Author Topic: I'm Back. I'm Dumb.  (Read 128578 times)

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Offline wastepanel

  • Moderator (Retired)
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  • Fuck you guys.
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Re: I'm back
« Reply #451 on: August 12, 2014, 04:21:00 PM »
One of my favorite intro posts I did was going back and reviewing posts that were instrumental in my quit. It's a fun read (at least for me).

Well, somebody reminded men today that I am now quit longer now than I was stopped last time (September 11, 2006-October 25, 2009 or 1,140 days). First of all, props for realizing this milestone as it completely went past me. Secondly, it's been a helluva journey that I wouldn't have been able to make without the support here. Thank you.

Hi. I'm Wastepanel. If you don't know, I'm a retread. A retread is a member that held the keys to the quit machine here, sat in the driver's seat, and shit himself. I came here in 2006 to quit when my mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer. When her doctor told her there was nothing he could do for her, her thoughts immediately went to me. She knew I chewed, and she knew I gutted it.

I stopped for her in 2006. I stayed stopped through her her death in June 2007 and beyond. I posted roll through my hall of fame, and I faded. I can't even really say that I stopped with those guys. I stopped beside them. I posted a day, but I never really got to know anything about them. The most emotion I showed was that I got upset one dude that was one day ahead of me caved in the 50s, but I had never nor had any interaction with him. I stopped beside some real badasses there too. Retired Admin Franpro is the first person to reach the HOF here on the KTC, and Euty still posts most days. Rodeo Timer still shows, and we had a lot of badass support there to help us.


I faded. There was nothing holding me to roll. Nobody knew how to get a hold of me outside the site. I had my way out. I missed some rolls...I missed some more. Soon, I wasn't posting at all. But I was "quit"...

Or so I thought. I wrote this post trying to describe what it's like to know failure and to see others going the same path.

So, what has changed from my first time around to this one?
Days I haven't used nicotine1,1401,140
Days I've posted rollaround 1501,140
Number of quitters' telephone numbers in my phone0Over 150
Times that I've texted another quitter0I don't know, but it has to be in the tens of thousands
Time I've spent helping others stay quit30 minutes (I made a couple posts there, and I wrote a HOF speech. I hope it helped somebody.)I've spent many, many, many hours here (on average, at least an hour a day just on the boards).
When I came back, nobody specifically asked me to answer "3 questions", but the answers were sought without using those words. I caved at a Browns game while blackout drunk and not posting roll. I bummed one from my buddy. It happened because I asked for it, and I had forgotten that I was an addict. It continued to happen because I'll always be an addict. I have owned every piece of my quit since returning. I have yet to miss roll, and I have weaved such a web around me that failure would be unheralded. Truly, I welcome it and I prop myself up on the words I have written in these last 3 years.

Anyways, here are some more posts from early in my quit. Early on, us October quitters liked to fight and we were filled with returning members. Did I mention that we liked to fight?
Quote from: wastepanel,
Quote from: eafman,Jul
Quote from: kbdavear,Jul
Quote from: eafman,Jul
Quote from: kbdavear,Jul
Eafman: who is it that came back and said day 3 after there cave?
ericksjr3 . Ironically, it looks like he got bumped.
okay, my question is your upset with Gman cause he isn't going after erick, instead he is going after OJ? is this correct?
Why not go after ALL that fuck with the rules is my point. I guess more to everyone than just gman.

FUCK I left the group for a couple of hours with the intention of never coming back. I even asked the admin to disable my account. Sometimes I wish they still would ;-) This gets abrasive sometimes, oh well, my choice.

I am tired of this BULLSHIT!!!

I think a rule in October should be if you are going to FUCK with one non compliant assholes you should FUCK with all of them. These guys that are not complying either need to get with the program that has worked VERY well or get lost.
They need to have a happy day. Come back when you really want to drink the koolaide if it ain't too fuckin late!
I think the issue I have is twofold.

I will stand up for, to, and with every one of my October brethren. That includes those that have issues like Erik, OJ, rolok, etc. If they are on the straight and narrow with me. However, I expect any transgressions to be explained to the group. 2shoes had a cave on Thursday. He apologized via board and by texts to me. Rolok did the same and he has yet to explain or apologize. Guess who's higher on my priority list?

Vets....October is our group. If you want to give people shit for not posting, please look within your own group. I post in December 2006 as I originally quit then. Do you know how many people post there? 3 on average. There were at least 20-30 hofers from that group. Go ahead. Look at your own groups and see who's fallen by the wayside, and then come back here and talk shit.

This leads me to think that many of you vets think yourslves and your groups are better than ours. You are not. We are just earlier in the process than you are. We are still fighting on a moment by moment basis. We don't have days where nicotine is the last thing on our minds. It is currently first.

We are all addicts here. We will always be addicts. Let's start acting like addicts supporting each other rather than a condescending older brother and snotty younger brother.
Quote from: wastepanel,
Quote from: jost2brown,Jul
Quote from: ODAAT,Jul
October sure has a shit storm going on and I just added to it.  It seems each group has one past caver asshole who comes in and tries to run the show.  Leahy in September.  Colonel in October.  Sheesh...these douchebags don't realize when people are just trying to help.

And I thought j2b and magnum were bad....

'crackup'  'crackup'  'crackup'  'crackup'  'crackup'
um, we werent as bad as October, but go back to the "early days" of may 11 and read some of that shit now that we are out of the fog. we were assholes to support people too.

I will say though, I dont think we took 5 plus pages of posts before realizing we were being dumbasses.

and btw, thanks ODAAT!
My name is Wastepanel, and I'm a bastard from October 2011.

Thank you so much for starting and/or continuing shit in our group. We really appreciate it. We like the fact that we are consistently being lectured and berated. We like the fact that we cannot help our own without vets lecturing about how we can't help this person because we don't know what it's like to quit yet. You talk like we're all peers, but you jump to show us that we are nothing.

Let me tell you something (and maybe I'm still foggy, but):

You don't know what it's like to quit either. With the help of this program, I quit for nearly 3 years. I was near day 1000 when I caved. At day 200, I thought I had it under control too. Now look at me back at day 23...

You may be vets via quit days. However, I once was where you are and talking shit. I made mistakes, and I think you guys can learn from me when it comes down to it. I've helped some of these guys, and I've seen some of these guys pushed out because of veteran tactics.

The thing about quitting is that once you get started, motivation makes it easy. It's the months and years down the line that it is difficult to hold onto that motivation. You think about your addiction every day at first; later on, it can be easily forgotten. That is why it is so important to post roll from now until forever. It reminds you are an addict. I was strong 2 years in, but that went away in an instant.

We are all glad you guys are here to support us and give us advice. Do not get us wrong.

But when you give Leahy or the Colonal shit for helping another quitter, fuck you. The Colonal has welcomed every new person to the group, and stays his own boisterous self at all times. Yeah. He fucked up and had to restart. So what? He's had mine and all of October's back since he groveled back here. And he knows what pitfalls got him before...

