My fuck up was a result of anger, i was waiting for my package of hooch yesterday, but only got a pink slip. The mail lady is scared of my dogs, i turned red with anger blaming the world for making my quit harder when really the only person that made it harder was MYSELF.
It happened because i was not prepared to face that anger, and because i did not UTILIZE this site to get me through it. This site and all of you got me through 4 days, why i did not come to all of you when my switch flipped yesterday baffles me since you have gotten me through so many cravings already.
This time around, if you will all still hold out your hand to help me after i made the stupid decision to stab you all in the back. I want to truly talk to you all and gather advice on how YOU would have gotten through that situation if it were you. My mistake was not coming to you all last night, and i know that. It will not happen again if you all will still have me.