Day 52 and Sanity is slowly returning. Man o' fucking man the anxiety the last couple days has dropped down 10 fold. Could be the Decaf, Could be the walking, or could be the Zoloft, not sure which or combination there of.
Thanks all for the help to this point.
EdR, thanks for the texts,
Noobs checking in for the 1st time, and either lurking or wondering if you can do this. Don't think about it, just throw the can in a remote dumpster so you don't dig it out and don't look back.
Get Sunflower Seeds, Fake Dip, or hard candy. Drink H20 by the gallon, and drop your caffeine intake. If you need to see a doc or a dentist do so. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT use Nicotine in ANY form. Gum NO. Cigs, NO. Fake Cigs with NIC NO, On ad naseum, all are lies.
if you want to quit you have to commit.