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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2013, 09:47:00 AM »
Wow...first of all, scott, i quit with you long as the admin thinks you are worthy of posting roll here then by all means quit on brother. I understand what its like to go through some hard times and i too used them as excuses to do just about anything boozin smokin and chewin...sometimes all at the same time. I lied to just about everyone about my nicotine habit as i'm almost most sure i would have done the same thing here a year ago i was so fucked up in the head. So really, man, if you're for real, i'll be your ally here....and it looks like you might need one.

And to those that are basically telling this man to jump while he's standing on the cliff....real nice clark, ah real nice. Seriously, the only reason i'm going to stay on this now is to be this joker's quit buddy and because of Erussell and a few others in my august group. The rest of you, go ahead and look down upon everyone else from your throne that makes mistakes. Or did you forget because your a few months quit that we are all addicts here and addicts make mistakes. Remind me not to reach out to anyone else on here if i'm having a rough time.
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2013, 12:04:00 AM »
This is some bullshit. I hate how some get caught up on what is SAID to people. Big fucking deal. My Dad called me an asshole multiple times a day from age 12 to about 22. Didn't mean I was one or turned out to be one.

Fact is it doesn't matter if you use an angelic tone or acid tongue to address this cat, it will have no bearing if he remains quit or not.

Personally I could give 2 shits. Guy has more excuses for caving than I can count, then he used an alias...that was banned??? What the fuck. I can hardly keep track.

Sorry I have no sympathy either. I thought I was fucking gonna DIE when I quit. Psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, depression, anxiety meds, anti depression meds, planes, trains, and automobiles...but I never put that shit back in my mouth.

Do I think I'm "better" than Scott or anyone else who caves? No. Not really, but that doesn't mean I have to cup their nuts when they come back. They took the easy road while I was crawling out of the ditches of the same road. This fucking guy zoomed right by me, without even offering as much as a "you need any help buddy". Excuse me if that pisses me off.

So fuck anyone who tells me how I should or should not "talk" to someone on here.

Now I'm going to bed angry. Thanks a lot!
Quit 06/04/12
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The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2013, 11:38:00 PM »
I cannot believe how much attention this is getting. It boils down to this : everyone knows what this site is based on, it's accountability to one another. This guy has failed numerous times at following that principle. People are mad because "dicks" are out in force. Now me personally I'm not really a dick - this guy doesn't earn that from me. I'm only a dick to people who buy into what is sold here and then fail. This guy never bought into anything. It's a non issue. I don't believe in kicking people when they are down. This guy wants to quit. Great, I hope he does - but this isn't the place for half assed attempts. On this site there is no trying. It's quit or don't quit. Period. There's no middle ground. This guy's quit isn't harder than mine just like mine isn't harder than the next guys. I dipped for 26 years and quit without looking back. I had shitty bosses too. I lose too much money gambling. I drink too much. My wife left me. Etc etc etc. we all have excuses. At the end of the day you look in the mirror and decide whether you choose to use tobacco or not. IT'S A CHOICE. Sorry man - you need to go elsewhere and quit. I wish you the best of luck but KTC isn't for you.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2013, 08:11:00 PM »
this whole thread chaps my muffins.

If Scotty gets a dip then why can't I? Why can't you?

Be nice to the caver? .....suck on it.

The vets know all too well how little it takes to cave. Don't think were sanctimonious assholes because we treat serial cavers like fucking cancer. They are exactly that.
This site isn't for attempting to quit. No Hope, No try, no slips. This site is for quitters.

This is life and death for many of us. Maybe somebody's last chance, or somebody's only chance. Why the fuck do you want to tamper with the success of those that are serious about quitting with a serial caver. If he lied on roll call he should GTFO.

GO TO LITE, attempts are good enough over there. But here? here it's all in, and you seem to lack both the integrity and intestinal fortitude required to get the job done.

Maybe your destined to let this shit kill you so you can serve as an example to others.
I hope not. In any case, you really should roll over to " Lite" I hear they are offering discounts on nicorette, and if you join now you get a free coddle during the campfire songs.


ps you may suck it again if you don't like what I wrote.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline luby

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2013, 07:34:00 PM »
haven't been on site since early this morning. Just read through quite a bit of this thread, tons of quit gold on here, lots of really great quitters weighing in..... one question is Scott banned? Did I miss that or is the question unresolved. I want everyone to quit, you all know that, but posting roll while using is unforgivable, unacceptable and NOT what this site is, I come here every morning first thing (675 today) and promise to not use nicotine, then I live up to my word. That is everything to my quit, we cannot cheapen that. When I've had dip dreams I don't wake up in a cold sweat cus I caved in the dream I wake up in a cold sweat because I've lied to my fellow quit brothers in the dream. My word matters, my fellow's quitters word to me matters.

