Author Topic: Day 1  (Read 11566 times)

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Offline worktowin

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2013, 10:19:00 AM »
Quote from: jlud007
I am returning after caving and pretty much disappearing since I last posted. I know that I owe the site, former and current quit groups some answers to the 3 questions. I will get to that sometime today, I just could not ignore the truth after lurking around the site while still using this past few weeks. Tomorrow will never come if I keep trying to "plan" things and the sooner I posted roll and poked my head out, the better. So, light me up, chew me out, call me an asshole....whatever, I welcome the accountability. Work is the next order of business today. Later.
Not gonna call you anything, other than an addict. Of a plant in a can that causes cancer and costs a fuckton of money. I'm an addict too.

First order of business - answer the three questions. And think long and hard about them.

Second order of business... you need to look deep and answer one other very important question. This is the difference between a winner, and a loser - not just in the fight against this addiction - but life in general... are you a man of integrity?

Really think about that question. When you give your word, do you keep it? If you make a deal with a handshake, is that deal done, or do you sometimes back out? If you aren't a man of integrity, if you don't honor your word, then you need to go back to the drawing board. This method, and more than likely any other, won't work for you. It is easy to cave. It is easy to chew. It is easy to give your word. It takes a man of integrity to keep it.

You've got my contact info - I reached out to you on day 1 last time. We are all glad that you are back - now you owe it to yourself and us to use the tools of this site to help get you through the rough times. I've had to reach out several times. Others have as well. You are no different - you owe it to yourself and those of us that have invested time in your quit to let us help you out. This time is different man - lets get this quit underway! This time, when the craves come (and they will) call me. Reach out to others. We have a common goal - to beat this monster. It can be done - if a weak numbers guy like me can do this - a bad ass like you can. Use this site - keep your word. A man of integrity will win every day.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2013, 07:28:00 AM »
I am returning after caving and pretty much disappearing since I last posted. I know that I owe the site, former and current quit groups some answers to the 3 questions. I will get to that sometime today, I just could not ignore the truth after lurking around the site while still using this past few weeks. Tomorrow will never come if I keep trying to "plan" things and the sooner I posted roll and poked my head out, the better. So, light me up, chew me out, call me an asshole....whatever, I welcome the accountability. Work is the next order of business today. Later.

Offline Erussell

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2013, 06:34:00 PM »
Congrats on day two bro! Your entering the gates of hell. Just keep going, don't look back, face that fire, you might just get out before the devil even knows your there! Man I am glad to be a quitter with you today. Post that ass in roll agian tomorrow.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2013, 04:13:00 PM »

Totally stole that from Kana but its awesome!

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2013, 01:54:00 PM »
I am embracing the suck as it really starts to set in now after lunch. I'm sure tomorrow will be more fun, but the suck is way better than cancer, face falling off, family crying, son being raised by someone else. Anyhow.....I will embrace it this time and remember I only have to go through it once more.....never again if I chose to quit daily with you guys. Glad to be at work staying busy this round though.

Offline Mcarmo44

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2013, 12:53:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: bigj77707
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: jlud007
Well, I registered on the site back in June 2012 and never did get around to posting up roll.  This past Saturday I finally made the decision and posted roll, joined the brotherhood, first time with no nicotine at all in years.

2 days of the suck and in the wee dawning hours of what should have been day 3, I opened the door and let the bitch in.  Why? maybe I thought I really was missing something.  How? I drove my ass down to the store at 1 am and got me a can of my favorite cancer candy.  No excuses.

I want to apologize to some of my newly founded August brothers and supporters, digits have been offered, support given.  In my time of need I did not turn to KTC or my quit brothers.  I do however intend to right this ship.

