Author Topic: DAY 3 AND FEEL AWESOME  (Read 18369 times)

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Offline jayd41

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« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2014, 10:10:00 AM »
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
well im a mother fucking champion, day 5 not a single issue, all the negitivity check it at the door, im rolling one day at a time and each one of those days is a walk in the park, a cake walk, easy peasy. dont need to hear about some bitch creeping up, or battles in the future, or wha wha wha, im good. if in 5 days i havent had a single issue with, cracing, withdrawls, nothing then its not gonna happen, just because it may have happened for you, i dont need to hear how its gonna happen you dont know. one thing i dont get about this group is obviously no one has had leadership training or motivation training, because as i read all of these post its like lead with a negitive then follow up with a positive, psych 101 will tell you when you lead with a negitive 98% of all readers or hearers tune you out immediately. anyway DAY 5 Bitches and i am dip free
you got it figured out then are the "special butterfly."
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

Offline WCWBigNasty

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« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2014, 10:06:00 AM »
well im a mother fucking champion, day 5 not a single issue, all the negitivity check it at the door, im rolling one day at a time and each one of those days is a walk in the park, a cake walk, easy peasy. dont need to hear about some bitch creeping up, or battles in the future, or wha wha wha, im good. if in 5 days i havent had a single issue with, cracing, withdrawls, nothing then its not gonna happen, just because it may have happened for you, i dont need to hear how its gonna happen you dont know. one thing i dont get about this group is obviously no one has had leadership training or motivation training, because as i read all of these post its like lead with a negitive then follow up with a positive, psych 101 will tell you when you lead with a negitive 98% of all readers or hearers tune you out immediately. anyway DAY 5 Bitches and i am dip free

Offline Derk40

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« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2014, 08:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
So this is really a trip to me, ive tried to quit before and was consumed with the addiction, its all i thought about, i would keep telling myself ill just dip once and go right back to quitting, and always end up 6 months to year down trying to do it again. 

this time however is so far from anything i have experienced in the past.  i have truly zero desire, i had a buddy at work that did not know i had stopped pull his can out and ask if i wanted any, and i never had to think twice, no hesitation no regret for saying im done with it.  i go to the stores that i buy from every day, and its right in my face, and nothing, no thoughts, no craving, no wanting.  I dont know how to explain it.  i can say that i am 100% authentic in what i am explaining, i know that 5 days ago and beyond the first thing i did when my eyes opened was put in a dip and run with it basically all day long.  now i wake up and it might be several hours before i even realize ive quit.  its almost as if i never dipped at all.

so having said all that i am truly thankfull that my situation is such a smooth and easy transition from certain death to forever life.  still feel God delivered and thus the reason for no issues not a single one since my last dip.
just be careful with your verbiage because in a weird way it can trigger careful calling it so easy. It is freaking fantastic that it has been easy for you because really you might be the only one in history that its ever been easy for. We all care about your quit but keep your guard up. Even though its easy right now, you still need to focus on one day at a time.
Once an addict... always an addict. It doesn't go away. It doesn't heal... it's managed.

Stoked for your quit man but, just be cautious. Rock on...
Very well right now, the adrenaline is high, you are feeling good and strong....

Lets keep that up while you can....

cause when the adrenaline drops and this becomes the marathon for quitting, hope you will learn what we all have here at KTC, a community, a brotherhood where if you form a bond or 2, it will go a long way to your success.
You might be "the chosen one" when it comes to quitting nicotine. The lack if any withdrawal effects whatsoever is definitely rare, if not miraculous. I'm very happy for you that you don't have to go through the physical or mental withdrawals that seem to be so common when quitting nicotine.

Just curious are you using anything (ie: toothpicks, candy, seeds, gum, etc) to compensate for the absence of nicotine?

Quit on brother and make sure you post roll every day.
Your story sounds very similar to mine. I have struggled with stops in the past but this quit has been much more manageable. I no longer run from it, I face it head on. In the beginning I thought it was easy, too easy. I look back at my posts and see my comments and there are some I do not hardly remember. I know the foggy days are some of the ones I hardly remember. I have had very few cravings as well. Trust me I have had a number of things happen that should have caused me to cave but I have remained strong.

