Author Topic: Day 3  (Read 5230 times)

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Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #67 on: January 22, 2011, 05:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
.....and burn your damn boat.
Good shit, Ready.

This is the most important thing that you new quitters have to do.

Get retreat out of your mind. It CANNOT be an option. There is no turning back.

A successful quit is all about your mindset. This has to be your mindset. Burn your boat, and go win your war.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #66 on: January 22, 2011, 05:29:00 PM »
You went into a TOBACCO store. Let's bring the raging alcoholic to the damn liquor store or the local watering hole why don't we. Regardless of the foreigner behind the counter and his ability, or lack thereof to speak the english language, your first and most important mistake was putting yourself in a situation in which you did not belong. Do you get it??

If you have any doubt regarding a product's nicotine content, do not partake. Do your research. Smokey Mountain, Oregon Mint, Hooch....maybe one or two others that are acceptable. This site has a section dedicated to non-nicotine alternatives. Check this out: Use this if you must

By the way, it is possible to quit without an authentic "dip" alternative. Shredded jerky, green tea leaves, coffee, hard candy, sunflower seeds, straws, toothpicks. Any of the above will assist you in fighting the habit of having something in your mouth ('bj'). :unsure:

For you and all of the being here is strictly voluntary. If you don't like the methods employed here, you know where the door is. Caving is not acceptable here. There are countless quitters here that have successfully quit because they followed the methods used here. If you do cave, it will be met with reprimand. It's called self-policing and accountablity. It's just the way it is. If failure were acceptable, we would all fall off the damn wagon whenever we wanted. Why not, there are no consequences. We are trying to save you from consequences that are far worse than an internet ass-chewing.

Everyone here cares and wants you to succeed. Don't run. Suck it up, post your roll, learn from your mistake and move on with your quit. But stop whining about how you are being treated.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline Bean

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #65 on: January 22, 2011, 01:51:00 PM »
Ready is right. Even arguing is better that dipping. Congrats to everyone who is posting roll and staying quit...even if you are always wrong. :P

Offline Gatortom

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #64 on: January 22, 2011, 01:09:00 PM »
Quote from: J.crow37
Fuck Day one, two, three, four, and five. and ahead of time fuck day six. Quitting is fucking misserable, I hate it, its dumb. Fuck having to go get gas, obviously I wind up with the pump that puts my truck and headlights shining directly on that wall of orgasmic death. Fuck going to the Post Office and seeing not one but TWO random people dipping, when i swear i can count the people ive seen around this town that I didnt know dipped on one hand. Fuck Seeing a truck bed filled to the brim with bottle water....that would have been a goldmind of free spitoons in my eyes a week ago. 'bang head' Today was an absolute slut! UNTIL I got the best idea in the world. I dug through the passanger floor and bed of my truck (which gets cleaned about once a month) in total I found 8 empty tins. and for some reason there were actually 3 that had stuff in them, but i didnt even give them they courtesy of opening to see how much. so anyways. Took those eleven fuckers. Lined em up out back. and brought out the .45 'Remshot' it is unreal at how good that felt. Dipping Never ever compared to the feeling i got watching those tiny little plastic fuckers explode. If any of you have the legal ability to do that. I highly recomend it
How's your quit going? Heard you caved by accident? :huh: What was the name of that "fake" dip that was actually real? Haven't seen you post roll and just thought I'd check up.
Quit date - 1/4/2011
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Re: Day 3
« Reply #63 on: January 22, 2011, 12:45:00 PM »
Quote from: brianl
Quote from: SCHogfan
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: cubs204
Quote from: redtrain14
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: SCHogfan
Quote from: J.crow37
Fuck Day one, two, three, four, and five. and ahead of time fuck day six. Quitting is fucking misserable, I hate it, its dumb. Fuck having to go get gas, obviously I wind up with the pump that puts my truck and headlights shining directly on that wall of orgasmic death. Fuck going to the Post Office and seeing not one but TWO random people dipping, when i swear i can count the people ive seen around this town that I didnt know dipped on one hand. Fuck Seeing a truck bed filled to the brim with bottle water....that would have been a goldmind of free spitoons in my eyes a week ago. 'bang head'   Today was an absolute slut! UNTIL I got the best idea in the world. I dug through the passanger floor and bed of my truck (which gets cleaned about once a month) in total I found 8 empty tins. and for some reason there were actually 3 that had stuff in them, but i didnt even give them they courtesy of opening to see how much. so anyways. Took those eleven fuckers. Lined em up out back. and brought out the .45   'Remshot'    it is unreal at how good that felt. Dipping Never ever compared to the feeling i got watching those tiny little plastic fuckers explode.  If any of you have the legal ability to do that. I highly recomend it
That's 'boob'
that gave me a lil' bit of wood....
me too, but a little more than a little......
Yeah, it moved a little...
Yep I will admit it too ..
Think I got a little mahogany...maybe teak
Isn't it good, Norweigan Wood.
It happens every so often.
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Offline Ready