Again, we bastards love constructive criticism. It will help our quit in the long run. But this pot stirring just for the sake of it has got to stop if that means I have to take it into every group on this site.
Fuck you haters...but I love me some Rocky. I declared August 8, 2011 Rocky day and had some fun with it:
Quote from: wastepanel,
Quote from: gmann,Aug
Quote from: wastepanel,Aug
Quote from: gmann,Aug
Quote from: wastepanel,Aug
Quote from: gmann,Aug
Quote from: wastepanel,Aug
Quote from: gmann,Aug
Quote from: Colonel_No_Cope,Aug
Quote from: wastepanel,Aug
If you don't know, there is a lot of doom and gloom going around October right now.  Many of us have hit a major funk, and we're not excited about the quit.

You know what?  Fuck that.

I signed up for a fucking fight.

I've been thinking a lot lately about Rocky Balboa (Not in that way, gmann.  You keep your bathroom habits to yourself.).  Rocky was fucking awesome.

Rocky Balboa never expected to beat Appollo Creed.  He just wanted to "go the distance" with him.  Well, I ain't beating this nic bitch either, but I sure as hell am going the distance against her.  I'm going to fucking quit her til she loves me.  But I know I ain't knocking her down.  Everytime she's down on that mat and the referee has a count of "9" up, she's gonna stand up.  There are no TKO's.  There is no final bell.  There's just me and her.

That is why I am declaring today Rocky day.

There's a bunch of inspiration in this series, from when we first meet Rocky to when he fights Communism with his bare hands to when he gives the greatest speech ever (and most appropriate) in "Rocky Balboa".

Post up your favorite Rocky moment.  Inspire us, or be funny.  We're in this fight, and we have to remember to enjoy it.

Rocky Balboa-Fucking god
of inspiration

In this speech, Rocky tells his son that nobody is ever going to hit you as hard life.  He explains that it's not how hard you can hit, it's how hard you can hit and keep moving forward.  It is so very appropriate to our quit that I swear it was lifted from this site.

This quit is worth it.  There are no excuses for caves.  I am better than that.
I thought it was "Its not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can be hit!!!"

Anyway, Happy Rocky Day... loved the series by the way, and the last movie was one of the best franchise enders I have seen.

It paid homage to everything that made the franchise great... and what made the character a fucking hero.

Sly fucking rocked with this one.
thank goodness the franchise didn't end with rocky 5.

ps: stallone isn't my type, but call me if tommy "machine" gunn takes his shirt off.

Only in America!

(BTW...Tommy "The Machine" Gunn...HIV.)
You don't like to live dangerously?
Tommy Gunn: Knocked Out

I really would have thought Thunderlips was more up to par for you.

Hello Loveslaves.
Well, if you're just going to give me my pick of the litter:

How every conversation should be started with a beautiful lady...or gmann

And, Colonal, the correct answer for your prediction on tonight's fight was "Pain".
nice post over on quit 4 today. next time write something homoerotic. write what you know, right?
Thanks. (Here's a link for you all you lazy quitters: Return of the Living Dead: The Undead and Addiction

How homoerotic is too homoerotic?

Is penetration too far, or do we draw the line at double penetration? And what if that double penetration wasn't just about fucking, but more about the love of a man-man-(wo)man?

And should I draw a parallel to tossing the salad and dipping?

(Kids...don't dip. I have to make one statement about quitting, don't I?)

And if you are going homoerotic, I call upon:

Gmann...will you race me on the beach and in short shorts? I'll buy the Nair!
November 2011 introduced us to the first time I was ever introduced to the concept of a "trophy can".
Quote from: wastepanel,
Quote from: Colonel_No_Cope,Aug
Quote from: TheCanIsDead,Aug
Quote from: Colonel_No_Cope,Aug
Quote from: TortillaJesus,Aug
Quote from: TheCanIsDead,Aug
Did i do the roll call right this time?

To all of you that think i'm crazy - yes I am, what do you expect it's day 2 of being quit.

Those who doubt me, here are some fucking reason why my way of doing this will work for me...

1. "IF" i did cave i would admit it in a heartbeat, anyone that knows me personally knows i always admit it when i'm guilty.

2. Knowing that a bunch of assholes like myself are on here trying to prove me wrong gives 98 reasons to continue and prove you wrong.

3. I can easily open the can or buy a new one and just continue, but I would not be wasting my time on this forum.

4. If i can survive 100 days with a can starring me in the face, that means when the can is tossed over the cliff there is no way in hell i'm ever going back to square one. I need to know that I can survive against all odds, this will reassure me that no matter the circumstances I will not do this shit again!

5. I believe in myself, i tried to quit many times and failed - because I did not believe i could do it. This time i believe in my ability to overcome all odds and prove to myself and my support group - I WILL NOT CAVE!
and while we are at it, its a really good idea to:

Leave a loaded spike for a recovering junkie.

Leave a loaded 12 ga with the barrel dipped in chocolate sauce for a suicidal person.

Triple whopper with cheeze and biggie fries for the dieter.

Stash bottles of cheap vodka, Popov I think, in the lampshades and toilet tank of recovering alcoholic


My friend, your plan is flawed, it is wreckless, and it is plain fucking stupid.

I am now fucking thirsty... I think I'll drink a case of beer.

I'll stay quit. I promise.

TCID... no worries. You can prove me wrong EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY FOR 98 MORE DAYS.

But, here is the easier way to think of it.

Just promise to stay quit one day at a time.

I hope you are right... I really do.

I have never seen it work... the "safety cigarettes" and the "throw it in my face can of Cope".

I tried them all, and if you wanna believe you are a tougher man then me... well, I am all for it. Prove it. Its your integrity that is at risk... not mine.

You can pull off a major coup for quitters everywhere, or go down as the biggest liar and delusional fuckstick in history. I am pulling for you.

Keep us up to date. When that can goes down the toilet, by all means, let us know... when it goes in the lip... YOU BETTER FESS UP!

Lets just hope it doesn't go there. Yes???
It will go over the fucking cliff. If it ended up in my mouth, I would go on here and admit the fact that i'm a failure and a loser - but it won't happen because that can or any other can will not lure me in to dipping again.

I'm not better than you or anyone else on this forum. I'm just going for the impossible and i'm going to make this happen. The more of you doubt me the more I want to do this! So bring it, give me more reasons why i'm going to go to 100 with a can right under my nose.
You should only be worrying about today...

Then you will come back tomorrow, and worry about it then.

You are only on Day 2, and you are worried about HOF at 100???

Come on man.

Save yourself now.

That Trophy Can is not worth it.

I will stop now... because I just do not want to instigate your foolishness any further.

Stay quit... one day at a time, brother.

See ya tomorrow!!!
You know, why don't we just take a poll...

