I'm going to post up some gems of quotes i've collected over time- maybe they can inspire someone like they have me. Or may you laugh like I did, in some cases.....
- Soon you will see that can for what it really is. That can is a liar, a bully, a narcissistic bitch, a killer and will steal everything you claim is important to you. MThomas 5-20-14 on Clutchski
- ThatÂ’s not lost that youÂ’re feeling. ItÂ’s freedom. You just donÂ’t know how to deal with it yet. AppleJack on Alwaysdipping 2-19-14
- Nicotine leads to desolation, isolation, and death. Quitting leads to freedom, brotherhood, and life. Steakbomb 5/1/14 on ApogeeAmmo
- I used to make excuses for dippingÂ….I now make excuses as to why I WILL NOT dip, why I must stay quit, why I must have truth, honesty and full disclosure in all of my relationships, I make excuses as to why I MUST post roll every day, excuses as to why I have to keep my daily PROMISE. Excuses as to why I must protect my integrity. Sensei Apr 7 2010
- I have strung a web of accountability in here so deep that if I disappear I know there will be a damned manhunt for me. Pinched Dec 6 2013
- The moment we remain fully and completely accountable for our actions we win. We are not unique and special butterflies; we are drug addicts. Drug addicts with free will, the power of choice. Scowick Dec 6 2013
- Birds top ten in Words of Wisdom
- Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice skoalMonster (sM) Sept 5 2013
- The hardest part of quitting is the first step. It was the day you REALLY decided to try. That day took me years to get to. It is so much easier to stay quit than to decide to quit. Don't throw that away, you may never get here again. sM Nov 30 2012
- To quit means to face withdrawal, it requires the confrontation of triggers without using nicotine. It will not always be easy,but get over it. This is the price you pay to earn your freedom July 1 2010 sM
- The only people who are better than me are other quitters. Basically, if you use tobacco, I am better than you. End of story. If you use tobacco, no matter how many great qualities you have, you are a loser. A huge zero. I am better than you because I beat back my addiction every day. And you can't even argue with me, because I will kill you or tickle you or kick your mom or do something else that's awesome and show you how much you suck. Dean the Coot March 31 2010
- Nicotine is that crazy bitch you dated in high school.
Yeah...she was your first. Yeah...she's got an ass that just don't quit. Yeah...there's a part of you that will always want her.
But, she's also run train with the football team behind your back and given you the clap twice and you're getting itchy down there now. She's abusive and she empties you wallet every chance she gets.
Trust me...those memories of the good times will haunt you but the reality is that you are so much better without her. She's stolen your soul. Take it the fuck back. Own this, and do whatever you really want to do. Wastepanel 12-26-13
- Nicotine is an ex-girlfriend that can fuck your brains out. Unfortunately, she runs train with the neighbors downstairs and spends your money while you're working. When you finally break up with her, she reminds you of all of your good times together and she passes over all of her mistakes. It's how the parasite assures complete obedience. Wastepanel, on MinnyÂ’s thread
- One can, half a can, three cans, tucan fucking Sam. It don't matter. An addict's an addict --Diesel 12-31-13
- Tonight wont be easy. New Years Eve...it's like a day MADE for dipping. People getting shit faced sucking down lung darts, guys thinking they are hot shit smoking down cigars the size of boat oars, metro sexuals and nickles trying to be dime women "vaping" on e-cigs. Why not be the dude with a lip full of shit spitting into a red solo cup or two fisting it with one bottle of beer and bottle of spit. New Years Eve is a fucking nicotine palooza. - Diesel 12-31-13
- For what it's worth, it sounds like you got it all figured out. A question:
If you could quit without the accountability from the site, (no roll) . Why haven't you done it long ago?
There is a comfort in standing shoulder to shoulder with another. Facing the same battles, the same fears, the same pain. It's what makes friends out of strangers. Overcoming the adversity of quitting nicotine as a community is what makes this place work.
Lone wolf it if you must, and good luck to you. There are some hurdles you still have, that you're unaware of yet. When you start to struggle I hope you find your way. This is deeper than it looks at your stage.
Besides you say you want to help others?, then stand next to them in the line up each day and let the guys in your group know that your grinding it out WITH them.
Thousands of people before you have followed the steps laid out here very successfully.
Including me. 1823 days quit.
Get with the program sparky
sM on ssever thread 1-24-14
- There are many things in life you can half-ass your way through and still be considered sucessful. Quitting isn't like that. You have to intentionally quit every day, build your accountability. TCell on Pinched, 4-17-14 
Skoal Monster and RonCross:
I learn so much from these caves! The reasons and circumstances all seem to repeat for so many people.
1. Failure to learn the basics of quit 101 will most certainly lead to a cave later on.
2. One problem + nicotine = two problems.
3. Alcohol is the biggest quit killer out there.
4. Failure to continue to post your promise every day whether you are 100 days quit or 1,000 days quit is a recipe for a cave.
5. length of quit is not related to strength of quit.
6. This is Chess.... not checkers, educate yourself
7. There is no just one.....ever
8. You are an addict.... no different than a heroin junkie
9. you will always be an addict
10. 100% of quitters that don't put nicotine in their body quit successfully
11. It's going to suck.......... until it doesn't..............and then it won't
And when the fog lifts and you understand how easy this quitting business really is you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. It's so simple. Embrace the suck, just give in to the fact that youÂ’re going to suffer for awhile. It won't kill you despite what you think. A small amount of suffering is a reasonable price to pay to save your life I think? What about you?
Thanks everyone who gave the words above to us all!