well im a mother fucking champion, day 5 not a single issue, all the negitivity check it at the door, im rolling one day at a time and each one of those days is a walk in the park, a cake walk, easy peasy. dont need to hear about some bitch creeping up, or battles in the future, or wha wha wha, im good. if in 5 days i havent had a single issue with, cracing, withdrawls, nothing then its not gonna happen, just because it may have happened for you, i dont need to hear how its gonna happen you dont know. one thing i dont get about this group is obviously no one has had leadership training or motivation training, because as i read all of these post its like lead with a negitive then follow up with a positive, psych 101 will tell you when you lead with a negitive 98% of all readers or hearers tune you out immediately. anyway DAY 5 Bitches and i am dip free