Just be careful and stay on here. Posting Roll and being engaged on this site is what helps me stay quit.

Keep updating your intro and use it as a journal. 5 days is great but there will be challenges ahead. Keep up the good work and stay quit.
Just focus on quitting ODAAT. Quitting is not easy, so don't get too wrapped up with making outlandish claims. You must enjoy the easy days, but you must prepare for battle. Your resolve and quit will undoubtedly be tested. Winners and quitters are prepared. Develop your quit plan and execute it today. Glad you are here and quit.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline Raider

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« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2014, 06:48:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
So this is really a trip to me, ive tried to quit before and was consumed with the addiction, its all i thought about, i would keep telling myself ill just dip once and go right back to quitting, and always end up 6 months to year down trying to do it again. 

this time however is so far from anything i have experienced in the past.  i have truly zero desire, i had a buddy at work that did not know i had stopped pull his can out and ask if i wanted any, and i never had to think twice, no hesitation no regret for saying im done with it.  i go to the stores that i buy from every day, and its right in my face, and nothing, no thoughts, no craving, no wanting.  I dont know how to explain it.  i can say that i am 100% authentic in what i am explaining, i know that 5 days ago and beyond the first thing i did when my eyes opened was put in a dip and run with it basically all day long.  now i wake up and it might be several hours before i even realize ive quit.  its almost as if i never dipped at all.

so having said all that i am truly thankfull that my situation is such a smooth and easy transition from certain death to forever life.  still feel God delivered and thus the reason for no issues not a single one since my last dip.
just be careful with your verbiage because in a weird way it can trigger careful calling it so easy. It is freaking fantastic that it has been easy for you because really you might be the only one in history that its ever been easy for. We all care about your quit but keep your guard up. Even though its easy right now, you still need to focus on one day at a time.
Once an addict... always an addict. It doesn't go away. It doesn't heal... it's managed.

Stoked for your quit man but, just be cautious. Rock on...
Very well right now, the adrenaline is high, you are feeling good and strong....

Lets keep that up while you can....

cause when the adrenaline drops and this becomes the marathon for quitting, hope you will learn what we all have here at KTC, a community, a brotherhood where if you form a bond or 2, it will go a long way to your success.
You might be "the chosen one" when it comes to quitting nicotine. The lack if any withdrawal effects whatsoever is definitely rare, if not miraculous. I'm very happy for you that you don't have to go through the physical or mental withdrawals that seem to be so common when quitting nicotine.

Just curious are you using anything (ie: toothpicks, candy, seeds, gum, etc) to compensate for the absence of nicotine?

Quit on brother and make sure you post roll every day.
Your story sounds very similar to mine. I have struggled with stops in the past but this quit has been much more manageable. I no longer run from it, I face it head on. In the beginning I thought it was easy, too easy. I look back at my posts and see my comments and there are some I do not hardly remember. I know the foggy days are some of the ones I hardly remember. I have had very few cravings as well. Trust me I have had a number of things happen that should have caused me to cave but I have remained strong.

Just be careful and stay on here. Posting Roll and being engaged on this site is what helps me stay quit.

Keep updating your intro and use it as a journal. 5 days is great but there will be challenges ahead. Keep up the good work and stay quit.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2014, 04:49:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
So this is really a trip to me, ive tried to quit before and was consumed with the addiction, its all i thought about, i would keep telling myself ill just dip once and go right back to quitting, and always end up 6 months to year down trying to do it again. 

this time however is so far from anything i have experienced in the past.  i have truly zero desire, i had a buddy at work that did not know i had stopped pull his can out and ask if i wanted any, and i never had to think twice, no hesitation no regret for saying im done with it.  i go to the stores that i buy from every day, and its right in my face, and nothing, no thoughts, no craving, no wanting.  I dont know how to explain it.  i can say that i am 100% authentic in what i am explaining, i know that 5 days ago and beyond the first thing i did when my eyes opened was put in a dip and run with it basically all day long.  now i wake up and it might be several hours before i even realize ive quit.  its almost as if i never dipped at all.

