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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #96 on: July 24, 2011, 11:00:00 PM »
I have no idea who any of you guys are - and yet I have SO much respect for all of you. You give me something to look forward to as I keep racking up the days.

Take Care

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #95 on: July 24, 2011, 10:40:00 PM »
I read amgdenny's intro over on whack the pack and it struck a chord with me as my mother also died from emphysema caused by smoking. She was 54 years old.

Long before the public knew the dangers of smoking, my mother's addiction began...perhaps in her early teens. She struggled and survived a horrific childhood at the hand of an alcoholic father...became a mother of 4 boys, of which I am the youngest. Did all she could to make sure that we had it better than she did. Throughout the years she watched what she ate, exercised, spent a great deal of time outdoors, but smoking was something that she just couldn't give up, Lord knows she tried many times...all the while big tobacco was studying their market, manipulating nicotine levels, covering up damaging evidence of health risks, making inroads with Hollywood, targeting young people. Accountants figuring profit margins, attorneys doing damage control, and the machine continued on ...

What did that mean for my mother....It meant a slow breathing became less and less efficient, her blood oxygen levels fell. Organs began to become oxygen starved, and began to slowly fail... All the while, the nicotine doing it's job...keeping my mother using cigarettes up to the point where she was no longer physically able. step 1. use oxygen, step 2 remove oxygen. step 3 smoke step 4 stop when coughing too much to smoke. 5 goto step 1. She died after 4 years of daily suffering- a mother to me. A statistic to be added to a tally for big tobacco. They lost a customer, one of hundreds of thousands...mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. And still they meet in board rooms, studying how to introduce more to the horror of nicotine addiction. The wake they leave behind is a trail of dead bodies, oxygen machines, cancer drugs, misery, disfiguring surgeries, amputated limbs. It is a despicable business.

As I left the hospital the day my mother died, I swore in the memory of my mother I would never support big tobacco with my business again. But already the nicotine withdrawal had begun...big tobacco tugging my strings as a marionette. I was their puppet for 15 more years. I daily thought about that promise to stop supporting big tobacco.

162 days ago I did something about that promise. The death of my mother was not enough to strengthen my resolve enough to stop using. I didn't stop using until I came here. This program of accountability across cyberspace works. And it works as written. To change it is to weaken it. Drink the kool aid.

Thanks to all that keep this site going. I am finally able to keep my last promise to my mom, may she be dancing on the streets of heaven.

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #94 on: July 24, 2011, 01:28:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Day 161

Every day posting like clockwork, just part of my just hit me- I posted 161 days this morning...ONE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE FREAKIN DAYS! 161 days of freedom, 161 days of not filling my mouth with carcinogens, 161 days of not sneaking away from my family, 161 days of not being a prisoner. When I look back at that 161 days I realize how much my quit has made life more enjoyable. Next month, I will be going on a camping trip that we as a family do with a group of our closest friends. I have been doing this trip since 2002. This will be the first year I won't be sneaking away to dip in secret. I won't be making excuses as to why I am staying behind at the campsite while my friends and family go and do things..I have never looked so forward to this trip!

When I think about the benefits of quitting, the thing that leaps out at me as the greatest thing I got from my quit is freedom. I have dipped from the time I was 12 or so. Freedom is something I have never had my entire adult life. 161 days later I know what freedom is, and it is not something I am willing to live without. I fought hard for my freedom, I am not giving it up!

I am Quit for today, no excuse accepted nor given. These days that's the way I roll.
WOW man!

This gives me so much hope and inspiration...

I have a motorcycle trip coming up in August, and this will be the first time I go to something where I'm not dipping or smoking. I'm so looking forward to this as I'll finally be able to enjoy myself and not worry about dipping or running out and so on. I'm just going to go and have a good time.

Enjoy your camping trip!
"Do it right, or don't bother."

Offline magnum9

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #93 on: July 24, 2011, 12:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Day 159 and feel like ranting.....


