Author Topic: I"m in- just found my way  (Read 40973 times)

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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2013, 12:30:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Updating, day 27 today... the weekend i spent a lot of time alone which caused a lot of triggers, like i expected. They come as little habitual instinct jabs, strong and sharp and seeming to come from my subconscious. Sometimes it i even feel it in my lips-- as a weird trigger or something. They pass quickly too, when I just recognize them and then let them go. But i have used a lot of gum lately, and sometimes I feel like i have to use the gum to get by. Some of that is lkely tension in my personal life too.

One thing I'm enjoying lately is not living the hidden life of ninja dipping. I don't have to sneak away to get a dip in, or worry about if i might need to spit, or wonder if its in my teeth when I talk to someone, or sneaking off to buy a can, or figuriing out how to hide my can when I go somewhere. Now I"m just me, without the dirty little secret, and that is great! Working on self-acceptance, because it's strange to not have to have the shame down inside.

A real highlight of the weekend was meeting up with KTC bro ihatecope and his brother when they came into Denver for the game. Feels good to have met the actual person who's going on the same path at about the same length of quit as me, and he's a great guy to boot! Fun meeting his brother too, who is also chew free but not nicotine free (yet).

Anxiety is a different experience without my old learned cope-ing technique. I"m having quite a bit from my family situation lately, and the main thing i notice is how hard it hits the body. Breathing is pretty helpful though, whereas I probably used to throw a dip in and make believe my problems were washed away. Hopefully the edge of the anxiety will soften as i get more used to how it really feels without addict behaviors on top of it. I also feel light headed, like the suck fog, sometimes from anxiety. How strange to actually be feeling and living my life unfiltered by the US Tobacco company! haha!!

That's it for today. I quit again today, it's worth it!
Quit with you today. Stay on course and just focus all your quit into winning the battle today. Fight and call for backup when its too much. You will have an army of quitters that will circle the wagons around you and the nic bitch will retreat.

Use the tools you have here. The Prideful cave because they aren't humble to call for backup when they should.

Get numbers and use them!
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2013, 12:27:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Updating, day 27 today... the weekend i spent a lot of time alone which caused a lot of triggers, like i expected. They come as little habitual instinct jabs, strong and sharp and seeming to come from my subconscious. Sometimes it i even feel it in my lips-- as a weird trigger or something. They pass quickly too, when I just recognize them and then let them go. But i have used a lot of gum lately, and sometimes I feel like i have to use the gum to get by. Some of that is lkely tension in my personal life too.

One thing I'm enjoying lately is not living the hidden life of ninja dipping. I don't have to sneak away to get a dip in, or worry about if i might need to spit, or wonder if its in my teeth when I talk to someone, or sneaking off to buy a can, or figuriing out how to hide my can when I go somewhere. Now I"m just me, without the dirty little secret, and that is great! Working on self-acceptance, because it's strange to not have to have the shame down inside.

A real highlight of the weekend was meeting up with KTC bro ihatecope and his brother when they came into Denver for the game. Feels good to have met the actual person who's going on the same path at about the same length of quit as me, and he's a great guy to boot! Fun meeting his brother too, who is also chew free but not nicotine free (yet).

Anxiety is a different experience without my old learned cope-ing technique. I"m having quite a bit from my family situation lately, and the main thing i notice is how hard it hits the body. Breathing is pretty helpful though, whereas I probably used to throw a dip in and make believe my problems were washed away. Hopefully the edge of the anxiety will soften as i get more used to how it really feels without addict behaviors on top of it. I also feel light headed, like the suck fog, sometimes from anxiety. How strange to actually be feeling and living my life unfiltered by the US Tobacco company! haha!!

That's it for today. I quit again today, it's worth it!
goooo stuff! Thanks for writing it.

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2013, 11:42:00 AM »
Updating, day 27 today... the weekend i spent a lot of time alone which caused a lot of triggers, like i expected. They come as little habitual instinct jabs, strong and sharp and seeming to come from my subconscious. Sometimes it i even feel it in my lips-- as a weird trigger or something. They pass quickly too, when I just recognize them and then let them go. But i have used a lot of gum lately, and sometimes I feel like i have to use the gum to get by. Some of that is lkely tension in my personal life too.

