Day 668
I was saddened to learn that a guy that I grew up with passed away last night, He was 46, one year older than I am. He left a wife and two children. He predeceased his own mother and father. Cause of death was officially a heart attack, although I am quite sure the 6 or so year battle with throat cancer and the associated chemo, operations, and radiation were the major cause.
Our paths to addiction ran parallel: We both started to use dip at about the same time.... about 10 years old or thereabouts. We both dipped in sports, at boy scouts, at our respective Jobs (even those were similar- both of us worked for utility companies. There was a difference of when we quit, however.... As far as I know, he quit chewing about 6 years ago, when he was diagnosed with Throat Cancer. I Continued to dip another 4 years. For him, his quit came to late. For me, time will tell.
This hits close to home, really close. It could have just as easily have been my family making funeral arrangements. It could have been my kids with tears in their eyes... It could have been my wife, left alone by my singularly selfish addiction. It could have been my father, burying a second son in less than a year.
I cannot take back 33 years of nicotine use. I cannot go back and time and quit 10, 20, 30 years ago. What I can do is Today. All the bickering, all the drama, and fighting, they don't matter. What matters is that I am quit today.
Never Again.