered... Not today.

Oh, the guys that were over the top? They are all quit. Per even caved, owned up to it, and is almost hitting his year anni. That's how it is done, fucker.
Ah I know where I remembered your name from. Let's be honest, there's no way in hell that you managed to forget all of that shit.....which means your return post was anything but sincere.

No one forgets changing their name and posting after caving. Sorry, that's just not possible.
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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2013, 07:22:00 AM »
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: Dchogs
this lil' diddy is from his original quit group when we found out:
Quote from: Dante
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: per034
Quote from: per034
Quote from: parry8587
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Folks, sorry to be the one to break this, I was hoping scottmacek would have been here by now to explain himself.

scottmacek caved after making 105 days. He came back to the site, but used the new alias of bayparkballer, who most recently was posting in March 2012, after caving out of February.  He has been instructed to offer his explanation and to go back to using scottmacek as his login.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Ok Scotty boy ... we're waiting. This should be a good story. so much to tell... why the cave, what will be different, why did you try to "sneak" back? You owe us an explanation. there may not be a lot of quitheads still hanging around but those of us here are interested.... man up.
Scott caved after day 105, but still posted a 107, 110, 112, 116 and 119. So not only did you cave, but then you had the balls to come BACK here and post roll with triple digits up there. FIVE TIMES after your cave. Huge fuck you to all of us, right? What the fuck is that?
If he was posting roll when he was not quit then he should be kicked off the site and sent to Lite..

Folks, we have our word.. If we sully that, then what is left?

See "Dad of Five" aka "Dad of Lies" in early July 11.. There is a precedent here.

My 2c...
I agree romadog. He does not deserve this site and should leave for lite.



Scott, you fucking lying douchbag. Caving is bad, really bad. You fucking knew better, but with 89 posts to your name, I'm not that surprised. You couldn't even be bothered to post roll on your HOF day.

Ducking your cave for over 3 weeks is a bitch move. Again not that surprising, but I prefer to see the best in people. Your accountability was weak to begin with, you posted when you felt like it. It's a bigger slap in the face than the cave itself.

But fucking posting roll as a Quithead HOF'er five separate times over a span of two weeks? You have RUINED your name here. "Scott Macek" will FOREVER be known here as a synonym for a lying, cheating, deceiving cocksucker. I hope Scott Macek is your real fucking name. I hope this shows up on google when someone looks you up. You have nothing to offer me, this group, or this site. If my vote counts in this, send him to lite. Ban both accounts, and black ball his IP addy or whatever ninja computing stuff you all can do.


I wonder if that helps google or not? 'Finger'
I am not usually part of the lynch mob, but I 10000% agree that the person behind "scottmacek" and "bayparkballer" is a coward, a liar, and all around piece of shit. I think it is critical to ban this piece of trash to protect the integrity of the site.

That's just my opinion though.

Carry on quitheads, and I feel yyour pain at the desecration of your roll call.
I'm looking at this from a different angle. You either want to quit and buy into the whole process or you are full of shit and will be a habitual caver, alias changer and lie to yourself and the rest of us.

My time is better spent supporting those quitheads that drank the kool-aid and will never use again. Those are the people that inspire me. I will not lose sleep over someone who will not help himself. So I say...enjoy your dip, slave.

To the rest of you "true Quitheads"...I quit with you today! (tomorrow looks good too!)
good point, dante.

now that i've had time to process this betrayal, i'm strangely neutral. scottmacek should still be gone forever, but i really don't give a shit. he was such a non-factor here that no one is going to notice his presence or absence. he's still a liar, a con, and someone i'd never want to hang out with, but i've got nothing invested in his life, his quit, or his death.

now, if any of the regular post-HOF quitheads did this... whoa. i'm invested in you guys, even if we don't pm/chat/text, etc. i look over the names and seeing sayrah there, for example, makes my quit stronger.

at the end of it all, scott wasn't here enough for me to give a shit about him. i didn't even notice he was gone. that speaks volumes about his quit and how he used this site. his lying and deceit (not caving) earn him banishment, though.

i still kinda hope scott macek's his real name and that the google spiders pick this up.
All this is a little harsh and over the top. I can take it if it makes you feel better to dish it out. I stand by everything I said in my original post today. I also said that I was in a bad place when I previously tried to quit. Again, not trying to make excuses, just trying to offer an explanation.

As for the name change thing, it is true and there was no bad intentions behind it. I just wanted a clean start. I did not participate much when I first previously stated. Since I did not participate much, I did not know it was prohibited. The reaction of indifference is anticipated. If it makes you feel better to keep piling on, then do it. All I want to do is quit one day at a time. That is what I wanted in the past, but didn't accomplish. I obviously have lied and am admitting it.

If you want to keep talking shit, go ahead. I want to quit for the reasons stated earlier today.
The fact that you think it is over the top makes me think you're not ready, sparky. This place is here for quitters to hold themselves and the other quitters accountable. Your actions were the exact opposite of what KTC is all about. You changed your name for a clean start... i.e. you didn't want to be accountable and take your lumps. You also posted roll for two weeks (true to form, that meant 5 roll calls) while you were using tobacco. That kind of deceit cuts to the heart of a place that is built on trust.

Just to be clear, those reactions below we're from when the dishonesty was discovered... Not today.