One thing I'm enjoying lately is not living the hidden life of ninja dipping. I don't have to sneak away to get a dip in, or worry about if i might need to spit, or wonder if its in my teeth when I talk to someone, or sneaking off to buy a can, or figuriing out how to hide my can when I go somewhere. Now I"m just me, without the dirty little secret, and that is great! Working on self-acceptance, because it's strange to not have to have the shame down inside.

A real highlight of the weekend was meeting up with KTC bro ihatecope and his brother when they came into Denver for the game. Feels good to have met the actual person who's going on the same path at about the same length of quit as me, and he's a great guy to boot! Fun meeting his brother too, who is also chew free but not nicotine free (yet).

Anxiety is a different experience without my old learned cope-ing technique. I"m having quite a bit from my family situation lately, and the main thing i notice is how hard it hits the body. Breathing is pretty helpful though, whereas I probably used to throw a dip in and make believe my problems were washed away. Hopefully the edge of the anxiety will soften as i get more used to how it really feels without addict behaviors on top of it. I also feel light headed, like the suck fog, sometimes from anxiety. How strange to actually be feeling and living my life unfiltered by the US Tobacco company! haha!!

That's it for today. I quit again today, it's worth it!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline BigRuss

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2013, 02:31:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Day 24-ish. The past few days i haven't had very bad fog. Still having home life issues so there have been craves for sure, but having this KTC community and method and support really helps. Today the fog seems to be creeping back and I don't know why. I will be spending the weekend away from family, so maybe it's the nic bitch in me messing with the rest of me. It won't work though, I"m not caving.

I'm getting a foggy brain and headache, and craves, and you know what, i'm thinkiing just bring it on, i'll get through it just fine. I do feel like sleeping but i'm at work. I should be able to slip out early and that will be nice. I"m wondering if the fog isn't some sort of anxiety over lonliness, since the family will be gone (and i've long realized that I used to think that chew was my little secret friend/mistress). So, probalbly this is all addict bullsh**, which means i can get through it, I have support, and when I beat it that's one less trigger situation I'l have to go through again.

So nice to have this sort of confidence and support, becuase I would have caved several times by now in the past.
Hey man, I got an empty house this weekend as the pregnant wife is headed out of town with friends. Been in a malaise for days or just in an overall funk. Same things are running through my head, "no one will know if you get a can, you deserve to reward yourself." It's all bullshit, we are stronger than this, let me know if you need anything.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2013, 01:59:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Day 24-ish. The past few days i haven't had very bad fog. Still having home life issues so there have been craves for sure, but having this KTC community and method and support really helps. Today the fog seems to be creeping back and I don't know why. I will be spending the weekend away from family, so maybe it's the nic bitch in me messing with the rest of me. It won't work though, I"m not caving.

I'm getting a foggy brain and headache, and craves, and you know what, i'm thinkiing just bring it on, i'll get through it just fine. I do feel like sleeping but i'm at work. I should be able to slip out early and that will be nice. I"m wondering if the fog isn't some sort of anxiety over lonliness, since the family will be gone (and i've long realized that I used to think that chew was my little secret friend/mistress). So, probalbly this is all addict bullsh**, which means i can get through it, I have support, and when I beat it that's one less trigger situation I'l have to go through again.

So nice to have this sort of confidence and support, becuase I would have caved several times by now in the past.
Your brain is being rewired to work without nicotine. Let those electricians get in there and fix that cranium. Focus on quitting and hang close to the site.

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2013, 01:52:00 PM »
Day 24-ish. The past few days i haven't had very bad fog. Still having home life issues so there have been craves for sure, but having this KTC community and method and support really helps. Today the fog seems to be creeping back and I don't know why. I will be spending the weekend away from family, so maybe it's the nic bitch in me messing with the rest of me. It won't work though, I"m not caving.

I'm getting a foggy brain and headache, and craves, and you know what, i'm thinkiing just bring it on, i'll get through it just fine. I do feel like sleeping but i'm at work. I should be able to slip out early and that will be nice. I"m wondering if the fog isn't some sort of anxiety over lonliness, since the family will be gone (and i've long realized that I used to think that chew was my little secret friend/mistress). So, probalbly this is all addict bullsh**, which means i can get through it, I have support, and when I beat it that's one less trigger situation I'l have to go through again.

