Author Topic: Hi my name is Gregory  (Read 10340 times)

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #98 on: July 16, 2014, 06:09:00 AM »

Congratulations macgregor! It has been quite a journey, and I have enjoyed being on the ride with you. The first hundred days are tough. Mostly struggle, but every moment is a win after damn near a lifetime of losing. Your addict brain is reprogramming how to cope and function, but today is a day of celebration! You have achieved what not a lot of people achieve. This brotherhood works, so I will celebrate with you today (I'll try to find some polish sausage and some good vodka) and give you my word today! But I will also look for you on roll tomorrow and beyond. July needs you, and you need them. One day at a time you are taking your life back from a bad ass enemy.


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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #97 on: June 23, 2014, 09:04:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: macgregor
Hello, I haven't noticed your posts. I don't know how it happened - maybe I've looked only to inbox ?? It's a little bit better but I still have craves which are stronger that at early days of my quiting. Now I have a motivation to stay stron to my 100 day but what now?? Sometimes I wonder If I will stay strong after that ?
Sure you can, you are my July brother! Promise to keep posting roll for another 100, or commit to the 365 challenge in January 2014. I owe my quit to the KTC. not sure about you, but posting roll is what keeps me quit some days, that and the support I get my fellow quitters!
Right now is a tough point in your journey. Jake Frawley sent me a message when he was around 80 saying that he was tired... Like fighting a never ending war. Last week I got a completely different message from him... Talking about how great life is now.

It will get better. It will get easier. And when it does, you are gonna love life.
Believe me it will continue to get better and better the more days you put up those constant +1s.

Remember the people here on the site, live life with them (your brothers). We used to live life as an addictive slave, always running out and making sure we had our next fix. Well lets live the quit life and get that next fix of goodness, of laughs from one another.

You got this, never forget what you have gone through, and now you are seeing a small bit of how good it can get, keep it up.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #96 on: June 23, 2014, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: macgregor
Hello, I haven't noticed your posts. I don't know how it happened - maybe I've looked only to inbox ?? It's a little bit better but I still have craves which are stronger that at early days of my quiting. Now I have a motivation to stay stron to my 100 day but what now?? Sometimes I wonder If I will stay strong after that ?
Sure you can, you are my July brother! Promise to keep posting roll for another 100, or commit to the 365 challenge in January 2014. I owe my quit to the KTC. not sure about you, but posting roll is what keeps me quit some days, that and the support I get my fellow quitters!
Right now is a tough point in your journey. Jake Frawley sent me a message when he was around 80 saying that he was tired... Like fighting a never ending war. Last week I got a completely different message from him... Talking about how great life is now.

It will get better. It will get easier. And when it does, you are gonna love life.

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #95 on: June 23, 2014, 08:47:00 AM »
Quote from: macgregor
Hello, I haven't noticed your posts. I don't know how it happened - maybe I've looked only to inbox ?? It's a little bit better but I still have craves which are stronger that at early days of my quiting. Now I have a motivation to stay stron to my 100 day but what now?? Sometimes I wonder If I will stay strong after that ?
Sure you can, you are my July brother! Promise to keep posting roll for another 100, or commit to the 365 challenge in January 2014. I owe my quit to the KTC. not sure about you, but posting roll is what keeps me quit some days, that and the support I get my fellow quitters!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #94 on: June 23, 2014, 08:43:00 AM »
Hello, I haven't noticed your posts. I don't know how it happened - maybe I've looked only to inbox ?? It's a little bit better but I still have craves which are stronger that at early days of my quiting. Now I have a motivation to stay stron to my 100 day but what now?? Sometimes I wonder If I will stay strong after that ?

Offline worktowin

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #93 on: June 21, 2014, 07:18:00 AM »
You've been quiet macgregor! How is lifevtreating you now that you are nicotine free for damn near 3 months?!?

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #92 on: June 14, 2014, 04:25:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: macgregor
Hello Michael, my friend
Yes I gave the word to everybody on this side. That is why I'm still here. I'm still looking forward day 100 and than I will write my HOF speech but now I now that the road i still long and tough. I didn't now that 68 th day can be tough - it's crazy shit...
Not all that long ago I was in your shoes. When you are miserable, and make no mistake... Craves are miserable... It is hard to believe you will ever break free. Will the craves leave? I dunno Greg. Once in a while I still experience one. But my brain is trained to remember my commitment to my word, my complete hatred if the Kodiak bear, and the incredible sense of freedom that I have knowing that I am winning at something that was previously a lifetime of losing. You will get there one day at a time. It is so worth the battle.
Remember that any day free is better than any day as a slave.

You are winning the battle today. Yes, you will have ups and downs. That is life. You are actually living life today without poison running thru your veins. Your crave  thoughts of dip is the old you... it is where you would have ran during this time to cope with life. You are retraining your body  mind every day. You are learning to live today without that poison. And you can do it!