Oh, the guys that were over the top? They are all quit. Per even caved, owned up to it, and is almost hitting his year anni. That's how it is done, fucker.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline scottmacek

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2013, 09:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Dchogs
this lil' diddy is from his original quit group when we found out:
Quote from: Dante
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: per034
Quote from: per034
Quote from: parry8587
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Folks, sorry to be the one to break this, I was hoping scottmacek would have been here by now to explain himself.

scottmacek caved after making 105 days. He came back to the site, but used the new alias of bayparkballer, who most recently was posting in March 2012, after caving out of February.  He has been instructed to offer his explanation and to go back to using scottmacek as his login.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Ok Scotty boy ... we're waiting. This should be a good story. so much to tell... why the cave, what will be different, why did you try to "sneak" back? You owe us an explanation. there may not be a lot of quitheads still hanging around but those of us here are interested.... man up.
Scott caved after day 105, but still posted a 107, 110, 112, 116 and 119. So not only did you cave, but then you had the balls to come BACK here and post roll with triple digits up there. FIVE TIMES after your cave. Huge fuck you to all of us, right? What the fuck is that?
If he was posting roll when he was not quit then he should be kicked off the site and sent to Lite..

Folks, we have our word.. If we sully that, then what is left?

See "Dad of Five" aka "Dad of Lies" in early July 11.. There is a precedent here.

My 2c...
I agree romadog. He does not deserve this site and should leave for lite.



Scott, you fucking lying douchbag. Caving is bad, really bad. You fucking knew better, but with 89 posts to your name, I'm not that surprised. You couldn't even be bothered to post roll on your HOF day.

Ducking your cave for over 3 weeks is a bitch move. Again not that surprising, but I prefer to see the best in people. Your accountability was weak to begin with, you posted when you felt like it. It's a bigger slap in the face than the cave itself.

But fucking posting roll as a Quithead HOF'er five separate times over a span of two weeks? You have RUINED your name here. "Scott Macek" will FOREVER be known here as a synonym for a lying, cheating, deceiving cocksucker. I hope Scott Macek is your real fucking name. I hope this shows up on google when someone looks you up. You have nothing to offer me, this group, or this site. If my vote counts in this, send him to lite. Ban both accounts, and black ball his IP addy or whatever ninja computing stuff you all can do.


I wonder if that helps google or not? 'Finger'
I am not usually part of the lynch mob, but I 10000% agree that the person behind "scottmacek" and "bayparkballer" is a coward, a liar, and all around piece of shit. I think it is critical to ban this piece of trash to protect the integrity of the site.

That's just my opinion though.

Carry on quitheads, and I feel yyour pain at the desecration of your roll call.
I'm looking at this from a different angle. You either want to quit and buy into the whole process or you are full of shit and will be a habitual caver, alias changer and lie to yourself and the rest of us.

My time is better spent supporting those quitheads that drank the kool-aid and will never use again. Those are the people that inspire me. I will not lose sleep over someone who will not help himself. So I say...enjoy your dip, slave.

To the rest of you "true Quitheads"...I quit with you today! (tomorrow looks good too!)
good point, dante.

now that i've had time to process this betrayal, i'm strangely neutral. scottmacek should still be gone forever, but i really don't give a shit. he was such a non-factor here that no one is going to notice his presence or absence. he's still a liar, a con, and someone i'd never want to hang out with, but i've got nothing invested in his life, his quit, or his death.

now, if any of the regular post-HOF quitheads did this... whoa. i'm invested in you guys, even if we don't pm/chat/text, etc. i look over the names and seeing sayrah there, for example, makes my quit stronger.

at the end of it all, scott wasn't here enough for me to give a shit about him. i didn't even notice he was gone. that speaks volumes about his quit and how he used this site. his lying and deceit (not caving) earn him banishment, though.

i still kinda hope scott macek's his real name and that the google spiders pick this up.
All this is a little harsh and over the top. I can take it if it makes you feel better to dish it out. I stand by everything I said in my original post today. I also said that I was in a bad place when I previously tried to quit. Again, not trying to make excuses, just trying to offer an explanation.

As for the name change thing, it is true and there was no bad intentions behind it. I just wanted a clean start. I did not participate much when I first previously stated. Since I did not participate much, I did not know it was prohibited. The reaction of indifference is anticipated. If it makes you feel better to keep piling on, then do it. All I want to do is quit one day at a time. That is what I wanted in the past, but didn't accomplish. I obviously have lied and am admitting it.

If you want to keep talking shit, go ahead. I want to quit for the reasons stated earlier today.
?You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes?

-- John Wooden

Offline dchogs

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2013, 09:00:00 PM »
this lil' diddy is from his original quit group when we found out:
Quote from: Dante
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: per034
Quote from: per034
Quote from: parry8587
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Folks, sorry to be the one to break this, I was hoping scottmacek would have been here by now to explain himself.

scottmacek caved after making 105 days. He came back to the site, but used the new alias of bayparkballer, who most recently was posting in March 2012, after caving out of February.  He has been instructed to offer his explanation and to go back to using scottmacek as his login.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Ok Scotty boy ... we're waiting. This should be a good story. so much to tell... why the cave, what will be different, why did you try to "sneak" back? You owe us an explanation. there may not be a lot of quitheads still hanging around but those of us here are interested.... man up.
Scott caved after day 105, but still posted a 107, 110, 112, 116 and 119. So not only did you cave, but then you had the balls to come BACK here and post roll with triple digits up there. FIVE TIMES after your cave. Huge fuck you to all of us, right? What the fuck is that?
If he was posting roll when he was not quit then he should be kicked off the site and sent to Lite..