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #62 on: January 22, 2011, 12:36:00 PM »
Morning Crow. There are going to be strange times at the beginning of your quit. You will be confused, angry, full of rage at anything and everything. Reality is elusive at best in the first few days. The addict mind will make you work to keep your quit. You will have numerous battles with someone who knows you better than yourself (This is mostly an internal fight between you and your addict self - kinda sucks when the bad guy knows all your moves eh). It is very difficult at first. It can be done and it is well worth the effort.

There are many different personalities on this site. It's a mixed bag of experience and advice. One thing they all have in common - they want you to succeed in your quit. Take what you need from those that help you and leave the rest. Jump in here with both feet and burn your damn boat. It's gonna take everything you've got.

Leaving the site is not the answer. Stick around and you may find the answer in the last place you might expect.

Offline Bean

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #61 on: January 22, 2011, 12:16:00 PM »
How do y'all find time post when you're eating 72 lbs of egg plant per day?

Offline CalNotKodiakBears

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #60 on: January 22, 2011, 12:13:00 PM »
Quote from: tony
I took a look at the can on the website, and for the wintergreen and some other flavor, theres no warning label, which is kind of fucked up.
The warning label is on the side of the can that we can't see (marketing in action). There is however a clear "warning label" on the can where it says "SMOKELESS TOBACCO". Not "Herbal Snuff", not "Jerkey Chew", but "SMOKELESS FUCKING TOBACCO".

This dude is full of shit, and he's trying to pin his cave on someone else.

Fuck him, IMO.
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #59 on: January 22, 2011, 11:44:00 AM »
Quote from: andrew17019
Quote from: tony
I think the reason they might have trouble believing you is the distinctive smell that the tobacco has.  Although you were dipping that Revv stuff, which according to the site, is some energy blend mix, so maybe the scent was masked?

I'm not judging you, and if you said you didn't know, then thats what I have to go off of, but I'd say dump the shit and repost roll if you are ready to start again nicotine free.  I took a look at the can on the website, and for the wintergreen and some other flavor, theres no warning label, which is kind of fucked up.

Also..something I forgot. 

Some vegetables contain traces of nicotine.  I don't think the content level is enough to actually have an effect, but if it is then potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant would have to be added to the list..but I'm fairly certain its such a trace amount its hardly noticeable.  Heres the site I found the info on. ... 8053290619
From studies I read, habitual nicotine use from dipping is 130-250 mg per day.

To get 130 mg of nicotine from eggplant (the highest nicotine content of the ones on that site) you'd have to eat 1,300,000 grams of eggplant (or over a ton of eggplant). (according to the chart on that website, ten grams of eggplant is equal to one microgram of nicotine).

That being said, how much would it take for one dip's worth...around 3.3 mg? 33,000 grams....that's 72 pounds.

Mildly speaking, you only have to worry about nicotine from vegetables if you are eating over 50 pounds of eggplant or so....and if you are eating 50 lbs of eggplant I think you have problems other than just a nicotine addiction.
Thats..alot of eggplant. I didn't go that far into the research part of it, but I found the site and had remembered hearing somewhere that tomatoes and eggplant had trace amounts of the stuff in them.
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Re: Day 3
« Reply #58 on: January 22, 2011, 11:12:00 AM »
I have to agree with most of these guys. A cave is a cave, and now it's done. Whether it was an accident or not, that doesn't matter. Still a cave.