Anybody here that has successfully quit with a trophy can say aye...


Anybody here that has successfully quit without a trophy can say aye....

(5000 quitters stand up in unison.)

There we have it.

What do we know?
Well, sure enough, the guy with trophy can caved.
Quote from: wastepanel,
Quote from: TheCanIsDead,Aug
Quote from: kbdavear,Aug
Quote from: TheCanIsDead,Aug
You have 14 days under your belt, so you need to shut the fuck up Mr. Vet wannabe.
Well, sir I have more than 14 days under my belt and I am not a Vet. However, I feel you need to get your act together. I have see you in chat and on the boards talking very large and as if you are in control. However, you have shown with your actions that you are not in control. There is a mindset that you Must have in order to make your quit last. This is not a simple task, and by your actions and the words that you spoken on here, it is apparent that you are NOT ready to quit.

I could be wrong on this but I don't think I am. You are acting like a child, and being a bitch about the entire issue. You have called people out and started a lot of shit. in this group. What you need to be doing is sitting back and taking your medicine for caving and planning the cave at that.

Start doing things on here the right way, and stop causing problems. If you are to ignorant to do these things, then maybe you need to leave the site until you have figured it out. You have some people on here that are willing to help you out, however you seem more content on bad mouthing others to realize this.

I am trying to be nice (once), but the choice is yours. Get with the program or go fuck your life up somewhere else. The people here do not need you idiotic behavior mixed in with there actual quits.

*this is my opinion please continue with the humourous bashing of Trophy*
I'm talking shit because I hate people that assume and lie. I'm not one of them and I can't stand it when someone accuses me of caving or suggests that I'm liar. caved last week and i'm still here. Yes I did not post roll, I hate doing it on my phone especially when brushing teeth, getting out of bed, or having breakfast. I don't care whether any of you believe it or not. I have not lied about anything so far.

I got a trophy can, and thanks to Klark i tossed it - was it not for his help i would have caved much sooner.

Then i was told numerous times to not drink, ignored it and kept drinking but did not cave.

Posted roll Friday morning and caved at night because I got hammered. Got on here and admitted I was wrong, and drinking was the reason I caved.

Since then I have not dipped and but i'm off to lunch and i'll go dip now. Only it will be Smokey Mountain not Grizzly.

I was not ready to quit last week - I realized that last night after reading almost every damn link on the website.

Not going to respond to anymore shit talk, so have at it. I'll just post roll and keep it at that. Obviously everyone wants to put a word in regarding my cave.
I'm talking shit because I hate people that assume and lie. I'm not one of them and I can't stand it when someone accuses me of caving or suggests that I'm liar.
You are a liar.

You posted roll on Friday. You gave your word that you would not partake in any nicotine injestion. You lied.

Color me surprised when you fade away or come back for a third try.

caved last week and i'm still here.
Grizzlykills caved month and last night. He's got you by a cave.
Yes I did not post roll, I hate doing it on my phone especially when brushing teeth, getting out of bed, or having breakfast. I don't care whether any of you believe it or not.
It's ok if you start your quit late in the morning. Chew tastes great with coffee and during your morning commute. But it's ok, because you don't post until later...

You fucking start quitting the moment you wake up. Act like it. Post roll. Get it off the table. Especially now.
I have not lied about anything so far.
We'll agree to disagree.

I got a trophy can, and thanks to Klark i tossed it - was it not for his help i would have caved much sooner.

Then i was told numerous times to not drink, ignored it and kept drinking but did not cave.

Posted roll Friday morning and caved at night because I got hammered. Got on here and admitted I was wrong, and drinking was the reason I caved. 

Since then I have not dipped and but i'm off to lunch and i'll go dip now. Only it will be Smokey Mountain not Grizzly.

I was not ready to quit last week - I realized that last night after reading almost every damn link on the website.
You've read the links, but I don't think you understand them. We post roll every morning to remind our addicted brains that we are addicts. We lie. We justify our behavior. We are weak. We are the same.

I still don't think you're ready to quit. You're already bringing up the Eurotrip as an excuse not to post everyday, and you have not once mentioned that you are quitting your drinking (at least in the beginning here) to accomodate this quit DESPITE ADMITTING IT WAS THE REASON YOU CAVED.

Prove me wrong, but if I have a feeling you're going to fade away here shortly. If we ever do meet after that, I'm sure it will be under a different username.

Look how many people here post in multiple groups. Sometimes, they post in other groups just to support. Some of these quitters post in every group on this forum.
While battling a nice 40s funk, my friend Radar gave the usual 20s post about leaving the site:
Quote from: wastepanel,
Quote from: TEAMKEOKI,Aug
Quote from: radar,Aug
Quote from: ODAAT,Aug
Quote from: bigbamadan,Aug
Quote from: destefano,Aug
Quote from: radar,Aug
Quote from: Luby,Aug
Quote from: radar,Aug
Ladies and gentlemen. It astonishes me the amount of cynicism and anger that pervades this board. The angry text messages (most of which I only just got this afternoon), voicemails, and private messages truly shocked me.

I have been away, as some of you know. When I returned from Canada last week, I walked into a literal shitstorm that I was not prepared for. Since then, I have been back and forth across the country 3 times dealing with some family issues that I do not have the time to go into right now.

I may miss days posting, but I'm still quit. The few times I jumped on, I was trying to figure out my quit date at that point (I had honestly forgotten, with everything going on.)

Take it for whatever you want. I know where some of you stand.
You either want to be a part of this program or you don't. I for one want you here, but being a part of it means posting roll and being there in mind and spirit not just for yourself but for your quit brothers. There are gonna be times you are gonna need this place, god know there are times I certainly do, but it's not fair to us if you are here just when you need us. Hell maybe we are gonna need your help sometime too, it's a two way street. By posting roll we know you are gonna be in that fox hole with us, so yoiu gotta decide if this is for you.
I do the best that I can to post here. Given certain circumstances that recently happened, I could not. I am going to continue to attempt to post here or contact someone every day, if and when I can.

This was never a question of coming here only when I wanted to. That's something you've made up for yourself.

I am short on time right now, but suffice it to say:

1. There were technological limitations while I was gone, eventually resulting in a broken cellphone.
2. A family emergency that pulled me away as soon as I returned home.
3. Said emergency is not in the clear yet, and I will be traveling again in a few days. I'm hoping to have another phone by then.

I can't believe I have to go through all of this. Almost makes this site not worth it for me. If you had any idea, whatsoever, of what I've just been through, and what my brother is going through, you'd lay the fuck off. But you push and push and push and push.


I'm having my first craving in weeks now. I wasn't even thinking about dipping or smoking until you all had to start this shit with me. All I wanted to do was note that I'm back, and that circumstances kept me from posting daily. I DO NOT need this kind of stress right now.

