You know, I got to thinking today that the sun is badass.
It's a fucking fireball in the sky that feeds on itself and expels heat that the other planets thrive on. might be too hot for some of them (I'm looking at you Mercury.), but the planet Earth is just the right distance from it to sustain water. The presence of water allows the planets to maintain its atmosphere, and that allows life to walk upon its surface. But, even though Earth has a gooey magma core, it relies on the sun to heat its surface. What's even better is that these animals still can't look directly at the sun without burning their eyes.
Any one of the planets surrounding the sun can be destroyed without affecting it. We could take a massive asteroid hit, explode into a thousand pieces, throw every planet in the solar system off course, and that fucker would still be burning bright like nothing ever happened. You mean I only have seven planets surrounding me and most of them are drifting? Oh time to worry about that..
There are some quitters here that have found the right distance from the sun. You're orbiting nicely, and the quit is thriving. There are some that are freezing at the outskirts and flirting with Pluto. There are those that think they are the sun. The KTC is always moving, burning, and bringing light. It's where you are that dictates its effects. Rocks can turn into moons which turn into planets. And, while the KTC can light the way, the fire in your quit has to come from within. Otherwise, you're crumbling.
Luckily, we're not just planets that are stuck to our orbits.. We have the ability to position ourselves in just the right spot when we feel weak. When we're strong, we'll orbit again in our new position. Talk to a hundred quitters here and you'll get 100 answers on additional tools outside of roll. They'll tell you you have to be angry. They'll tell you have to coddle. They'll talk about chat and apps and facebook and texts and everything they use. The real answer is what keeps you quit. You want to be angry? Fine! Be angry. You want to blindly support? Fine! Help everyone. The key is to do exactly what makes this quit work for you. Post roll. Lean when you need to, and lead when you're strong. Fret about the individuals, but know that this site is here for all of us.
The quit always comes first. Never forget that.