Why is this so hard for some people?  It's pretty simple, really simple, f'ing cave man simple:

1. Post Roll EVERDAY

2. DO IT EARLY, FIRST THING IN YOUR DAY, preferably before you have your morning coffee, bm, or whatever. 


So much of the drama comes from people wanting to modify those 3 little steps. Then they get their panties in a bunch when someone calls them on it.  Why do we have to argue about those steps?  If someone cannot do those three little things they don't belong here.  So the next time someone says they are going to leave the site because someone called them on this bs, please don't try to come to their rescue.  Make them invest something in their own quit. If they won't, bid them good luck, godspeed and adios!
Honor means something to me as well.
Dip rage 30?

Though I am not the poster-boy for early posting any more...well, never really was I agree with you that this is the simplest set of "instructions" I have ever seen.

A box of mac and cheese has more steps to cooking it than quitting the nic bitch.

In fact I would say that there are FAR more steps to putting a dip in than there are with the wonderful KTC program.

Get with it people.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #92 on: July 23, 2011, 12:16:00 PM »
Quote from: rebeldog
Bravo 30! Now you'll only have to sneak away to rub one out.
bad doggie

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #91 on: July 23, 2011, 12:00:00 PM »
Quote from: jost2brown
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Day 161

Every day posting like clockwork, just part of my just hit me- I posted 161 days this morning...ONE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE FREAKIN DAYS! 161 days of freedom, 161 days of not filling my mouth with carcinogens, 161 days of not sneaking away from my family, 161 days of not being a prisoner. When I look back at that 161 days I realize how much my quit has made life more enjoyable.  Next month, I will be going on a camping trip that we as a family do with a group of our closest friends. I have been doing this trip since 2002. This will be the first year I won't be sneaking away to dip in secret. I won't be making excuses as to why I am staying behind at the campsite while my friends and family go and do things..I have never looked so forward to this trip!

When I think about the benefits of quitting, the thing that leaps out at me as the  greatest thing I got from my quit is freedom. I have dipped from the time I was 12 or so. Freedom is something I have never had my entire adult life. 161 days later I know what freedom is, and it is not something I am willing to live without.  I fought hard for my freedom, I am not giving it up!

I am Quit for today, no excuse accepted nor given. These days that's the way I roll.

Have fun on your 'sos4' trip!
Bravo 30! Now you'll only have to sneak away to rub one out.
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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #90 on: July 23, 2011, 11:52:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Day 161

Every day posting like clockwork, just part of my just hit me- I posted 161 days this morning...ONE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE FREAKIN DAYS! 161 days of freedom, 161 days of not filling my mouth with carcinogens, 161 days of not sneaking away from my family, 161 days of not being a prisoner. When I look back at that 161 days I realize how much my quit has made life more enjoyable. Next month, I will be going on a camping trip that we as a family do with a group of our closest friends. I have been doing this trip since 2002. This will be the first year I won't be sneaking away to dip in secret. I won't be making excuses as to why I am staying behind at the campsite while my friends and family go and do things..I have never looked so forward to this trip!

When I think about the benefits of quitting, the thing that leaps out at me as the greatest thing I got from my quit is freedom. I have dipped from the time I was 12 or so. Freedom is something I have never had my entire adult life. 161 days later I know what freedom is, and it is not something I am willing to live without. I fought hard for my freedom, I am not giving it up!

I am Quit for today, no excuse accepted nor given. These days that's the way I roll.

Have fun on your 'sos4' trip!
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #89 on: July 23, 2011, 11:41:00 AM »
Day 161

Every day posting like clockwork, just part of my just hit me- I posted 161 days this morning...ONE HUNDRED SIXTY ONE FREAKIN DAYS! 161 days of freedom, 161 days of not filling my mouth with carcinogens, 161 days of not sneaking away from my family, 161 days of not being a prisoner. When I look back at that 161 days I realize how much my quit has made life more enjoyable. Next month, I will be going on a camping trip that we as a family do with a group of our closest friends. I have been doing this trip since 2002. This will be the first year I won't be sneaking away to dip in secret. I won't be making excuses as to why I am staying behind at the campsite while my friends and family go and do things..I have never looked so forward to this trip!

When I think about the benefits of quitting, the thing that leaps out at me as the greatest thing I got from my quit is freedom. I have dipped from the time I was 12 or so. Freedom is something I have never had my entire adult life. 161 days later I know what freedom is, and it is not something I am willing to live without. I fought hard for my freedom, I am not giving it up!