I came back because I never had any intention of leaving this site. If you want me gone, just say the word. You don't owe me anything, I don't owe anyone here anything.
Ha, so now it's your quit group's fault that you're craving? Not cool.

It's pretty simple, follow the rules or don't, but if you don't... go somewhere else. The only point these guys are trying to make is that this should be important to you. Act accordingly.

On that note, I am sorry, that you are ging through family issues. Those are never fun, no matter what it is.
radar, i'm not here to point fingers and call names. you are free to do what you want.

you need to understand though that everybody's got shit going on in their life. some with goo shit. some with bad shit. some with really fucked up bad shit.

I'm not attempting to take anything away from your recent experience and I wish your family all the best. Please understand though, you are not a special unique snowflake.

if you put half as much time into figuring out a way to post roll as opposed to listing the multitude of reasons you couldn't....well then I suspect there would be no issue.

you need to decide how important your quit is. what is it worth??? what will you do to protect it?
Every group has one, and Radar is October's. We had a guy in our group almost lose his wife and child in a car wreck. He posted roll every day either by texting someone or doing it himself.

We've heard every excuse in the book. First 100 days you post every day or text. That simple. You're either all in or all out. You decide, but we don't do shit halfway around here. Those who do, well, have their next Day 1 in their future.
I guess I'm all out then. I can't commit time to this site the way you want me to.

I've already messaged an admin to remove my account.

I will do this alone.

Best of luck to all of you. Thank you to those who did actually help me along the way.
First off radar, I thank you very much for talking me out of leaving the site a mere 26 days ago. I had the depression that comes with a 3 week quit. I don't know why it happens, I just know that I was not the only one that has wanted to "do it on my own" in the 20s (This week it happened to TommyNY.). I can think of at least 4-5 others I personally share texts with that wanted to leave as well.

With that being said, I call shenanigans on your unable to post roll. We have watched you log on a few times in the last few days and have commented on it. When a quitter logs into here without posting roll, something has happened. When the person puts up such a fight to not post roll everyday prior to it, that person called their shot. In this day, anyways, how many places really don't have internet or telephone service? I never thought Canada was that backwards...

We're all fucking addicts here. Nobody's addiction to nicotine is worse than another person's here. We control our actions. We cannot control this addiction.

I try to be more vocal about posting roll because that is what ultimately got me: I forgot I was an addict. I forgot because I could not be bothered to take the few seconds each morning to remind myself "I am a fucking addict". I stopped planning for situations where I could cave. I started thinking "One just won't hurt. I can't get re addicted from one...".

I was dead fucking wrong.

In the last 50 days I've quit, I've seen a pattern emerge. The folks that come here everyday and post roll in the morning do much better staying out of the can than the folks that do it when they want to. I wake up in the morning, take a piss, and post roll. Sometimes, it's at 4 in the morning. Sometimes, it's at 9:30. The other day, I couldn't post until 1. I texted a friend here that I quit until I could get here and promise it to everybody else.

I need to remember that I am an addict, or this is all for naught.

So, please, ignore the bullshit here. I did it for a while. I logged in after you talked me down from the ledge and posted roll and left for the next week. I never skipped a roll here. I didn't care what anybody said. It was at that point I realized this quit was for me, and not for everybody else. I came back and started posting and fucking around here when I was having cravings because I wanted to. You will want to too in a few days.

Stop making excuses like a cowardly addict, and grow a pair. Be a brave fucking addict such as :

THE Basterds:


DocLange-Day 55-Still quit in Kenya! (via text to Tleah64)
BigBill: Day 51 - Gona stay quit today!
Jlima- Day 41
Chunkles - Day 51
drecore - day 55
Jmiah - day 34
Pheasant283: Day 51. Staying quit today
dano0726 -- Day 26 of no Red Seal Fine Cut
Colonel No Cope - 48 - taking my Navy son to King's Dominion for the day. Will not use nicotine.
Jbfla - Day 48
Landons_Dad Day 37 and first dentist app. since my quit. Little nervious but Ill keep you posted.
eafman day 47
vannitro day 43
midwestusa: Day 52: Good luck Landon's Dad.
nealo - day 27 - quittin with txlongbeard
Coldstreak - 52
JRan - 55
Moe - 43
Prada88 Day 32 and still on deployment (Email to Taz)
BadKarma423 - Day 31
stjohnsloop - 39
TLeah64- Day54 - Staying quit today!
Jbags5 - Day 50. Wow. Still quit.
Phil4 - day 35
Wastepanel-day 50
Lerxst - Day 55
JDoughMO - Day 26
Tiburonbob- Day 46
Rossh32-Day 30
wcummingsiv- Day 35 this number is getting big
reallogansmith - Day 48
genk - Day 29 - my quit is going strong.
TommyNY-I'm Here on phone at work. Can smeone post for me please 32 days
Shaundy - Day 25
haas311 - day 37
Luby - 33 - Last day of 19 day work road trip and it is gonna be quit!
Michelle!- Day 27
radar - Day 26. See post after this one. (Had day count incorrect)
Turnin30 - 26 - on vacation, but not from my quit
D - 30 wow never thought I'd be able to say that, 30 days without nicotine, awesome
Ajh04 day 31 nic free day just had a hectic morning
Romandog - 122 - Quit
TCOPE - 954.... still quit
XCF - 1,044 One day at a time
LLCope -112- Go October
HKS-192, today I promise..........
Txlongbeard 105 Long Donging the Nic Bitch, Get ya some Neal
Flashman - 792 - None for me.
Boilerbates - 139
SamCat...752!!! Have a GREAT time Colonel!!! All Y'all have a great Hump Day Quit!!!
Rebel - 162 quit
syn,drome - yesterday +1
Bomanquit 152 Still Quit and staying that way
DaveVT - 161
AgLawyer - 21
Tazmed - 57- Quit with the Colonel, Prada, and anyone else who's honorable to keep their word.
DennyX - Quit with LUBY, HAAS, and TURNIN today!
j2b - 206
Keddy - 296 - Quit with tommyny . . . .
bubblehed668 - 1,244 finger.gif nic biotch kiss my arse.gif Morning Basterds
CH - 409 Quit will all you today!
tarpon-330 mornin turds
Yankeeguy1969 - 149 - I am quit with October!
Rocketman-152-quit with Jlima, TeamK  WastePanel (2nd bump!)
Cornwallace - 129 - Quit with Lubes, Wastepanel, eafman, Keoki, Colonel, dre, and the doc
dchogs- 94- quit with sloop today. good luck TLeah!
Pepatton - 136 quit with October today
davidc67 -168- quit
Magnum 183
Trey -66- Quit with October today!! Keep up the awesome quit!!
scowick - 250 - quit is built here.
NOLAQ - 520 - Been a while since I quit with Cocktober. Nice work in here!
gmann 223 - WHERE ARE YOU BIG G???????
CNM 555

I'll quit with you radar. Will you quit with me?
What happened?-I quit with the KTC
Why did it happen?-I wanted to be quit. I pursued being quit.
What are you doing differently next time?-Nothing. This is what I want to be.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #450 on: August 03, 2014, 09:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: hitgirl
You don't have to be bad-ass to be a superhero.

