Day 84: The Decision to be Free
Every time I do something without nic, I realize how much my addiction held me back, how it cheated me out of bits and pieces of life. Time that I could of been spending with family and friends, but, instead I was sneaking off to feed my addiction. Time spent between dipping and planning the next dip. Being grumpy when I was "trapped" in situations where I couldn't dip. You know things like family outings, visits to friends, mission trips, every part of life that should have been the most enjoyable. Cheated, by some stupid addiction. One that was cleverly engineered by big tobacc-0. No more. The decision's final. I'm finally free.
I know the nic bitch is still gonna knock on my door. It's bolted. It's not getting unbolted. Because I know that life without her is so much better than life ever was with her. The "stress" she used to relieve is gone. Sure I have life stresses, but they will be there with or without nic. Nic didn't help me cope with those anyway. Matter of fact she added a significant number of stress-ors to my life - cancer fear, acid reflux, hyper-tension, withdrawal stress and dental problems, among others. Perhaps the worst was that defeated feeling every time I took a dip. My first post here is the first post in this thread:
Hi Everyone,
Been on the can for 30yrs, once in a while switched to cigars, quit once for a few months once or twice. Back at it, 7 hrs off the can, sucks....Evil nicotine pushing B@$T@RD$! Looking forward to succeeding this time...not feeling all that confident in me, though.
...pathetically weak. Already telling everyone I wasn't strong enough. When I read this, I would have bet against me quitting. So how did I get to this point? What changed?
The turning point in my quit was when my "want to" quit gave way to my decision to be quit. It happened about day 3 or 4 for me. In the words of my May group, that's when I grew my 3rd Ball. It's when I had my first "good day", I decided that I would pursue this freedom. No matter how tough it was, I wanted freedom from this. I wanted the rest of my days lived without this addiction robbing me of joy that was rightfully mine. That pursuit has had some tough times. But those tough times have made victory that much sweeter. Now, 84 days in, my quit is priceless to me. How do you put a price on Freedom?
So to those of you who are newly quit: I know you "want" to stay quit. We all "wanted" to quit. Did you make the decision to quit today? That no matter what you were going to live up to your promise to not use today? No matter what stresses come up. No matter what triggers there are to tempt you. Have you decided to be Quit? It's a simple concept with 100% chance of success. It'll lead you to freedom. It is beyond compare. You will look back and be overwhelmed by what you got back. I promise.
Stay quit my friends,