I am Quit for today, no excuse accepted nor given. These days that's the way I roll.

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #88 on: July 22, 2011, 10:22:00 AM »
Thanks for that...

It really is that simple!!!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #87 on: July 22, 2011, 10:09:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Day 159 and feel like ranting.....


Why is this so hard for some people? It's pretty simple, really simple, f'ing cave man simple:

1. Post Roll EVERDAY

2. DO IT EARLY, FIRST THING IN YOUR DAY, preferably before you have your morning coffee, bm, or whatever.


So much of the drama comes from people wanting to modify those 3 little steps. Then they get their panties in a bunch when someone calls them on it. Why do we have to argue about those steps? If someone cannot do those three little things they don't belong here. So the next time someone says they are going to leave the site because someone called them on this bs, please don't try to come to their rescue. Make them invest something in their own quit. If they won't, bid them good luck, godspeed and adios!
Protect your quit at all costs.

Cheers 30

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #86 on: July 22, 2011, 12:24:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Day 159 and feel like ranting.....


Why is this so hard for some people? It's pretty simple, really simple, f'ing cave man simple:

1. Post Roll EVERDAY

2. DO IT EARLY, FIRST THING IN YOUR DAY, preferably before you have your morning coffee, bm, or whatever.


So much of the drama comes from people wanting to modify those 3 little steps. Then they get their panties in a bunch when someone calls them on it. Why do we have to argue about those steps? If someone cannot do those three little things they don't belong here. So the next time someone says they are going to leave the site because someone called them on this bs, please don't try to come to their rescue. Make them invest something in their own quit. If they won't, bid them good luck, godspeed and adios!
Honor means something to me as well.

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #85 on: July 22, 2011, 12:12:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Day 159 and feel like ranting.....


Why is this so hard for some people? It's pretty simple, really simple, f'ing cave man simple:

1. Post Roll EVERDAY

2. DO IT EARLY, FIRST THING IN YOUR DAY, preferably before you have your morning coffee, bm, or whatever.


So much of the drama comes from people wanting to modify those 3 little steps. Then they get their panties in a bunch when someone calls them on it. Why do we have to argue about those steps? If someone cannot do those three little things they don't belong here. So the next time someone says they are going to leave the site because someone called them on this bs, please don't try to come to their rescue. Make them invest something in their own quit. If they won't, bid them good luck, godspeed and adios!
[golf clapping]

Offline dchogs

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #84 on: July 21, 2011, 11:38:00 PM »
Needed to be said. Again. Get with the program.

Btw, I like to post roll drinking coffee while on the throne. :blink:
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
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"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #83 on: July 21, 2011, 10:22:00 PM »
Day 159 and feel like ranting.....


Why is this so hard for some people? It's pretty simple, really simple, f'ing cave man simple:

1. Post Roll EVERDAY

2. DO IT EARLY, FIRST THING IN YOUR DAY, preferably before you have your morning coffee, bm, or whatever.


So much of the drama comes from people wanting to modify those 3 little steps. Then they get their panties in a bunch when someone calls them on it. Why do we have to argue about those steps? If someone cannot do those three little things they don't belong here. So the next time someone says they are going to leave the site because someone called them on this bs, please don't try to come to their rescue. Make them invest something in their own quit. If they won't, bid them good luck, godspeed and adios!

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Re: Withdrawal sux
« Reply #82 on: July 15, 2011, 02:47:00 PM »
Way to use the resources 30. I never thought I would have to use them. I really probably did not have to, but what it does is give you another level of accountability. One on a more personal level.

You send a guy a text message saying you are struggling but you won't use the shit, you just gave that guy a handshake saying you won't use. Better yet, call someone and give them your word, your actual word that you will not use the shit.

I don't understand why some people are afraid to use their resources or fail to do so. At any given moment I know you, J2B, nine, razz, SM... whoever is going to be willing to help.

Here is the bottom line. Its not that big of a deal to me if you wake me up at 1 am because your struggling. You know why, because its a BIG fucking deal if you cave.

New quitters got to get over the macho "I can handle this myself" and start being a little more humble.

Use your resources.