So nice to have this sort of confidence and support, becuase I would have caved several times by now in the past.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline ihatecope

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2013, 11:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: brettlees
Day 21- the fog is a little better- fuzzy brain is only an infrequent visitor lately, and "brain not working" is getting better. and now, on to the major new twist-
So, I welcome each new craving in a way, because it's a chance to beat it down. And now, the latest trigger..... domestic problems- yes, issues with the spouse. What fun (joking, sarcastic).  I haven't seen anyone post about this-- its embarassing and personal but it's also real so I'll do it.

Yeah, short of the death of a close family member, it's about the worst thing I could want. But it's happening, and its not bickering- rather, it's ran up credit card bills to the tune of thousands and thought I wouldn't notice, stole the bills from the mail for months to hide it from me, dropped my credit score into the tank. That's big.  And the urges are strong, but I refuse to give in. This site and my accountabilty to others is now making ALL of the difference, because I would have definitely given in to the "fuck it all" of the situation and started chewing again in this situation if it weren't for the safety net i've built here with this site, and with you all.  Thank you!  I'm quit today, dammit!
You got it. Chewing will NOT solve your problem. I don't know how we ever let ourselves be fooled into thinking that way. Life is gonna be full of pain, joy, trouble, happy... Chew or not. You're choosing to deal with it as a clean n free man. Rock it...
Stay on course. Post roll, keep your word and repeat.

The storm is brewing and you will have a major battle. When you pass and weather that giant storm, the clouds will part and it will feel better than any buzz nicotine can offer.

Stay quit today and don't think about any fight tomorrow. Just get through today and repeat.

I promise you. Stay with the plan. Once you get to the HOF, you can decide and re-evaluate. For today, there is no tomorrow you only need to win today.

Grit it out and feel the pain. You'll look back and appreciate the pain and love the victory.

Can't stress it enough STAY THE COURSE!!
Caving will make it worse. Getting raped by credit is pretty bad. However getting double teamed by the nic bitch and credit will be worse. Send me a text anytime if you need a brother – you know with this fog I’m easily distracted.
Quit: Saturday Oct 26, 2013 @ 2:00 PM
HOF: February 2, 2014

Offline BigRuss

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2013, 04:14:00 PM »
Shit, that's tough stuff right there man, stay strong and do what you need to do to not cave. You'll get through this.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2013, 12:41:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: brettlees
Day 21- the fog is a little better- fuzzy brain is only an infrequent visitor lately, and "brain not working" is getting better. and now, on to the major new twist-
So, I welcome each new craving in a way, because it's a chance to beat it down. And now, the latest trigger..... domestic problems- yes, issues with the spouse. What fun (joking, sarcastic).  I haven't seen anyone post about this-- its embarassing and personal but it's also real so I'll do it.

Yeah, short of the death of a close family member, it's about the worst thing I could want. But it's happening, and its not bickering- rather, it's ran up credit card bills to the tune of thousands and thought I wouldn't notice, stole the bills from the mail for months to hide it from me, dropped my credit score into the tank. That's big.  And the urges are strong, but I refuse to give in. This site and my accountabilty to others is now making ALL of the difference, because I would have definitely given in to the "fuck it all" of the situation and started chewing again in this situation if it weren't for the safety net i've built here with this site, and with you all.  Thank you!  I'm quit today, dammit!
You got it. Chewing will NOT solve your problem. I don't know how we ever let ourselves be fooled into thinking that way. Life is gonna be full of pain, joy, trouble, happy... Chew or not. You're choosing to deal with it as a clean n free man. Rock it...
Stay on course. Post roll, keep your word and repeat.

The storm is brewing and you will have a major battle. When you pass and weather that giant storm, the clouds will part and it will feel better than any buzz nicotine can offer.

Stay quit today and don't think about any fight tomorrow. Just get through today and repeat.

I promise you. Stay with the plan. Once you get to the HOF, you can decide and re-evaluate. For today, there is no tomorrow you only need to win today.

Grit it out and feel the pain. You'll look back and appreciate the pain and love the victory.