Folks, we have our word.. If we sully that, then what is left?

See "Dad of Five" aka "Dad of Lies" in early July 11.. There is a precedent here.

My 2c...
I agree romadog. He does not deserve this site and should leave for lite.



Scott, you fucking lying douchbag. Caving is bad, really bad. You fucking knew better, but with 89 posts to your name, I'm not that surprised. You couldn't even be bothered to post roll on your HOF day.

Ducking your cave for over 3 weeks is a bitch move. Again not that surprising, but I prefer to see the best in people. Your accountability was weak to begin with, you posted when you felt like it. It's a bigger slap in the face than the cave itself.

But fucking posting roll as a Quithead HOF'er five separate times over a span of two weeks? You have RUINED your name here. "Scott Macek" will FOREVER be known here as a synonym for a lying, cheating, deceiving cocksucker. I hope Scott Macek is your real fucking name. I hope this shows up on google when someone looks you up. You have nothing to offer me, this group, or this site. If my vote counts in this, send him to lite. Ban both accounts, and black ball his IP addy or whatever ninja computing stuff you all can do.


I wonder if that helps google or not? 'Finger'
I am not usually part of the lynch mob, but I 10000% agree that the person behind "scottmacek" and "bayparkballer" is a coward, a liar, and all around piece of shit. I think it is critical to ban this piece of trash to protect the integrity of the site.

That's just my opinion though.

Carry on quitheads, and I feel yyour pain at the desecration of your roll call.
I'm looking at this from a different angle. You either want to quit and buy into the whole process or you are full of shit and will be a habitual caver, alias changer and lie to yourself and the rest of us.

My time is better spent supporting those quitheads that drank the kool-aid and will never use again. Those are the people that inspire me. I will not lose sleep over someone who will not help himself. So I say...enjoy your dip, slave.

To the rest of you "true Quitheads"...I quit with you today! (tomorrow looks good too!)
good point, dante.

now that i've had time to process this betrayal, i'm strangely neutral. scottmacek should still be gone forever, but i really don't give a shit. he was such a non-factor here that no one is going to notice his presence or absence. he's still a liar, a con, and someone i'd never want to hang out with, but i've got nothing invested in his life, his quit, or his death.

now, if any of the regular post-HOF quitheads did this... whoa. i'm invested in you guys, even if we don't pm/chat/text, etc. i look over the names and seeing sayrah there, for example, makes my quit stronger.

at the end of it all, scott wasn't here enough for me to give a shit about him. i didn't even notice he was gone. that speaks volumes about his quit and how he used this site. his lying and deceit (not caving) earn him banishment, though.

i still kinda hope scott macek's his real name and that the google spiders pick this up.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline dchogs

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2013, 08:33:00 PM »
some context. a lot to go through, but scotty-boy here broke some cardinal sins:
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: azchief32
Quote from: FLORIDA
Quote from: hsumatt2117
Quote from: Erdnase
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: davwilli
Quote from: Erdnase
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: Erdnase
Quote from: Romandog
Quote from: bayparkballer

I must come clean with something.  I have been posting as bayparkballer for the past 23 days in this group.  Previously, I posted as scottmacek in August 2011.  I made it to 105 days, then CAVED!:( 

The problem was, even though I made it to 105 days, I never completely bought in to the system.  I simply posted roll but did not reach out to other brothers or offer much support myself.  The reason I caved was because I thought I built up enough will power that would allow me to dip with a couple friends, but not fall back into old habits of addiction.  That is the true mind of an addict. 

I decided that posting under a new name would allow for me to have a clean start.  Since I did not buy into the system, I did no know that posting under a new name was prohibited.  What I learned from my cave is that individually I can quit every day.  But to stay quit, you need the support of others.  I am asking for your support and hope you accept my apology. 

Please send me a PM and I will give you my number.


If you caved on day 105, (August 16th) and you are at 23 days now, then you continued to post roll as being quit (at least five times in August) when in fact you were not..

Take a look at early July 11.. and the post surrounding "Dad of Five" also known as "Dad of Lies".

We have our word. That is all we have..

You didn't just lie to your group, but to the entire site...

How do we know going forward that you are really quit.?
Ohh Pal, that is a tough explaination to accept. It is almost Bill Clintonesq in the I did not know it was wrong to come back as another name as I did not know that was considered sex?

I have not researched this but....what did you post under, in your introduction? Why not show your support for your team that you are a former memeber that fell?? Why not use that experience to help the new crew to succeed and where the pitfalls are?

Why not talk about how you did not buy into the group in the begining, maybe that could have helped some that are MIA now.

Why post for 100 days in something you do not believe in?

Why take the time out of your day and seriously post or banter back and forth if you are not committed. Why would anyone rational in thinking do this.

It reminds me of the movie Fight Club where the ED Norton guy goes to groups that he does not need just to feel like a group. It was fucked up in the movie and it is fucked up here.

Why am I getting more angrier as I question your respone and I write this out?

The more I think about this the more pissed off I get..

Why do I bother to post roll EVERY DAY? Why did I freak out the other night in the middle of a nicotine dream? Thank God it was just a dream.
Because of the accountability here, and knowing I would have to 'splain a lot, and because believe it or not, there are people here who really do care that I am quit and stay quit.

In July 11 we had a guy early on named "Dad of Five" who continued to post roll when he was not quit. He earned the nicname "Dad of Lies" and was told to take it to Quit Lite..

