This week just keeps fucking with me, and I keep persevering!
Groin pull had me out of commission for most of today, to the point that I went to the hospital thinking I had a hernia or worse.
Fighting with the S.O.'s parents is always fun...
Nieces' birthday party this weekend, a balloon festival, and then I need to hustle my ass up to Montréal to be the office bitch for a few days up there.
I'm doing all of this, and living in immense pain, without any nic to turn to.
Fuck her, fucking dark mistress. I don't even have physical cravings now. It's all mental blocks, that I created for myself, that I'm breaking down. I was a weak little shit.
No more. Never again.
For those asking me to prove it, come to my house. I'll show you all the proof you want. I'm dong this, and thanks to GrizzlyKills21, Big Brother Jack, amgdenney, jmiah, Shadow, 30yraddict, Florida Luke, Cornwallace, kdbdavear, and on and on and on (sorry if I didn't name you, kinda out of it, these were the first that came to mind...) I'm still going.
Fuck yeah.