Offline wmcatty

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2013, 07:02:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Here at the KTC, we do forgive past mistakes.

Trust me.  I should be at 2450 today.  However, I made the mistake of drifting away from the program early in my "quit" so it became a stoppage instead.  I came back with many of the same reservations and insecurities as people like Scott have.

However, and I have heard this from many people, I "owned up and moved on" from my past.  I used my past mistakes to drive my new quit.  I knew that I hadn't made connections with anybody the first time around and I changed that.  I propped up my brothers, and they, in turn, propped me up.  Hell, I ran my first marathon yesterday and the first person I wanted to call was my brother Eafman.  I knew that not soiling nicotine's name daily meant that I was on a slippery slope back to "not using" instead of being quit so I have posted everyday since I returned.  I have stayed active on the boards, and have tried to help as many people be free of nicotine as I physically can.  That, in turn, makes me stronger.

I've heard many people, on the other hand, say that I get a "free pass" to my mistakes.  I've been told that I talk a lot of shit for somebody that is a proven failure and that I shouldn't be so hard on people because I "should understand". 

Ultimately, I don't give a flying fuck what is thought of my past.  This quit is about me.  It's how I view my actions.  In "Rocky Balboa", Rocky tells his son that "It isn’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much can you take and keep moving forward? That’s how winning is done."

Scott is not going to fail or succeed because of what we say to him.

He will fail or succeed because of what he does.

He has chosen failure 4 times with this program.  He has lied twice.  This is a big problem, and something that I hope he can overcome this time.  (I say hope because I can't do a damn thing to control his actions.)  If he wants to assure that he will not follow that same course again, he better face what he was and has done in the past.  Running from his past will not help.  Ignoring it is the same as running from it.

We move forward because we want to.

Scott, if you're quit, be quit.  Everybody here will help you.  But don't waste our time or expect this place to be a magic elixir.  This quit is you, and until you realize that, you are destined to fail.  Make a plan, and don't let yourself fall into complacency or lie to yourself that nicotine makes the world better.  If that was the case, why have you attempted to quit so often?  How did you feel upon failing?  Upon realizing what you gave up?  Take those feelings and utilize them.  Write them down and reread them every morning if you have to.  DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO STAY QUIT.

Learn from your past.
Quit for today.
Forget the future.

YOU can do this.
I agree with Waste. KTC forgives past mistakes and it is up to Scott to either quit or move on. I will support the guys quit, but will be the first in line to beat his ass if he fucks this opportunity up. Lie to me once, shame on you...lie to me twice, shame on me.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2013, 06:35:00 PM »
Your initial post in this thread opened up with promise. ....and then crashed.
Let's not stray too far from the original big three questions, I still want an answer to those. I don't know when you caved. I don't know why you caved, or how specifically. And I DAMN sure haven't heard anything about how you are gonna do things different this time. Scott actually said he had a "good plan" before. Really? Have we heard ANY reference to how this time is going to be different that the last. Or the one before that. Or the one.....
Now, please stop saying "I'm not making excuses" after every excuse. Its creepy and sad. Tell us exactly how. Exactly why. Exactly why your "good plan" sucked and exactly why you plan to embrace the KTC plan in the future. If you are gonna try "your plan" again, go somewhere else. If you can't give a better answer to our questions, go somewhere else. Bu-bye. That's not being an ass, that's doing you a favor, as you'll be wasting your time here. .

PS. You have been with so many groups you can't even recall them? One of the groups that you can't even remember is mine. I'm a BoMB. I and others like me helped to watch your back. The fact that you don't even recall us is...well.....upsetting.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2013, 06:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Romandog
Scott Macek.. Here you go.. --
Scott, this is the best advice you've been given today:

Offline Romandog

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2013, 05:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Seth
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: scottmacek
I don't mind catching hell if I was not coming clean.  But I'm catching shit for mistakes that were made over a year ago.  I don't understand the logic in that, do you?  I came CLEAN yesterday because I've got nothing to hide.  So it just seems that some people want to give me shit, just to give me shit.  And try to cherry pick things that were said a year ago as a reason to harp on me.  Go ahead if that makes you feel better.    
yes, you made mistakes over a year ago. yes, those things that happened over a year ago are being brought up today. there's a reason for this: the last time we saw your sorry ass was over a year ago when you were LYING to our faces. just because you put a little time between that lie and your next appearance doesn't mean all is suddenly forgiven. you have to actively earn trust back. i'm flabbergasted that you don't know that.