Can't stress it enough STAY THE COURSE!!
Quit And Be Free

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Offline AppleJack

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2013, 11:18:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
Day 21- the fog is a little better- fuzzy brain is only an infrequent visitor lately, and "brain not working" is getting better. and now, on to the major new twist-
So, I welcome each new craving in a way, because it's a chance to beat it down. And now, the latest trigger..... domestic problems- yes, issues with the spouse. What fun (joking, sarcastic). I haven't seen anyone post about this-- its embarassing and personal but it's also real so I'll do it.

Yeah, short of the death of a close family member, it's about the worst thing I could want. But it's happening, and its not bickering- rather, it's ran up credit card bills to the tune of thousands and thought I wouldn't notice, stole the bills from the mail for months to hide it from me, dropped my credit score into the tank. That's big. And the urges are strong, but I refuse to give in. This site and my accountabilty to others is now making ALL of the difference, because I would have definitely given in to the "fuck it all" of the situation and started chewing again in this situation if it weren't for the safety net i've built here with this site, and with you all. Thank you! I'm quit today, dammit!

You got it. Chewing will NOT solve your problem. I don't know how we ever let ourselves be fooled into thinking that way. Life is gonna be full of pain, joy, trouble, happy... Chew or not. You're choosing to deal with it as a clean n free man. Rock it...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2013, 11:12:00 AM »
Day 21- the fog is a little better- fuzzy brain is only an infrequent visitor lately, and "brain not working" is getting better. and now, on to the major new twist-
So, I welcome each new craving in a way, because it's a chance to beat it down. And now, the latest trigger..... domestic problems- yes, issues with the spouse. What fun (joking, sarcastic). I haven't seen anyone post about this-- its embarassing and personal but it's also real so I'll do it.

Yeah, short of the death of a close family member, it's about the worst thing I could want. But it's happening, and its not bickering- rather, it's ran up credit card bills to the tune of thousands and thought I wouldn't notice, stole the bills from the mail for months to hide it from me, dropped my credit score into the tank. That's big. And the urges are strong, but I refuse to give in. This site and my accountabilty to others is now making ALL of the difference, because I would have definitely given in to the "fuck it all" of the situation and started chewing again in this situation if it weren't for the safety net i've built here with this site, and with you all. Thank you! I'm quit today, dammit!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline CaliforniaSlim

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2013, 05:12:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
This weekend I went to a movie with the wife. This was the first movie I ever remember where i didn't have a crave, and i didn't have to slink off to the "restroom" to load up the lip. Ever! I do remember a couple of times of not having access to the stuff, adn the craves were so strong believe me the nic bitch made sure i remembered to pack some after that. I remember trying to come up with ways to hid the can for each movie, so I could stay a ninja dipper. I remember sometimes packing a dip or two's worth into some folded paper or a napkin prior to a movie, so i wouldn't risk discovery of the can and still would have some of "the precious" with me to pack into my lip during the show. If nothing else was available, i'd be sure to swallow a little cope to "help me make it" through the movie. Never again! and it was really nice not to be a slave/slut to copenhagen for just this one time!

The rest of the weekend was fine. My main withdrawal symptom seemed to be that I was sleepy sometimes, but luckily it was the weekend.

The nic bitch seems to have shifted a little from physical and fog, to a quieter, sneakier, and more mental game. And it feels familiar, like times I must have caved before. I can hear her whispering that "you've got this, you've proven you can quit, you've made it. Now how about a little one to celebrate? Just one." It feels so familiar that it must have worked a lot in the past. Now I see it as dangerous and sneaky shit of my addict mind. I can slap it down, and it helps to write about it so you all too- brings it into the light. I'm scared of this one, and so it's good to have a place where i can be accountable. I'll stay quit today with you all.
That is good stuff there brettles. Knocking the bitch down, and recognizing her new tactics. I wrote about my first dip-free movie night too.
Glad to be quit with you.

Offline Mogul

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2013, 03:25:00 PM »
sounds good Brettlees. I found ya.

For some reason I thought you were in FEB with us. Thanks

Offline brettlees

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2013, 12:32:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Brettlees, where are you posting roll, I can't find you.

Hey Mogul- i'm in the Jan 2014 Nic Killers
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Mogul

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Re: I"m in- just found my way
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2013, 12:12:00 PM »
Brettlees, where are you posting roll, I can't find you.