You just have to be brave.
The KTC is an extreme quitting website. We place our quits above all else each morning when we post roll. By this simple task, we promise to ourselves and to our brothers (and sisters) in arms that we will fight to our dying breath to keep that promise and to carry anybody else making that promise if necessary.

We are not always strong. That is why we are here.

There are days when my quit is bad fucking ass. Take yesterday for an example. I had my first fantasy football draft, and this one is filled with booze, smokers, and chewers. I even saw an e cig yeterday. Well, while I sat there unfazed by all of the nicotine around me, I took note of how easy it would be to fail. There was a can of Kodiak sitting right next to my buddy's computer. I could just ask for a hit of a cigarette after we were taking our celebratory tequila shot after the final pick.

But then I realized how easy it would be to succeed.

A can of Smokey Mountain sat in my pocket. My telephone was blowing up with an ongoing chat, and I had hundreds of contacts in my phone that I could reach out to as well if I felt a twinge of want. I stayed in control and came home rather than drink myself silly and crash on the floor. Most importantly, I texted in my roll that morning. My quit was secure, yet the world around me was not. How many times have we heard these stories go the other way? (The answer is plenty.) My quit is mine, and ain't nobody taking it away from me.

The greatest thing about freedom is that it's so damn obtainable. It requires a decision, and it requires actions to back up that decision. I want to be quit. I was brave enough to quit. I'm willing to go through any motherfucker and all obstacles to obtain quit.

Most importantly, I do. I quit.

It isn't always easy, but I got my team behind me willing to step up when necessary.

We aren't extreme here at the KTC because we can run a quit program like nobody's business. No. It's because we don't leave any soldiers behind. Yeah...I get it. I was bad-ass today. That's great. Roll call is a seat belt, and that seat belt protects those with blind spots, worn out tires, or just those moments when we have a momentary distraction. Great.

But there will be days when I need roll more than others. I don't care who the fuck you are. Quit's are cyclical. When times are good, we practice for the bad. We post roll. We reach out and make new friends. We build others' quits. When times are bad, well...we fucking take aim and fire every shell we got at this thing.

If you see somebody struggling, don't fucking push them down or tell them that the answer to their woes lies in an early roll post, some transcendental psycho-babble, or even contact counting. No. Golden rule, mofos. Be brave, and fucking march over with your hand outstretched, help them up, and hold them up until they get their legs. That's the most bad-ass thing you can do. Be brave, and take aim for them if you can. They'll get their legs back, and they might just be there for you when you need it.

After all, that's the most superhero thing you can do.
Well played Wastepanel.
That is a fucking masterpiece...thanks for making my quit stronger today.
Good stuff that. Easy to be a dick, but best to be a friend.

Offline Dagranger

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  • Interests: I used to like playing any sport. Now I like coaching any sport. Hiking, camping, biking. I work out a lot but I hate it.
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Re: I'm back
« Reply #449 on: August 03, 2014, 07:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: hitgirl
You don't have to be bad-ass to be a superhero.

You just have to be brave.
The KTC is an extreme quitting website. We place our quits above all else each morning when we post roll. By this simple task, we promise to ourselves and to our brothers (and sisters) in arms that we will fight to our dying breath to keep that promise and to carry anybody else making that promise if necessary.

We are not always strong. That is why we are here.

There are days when my quit is bad fucking ass. Take yesterday for an example. I had my first fantasy football draft, and this one is filled with booze, smokers, and chewers. I even saw an e cig yeterday. Well, while I sat there unfazed by all of the nicotine around me, I took note of how easy it would be to fail. There was a can of Kodiak sitting right next to my buddy's computer. I could just ask for a hit of a cigarette after we were taking our celebratory tequila shot after the final pick.

But then I realized how easy it would be to succeed.

A can of Smokey Mountain sat in my pocket. My telephone was blowing up with an ongoing chat, and I had hundreds of contacts in my phone that I could reach out to as well if I felt a twinge of want. I stayed in control and came home rather than drink myself silly and crash on the floor. Most importantly, I texted in my roll that morning. My quit was secure, yet the world around me was not. How many times have we heard these stories go the other way? (The answer is plenty.) My quit is mine, and ain't nobody taking it away from me.

The greatest thing about freedom is that it's so damn obtainable. It requires a decision, and it requires actions to back up that decision. I want to be quit. I was brave enough to quit. I'm willing to go through any motherfucker and all obstacles to obtain quit.

Most importantly, I do. I quit.

It isn't always easy, but I got my team behind me willing to step up when necessary.

We aren't extreme here at the KTC because we can run a quit program like nobody's business. No. It's because we don't leave any soldiers behind. Yeah...I get it. I was bad-ass today. That's great. Roll call is a seat belt, and that seat belt protects those with blind spots, worn out tires, or just those moments when we have a momentary distraction. Great.

But there will be days when I need roll more than others. I don't care who the fuck you are. Quit's are cyclical. When times are good, we practice for the bad. We post roll. We reach out and make new friends. We build others' quits. When times are bad, well...we fucking take aim and fire every shell we got at this thing.

If you see somebody struggling, don't fucking push them down or tell them that the answer to their woes lies in an early roll post, some transcendental psycho-babble, or even contact counting. No. Golden rule, mofos. Be brave, and fucking march over with your hand outstretched, help them up, and hold them up until they get their legs. That's the most bad-ass thing you can do. Be brave, and take aim for them if you can. They'll get their legs back, and they might just be there for you when you need it.

After all, that's the most superhero thing you can do.
Well played Wastepanel.
That is a fucking masterpiece...thanks for making my quit stronger today.

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #448 on: August 03, 2014, 06:26:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: hitgirl
You don't have to be bad-ass to be a superhero.

You just have to be brave.
The KTC is an extreme quitting website. We place our quits above all else each morning when we post roll. By this simple task, we promise to ourselves and to our brothers (and sisters) in arms that we will fight to our dying breath to keep that promise and to carry anybody else making that promise if necessary.

We are not always strong. That is why we are here.

There are days when my quit is bad fucking ass. Take yesterday for an example. I had my first fantasy football draft, and this one is filled with booze, smokers, and chewers. I even saw an e cig yeterday. Well, while I sat there unfazed by all of the nicotine around me, I took note of how easy it would be to fail. There was a can of Kodiak sitting right next to my buddy's computer. I could just ask for a hit of a cigarette after we were taking our celebratory tequila shot after the final pick.

But then I realized how easy it would be to succeed.