I cannot continue to pretend that dip has done anything positive in my life for nearly 23 years.  How can I pretend to love something that I try very hard to hide from most people in my life.  For crying out loud we used to spend lunch breaks in high school in the bathroom dipping! I was kicked off the wrestling team my junior for dip.  I hardly smile because of receding gums and green stained teeth.  I really could go on and on....I feel very angry with myself and at that motherflipping bear right now.  I will continue to post and stay connected, I will reply to PM's with my own mobile number so that my brothers can text me and hold me accountable.  I will post roll when I wake up and quit with you brothers.  I hope that you will accept my honesty and quit with me.


P.S. I flushed the last half can or so of that shit down the crapper.
Make sure to post this in the August thread if you have not already. I am too new here myself to feel I can give you a hard time, but expect that to come.

In the mean time, if you really expect to be able to be successful in this get some friends and lean on them. I have seen that you have some major bad ass quitters in the August group, switch some phone numbers with them and when you post roll, keep your promise.
I agree, you need to post this in your quit group and take your lashes for caving.

Kudos though for coming back and trying again. The Nic bitch is hard to beat. I am finally quit (44 days and counting) after 12+ years of dipping, and probably attempting to quit at least 10 or so times. Every day is a fight but if you truly want to quit, this is the place. Post roll  reach out to your fellow quitters. Everything you need to succeed is here, you just gotta have the want to succeed.
Hey jlud -

thanks for the words to explain. Now just go look in the morror. Take a good look and say " Not Today Nic Bitch".

There now by telling us here that you have done it, and by telling yourself,, you have given that promise, that bond, to stay clean today.

Now take another look and say "You CAN do this".

Hell if the rest of us can, you can too. As we were all in a very similar situation when we started our quit, and there are alot of us that leaned on the tools of this site (live chat, HOF speeches, words of wisdom, OTHER QUITTERS), that have made us a successful +1.

I quit with you today.
J this should be posted in August as well some new guys may not find it, I didn't for a long time. You post seems honest and heart felt but it lacks the most important part.....What are you going to do different next time. Think very hard and be brutally honest with yourself. You will crave and crave bad at times, what will stop you from doing this again? I suggest you listen to SirDerek and read and read and then read some more. Buy in to the system
Quit date 11/3/11
HOF - 2/10/12


"Always remember, never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you."- Kramer

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2013, 11:12:00 AM »
I will be using the site like my life depends on it (and it does!). Seriously, yesterday while using I could not hardly look at myself in the mirror. I really felt like I let the folks here down and of course myself. Feels good to be quit today brother.

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2013, 10:56:00 AM »
Take this from someone who caved. Coming back takes balls. I'm glad you did though. This site is my lifeline. Use it. I have a dozen numbers this time around and I have used them in my short 3 days. Its been easier this time because I am more active and involved. I don't have the holier then thou attitude I had before because I know that caving is easy. What's hard is keeping your word and staying clean! But the worth of that is much greater. It allows you to wake up each day and look in the mirror with pride. We are all here together. We all battle the same demon. 40000 have come before us. If they did it, so can we. Answer the three questions if you haven't yet and move on.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2013, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: bigj77707
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: jlud007
Well, I registered on the site back in June 2012 and never did get around to posting up roll.  This past Saturday I finally made the decision and posted roll, joined the brotherhood, first time with no nicotine at all in years.

2 days of the suck and in the wee dawning hours of what should have been day 3, I opened the door and let the bitch in.  Why? maybe I thought I really was missing something.  How? I drove my ass down to the store at 1 am and got me a can of my favorite cancer candy.  No excuses.

I want to apologize to some of my newly founded August brothers and supporters, digits have been offered, support given.  In my time of need I did not turn to KTC or my quit brothers.  I do however intend to right this ship.

I cannot continue to pretend that dip has done anything positive in my life for nearly 23 years.  How can I pretend to love something that I try very hard to hide from most people in my life.  For crying out loud we used to spend lunch breaks in high school in the bathroom dipping! I was kicked off the wrestling team my junior for dip.  I hardly smile because of receding gums and green stained teeth.  I really could go on and on....I feel very angry with myself and at that motherflipping bear right now.  I will continue to post and stay connected, I will reply to PM's with my own mobile number so that my brothers can text me and hold me accountable.  I will post roll when I wake up and quit with you brothers.  I hope that you will accept my honesty and quit with me.