This really pisses me off..

Mods? Admins?
This is how it starts. This is how if you don't come clean you get trapped in a web of lies, man.

You joined under your name 11-11-11 under your new name. (what to troll around) to have brothers and sisters reach out to you to help you in your reason to quite or just to check in your old group?)

You posted roll in the MARCH group Dec 2nd??

what gives?
Not sure which is worse, the cave or the name change. Cavers will always be on this site, goes with the addiction battle. I am a retread as well. I caved from my original group july 05. When I joined Nov 11 I kept the same name, hell the same login information and password. I had brothers from 05 recognize me, call me out, get in my ass, and accept me back into the site. This site is founded on giving our word. It will be difficult to trust your word when we dont even know who we are talking to.

Why did you come clean with the name change? In my opinion I think you should kill the baller name and rejoin your group under the original name.
The worst is posting days that he did not earn. The name change is listed as not allowed (and "bannable"), caving is not cool at all and should require the requisite 3 questions, but flat out lying is 1000000% against EVERYTHING this site stands for and means to us.

There are 3 requirements to being a KTC quit machine:

1) Post roll.
2) Honor your word
3) Repeat.

You failed tremendously. Your word is not worth shit. Your apology is full of garbage. Why dont you just go over to your July brothers houses, shit on their porch, screw their wives, then take them out for drinks?

You broke your word and posted that you were quit when you were not (what, didn't know that was against the rules?), you broke one of the few rules on this site by creating a second username, and you are apparently a serial caver.

Why in the world should anyone give you even an ounce of their time or support to you? You are a lying coward.

I better stop before my blood really starts boiling.

Man, that was really low. It could have been such a positve thing if you would have come clean in the beginning. You could have really helped people here. It just is not right what you did.
This is garbage. You obviously are not many enough to tell your first quit group about your vaginitis. Why should we even except you back. You lied. Do you have any idea how many addicts you could have helped, including me? You are a selfish sack of crap. Take your quit elsewhere. Lie to some else.
I m not that active in groups but Scott really. You caved that sucks but what pisses me off is you tried to come back as a different name. You are a sneak,loser and a piece of shit. We are all men here and you had to try and come back and hid it. Coould you not man up and say I fucked up and im back. That would of been better than what you did. Your a douchenozzle. I hope you feel like shit because you should. That is all
Bro...If a sunny optimist like FloridaLuke is laying it down like that, you have a shit-load of credibility problems. Good luck laying them straight.
Great observation, Az. Sorta reminds me of:

"If I've lost Cronkite..."
bayparkballer has been placed on the banned list, I assume by LooT.

Caving just sucks.

Not coming clean is a mockery

Creating a new user name is prohibited

Posting roll while using is unforgivable. There is nothing worse you can do to desecrate everything we stand for.


This message is being posted in August 2011, February 2012, March 2012, and May 2012.

Today is my first day of quit. I have caved many times in the past, including since I joined the site. Originally, I was in the August 2011 HOF class. I had a 100+ day quit and caved. The reason I caved was because I never bought in to the system. I consistently posted on a day-to-day basis, but never connected with my brothers. Little to no texting, no leaving messages, and no comments on posts. The thing is, I became cocky – bragged to people still dipping that I was quit like I was better than them. I’m just an addict who can’t control my problem on my own. After becoming cocky, not having a strong support network from not buying into the system, I caved.

I then joined the February 2012 class, posting under the name bayparkballer. Whether I was too much of a pussy to own up to August 2011 or just wanted a fresh start I did not know that I had to keep the same name after caving. Either way, I owed August 2011 an explanation that I did not give. I am sorry, you brothers deserve better. In February 2012, many brothers reached out to me and supported me during my quit as bayparkballer. Special thanks to mcarmo44 and wastepanel. I did not buy into the network until after I caved in 2012. Mcarmo44 talked to me, I began to quit again after caving, but was still weak. I am an addict!

After caving, I began to post in March 2012. That did not last long! Even though I was posting roll, I began using again. Once brothers discovered that I had posted under a different name, they turned on me and it pissed me off. Or was it just another excuse for me to cave and continue to cave? Anyways, I did not intentionally mean to deceive by posting under a different name. I tried to offer an explanation that was accepted by some, but rejected by most. It gave me an excuse to begin using.

Now hear I am. Every time I chew, I feel guilt, weakness, and like IÂ’m giving up on life. I have made a vow to myself to help people stay quit, and stay quit myself once and for all! Today is my first day. I did not chew. My lower jaw is grinding, IÂ’m a little pissed off, but I am sick of spitting brown shit out of my mouth. I canÂ’t think of a dumber thing to do, and IÂ’ve been doing it for nine years.

I want you all to know that I apologize for not respecting the site. I know how hard it is to quit (IÂ’ve gotten to 100 days), and you all deserve to be supported by and surrounded by others who strengthen your quit rather than passively use this site. I am going to make a concerted effort to help my May 2012 brothers, and hope you will give me a chance to quit and turn this into a good story.

scottmacek – day 1 – Let’s do this!!!
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline jake frawley

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  • Interests: I'm married to a beautiful lady. I like to lift weights and run. I play poker and win. I spend as much time riding as I can! I go to work every day and work too many hrs. I'm aggressive! And all of this makes me happy. I'm here to quit the one thing I hate about myself, my addiction to chew. It has ruled me and I wont be controlled anymore!
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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2013, 08:10:00 PM »
Bro, Like you, I have quit and then failed. Today is a new day. I am on day one again today. It sucks because we have to own our weakness. We are addicts. I quit with you today. Hold your head up and ride out the suck. we are in the right place.