A can of Smokey Mountain sat in my pocket. My telephone was blowing up with an ongoing chat, and I had hundreds of contacts in my phone that I could reach out to as well if I felt a twinge of want. I stayed in control and came home rather than drink myself silly and crash on the floor. Most importantly, I texted in my roll that morning. My quit was secure, yet the world around me was not. How many times have we heard these stories go the other way? (The answer is plenty.) My quit is mine, and ain't nobody taking it away from me.

The greatest thing about freedom is that it's so damn obtainable. It requires a decision, and it requires actions to back up that decision. I want to be quit. I was brave enough to quit. I'm willing to go through any motherfucker and all obstacles to obtain quit.

Most importantly, I do. I quit.

It isn't always easy, but I got my team behind me willing to step up when necessary.

We aren't extreme here at the KTC because we can run a quit program like nobody's business. No. It's because we don't leave any soldiers behind. Yeah...I get it. I was bad-ass today. That's great. Roll call is a seat belt, and that seat belt protects those with blind spots, worn out tires, or just those moments when we have a momentary distraction. Great.

But there will be days when I need roll more than others. I don't care who the fuck you are. Quit's are cyclical. When times are good, we practice for the bad. We post roll. We reach out and make new friends. We build others' quits. When times are bad, well...we fucking take aim and fire every shell we got at this thing.

If you see somebody struggling, don't fucking push them down or tell them that the answer to their woes lies in an early roll post, some transcendental psycho-babble, or even contact counting. No. Golden rule, mofos. Be brave, and fucking march over with your hand outstretched, help them up, and hold them up until they get their legs. That's the most bad-ass thing you can do. Be brave, and take aim for them if you can. They'll get their legs back, and they might just be there for you when you need it.

After all, that's the most superhero thing you can do.
Well played Wastepanel.

Offline wastepanel

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #447 on: August 03, 2014, 05:29:00 AM »
Quote from: hitgirl
You don't have to be bad-ass to be a superhero.

You just have to be brave.
The KTC is an extreme quitting website. We place our quits above all else each morning when we post roll. By this simple task, we promise to ourselves and to our brothers (and sisters) in arms that we will fight to our dying breath to keep that promise and to carry anybody else making that promise if necessary.

We are not always strong. That is why we are here.

There are days when my quit is bad fucking ass. Take yesterday for an example. I had my first fantasy football draft, and this one is filled with booze, smokers, and chewers. I even saw an e cig yeterday. Well, while I sat there unfazed by all of the nicotine around me, I took note of how easy it would be to fail. There was a can of Kodiak sitting right next to my buddy's computer. I could just ask for a hit of a cigarette after we were taking our celebratory tequila shot after the final pick.

But then I realized how easy it would be to succeed.

A can of Smokey Mountain sat in my pocket. My telephone was blowing up with an ongoing chat, and I had hundreds of contacts in my phone that I could reach out to as well if I felt a twinge of want. I stayed in control and came home rather than drink myself silly and crash on the floor. Most importantly, I texted in my roll that morning. My quit was secure, yet the world around me was not. How many times have we heard these stories go the other way? (The answer is plenty.) My quit is mine, and ain't nobody taking it away from me.

The greatest thing about freedom is that it's so damn obtainable. It requires a decision, and it requires actions to back up that decision. I want to be quit. I was brave enough to quit. I'm willing to go through any motherfucker and all obstacles to obtain quit.

Most importantly, I do. I quit.

It isn't always easy, but I got my team behind me willing to step up when necessary.

We aren't extreme here at the KTC because we can run a quit program like nobody's business. No. It's because we don't leave any soldiers behind. Yeah...I get it. I was bad-ass today. That's great. Roll call is a seat belt, and that seat belt protects those with blind spots, worn out tires, or just those moments when we have a momentary distraction. Great.

But there will be days when I need roll more than others. I don't care who the fuck you are. Quit's are cyclical. When times are good, we practice for the bad. We post roll. We reach out and make new friends. We build others' quits. When times are bad, well...we fucking take aim and fire every shell we got at this thing.

If you see somebody struggling, don't fucking push them down or tell them that the answer to their woes lies in an early roll post, some transcendental psycho-babble, or even contact counting. No. Golden rule, mofos. Be brave, and fucking march over with your hand outstretched, help them up, and hold them up until they get their legs. That's the most bad-ass thing you can do. Be brave, and take aim for them if you can. They'll get their legs back, and they might just be there for you when you need it.

After all, that's the most superhero thing you can do.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Dagranger

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  • Interests: I used to like playing any sport. Now I like coaching any sport. Hiking, camping, biking. I work out a lot but I hate it.
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Re: I'm back
« Reply #446 on: July 17, 2014, 08:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: wastepanel
I've seen multiple stories today regarding "the fog". As many of you are aware, the fog is nasty and can leave our bosses quite frustrated at our production. It also can lead to the demise of a quit if we allow our brains to think going back to nicotine is the solution.

During the initial days of a quit, we often tell new quitters to drink tons of water and cut back on their caffeine. We've never really dealt with the nutritional side of how to deal with quitting and I realized tonight that it is not a solution that many people have explored. I found a few sites, and I'm not a doctor. Hell, I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But nutrition is not something that gets talked about.

First of all, I used a list that was compiled at It talks about other vitamins and supplements that may be beneficial to quitting (but I really just wanted to focus on those associated with "the fog").

Simply put, proteins should be key in your diet. Meats are heavy in all of the vitamins that are known to have "fog lifting" abilities. These vitamins stabilize your blood sugars, help repair brain function, and give you energy to keep you at your peak. Although found primarily in meats, you'd be surprised to find that these vitamins are in a lot of vegetables and fruits as well.

Smokers should up their vitamin C intake while quitting. Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C.

Try to stay away from sugary foods. The spike in blood sugar can send you reeling into a crave.

Foods that are helpful while quitting

Proteins and Whole Grains-maintain stable blood sugar levels. Include protein rich foods such as eggs, tofu, string cheese, yogurt, beans, or fish into your snacks and meals.

(Smoking Primarily) Vitamin C-Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C. The jury is out on whether chewing tobacco does the same.


Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Meat: Most meat products like poultry, pork, liver, kidney, and fish are excellent sources of vitamin B1. Unrefined, unprocessed, fortified food: Enriched flours, fortified breads, cereals, and pasta are all good sources of vitamin B1. Fortified food has added vitamin B1 and can be easily absorbed by the body.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)-dairy products (such as milk, cheese and yogurt), eggs, enriched or fortified cereals and grains, meats, liver, dark greens (such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach and turnip greens), fish, poultry, and buckwheat.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Vitamin B3 (Niacin)-high protein content, such as meat, eggs, and peanuts. Other good sources of vitamin B3 equivalents, such as milk, actually provide more tryptophan than niacin. Mushrooms and greens are good vegetable sources.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)-Many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are good sources of vitamin B6. Some ready-to-eat breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin B6. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Fish, beef, and turkey contain high amounts of vitamin B6.