If you still want to quit, we still want to support you. So own up to the mistake, quit crying about people being mean, and post your new day 1. You're going to get a lot of shit if you cave because no one here want's anybody to fall.
Freedom - 8 January 2011
HOF Date - 17 April 2011, 2nd Floor - 26 July 2011, 3rd Floor - 3 November 2011, 4th Floor - 11 February 2012

How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
"I'm an F-18 nic bitch, and I'll destroy you in the air." - The Sheen

"The truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson

Offline CalNotKodiakBears

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #57 on: January 22, 2011, 11:05:00 AM »
There's a lot of estrogen coming from this thread.

Like Banner said, grow some balls Alice.
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #56 on: January 22, 2011, 10:57:00 AM »
fucking caver. piss off.

Offline brianl

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #55 on: January 22, 2011, 10:55:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
This is to ALMOST EVERYONE who seemed to have nothing good to say. EXCEPT "ready" you all dont seem to care about the quit in general. was I "dumb" and Nieve to believe a Hindu speaking man, yeah probably and sorry i didnt pull out my cell and research the shit as soon as i bought the shit i just believed the dude. First off fuck any of you who believe id make it up. second of all i have no probolem going back to day one since in the end one day at a time is all that matters. but for any disbelievers you ruin the site for everyone, isnt this site about trying to solve a general problem and you decide to come out with ridicule. yeah class act faggots. Ill just do it on my own
I'm just seeing this, haven't seen the previous posts. From what I can tell is that you were fooled into thinking you were dipping the fake but it was real.

If that's the case then here is my input. Yes, it's a cave. You need to start at day 1 again. It was an accident, understood. We are only human and humans make mistakes. Let's learn from the mistake.

I also agree with Cpt Kylos. Stay the fuck out of the tobacco shop looking for fake stuff. Great example with the alcoholic going to the liquor store to buy Odouls.

If you could do it by yourself you would have never come here. You are gonna get crap for caving, that's the deal. Suck it up and start over. Get it done.

If I can be of any help to you just PM me.


Offline brianl

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #54 on: January 22, 2011, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: SCHogfan
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: cubs204
Quote from: redtrain14
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: SCHogfan
Quote from: J.crow37
Fuck Day one, two, three, four, and five. and ahead of time fuck day six. Quitting is fucking misserable, I hate it, its dumb. Fuck having to go get gas, obviously I wind up with the pump that puts my truck and headlights shining directly on that wall of orgasmic death. Fuck going to the Post Office and seeing not one but TWO random people dipping, when i swear i can count the people ive seen around this town that I didnt know dipped on one hand. Fuck Seeing a truck bed filled to the brim with bottle water....that would have been a goldmind of free spitoons in my eyes a week ago. 'bang head'   Today was an absolute slut! UNTIL I got the best idea in the world. I dug through the passanger floor and bed of my truck (which gets cleaned about once a month) in total I found 8 empty tins. and for some reason there were actually 3 that had stuff in them, but i didnt even give them they courtesy of opening to see how much. so anyways. Took those eleven fuckers. Lined em up out back. and brought out the .45   'Remshot'    it is unreal at how good that felt. Dipping Never ever compared to the feeling i got watching those tiny little plastic fuckers explode.  If any of you have the legal ability to do that. I highly recomend it
That's 'boob'
that gave me a lil' bit of wood....
me too, but a little more than a little......
Yeah, it moved a little...
Yep I will admit it too ..
Think I got a little mahogany...maybe teak
Isn't it good, Norweigan Wood.

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #53 on: January 22, 2011, 10:32:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
Ill just do it on my own
How has that worked for you so far ? I am guessing not all that well. When you realize you are an addict and start acting as such you will have an easier time with your quit.

Seriously, this early in your quit you thought it would be a good idea to go into a tobacco shop ? If that was the only place to buy fake would you still go in ? Your quit is about choices. Early on you have to make the right decisions. If you needed something from the tobacco store or aisle ask someone else to get it for you. Order your fake shit online. There are always options.

When I started my quit I got advice fromt the vets; do not go into the C stores, pay at the pump. Avoid your old group of friends, stay out of bars, I would think it would go without saying to stay out of a tobacco store.

Yes this place can be harsh, but the methods here do work. Post your promise and keep your word and every person who busted your balls will line up to help you stay quit. NO cave can be accepted for any reason... even language barriers.

Up to you.... Quit and we will be here for you. I think you already know where doing it on you own will get you.