Offline scottmacek

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2013, 08:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: 05wrxing
Quote from: scottmacek
Dear Community,

Today I have decided to quit chewing tobacco -- day 1.  Before I can simply post roll, I need to give you a little information about me and my addiction/problem/dark secret.  This is not the first time I have tried to quit by joining this community.  I have been unable to quit here on numerous occasions.  The problem is not anything about this community, it is myself.  I am a liar, an asshole, a jerk, a person who is unable to look themselves in the mirror and tell the complete truth.  I have been unable to be true to myself and honestly come to grips with the fact that I am 100% to-the-bone an addict.  Always have been and always will be.  I have been unable to sustain a quit for more than 5 months.  While I can quit on my own for awhile, I cannot stay quit.  Today I am here to change this once and for all. 

There are two big reasons that I want to quit forever.  First, I feel that I am 150 times a better person when I am not chewing.  I am happier, have more confidence, more energy, like talking to people, and generally enjoy life alot more.  There is nothing shittier than feeling like a slave to my addiction.  While other people go on with there day-to-day life, problems, and everything else, my mind is on the next chew.  When can I get it?  When will I have it?  And there is no rhyme or reason to why I need a chew, but I need to do it anyways.  My chew of choice has been copenhagen pouches because the shit doesn't get in my teeth.  Maybe I tell myself that it is a cleaner form of chew, but I know deep down -- shit in your mouth is shit in your mouth!

I also want to quit because I HATE that I am a downright LIAR to my wife.  She knows about my problem, but I have lied to her about not chewing more times than I can remember or count.  It really sucks that I cannot be truthful about my addiction to the most important person in my life.  I guess the reason is that I am lying to myself and cannot confront my addiction.  While this quit is for me and cannot be for her, I want to be able to be honest with her.  I am an addict.  Every day is a challenge that I must be willing to meet.  And that I have done nothing to deserve her trust and love because I cannot look her (or anyone else) in the face and be truthful.

I want to change this.  I want to be an addict that does not chew rather than an addict that does.  It's really that simple. 

Actually, I know its not that simple.  If it was, I wouldn't need the support of this group and could just do it on my one.  However, that is IMPOSSIBLE for me.  I know this because I've tried to promise myself with no accountability to this community or anyone else.  What happens is I cave...and cave...and cave again.

Joining this group and simply posting every day will not work for me.  I know that for me to stay quit, I must also quit drinking alcohol for the time being.  I'm not going to lie and say that I'm going to quit drinking alcohol forever because that would be a lie -- and I need to change that.  So, for the next 50 days, my promise every morning will be two-fold: (1) I promise to quit chew, and (2) promise not to drink alcohol.  After that, my promise will be a daily promise not to chew.  (I am getting ahead of myself because all I can do is make a daily promise, I cannot make a promise for the next day because I need to do that when I wake up that morning.)

This is my addiction in a nutshell.  I do not expect anyone to put stock into my quit and do not expect any support because  I have cheated this community too many times to deserve any support.  I do not intend to infect this community, I just want to be a quitter of chew, nothing more, nothing less.  As for my addiction, I am now 31 and have been chewing since I was 21.  I now want to be an addict that can look my wife in the face and honestly tell her "No" when she inevitable asks if I've been chewing.  More importantly, I want to look myself in the face and feel proud that I am not chewing even though I am an addict.  I need to be with people who share my problem.  You understand who I am...maybe even better than I understand myself. 

So today is day one.  Tomorrow is not promised.  But this group deserves to know about my addiction if I can honestly post roll that I quit, I won't chew today, I will be strong, and MEAN that I will not chew.
I won't put in much, I will leave that to the guys that knew you last time you were here. I wouldn't hesitate to go post roll though. I would do that before making an intro.

1.) What happened???

2.) Why did it happen???

3.) What will you do different this time???

I would go check in with your old group as well and answer those questions for them.
I tried to answer most of the questions with my post, but here is some more specific info. to answer you.

1) what happened: I was never able to stick with a routine. I did not plan ahead to avoid triggers. I thought I could "handle it" after being quit for awhile.

2) why it happened: looking back, I was not in a good place in life when I tried to quit. I had an asshole of a boss and was overworked and underpaid. (Not much for making excuses, but just trying to reflect on why I couldn't stay quit.) Since I was not in a good position, I didn't feel that I could get into a good schedule. I am in a much better job now and have a more structured life. Another way to say this, is that I wasn't strong enough.

3) The main thing I will do different is stick with my routine  not drink alcohol for 50 days.

As for prior groups, I do not remember which groups I was a part of. There has been more than one and I feel bad that people who supported me wasted time on me. I have no problem explaining to them anything if they even care. I will try to figure out which ones, but can't promise I'll hit them all. There was a time I was really trying to quit, but lying to myself and the community. It was a dark time I'm not proud of.
What happens when things get tough or a little shitty again? I mean life doesn't always play along with the quit. I've seen you around here in the past, I was trying to figure out which groups you were a part of but I couldn't remember. Your return post seems sincere. Day 1 today? let the suck begin.....
Good point! I don't think I'm naive enough to believe that every day will be a bundle of roses from here on out. Just trying to say that life was pretty shitty overall in my last job when I was beginning my quit(s). I did have a decent plan, but didn't execute because I was pretty disorganized -- didn't have snacks when I got hungry, didn't keep gum on me, didn't have enough balls not to cave, etc. My hope is that my quit will be strong enough to deal with tough times when they come and I can stay organized enough to minimize my cravings. I know they will come anyways, but there's no problem with trying to minimize how many there are.