and you didn't come clean. you admitted to being a liar. but we're all addicts, so we're all liars. no shit, sherlock. you then talk about being such a shit for lying to your wife. you go into great detail about your shitty boss and how hard life was for you, but you never go into detail about your lying to the site, about posting roll while you were still using, about changing your name to slink back in here without taking responsibility for your actions.

plenty of talk about not knowing to have chewing gum, or fake dip, or not being organized enough (really, you expect us to believe that shit after you hit the HOF? you knew what to do... stop lying to us.). nothing about what really happened.

you committed two ban-able offenses (posting roll while using and purposefully using a different username). i don't know why you're still here. i'm not usually "one of the hardasses;" two of the guys that i count as good KTC friends caved and came back. you, though, did everything that runs counter to what this site is all about. just seeing you here cheapens it for me.
Like J2B, I'm not usually one of the guys that beat up a returning caver. There are guys around here that, frankly, are just better at it than I am. But this IS different.

If you caved and continued posting roll with an increasing number of days behind your name, you cannot be on this site. Period. If you are allowed to remain, perhaps I need to rethink my involvement on here. Because, while I can give a guy a second (or third) chance after a cave, I simply cannot put up with what you have done.

Today I posted up day 1,044, and this site has truly made all the difference in staying quit. But if you're allowed to stay, I don't think that I can. All we have is our word here, and I cannot see any set of circumstances where yours ever has any sort of meaning. Pure and simple, you are a liar, and if you are allowed to stay here, the foundation of this site has fundamentally changed.

Go over to lite. Hopefully you can find what you need over there.
Agreed.. I'm with you on that one, Seth...
July 2011 Tornadoes of Quit
Since April 18, 2011, 08:42:00 AM

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Romandog
This is utter bull****.

Take a look at the first several posts in July 2011.

We do not lie about our being quit when we post roll.

You lie and say you are clean when you are not, you are gone.

It isn't about "Shooting our wounded".. No, NebraskaDad.. This isn't about being wounded at all.

This is about maning up. This is about keeping this site what it is, and keeping the teeth in this quit and making it mean something.

Everyone who comes in here, realizing they have been snakebit by nicotine is wounded. Every one. I dipped for 31 years. I lied to myself, I lied to my wife, I lied to everyone..

Everyone, that is, except the folks on this site.

You want the wiggle room to lie about being quit when you are not?


If we don't have integrity in Roll, then this site is nothing. I thought this ****** lied once, and now I read he lied twice?

GO.. GO TO LITE and take your excuses with you.

I am asking the Admins to ban this guy. I don't want him on "my" site. I won't quit with him, I won't help him.

Romandog - QUIT day 764, July 2011.
My apologies about my language.. No excuses..
July 2011 Tornadoes of Quit
Since April 18, 2011, 08:42:00 AM

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2013, 05:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Dchogs
Quote from: scottmacek
I don't mind catching hell if I was not coming clean.  But I'm catching shit for mistakes that were made over a year ago.  I don't understand the logic in that, do you?  I came CLEAN yesterday because I've got nothing to hide.  So it just seems that some people want to give me shit, just to give me shit.  And try to cherry pick things that were said a year ago as a reason to harp on me.  Go ahead if that makes you feel better.   
yes, you made mistakes over a year ago. yes, those things that happened over a year ago are being brought up today. there's a reason for this: the last time we saw your sorry ass was over a year ago when you were LYING to our faces. just because you put a little time between that lie and your next appearance doesn't mean all is suddenly forgiven. you have to actively earn trust back. i'm flabbergasted that you don't know that.

and you didn't come clean. you admitted to being a liar. but we're all addicts, so we're all liars. no shit, sherlock. you then talk about being such a shit for lying to your wife. you go into great detail about your shitty boss and how hard life was for you, but you never go into detail about your lying to the site, about posting roll while you were still using, about changing your name to slink back in here without taking responsibility for your actions.

plenty of talk about not knowing to have chewing gum, or fake dip, or not being organized enough (really, you expect us to believe that shit after you hit the HOF? you knew what to do... stop lying to us.). nothing about what really happened.

you committed two ban-able offenses (posting roll while using and purposefully using a different username). i don't know why you're still here. i'm not usually "one of the hardasses;" two of the guys that i count as good KTC friends caved and came back. you, though, did everything that runs counter to what this site is all about. just seeing you here cheapens it for me.
Like J2B, I'm not usually one of the guys that beat up a returning caver. There are guys around here that, frankly, are just better at it than I am. But this IS different.

If you caved and continued posting roll with an increasing number of days behind your name, you cannot be on this site. Period. If you are allowed to remain, perhaps I need to rethink my involvement on here. Because, while I can give a guy a second (or third) chance after a cave, I simply cannot put up with what you have done.