so having said all that i am truly thankfull that my situation is such a smooth and easy transition from certain death to forever life.  still feel God delivered and thus the reason for no issues not a single one since my last dip.
just be careful with your verbiage because in a weird way it can trigger careful calling it so easy. It is freaking fantastic that it has been easy for you because really you might be the only one in history that its ever been easy for. We all care about your quit but keep your guard up. Even though its easy right now, you still need to focus on one day at a time.
Once an addict... always an addict. It doesn't go away. It doesn't heal... it's managed.

Stoked for your quit man but, just be cautious. Rock on...
Very well right now, the adrenaline is high, you are feeling good and strong....

Lets keep that up while you can....

cause when the adrenaline drops and this becomes the marathon for quitting, hope you will learn what we all have here at KTC, a community, a brotherhood where if you form a bond or 2, it will go a long way to your success.
You might be "the chosen one" when it comes to quitting nicotine. The lack if any withdrawal effects whatsoever is definitely rare, if not miraculous. I'm very happy for you that you don't have to go through the physical or mental withdrawals that seem to be so common when quitting nicotine.

Just curious are you using anything (ie: toothpicks, candy, seeds, gum, etc) to compensate for the absence of nicotine?

Quit on brother and make sure you post roll every day.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline SirDerek

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« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2014, 04:31:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
So this is really a trip to me, ive tried to quit before and was consumed with the addiction, its all i thought about, i would keep telling myself ill just dip once and go right back to quitting, and always end up 6 months to year down trying to do it again. 

this time however is so far from anything i have experienced in the past.  i have truly zero desire, i had a buddy at work that did not know i had stopped pull his can out and ask if i wanted any, and i never had to think twice, no hesitation no regret for saying im done with it.  i go to the stores that i buy from every day, and its right in my face, and nothing, no thoughts, no craving, no wanting.  I dont know how to explain it.  i can say that i am 100% authentic in what i am explaining, i know that 5 days ago and beyond the first thing i did when my eyes opened was put in a dip and run with it basically all day long.  now i wake up and it might be several hours before i even realize ive quit.  its almost as if i never dipped at all.

so having said all that i am truly thankfull that my situation is such a smooth and easy transition from certain death to forever life.  still feel God delivered and thus the reason for no issues not a single one since my last dip.
just be careful with your verbiage because in a weird way it can trigger careful calling it so easy. It is freaking fantastic that it has been easy for you because really you might be the only one in history that its ever been easy for. We all care about your quit but keep your guard up. Even though its easy right now, you still need to focus on one day at a time.
Once an addict... always an addict. It doesn't go away. It doesn't heal... it's managed.

Stoked for your quit man but, just be cautious. Rock on...
Very well right now, the adrenaline is high, you are feeling good and strong....

Lets keep that up while you can....

cause when the adrenaline drops and this becomes the marathon for quitting, hope you will learn what we all have here at KTC, a community, a brotherhood where if you form a bond or 2, it will go a long way to your success.

Offline AppleJack

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« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2014, 02:20:00 PM »
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
So this is really a trip to me, ive tried to quit before and was consumed with the addiction, its all i thought about, i would keep telling myself ill just dip once and go right back to quitting, and always end up 6 months to year down trying to do it again. 

this time however is so far from anything i have experienced in the past.  i have truly zero desire, i had a buddy at work that did not know i had stopped pull his can out and ask if i wanted any, and i never had to think twice, no hesitation no regret for saying im done with it.  i go to the stores that i buy from every day, and its right in my face, and nothing, no thoughts, no craving, no wanting.  I dont know how to explain it.  i can say that i am 100% authentic in what i am explaining, i know that 5 days ago and beyond the first thing i did when my eyes opened was put in a dip and run with it basically all day long.  now i wake up and it might be several hours before i even realize ive quit.  its almost as if i never dipped at all.

so having said all that i am truly thankfull that my situation is such a smooth and easy transition from certain death to forever life.  still feel God delivered and thus the reason for no issues not a single one since my last dip.
just be careful with your verbiage because in a weird way it can trigger careful calling it so easy. It is freaking fantastic that it has been easy for you because really you might be the only one in history that its ever been easy for. We all care about your quit but keep your guard up. Even though its easy right now, you still need to focus on one day at a time.

