more nuggets from the world of heart troubles....
when you have an ep study the goal is to make your heart go into v-fib
nerve abnormalities or heart damage are the causes of all arrhythmias
when a v-tach or v-fib hits you, you fall backwards usually before you pass out
being de-fibbed externally feels like slamming your hand in a car door
being de-fibbed internally feels like getting hit by baseball bat
when you pass out from arrhythmia you get two very strange feelings a ringing in the ears and you tongue feels like it is swelling
cool stuff....
So have you ever had a defib machine used on your ass?
asked the doc to but he wouldn't...but i swear when my aicd fires it feels like it i'm getting electrocuted all over...hell man, all five senses affected, i'd almost rather be externally de-fibbed but 911 takes too long
Ok so what is the purpose of telling me about all of your heart probs? I have had some myself but nothing like you.
BTW this is for everyone....I have used less NRT today than what is recommended, so I am obviously on my way to stopping it too.
ok...look you seem like a pretty together guy, but nic and arrhythmias go hand in hand, you mentioned not cutting NRTs b/c you were worried about abnormal heart beats...i mentioned that i know (unfortunately, through experience) something about it...nicotine is not good for the heart and i wouldn't want anyone to ever HAVE to go through the pain and honestly fear of dying like i have, you made a really important decision to stop using tobacco because of health concerns, my personal experience with NRT is a lesson in how not to quit and nicotine is not a safe substance.
you actually have made an even better decision to join here, i never believed i would be nic free and only have to fight occasional cravings but here i am. why? for all the bitching, swearing, and calling folks out i am in charge of my quit and i know that my phone will ring off the hook if i fail to post (it has) and all my hard work and frankly the pain of withdraw will be spitting (no pun intended) on all the folks here who held me accountable for my quit, my friends who held me accountable, and most importantly my family that held me accountable. it wasn't friends and family that made it stick, it was perfect strangers that i simply make a promise to daily and they promise to me that has made my quit work
don't think that i don't care about your quit, actually, i care that you go all in, because i tried prolonging the worst part forever, now i know that the 6-7 days of hell were worth it