Yes, today is day 1!
?You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes?

-- John Wooden

Offline kana

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2013, 08:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: 05wrxing
Quote from: scottmacek
Dear Community,

Today I have decided to quit chewing tobacco -- day 1.  Before I can simply post roll, I need to give you a little information about me and my addiction/problem/dark secret.  This is not the first time I have tried to quit by joining this community.  I have been unable to quit here on numerous occasions.  The problem is not anything about this community, it is myself.  I am a liar, an asshole, a jerk, a person who is unable to look themselves in the mirror and tell the complete truth.  I have been unable to be true to myself and honestly come to grips with the fact that I am 100% to-the-bone an addict.  Always have been and always will be.  I have been unable to sustain a quit for more than 5 months.  While I can quit on my own for awhile, I cannot stay quit.  Today I am here to change this once and for all. 

There are two big reasons that I want to quit forever.  First, I feel that I am 150 times a better person when I am not chewing.  I am happier, have more confidence, more energy, like talking to people, and generally enjoy life alot more.  There is nothing shittier than feeling like a slave to my addiction.  While other people go on with there day-to-day life, problems, and everything else, my mind is on the next chew.  When can I get it?  When will I have it?  And there is no rhyme or reason to why I need a chew, but I need to do it anyways.  My chew of choice has been copenhagen pouches because the shit doesn't get in my teeth.  Maybe I tell myself that it is a cleaner form of chew, but I know deep down -- shit in your mouth is shit in your mouth!

I also want to quit because I HATE that I am a downright LIAR to my wife.  She knows about my problem, but I have lied to her about not chewing more times than I can remember or count.  It really sucks that I cannot be truthful about my addiction to the most important person in my life.  I guess the reason is that I am lying to myself and cannot confront my addiction.  While this quit is for me and cannot be for her, I want to be able to be honest with her.  I am an addict.  Every day is a challenge that I must be willing to meet.  And that I have done nothing to deserve her trust and love because I cannot look her (or anyone else) in the face and be truthful.

I want to change this.  I want to be an addict that does not chew rather than an addict that does.  It's really that simple. 

Actually, I know its not that simple.  If it was, I wouldn't need the support of this group and could just do it on my one.  However, that is IMPOSSIBLE for me.  I know this because I've tried to promise myself with no accountability to this community or anyone else.  What happens is I cave...and cave...and cave again.

Joining this group and simply posting every day will not work for me.  I know that for me to stay quit, I must also quit drinking alcohol for the time being.  I'm not going to lie and say that I'm going to quit drinking alcohol forever because that would be a lie -- and I need to change that.  So, for the next 50 days, my promise every morning will be two-fold: (1) I promise to quit chew, and (2) promise not to drink alcohol.  After that, my promise will be a daily promise not to chew.  (I am getting ahead of myself because all I can do is make a daily promise, I cannot make a promise for the next day because I need to do that when I wake up that morning.)

This is my addiction in a nutshell.  I do not expect anyone to put stock into my quit and do not expect any support because  I have cheated this community too many times to deserve any support.  I do not intend to infect this community, I just want to be a quitter of chew, nothing more, nothing less.  As for my addiction, I am now 31 and have been chewing since I was 21.  I now want to be an addict that can look my wife in the face and honestly tell her "No" when she inevitable asks if I've been chewing.  More importantly, I want to look myself in the face and feel proud that I am not chewing even though I am an addict.  I need to be with people who share my problem.  You understand who I am...maybe even better than I understand myself. 

So today is day one.  Tomorrow is not promised.  But this group deserves to know about my addiction if I can honestly post roll that I quit, I won't chew today, I will be strong, and MEAN that I will not chew.
I won't put in much, I will leave that to the guys that knew you last time you were here. I wouldn't hesitate to go post roll though. I would do that before making an intro.

1.) What happened???

2.) Why did it happen???

3.) What will you do different this time???

I would go check in with your old group as well and answer those questions for them.
I tried to answer most of the questions with my post, but here is some more specific info. to answer you.

1) what happened: I was never able to stick with a routine. I did not plan ahead to avoid triggers. I thought I could "handle it" after being quit for awhile.

2) why it happened: looking back, I was not in a good place in life when I tried to quit. I had an asshole of a boss and was overworked and underpaid. (Not much for making excuses, but just trying to reflect on why I couldn't stay quit.) Since I was not in a good position, I didn't feel that I could get into a good schedule. I am in a much better job now and have a more structured life. Another way to say this, is that I wasn't strong enough.

3) The main thing I will do different is stick with my routine  not drink alcohol for 50 days.