Once an addict... always an addict. It doesn't go away. It doesn't heal... it's managed.

Stoked for your quit man but, just be cautious. Rock on...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline jayd41

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« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2014, 02:15:00 PM »
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
So this is really a trip to me, ive tried to quit before and was consumed with the addiction, its all i thought about, i would keep telling myself ill just dip once and go right back to quitting, and always end up 6 months to year down trying to do it again.

this time however is so far from anything i have experienced in the past. i have truly zero desire, i had a buddy at work that did not know i had stopped pull his can out and ask if i wanted any, and i never had to think twice, no hesitation no regret for saying im done with it. i go to the stores that i buy from every day, and its right in my face, and nothing, no thoughts, no craving, no wanting. I dont know how to explain it. i can say that i am 100% authentic in what i am explaining, i know that 5 days ago and beyond the first thing i did when my eyes opened was put in a dip and run with it basically all day long. now i wake up and it might be several hours before i even realize ive quit. its almost as if i never dipped at all.

so having said all that i am truly thankfull that my situation is such a smooth and easy transition from certain death to forever life. still feel God delivered and thus the reason for no issues not a single one since my last dip.
just be careful with your verbiage because in a weird way it can trigger careful calling it so easy. It is freaking fantastic that it has been easy for you because really you might be the only one in history that its ever been easy for. We all care about your quit but keep your guard up. Even though its easy right now, you still need to focus on one day at a time.
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

Offline WCWBigNasty

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« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2014, 02:12:00 PM »
So this is really a trip to me, ive tried to quit before and was consumed with the addiction, its all i thought about, i would keep telling myself ill just dip once and go right back to quitting, and always end up 6 months to year down trying to do it again.

this time however is so far from anything i have experienced in the past. i have truly zero desire, i had a buddy at work that did not know i had stopped pull his can out and ask if i wanted any, and i never had to think twice, no hesitation no regret for saying im done with it. i go to the stores that i buy from every day, and its right in my face, and nothing, no thoughts, no craving, no wanting. I dont know how to explain it. i can say that i am 100% authentic in what i am explaining, i know that 5 days ago and beyond the first thing i did when my eyes opened was put in a dip and run with it basically all day long. now i wake up and it might be several hours before i even realize ive quit. its almost as if i never dipped at all.

so having said all that i am truly thankfull that my situation is such a smooth and easy transition from certain death to forever life. still feel God delivered and thus the reason for no issues not a single one since my last dip.

Offline pbrain04

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« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2014, 11:41:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
ok check this, I am gonna post what i wanna post because im a grown man, i am quit day 4, and its really makes me wonder why i havent done this so much sooner because its as if i never dipped at all.  i dont miss it, i dont crave it, i dont need it, i dont want it, it does not consume my thoughts, i dont need it after i eat,  i was in the store this morning, where i always bought every day staring at the tobacco right in my face and nothing, no urge, i feel awesome.  after spending a couple of days on this site reading all the withdrawl stories i didnt know what i was in for, but honestly i sleep good at night, i can engage in all of the same activities i did before dip free.  i cant explain it, i just thank god that I am experiencing non of the effects of quitting.
Good for you! I'm glad it's going easy for you. Keep it up!
Post roll edd
That's great. If you need anything let the community know. We're here to help IF you need it.
Its a great thing that you are this positive and feel this good about it. It gets even better. Much better.

I hope it stays this easy for you.....but it wont. She will come back for you. She won't let you go this easy. She will whisper in your ear and tell you its ok.

You have to stay vigilant. Post your promise every single day. Hold yourself accountable. Be ready for her. Use your tools. Reach out for support.