B12 (Cobalmin)B12 (Cobalmin)-Clams,, Beef, Turkey, Oysters,Chicken, Crab,Salmon,Ready-to-Eat Cereals.

Choline- Shrimp, Eggs, Scallops, Chicken, Turkey, Cod, Tuna, Salmon, Beef, Collard Greens

L-Glutamine-beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, wheat, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley. Small amounts of free L-glutamine are also found in vegetable juices. (WARNING-Check out the possible side effects of L-Glutamine when taken as a supplement.)

Omega 3 Fish Oils-Flax Seeds, Walnuts, Sardines, Salmon, Soybeans, Tofu, Shrimp, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Winter Squash


Oats (Avena sativa)

Rhodiola (Rhodiala Rosea)
great post WP, as this is information that people can use within their arsenal to help.
Seems WP is onto something here. KTC offers a lot in helping users be quit. Would be good to hone in on what has worked for others re increasing ability to focus in the first year of quit. I've read in more than a few intros where guys lost jobs and more likely than not it's focus related. Good discussion going on in 0814 now.
Wow WP, great research, would have loved to have had options during my first few weeks.

Offline Done4Me

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #445 on: July 17, 2014, 07:56:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: wastepanel
I've seen multiple stories today regarding "the fog". As many of you are aware, the fog is nasty and can leave our bosses quite frustrated at our production. It also can lead to the demise of a quit if we allow our brains to think going back to nicotine is the solution.

During the initial days of a quit, we often tell new quitters to drink tons of water and cut back on their caffeine. We've never really dealt with the nutritional side of how to deal with quitting and I realized tonight that it is not a solution that many people have explored. I found a few sites, and I'm not a doctor. Hell, I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But nutrition is not something that gets talked about.

First of all, I used a list that was compiled at It talks about other vitamins and supplements that may be beneficial to quitting (but I really just wanted to focus on those associated with "the fog").

Simply put, proteins should be key in your diet. Meats are heavy in all of the vitamins that are known to have "fog lifting" abilities. These vitamins stabilize your blood sugars, help repair brain function, and give you energy to keep you at your peak. Although found primarily in meats, you'd be surprised to find that these vitamins are in a lot of vegetables and fruits as well.

Smokers should up their vitamin C intake while quitting. Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C.

Try to stay away from sugary foods. The spike in blood sugar can send you reeling into a crave.

Foods that are helpful while quitting

Proteins and Whole Grains-maintain stable blood sugar levels. Include protein rich foods such as eggs, tofu, string cheese, yogurt, beans, or fish into your snacks and meals.

(Smoking Primarily) Vitamin C-Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C. The jury is out on whether chewing tobacco does the same.


Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Meat: Most meat products like poultry, pork, liver, kidney, and fish are excellent sources of vitamin B1. Unrefined, unprocessed, fortified food: Enriched flours, fortified breads, cereals, and pasta are all good sources of vitamin B1. Fortified food has added vitamin B1 and can be easily absorbed by the body.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)-dairy products (such as milk, cheese and yogurt), eggs, enriched or fortified cereals and grains, meats, liver, dark greens (such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach and turnip greens), fish, poultry, and buckwheat.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Vitamin B3 (Niacin)-high protein content, such as meat, eggs, and peanuts. Other good sources of vitamin B3 equivalents, such as milk, actually provide more tryptophan than niacin. Mushrooms and greens are good vegetable sources.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)-Many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are good sources of vitamin B6. Some ready-to-eat breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin B6. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Fish, beef, and turkey contain high amounts of vitamin B6.

B12 (Cobalmin)B12 (Cobalmin)-Clams,, Beef, Turkey, Oysters,Chicken, Crab,Salmon,Ready-to-Eat Cereals.

Choline- Shrimp, Eggs, Scallops, Chicken, Turkey, Cod, Tuna, Salmon, Beef, Collard Greens

L-Glutamine-beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, wheat, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley. Small amounts of free L-glutamine are also found in vegetable juices. (WARNING-Check out the possible side effects of L-Glutamine when taken as a supplement.)

Omega 3 Fish Oils-Flax Seeds, Walnuts, Sardines, Salmon, Soybeans, Tofu, Shrimp, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Winter Squash


Oats (Avena sativa)

Rhodiola (Rhodiala Rosea)
great post WP, as this is information that people can use within their arsenal to help.
Seems WP is onto something here. KTC offers a lot in helping users be quit. Would be good to hone in on what has worked for others re increasing ability to focus in the first year of quit. I've read in more than a few intros where guys lost jobs and more likely than not it's focus related. Good discussion going on in 0814 now.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #444 on: July 17, 2014, 07:13:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
I've seen multiple stories today regarding "the fog". As many of you are aware, the fog is nasty and can leave our bosses quite frustrated at our production. It also can lead to the demise of a quit if we allow our brains to think going back to nicotine is the solution.

During the initial days of a quit, we often tell new quitters to drink tons of water and cut back on their caffeine. We've never really dealt with the nutritional side of how to deal with quitting and I realized tonight that it is not a solution that many people have explored. I found a few sites, and I'm not a doctor. Hell, I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But nutrition is not something that gets talked about.

First of all, I used a list that was compiled at It talks about other vitamins and supplements that may be beneficial to quitting (but I really just wanted to focus on those associated with "the fog").

Simply put, proteins should be key in your diet. Meats are heavy in all of the vitamins that are known to have "fog lifting" abilities. These vitamins stabilize your blood sugars, help repair brain function, and give you energy to keep you at your peak. Although found primarily in meats, you'd be surprised to find that these vitamins are in a lot of vegetables and fruits as well.

Smokers should up their vitamin C intake while quitting. Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C.

Try to stay away from sugary foods. The spike in blood sugar can send you reeling into a crave.

Foods that are helpful while quitting

Proteins and Whole Grains-maintain stable blood sugar levels. Include protein rich foods such as eggs, tofu, string cheese, yogurt, beans, or fish into your snacks and meals.

(Smoking Primarily) Vitamin C-Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C. The jury is out on whether chewing tobacco does the same.


Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Meat: Most meat products like poultry, pork, liver, kidney, and fish are excellent sources of vitamin B1. Unrefined, unprocessed, fortified food: Enriched flours, fortified breads, cereals, and pasta are all good sources of vitamin B1. Fortified food has added vitamin B1 and can be easily absorbed by the body.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)-dairy products (such as milk, cheese and yogurt), eggs, enriched or fortified cereals and grains, meats, liver, dark greens (such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach and turnip greens), fish, poultry, and buckwheat.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Vitamin B3 (Niacin)-high protein content, such as meat, eggs, and peanuts. Other good sources of vitamin B3 equivalents, such as milk, actually provide more tryptophan than niacin. Mushrooms and greens are good vegetable sources.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)-Many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are good sources of vitamin B6. Some ready-to-eat breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin B6. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Fish, beef, and turkey contain high amounts of vitamin B6.

