I feel really fortunate to have support, suggestions, and encouragement from some quitting heros, warriors, sherpas, and good bros, and i'm not trying to call out for help today (yet, at least). Just logging my gratitude first, because when things get tough I reread ALL of you guy's words and i get through. Lately, there have been a lot of reminders to reach out I need to, and I will. That' s not now though. Instead, right now I just want log where I am and to vent some.
Today, day 28, i'm getting slammed. I have a headache. Anxiety and anger were high early this morning, and now I just want sleep or watch a movie and fight a nap at the same time. I am able to focus on work a little more than in most of my quit so far, and that's a good thing. My home life is in the suck zone but I have a handful of people for support on that so it's not as bad as it could be-- i just have to trudge through it. Along with the main things I"m feeling physically, which are a nasty headache and occasional ebb and flow of craves (that feel entirely like missing my little emotional dysfunctional nic bitch lover), i'm also feeling rage. Yes, i'm pissed again. Pissed at fucking nicotine. Pissed at my own addiction. I feel like i'm in a grieving process over my addiction. First, I push it back--- denial, isolation. Then, I"m pissed at it. I don't dare drive, because if someone ticks me off i'll have a road rage performance to beat all, or alternatively i'll have to stuff the rage down inside. It woudln't be about them, it woudl be about the rage inside.
The rage is appropriate towards the addiction, i suppose, but I think it's also due to emotional processing about the flawed human that is an addict. That is, I think its a sort of becomeing unstuck from greiving -- i'm moving forward to acceptance. I've been told the steps of greiving are like this:
1. Denial/Isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Sadness/Depression
5. Acceptance
So, I"m dancing all around this spectum, but a lot more towards anger this morning. Very interesting to me. Exactly what am I greiving? Is it just my flaws that I"m greiving about? Is it whatever emotional hole that nicotine was supposed to fill and that makes me prone to addiciton?- meaning am i greiving that i have that emptyness, finally acknowledging it, (which means that I can hope to heal from it?!?!?). This rings most true. Another option- i could be greiving the loss of my supposed friend, nic-bitch, after all these years. I hope it's more than that, because I hope for more healing than just my addiction, as hard as all this. So, I'll remain open to the other healing-- as long as I'm here, uncomfortable, I might as well try and make the most of the discomfort and foster the maximum growth I can. You don't make lasting changes and growth without discomfort, so this must be a really ripe time in my life for some growth. I'll take it, whatever comes, and I embrace this chance to do something I never have before- kick the nic-bitch, my biggest dirtly little secret for most of my life, out the f-ing door for good.
I'm starting to understand see some of the matrix in this KTC thing, and loving it. The recent caves discussions, newbie issues, plus getting to understand more about the vets, seems to all be helping me see a bigger picture. I love what i'm seeing.
I"m proud and grateful to be quit with everyone on this damned site today!