As for prior groups, I do not remember which groups I was a part of. There has been more than one and I feel bad that people who supported me wasted time on me. I have no problem explaining to them anything if they even care. I will try to figure out which ones, but can't promise I'll hit them all. There was a time I was really trying to quit, but lying to myself and the community. It was a dark time I'm not proud of.
What happens when things get tough or a little shitty again? I mean life doesn't always play along with the quit. I've seen you around here in the past, I was trying to figure out which groups you were a part of but I couldn't remember. Your return post seems sincere. Day 1 today? let the suck begin.....
you won't have to worry about routines if you're dead... Your only thought's should be to quit for TODAY,  TODAY ONLY... Then're thinking way to far ahead... Make it fucking stick this time.. your life depends on it...
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2013, 07:55:00 PM »
Quote from: scottmacek
Quote from: 05wrxing
Quote from: scottmacek
Dear Community,

Today I have decided to quit chewing tobacco -- day 1.  Before I can simply post roll, I need to give you a little information about me and my addiction/problem/dark secret.  This is not the first time I have tried to quit by joining this community.  I have been unable to quit here on numerous occasions.  The problem is not anything about this community, it is myself.  I am a liar, an asshole, a jerk, a person who is unable to look themselves in the mirror and tell the complete truth.  I have been unable to be true to myself and honestly come to grips with the fact that I am 100% to-the-bone an addict.  Always have been and always will be.  I have been unable to sustain a quit for more than 5 months.  While I can quit on my own for awhile, I cannot stay quit.  Today I am here to change this once and for all. 

There are two big reasons that I want to quit forever.  First, I feel that I am 150 times a better person when I am not chewing.  I am happier, have more confidence, more energy, like talking to people, and generally enjoy life alot more.  There is nothing shittier than feeling like a slave to my addiction.  While other people go on with there day-to-day life, problems, and everything else, my mind is on the next chew.  When can I get it?  When will I have it?  And there is no rhyme or reason to why I need a chew, but I need to do it anyways.  My chew of choice has been copenhagen pouches because the shit doesn't get in my teeth.  Maybe I tell myself that it is a cleaner form of chew, but I know deep down -- shit in your mouth is shit in your mouth!

I also want to quit because I HATE that I am a downright LIAR to my wife.  She knows about my problem, but I have lied to her about not chewing more times than I can remember or count.  It really sucks that I cannot be truthful about my addiction to the most important person in my life.  I guess the reason is that I am lying to myself and cannot confront my addiction.  While this quit is for me and cannot be for her, I want to be able to be honest with her.  I am an addict.  Every day is a challenge that I must be willing to meet.  And that I have done nothing to deserve her trust and love because I cannot look her (or anyone else) in the face and be truthful.

I want to change this.  I want to be an addict that does not chew rather than an addict that does.  It's really that simple. 

Actually, I know its not that simple.  If it was, I wouldn't need the support of this group and could just do it on my one.  However, that is IMPOSSIBLE for me.  I know this because I've tried to promise myself with no accountability to this community or anyone else.  What happens is I cave...and cave...and cave again.

Joining this group and simply posting every day will not work for me.  I know that for me to stay quit, I must also quit drinking alcohol for the time being.  I'm not going to lie and say that I'm going to quit drinking alcohol forever because that would be a lie -- and I need to change that.  So, for the next 50 days, my promise every morning will be two-fold: (1) I promise to quit chew, and (2) promise not to drink alcohol.  After that, my promise will be a daily promise not to chew.  (I am getting ahead of myself because all I can do is make a daily promise, I cannot make a promise for the next day because I need to do that when I wake up that morning.)

This is my addiction in a nutshell.  I do not expect anyone to put stock into my quit and do not expect any support because  I have cheated this community too many times to deserve any support.  I do not intend to infect this community, I just want to be a quitter of chew, nothing more, nothing less.  As for my addiction, I am now 31 and have been chewing since I was 21.  I now want to be an addict that can look my wife in the face and honestly tell her "No" when she inevitable asks if I've been chewing.  More importantly, I want to look myself in the face and feel proud that I am not chewing even though I am an addict.  I need to be with people who share my problem.  You understand who I am...maybe even better than I understand myself. 

So today is day one.  Tomorrow is not promised.  But this group deserves to know about my addiction if I can honestly post roll that I quit, I won't chew today, I will be strong, and MEAN that I will not chew.
I won't put in much, I will leave that to the guys that knew you last time you were here. I wouldn't hesitate to go post roll though. I would do that before making an intro.

1.) What happened???

2.) Why did it happen???

3.) What will you do different this time???

I would go check in with your old group as well and answer those questions for them.
I tried to answer most of the questions with my post, but here is some more specific info. to answer you.

1) what happened: I was never able to stick with a routine. I did not plan ahead to avoid triggers. I thought I could "handle it" after being quit for awhile.

2) why it happened: looking back, I was not in a good place in life when I tried to quit. I had an asshole of a boss and was overworked and underpaid. (Not much for making excuses, but just trying to reflect on why I couldn't stay quit.) Since I was not in a good position, I didn't feel that I could get into a good schedule. I am in a much better job now and have a more structured life. Another way to say this, is that I wasn't strong enough.

3) The main thing I will do different is stick with my routine  not drink alcohol for 50 days.

As for prior groups, I do not remember which groups I was a part of. There has been more than one and I feel bad that people who supported me wasted time on me. I have no problem explaining to them anything if they even care. I will try to figure out which ones, but can't promise I'll hit them all. There was a time I was really trying to quit, but lying to myself and the community. It was a dark time I'm not proud of.
What happens when things get tough or a little shitty again? I mean life doesn't always play along with the quit. I've seen you around here in the past, I was trying to figure out which groups you were a part of but I couldn't remember. Your return post seems sincere. Day 1 today? let the suck begin.....
Make Your Decision

Offline scottmacek

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2013, 07:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
We are all addicts and many of us relate with being lying scum. I lied to my wife longer than you've been alive. One thing I can say, I posted roll every day for 1 year and most days after reaching 1 year and once my name is in that roll I've never gon back on that word. I can look my wife in the eyes now and not worry about the question she might ask. I don't have to lie.
I think you answered the questions but please explain to your previous group or groups. Remember this is no place for lying.
I don't remember which groups that I was in there are at least three. I will answer anyones questions or let them know I came back if I can find them. Not trying to hide...
?You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes?