B12 (Cobalmin)B12 (Cobalmin)-Clams,, Beef, Turkey, Oysters,Chicken, Crab,Salmon,Ready-to-Eat Cereals.

Choline- Shrimp, Eggs, Scallops, Chicken, Turkey, Cod, Tuna, Salmon, Beef, Collard Greens

L-Glutamine-beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, wheat, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley. Small amounts of free L-glutamine are also found in vegetable juices. (WARNING-Check out the possible side effects of L-Glutamine when taken as a supplement.)

Omega 3 Fish Oils-Flax Seeds, Walnuts, Sardines, Salmon, Soybeans, Tofu, Shrimp, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Winter Squash


Oats (Avena sativa)

Rhodiola (Rhodiala Rosea)
great post WP, as this is information that people can use within their arsenal to help.

Offline wastepanel

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #443 on: July 17, 2014, 12:51:00 AM »
I've seen multiple stories today regarding "the fog". As many of you are aware, the fog is nasty and can leave our bosses quite frustrated at our production. It also can lead to the demise of a quit if we allow our brains to think going back to nicotine is the solution.

During the initial days of a quit, we often tell new quitters to drink tons of water and cut back on their caffeine. We've never really dealt with the nutritional side of how to deal with quitting and I realized tonight that it is not a solution that many people have explored. I found a few sites, and I'm not a doctor. Hell, I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But nutrition is not something that gets talked about.

First of all, I used a list that was compiled at It talks about other vitamins and supplements that may be beneficial to quitting (but I really just wanted to focus on those associated with "the fog").

Simply put, proteins should be key in your diet. Meats are heavy in all of the vitamins that are known to have "fog lifting" abilities. These vitamins stabilize your blood sugars, help repair brain function, and give you energy to keep you at your peak. Although found primarily in meats, you'd be surprised to find that these vitamins are in a lot of vegetables and fruits as well.

Smokers should up their vitamin C intake while quitting. Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C.

Try to stay away from sugary foods. The spike in blood sugar can send you reeling into a crave.

Foods that are helpful while quitting

Proteins and Whole Grains-maintain stable blood sugar levels. Include protein rich foods such as eggs, tofu, string cheese, yogurt, beans, or fish into your snacks and meals.

(Smoking Primarily) Vitamin C-Smoking depletes the body of vitamin C. The jury is out on whether chewing tobacco does the same.


Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Meat: Most meat products like poultry, pork, liver, kidney, and fish are excellent sources of vitamin B1. Unrefined, unprocessed, fortified food: Enriched flours, fortified breads, cereals, and pasta are all good sources of vitamin B1. Fortified food has added vitamin B1 and can be easily absorbed by the body.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)-dairy products (such as milk, cheese and yogurt), eggs, enriched or fortified cereals and grains, meats, liver, dark greens (such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach and turnip greens), fish, poultry, and buckwheat.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Vitamin B3 (Niacin)-high protein content, such as meat, eggs, and peanuts. Other good sources of vitamin B3 equivalents, such as milk, actually provide more tryptophan than niacin. Mushrooms and greens are good vegetable sources.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)-Many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are good sources of vitamin B6. Some ready-to-eat breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin B6. Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Fish, beef, and turkey contain high amounts of vitamin B6.

B12 (Cobalmin)B12 (Cobalmin)-Clams,, Beef, Turkey, Oysters,Chicken, Crab,Salmon,Ready-to-Eat Cereals.

Choline- Shrimp, Eggs, Scallops, Chicken, Turkey, Cod, Tuna, Salmon, Beef, Collard Greens

L-Glutamine-beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, wheat, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley. Small amounts of free L-glutamine are also found in vegetable juices. (WARNING-Check out the possible side effects of L-Glutamine when taken as a supplement.)

Omega 3 Fish Oils-Flax Seeds, Walnuts, Sardines, Salmon, Soybeans, Tofu, Shrimp, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Winter Squash


Oats (Avena sativa)

Rhodiola (Rhodiala Rosea)
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #442 on: June 30, 2014, 05:36:00 PM »
1,100....that's a nice, round number. Unless, of course, you're only counting floors. Then it's a nice, odd number. At any rate, congrats!
Good job showing the way for those of us treading the same path.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #441 on: June 30, 2014, 02:07:00 PM »

Offline Spence249

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #440 on: June 30, 2014, 01:11:00 PM »

Nice job Wastepanel and Congrats.

Offline RAZD611

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #439 on: June 30, 2014, 12:58:00 PM »
Nice 1 1 0 0 ! ! !
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #438 on: June 30, 2014, 11:20:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: wastepanel
If you are looking for some extra accountability, please feel free to post with the following groups. Some of them are old and only have a couple people (or even just one person) posting.

April 2006

May 2006

October 2006

December 2006 (The first official class of KTC and my first group.)

April 2008

October 2009

April 2011

May 2011

And, of course, you're always welcome to be a Basterd.

Accountability is a two way street, my friends.

Fuck the noise. Enjoy the quit. It doesn't just happen. We make it.
You forgot one.
I forgot plenty, but surely a honey badger like yourself don't care.

Cause honey badgers don't give a shit
hahahaha. BTW nice post there puke face!!! As we saw at the Tobacco summmit, "DR" Radu is nothing but a paid mouthpiece by the tobacco industry to sell more tobacco. The guy who sells Mudjug spitters even pushes a book Radu wrote on how "safe" smokeless tobacco is.
I badgered this guy pretty good one time a few years back. We had about a 7 email debate. This was his final email back, I think common sense finally got the best of him. I X'd out his phone numbers. Lol.

Tue, Nov 13, 2012, 10:04 AM


 I absolutely agree with your decision.  Congratulations and best wishes!!!

Brad Rodu
Professor of Medicine
Endowed Chair, Tobacco Harm Reduction Research
School of Medicine
University of Louisville
505 South Hancock Street
Louisville, KY 40204
Phone 502-852-xxxx
Fax 502-852-xxxx
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Kdip

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Re: I'm back
« Reply #437 on: June 30, 2014, 10:51:00 AM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: wastepanel
If you are looking for some extra accountability, please feel free to post with the following groups. Some of them are old and only have a couple people (or even just one person) posting.

April 2006

May 2006

October 2006

December 2006 (The first official class of KTC and my first group.)

April 2008

October 2009

April 2011

May 2011

And, of course, you're always welcome to be a Basterd.

Accountability is a two way street, my friends.

Fuck the noise. Enjoy the quit. It doesn't just happen. We make it.
You forgot one.
I forgot plenty, but surely a honey badger like yourself don't care.

Cause honey badgers don't give a shit
hahahaha. BTW nice post there puke face!!! As we saw at the Tobacco summmit, "DR" Radu is nothing but a paid mouthpiece by the tobacco industry to sell more tobacco. The guy who sells Mudjug spitters even pushes a book Radu wrote on how "safe" smokeless tobacco is.