Keep battling. Today is no different that day 1 or day 50 - do what you need to do to stay quit, use your tools and keep your word! Proud to be quit with you today.
Do Not Give Up!!!! My days in the 60 to 80 range were the worst of my quit(like many others). Sitting at 237 days and glad I stayed quit and stayed involved here. It is so worth it!!
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #91 on: June 14, 2014, 09:59:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: macgregor
Hello Michael, my friend
Yes I gave the word to everybody on this side. That is why I'm still here. I'm still looking forward day 100 and than I will write my HOF speech but now I now that the road i still long and tough. I didn't now that 68 th day can be tough - it's crazy shit...
Not all that long ago I was in your shoes. When you are miserable, and make no mistake... Craves are miserable... It is hard to believe you will ever break free. Will the craves leave? I dunno Greg. Once in a while I still experience one. But my brain is trained to remember my commitment to my word, my complete hatred if the Kodiak bear, and the incredible sense of freedom that I have knowing that I am winning at something that was previously a lifetime of losing. You will get there one day at a time. It is so worth the battle.
Remember that any day free is better than any day as a slave.

You are winning the battle today. Yes, you will have ups and downs. That is life. You are actually living life today without poison running thru your veins. Your crave  thoughts of dip is the old you... it is where you would have ran during this time to cope with life. You are retraining your body  mind every day. You are learning to live today without that poison. And you can do it!

Keep battling. Today is no different that day 1 or day 50 - do what you need to do to stay quit, use your tools and keep your word! Proud to be quit with you today.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #90 on: June 14, 2014, 09:48:00 AM »
Quote from: macgregor
Hello Michael, my friend
Yes I gave the word to everybody on this side. That is why I'm still here. I'm still looking forward day 100 and than I will write my HOF speech but now I now that the road i still long and tough. I didn't now that 68 th day can be tough - it's crazy shit...
Not all that long ago I was in your shoes. When you are miserable, and make no mistake... Craves are miserable... It is hard to believe you will ever break free. Will the craves leave? I dunno Greg. Once in a while I still experience one. But my brain is trained to remember my commitment to my word, my complete hatred if the Kodiak bear, and the incredible sense of freedom that I have knowing that I am winning at something that was previously a lifetime of losing. You will get there one day at a time. It is so worth the battle.

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #89 on: June 14, 2014, 09:14:00 AM »
Hello Michael, my friend
Yes I gave the word to everybody on this side. That is why I'm still here. I'm still looking forward day 100 and than I will write my HOF speech but now I now that the road i still long and tough. I didn't now that 68 th day can be tough - it's crazy shit...

Offline worktowin

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #88 on: June 14, 2014, 09:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Joe
Quote from: macgregor
I've red abot it on KTC but I thought that it will starts at 70- 90 day not now. I think that the symptoms of withdrawal will grow up :(
Im on day 4.
I just spent the last 40 minutes reading the story of your quit from day 1.
You inspired me. Now, 27, min ago you post that youre having a tough time.
Bullshit......go find that set of balls that got you to day 68.
If you think this is tough, evidently you have forgotten day 4.
You stick close to your support here.

Joe C

You posted your word. Craves suck but it really doesn't matter. Cause today is covered. No crave will make you break your word. Nicotine sucks. One day at a time you are taking your life back.

By the way, every crave is a reminder of a battle that you are winning. Own the win.

You've got this. You gave your word.

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #87 on: June 14, 2014, 09:07:00 AM »
Hello Joe ,
I'm happy that I can inspire You it is imortant to me . And what you wrote is supporting me in this tough time. I remember my 4 day and I think that it was the worst day of my quitting, but I have to tell You that fifth day was easy. I remember those days very clearly...Thanks for your message and your support :)

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #86 on: June 14, 2014, 08:54:00 AM »
Quote from: macgregor
I've red abot it on KTC but I thought that it will starts at 70- 90 day not now. I think that the symptoms of withdrawal will grow up :(
Im on day 4.
I just spent the last 40 minutes reading the story of your quit from day 1.
You inspired me. Now, 27, min ago you post that youre having a tough time.
Bullshit......go find that set of balls that got you to day 68.
If you think this is tough, evidently you have forgotten day 4.
You stick close to your support here.

Joe C

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #85 on: June 14, 2014, 08:15:00 AM »
I've red abot it on KTC but I thought that it will starts at 70- 90 day not now. I think that the symptoms of withdrawal will grow up :(

Offline macgregor

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Re: Hi my name is Gregory
« Reply #84 on: June 14, 2014, 08:00:00 AM »
I've red abot it on KTC but I thought that it will starts at 70- 90 day not now. I think that the symptoms of withdrawal will grow up :(