Today I posted up day 1,044, and this site has truly made all the difference in staying quit. But if you're allowed to stay, I don't think that I can. All we have is our word here, and I cannot see any set of circumstances where yours ever has any sort of meaning. Pure and simple, you are a liar, and if you are allowed to stay here, the foundation of this site has fundamentally changed.

Go over to lite. Hopefully you can find what you need over there.
The product is worth the process.

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2013, 04:56:00 PM »
Quote from: scottmacek
I don't mind catching hell if I was not coming clean. But I'm catching shit for mistakes that were made over a year ago. I don't understand the logic in that, do you? I came CLEAN yesterday because I've got nothing to hide. So it just seems that some people want to give me shit, just to give me shit. And try to cherry pick things that were said a year ago as a reason to harp on me. Go ahead if that makes you feel better.
yes, you made mistakes over a year ago. yes, those things that happened over a year ago are being brought up today. there's a reason for this: the last time we saw your sorry ass was over a year ago when you were LYING to our faces. just because you put a little time between that lie and your next appearance doesn't mean all is suddenly forgiven. you have to actively earn trust back. i'm flabbergasted that you don't know that.

and you didn't come clean. you admitted to being a liar. but we're all addicts, so we're all liars. no shit, sherlock. you then talk about being such a shit for lying to your wife. you go into great detail about your shitty boss and how hard life was for you, but you never go into detail about your lying to the site, about posting roll while you were still using, about changing your name to slink back in here without taking responsibility for your actions.

plenty of talk about not knowing to have chewing gum, or fake dip, or not being organized enough (really, you expect us to believe that shit after you hit the HOF? you knew what to do... stop lying to us.). nothing about what really happened.

you committed two ban-able offenses (posting roll while using and purposefully using a different username). i don't know why you're still here. i'm not usually "one of the hardasses;" two of the guys that i count as good KTC friends caved and came back. you, though, did everything that runs counter to what this site is all about. just seeing you here cheapens it for me.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2013, 04:51:00 PM »
If it's true that you posted roll while using, please go elsewhere.

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2013, 04:44:00 PM »
I struggle with a couple of things in this thread. First of all, we ALL have a dog in this hunt. So to dismiss it as a "It's between him and his God" type of thing or to judge someone's reaction to this is wrong. It is between Him and everyone who posts roll that day. Catty remarked that he has come clean and so on, but he purposely posted while using Nic. Period..... I have only met a few of you in person and a few more via text and phone calls. It has to be a thing of absolute certainty that I believe everyone who posts roll each day is not using Nic. If that is broken then what the fuck are we doing here?

Nebraska mentioned that "Forever is out of my hands" Bull shit!! Your quit is in your hands every second of everyday! You are not going to slip on a bar of soap and a dip flys in your lip!! I know that you are new and you need to understand that there are no victims here. Only Addicts. Being an Addict makes it tougher to stop using but you ultimately have total control. Put two hands on the wheel, tighten up your belts and make it happen quitter!!!

This is the worst case of cave/lying I have ever seen in my time on this site. I am all for helping anyone quit but once you have violated the ONLY thing that we have on this site to place our faith in. Posting Roll!! I am not sure the 3 questions are going to change my mind. If this is something that we tolerate then what is next? Sorry bro.......I cannot trust you with my quit or anyone else's on this site. I hope you conquer your demons and never take another dip. But I wont be there for you.
Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
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Post with Da Jackwagins!!

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Re: Addiction & lies
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2013, 04:09:00 PM »
This is utter bull****.

Take a look at the first several posts in July 2011.

We do not lie about our being quit when we post roll.

You lie and say you are clean when you are not, you are gone.

It isn't about "Shooting our wounded".. No, NebraskaDad.. This isn't about being wounded at all.

This is about maning up. This is about keeping this site what it is, and keeping the teeth in this quit and making it mean something.

Everyone who comes in here, realizing they have been snakebit by nicotine is wounded. Every one. I dipped for 31 years. I lied to myself, I lied to my wife, I lied to everyone..

Everyone, that is, except the folks on this site.

You want the wiggle room to lie about being quit when you are not?


If we don't have integrity in Roll, then this site is nothing. I thought this ****** lied once, and now I read he lied twice?

GO.. GO TO LITE and take your excuses with you.

I am asking the Admins to ban this guy. I don't want him on "my" site. I won't quit with him, I won't help him.

Romandog - QUIT day 764, July 2011.
July 2011 Tornadoes of Quit
Since April 18, 2011, 08:42:00 AM