-- John Wooden

Offline scottmacek

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2013, 07:44:00 PM »
Quote from: 05wrxing
Quote from: scottmacek
Dear Community,

Today I have decided to quit chewing tobacco -- day 1.  Before I can simply post roll, I need to give you a little information about me and my addiction/problem/dark secret.  This is not the first time I have tried to quit by joining this community.  I have been unable to quit here on numerous occasions.  The problem is not anything about this community, it is myself.  I am a liar, an asshole, a jerk, a person who is unable to look themselves in the mirror and tell the complete truth.  I have been unable to be true to myself and honestly come to grips with the fact that I am 100% to-the-bone an addict.  Always have been and always will be.  I have been unable to sustain a quit for more than 5 months.  While I can quit on my own for awhile, I cannot stay quit.  Today I am here to change this once and for all. 

There are two big reasons that I want to quit forever.  First, I feel that I am 150 times a better person when I am not chewing.  I am happier, have more confidence, more energy, like talking to people, and generally enjoy life alot more.  There is nothing shittier than feeling like a slave to my addiction.  While other people go on with there day-to-day life, problems, and everything else, my mind is on the next chew.  When can I get it?  When will I have it?  And there is no rhyme or reason to why I need a chew, but I need to do it anyways.  My chew of choice has been copenhagen pouches because the shit doesn't get in my teeth.  Maybe I tell myself that it is a cleaner form of chew, but I know deep down -- shit in your mouth is shit in your mouth!

I also want to quit because I HATE that I am a downright LIAR to my wife.  She knows about my problem, but I have lied to her about not chewing more times than I can remember or count.  It really sucks that I cannot be truthful about my addiction to the most important person in my life.  I guess the reason is that I am lying to myself and cannot confront my addiction.  While this quit is for me and cannot be for her, I want to be able to be honest with her.  I am an addict.  Every day is a challenge that I must be willing to meet.  And that I have done nothing to deserve her trust and love because I cannot look her (or anyone else) in the face and be truthful.

I want to change this.  I want to be an addict that does not chew rather than an addict that does.  It's really that simple. 

Actually, I know its not that simple.  If it was, I wouldn't need the support of this group and could just do it on my one.  However, that is IMPOSSIBLE for me.  I know this because I've tried to promise myself with no accountability to this community or anyone else.  What happens is I cave...and cave...and cave again.

Joining this group and simply posting every day will not work for me.  I know that for me to stay quit, I must also quit drinking alcohol for the time being.  I'm not going to lie and say that I'm going to quit drinking alcohol forever because that would be a lie -- and I need to change that.  So, for the next 50 days, my promise every morning will be two-fold: (1) I promise to quit chew, and (2) promise not to drink alcohol.  After that, my promise will be a daily promise not to chew.  (I am getting ahead of myself because all I can do is make a daily promise, I cannot make a promise for the next day because I need to do that when I wake up that morning.)

This is my addiction in a nutshell.  I do not expect anyone to put stock into my quit and do not expect any support because  I have cheated this community too many times to deserve any support.  I do not intend to infect this community, I just want to be a quitter of chew, nothing more, nothing less.  As for my addiction, I am now 31 and have been chewing since I was 21.  I now want to be an addict that can look my wife in the face and honestly tell her "No" when she inevitable asks if I've been chewing.  More importantly, I want to look myself in the face and feel proud that I am not chewing even though I am an addict.  I need to be with people who share my problem.  You understand who I am...maybe even better than I understand myself. 

So today is day one.  Tomorrow is not promised.  But this group deserves to know about my addiction if I can honestly post roll that I quit, I won't chew today, I will be strong, and MEAN that I will not chew.
I won't put in much, I will leave that to the guys that knew you last time you were here. I wouldn't hesitate to go post roll though. I would do that before making an intro.

1.) What happened???

2.) Why did it happen???

3.) What will you do different this time???

I would go check in with your old group as well and answer those questions for them.
I tried to answer most of the questions with my post, but here is some more specific info. to answer you.

1) what happened: I was never able to stick with a routine. I did not plan ahead to avoid triggers. I thought I could "handle it" after being quit for awhile.

2) why it happened: looking back, I was not in a good place in life when I tried to quit. I had an asshole of a boss and was overworked and underpaid. (Not much for making excuses, but just trying to reflect on why I couldn't stay quit.) Since I was not in a good position, I didn't feel that I could get into a good schedule. I am in a much better job now and have a more structured life. Another way to say this, is that I wasn't strong enough.

3) The main thing I will do different is stick with my routine  not drink alcohol for 50 days.

As for prior groups, I do not remember which groups I was a part of. There has been more than one and I feel bad that people who supported me wasted time on me. I have no problem explaining to them anything if they even care. I will try to figure out which ones, but can't promise I'll hit them all. There was a time I was really trying to quit, but lying to myself and the community. It was a dark time I'm not proud of.
?You are not a failure until you start blaming others for your mistakes?

-- John Wooden