lungb, I have really enjoyed reading your intro. First of all, you are one hell of a quitter. Please don't worry about your wife right now. You dipped for you and now you are quit for you, not her. This is yours man and don't let anyone take that away. I quit with ya all day long today. Enjoy vacation.
What Mogul said....
I am proud to be a Sultan with you, brother!
Lung, that's a drag about your wife, but mine isn't that supportive either. The first bit of support was on vacation last month and that was a "glad the motel room doesn't smell like chew, good job", and that around day 72. I was disappointed in her lack of caring.......but then I looked at it from her angle. I "quit" 3-4 times a year for as many years as she and I have been together (14), so why would this be any different? I get my wife's lack of trust when it comes to me being quit, I lied too many times to her.
The difference is that you and I have the support of thousands of quitters. The angry days will pass soon enough Lung, and I'm proud to be quit with you today.