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« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2014, 11:40:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
ok check this, I am gonna post what i wanna post because im a grown man, i am quit day 4, and its really makes me wonder why i havent done this so much sooner because its as if i never dipped at all.  i dont miss it, i dont crave it, i dont need it, i dont want it, it does not consume my thoughts, i dont need it after i eat,  i was in the store this morning, where i always bought every day staring at the tobacco right in my face and nothing, no urge, i feel awesome.  after spending a couple of days on this site reading all the withdrawl stories i didnt know what i was in for, but honestly i sleep good at night, i can engage in all of the same activities i did before dip free.  i cant explain it, i just thank god that I am experiencing non of the effects of quitting.
Good for you! I'm glad it's going easy for you. Keep it up!
Post roll edd
That's great. If you need anything let the community know. We're here to help IF you need it.
Glad you decided to will help you with your quit and you never know, you might help someone else.
Good for you that it is easy. That speaks to your resolve to quit but be wary. That nicotine bitch can sneak up on you.
Congrats for making a good decision. Now get in here, drink the Kool aid and post roll.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline srans

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« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2014, 11:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
ok check this, I am gonna post what i wanna post because im a grown man, i am quit day 4, and its really makes me wonder why i havent done this so much sooner because its as if i never dipped at all.  i dont miss it, i dont crave it, i dont need it, i dont want it, it does not consume my thoughts, i dont need it after i eat,  i was in the store this morning, where i always bought every day staring at the tobacco right in my face and nothing, no urge, i feel awesome.  after spending a couple of days on this site reading all the withdrawl stories i didnt know what i was in for, but honestly i sleep good at night, i can engage in all of the same activities i did before dip free.  i cant explain it, i just thank god that I am experiencing non of the effects of quitting.
Good for you! I'm glad it's going easy for you. Keep it up!
Post roll edd
That's great. If you need anything let the community know. We're here to help IF you need it.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2014, 11:14:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
ok check this, I am gonna post what i wanna post because im a grown man, i am quit day 4, and its really makes me wonder why i havent done this so much sooner because its as if i never dipped at all.  i dont miss it, i dont crave it, i dont need it, i dont want it, it does not consume my thoughts, i dont need it after i eat,  i was in the store this morning, where i always bought every day staring at the tobacco right in my face and nothing, no urge, i feel awesome.  after spending a couple of days on this site reading all the withdrawl stories i didnt know what i was in for, but honestly i sleep good at night, i can engage in all of the same activities i did before dip free.  i cant explain it, i just thank god that I am experiencing non of the effects of quitting.
Good for you! I'm glad it's going easy for you. Keep it up!
Post roll edd
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2014, 11:11:00 AM »
Quote from: WCWBigNasty
ok check this, I am gonna post what i wanna post because im a grown man, i am quit day 4, and its really makes me wonder why i havent done this so much sooner because its as if i never dipped at all. i dont miss it, i dont crave it, i dont need it, i dont want it, it does not consume my thoughts, i dont need it after i eat, i was in the store this morning, where i always bought every day staring at the tobacco right in my face and nothing, no urge, i feel awesome. after spending a couple of days on this site reading all the withdrawl stories i didnt know what i was in for, but honestly i sleep good at night, i can engage in all of the same activities i did before dip free. i cant explain it, i just thank god that I am experiencing non of the effects of quitting.
Good for you! I'm glad it's going easy for you. Keep it up!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline WCWBigNasty

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« Reply #25 on: April 10, 2014, 11:04:00 AM »
ok check this, I am gonna post what i wanna post because im a grown man, i am quit day 4, and its really makes me wonder why i havent done this so much sooner because its as if i never dipped at all. i dont miss it, i dont crave it, i dont need it, i dont want it, it does not consume my thoughts, i dont need it after i eat, i was in the store this morning, where i always bought every day staring at the tobacco right in my face and nothing, no urge, i feel awesome. after spending a couple of days on this site reading all the withdrawl stories i didnt know what i was in for, but honestly i sleep good at night, i can engage in all of the same activities i did before dip free. i cant explain it, i just thank god that I am experiencing non of the effects of quitting.