P.S. I flushed the last half can or so of that shit down the crapper.
Make sure to post this in the August thread if you have not already. I am too new here myself to feel I can give you a hard time, but expect that to come.

In the mean time, if you really expect to be able to be successful in this get some friends and lean on them. I have seen that you have some major bad ass quitters in the August group, switch some phone numbers with them and when you post roll, keep your promise.
I agree, you need to post this in your quit group and take your lashes for caving.

Kudos though for coming back and trying again. The Nic bitch is hard to beat. I am finally quit (44 days and counting) after 12+ years of dipping, and probably attempting to quit at least 10 or so times. Every day is a fight but if you truly want to quit, this is the place. Post roll  reach out to your fellow quitters. Everything you need to succeed is here, you just gotta have the want to succeed.
Hey jlud -

thanks for the words to explain. Now just go look in the morror. Take a good look and say " Not Today Nic Bitch".

There now by telling us here that you have done it, and by telling yourself,, you have given that promise, that bond, to stay clean today.

Now take another look and say "You CAN do this".

Hell if the rest of us can, you can too. As we were all in a very similar situation when we started our quit, and there are alot of us that leaned on the tools of this site (live chat, HOF speeches, words of wisdom, OTHER QUITTERS), that have made us a successful +1.

I quit with you today.

Offline bigj77707

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2013, 02:38:00 AM »
Quote from: Quit
Quote from: jlud007
Well, I registered on the site back in June 2012 and never did get around to posting up roll.  This past Saturday I finally made the decision and posted roll, joined the brotherhood, first time with no nicotine at all in years.

2 days of the suck and in the wee dawning hours of what should have been day 3, I opened the door and let the bitch in.  Why? maybe I thought I really was missing something.  How? I drove my ass down to the store at 1 am and got me a can of my favorite cancer candy.  No excuses.

I want to apologize to some of my newly founded August brothers and supporters, digits have been offered, support given.  In my time of need I did not turn to KTC or my quit brothers.  I do however intend to right this ship.

I cannot continue to pretend that dip has done anything positive in my life for nearly 23 years.  How can I pretend to love something that I try very hard to hide from most people in my life.  For crying out loud we used to spend lunch breaks in high school in the bathroom dipping! I was kicked off the wrestling team my junior for dip.  I hardly smile because of receding gums and green stained teeth.  I really could go on and on....I feel very angry with myself and at that motherflipping bear right now.  I will continue to post and stay connected, I will reply to PM's with my own mobile number so that my brothers can text me and hold me accountable.  I will post roll when I wake up and quit with you brothers.  I hope that you will accept my honesty and quit with me.


P.S. I flushed the last half can or so of that shit down the crapper.
Make sure to post this in the August thread if you have not already. I am too new here myself to feel I can give you a hard time, but expect that to come.

In the mean time, if you really expect to be able to be successful in this get some friends and lean on them. I have seen that you have some major bad ass quitters in the August group, switch some phone numbers with them and when you post roll, keep your promise.
I agree, you need to post this in your quit group and take your lashes for caving.

Kudos though for coming back and trying again. The Nic bitch is hard to beat. I am finally quit (44 days and counting) after 12+ years of dipping, and probably attempting to quit at least 10 or so times. Every day is a fight but if you truly want to quit, this is the place. Post roll  reach out to your fellow quitters. Everything you need to succeed is here, you just gotta have the want to succeed.
I quit on 4-8-13

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2013, 01:08:00 AM »
Quote from: jlud007
Well, I registered on the site back in June 2012 and never did get around to posting up roll.  This past Saturday I finally made the decision and posted roll, joined the brotherhood, first time with no nicotine at all in years.

2 days of the suck and in the wee dawning hours of what should have been day 3, I opened the door and let the bitch in.  Why? maybe I thought I really was missing something.  How? I drove my ass down to the store at 1 am and got me a can of my favorite cancer candy.  No excuses.

I want to apologize to some of my newly founded August brothers and supporters, digits have been offered, support given.  In my time of need I did not turn to KTC or my quit brothers.  I do however intend to right this ship.

I cannot continue to pretend that dip has done anything positive in my life for nearly 23 years.  How can I pretend to love something that I try very hard to hide from most people in my life.  For crying out loud we used to spend lunch breaks in high school in the bathroom dipping! I was kicked off the wrestling team my junior for dip.  I hardly smile because of receding gums and green stained teeth.  I really could go on and on....I feel very angry with myself and at that motherflipping bear right now.  I will continue to post and stay connected, I will reply to PM's with my own mobile number so that my brothers can text me and hold me accountable.  I will post roll when I wake up and quit with you brothers.  I hope that you will accept my honesty and quit with me.


P.S. I flushed the last half can or so of that shit down the crapper.
Make sure to post this in the August thread if you have not already. I am too new here myself to feel I can give you a hard time, but expect that to come.

In the mean time, if you really expect to be able to be successful in this get some friends and lean on them. I have seen that you have some major bad ass quitters in the August group, switch some phone numbers with them and when you post roll, keep your promise.
I have been Quit for several years and I still wake up every morning and quit one day at a time.  I figure if it worked yesterday, it will work today.  Never ever get complacent in your quit!

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2013, 12:54:00 AM »
Well, I registered on the site back in June 2012 and never did get around to posting up roll. This past Saturday I finally made the decision and posted roll, joined the brotherhood, first time with no nicotine at all in years.

2 days of the suck and in the wee dawning hours of what should have been day 3, I opened the door and let the bitch in. Why? maybe I thought I really was missing something. How? I drove my ass down to the store at 1 am and got me a can of my favorite cancer candy. No excuses.

I want to apologize to some of my newly founded August brothers and supporters, digits have been offered, support given. In my time of need I did not turn to KTC or my quit brothers. I do however intend to right this ship.

I cannot continue to pretend that dip has done anything positive in my life for nearly 23 years. How can I pretend to love something that I try very hard to hide from most people in my life. For crying out loud we used to spend lunch breaks in high school in the bathroom dipping! I was kicked off the wrestling team my junior for dip. I hardly smile because of receding gums and green stained teeth. I really could go on and on....I feel very angry with myself and at that motherflipping bear right now. I will continue to post and stay connected, I will reply to PM's with my own mobile number so that my brothers can text me and hold me accountable. I will post roll when I wake up and quit with you brothers. I hope that you will accept my honesty and quit with me.


P.S. I flushed the last half can or so of that shit down the crapper.

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2013, 04:12:00 PM »
Hang in there brother embrace the suck remember all these feelings. Right now you are prolly deep in the suck it will last 3-4 days then the mind fuck starts. you will be ready you are reading and learning putting tools in your tool box you know we are here up to you to use us.

like I said earlier I don't care if you have to fill your mouth with a sack full of assholes do it get thru this day wake up tomorrow post roll and give us your word and repeat.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2013, 03:41:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Thanks to everyone. Day 2 craves and withdrawal suck ass. But not gonna let that run life anymore. You guys are amazing here, messages i'm getting and reading your stoelries are pulling me through these first difficult days. Thank you all for quitting with me today.
Now is the time to raise above everything, and keep this quit going. Remember this time so that you may not ever have to go through it again.

Exxercise, water, popcorn, toothpicks, extra gum, sugarfree candy, cranberry juice, ANYTHING BUT PUTTING CRAP in your lip.

BTW - I find it a little interesting with a join date of Jun12. I am just glad you are finally here in May13. So put that head down my friend and I will quit with you today +1.

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Re: Day 1
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2013, 12:51:00 PM »
Thanks to everyone. Day 2 craves and withdrawal suck ass. But not gonna let that run life anymore. You guys are amazing here, messages i'm getting and reading your stoelries are pulling me through these first difficult days. Thank you all for quitting with me today.