How I became an old man over the weekend
I fucking love video games. I have since the day I opened my first system on Christmas morning. It was an Atari 7800, and it was awesome. Xevious and Dig Dug were my games, and I played with that far through the introduction of the NES. A few years later, I got one of those. Then we got a Genesis. In fact, for most of my life, I have had a video game system in my househould that I regularly play. As a father of 2, I barely get to touch the X-Box anymore (mainly when I break out the guitar to play RockSmith). My sons love Minecraft, and those pixalated boxes give me a headache within five minutes.
Well, for his birthday, my son asked for the new game Destiny. His aunt got it for him, and he put the disk in to play. Immediately, he was met with an error message and I was summoned. Apparently the game requires 20 gigabytes of memory to play and our weak ass shit won't cover that. No problem. I plug memory sticks in the back all the time to up the memory. "We'll stop at the store later..." I say. Well, it was Sunday night and he had a hockey game. After the game, we attempted a quick CVS stop (on the way) to find them sold out of large memory sticks. I went to the Gamestop that was in the plaza, but it was apparently closed for good and I had no idea. I said "fuck it" and headed across the town to the next closest Gamestop to find that it was already closed. We ended up at Target.
With memory stick in hand (and a quick look through the XBox section to make sure there weren't any better options), we head home ($35). I tell him to shower while I get it going and updating. I plug in the stick, fire it up, and....same fucking message. WTF? I make a quick trip to the computer only to learn that the memory we got won't work, and we needed to upgrade our hard drive. $109.99??? REALLY!??? I search around a little, watch a 10 year old pout because he can't play his new game, and put a refurbished one from Gamestop on hold for the next day ($35). I stop by in the afternoon, and as I'm paying for the thing, I explain the events from the previous night. He gets a concerned look on his face and asks me which XBox I have from different models lined up above him. It turns out that the cheaper options they offered fit the slim and newer models (and not the older one I have). Guess what? $109.99. I disgustingly throw my credit card down, pay for the shit, look crazy, and leave. My son better love this.
I get home and plug in the hard drive. I fire up the game and it begins installing all sorts of shit and updating patches and just making the XBox go insane. I reboot 3 times due to updates, and get to the character creation screen. I turn it off, and I wait for him to come home from school to find that his awesome dad got it all set up for him. After his homework was done, he (and now his friend that shows up) get ready to play. Nope. They get another error, I am summoned again, and I try to fix it. It has an error code "Cattle" and I head to the computer for a solution. It turns out that Destiny is completely online. If their servers are down, you can't fucking play. If their servers are slow, you can't fucking play. The offered solution is "keep trying." 'finger' I then do a little more reading and realize that you can't play two player on it either unless you have 2 Xbox Gold accounts ($60) so my son is going to be pissed about that one too. While I'm fuming over all this, I hear "We did it!!!" from upstairs and they finally get to play.
That evening, he makes a special point of calling his aunt and telling her how awesome the game was. I get jack shit from him despite spending twice as much in money, headaches, and time. When did video games become so fucking complicated that we can't even play a disk that we buy without an internet connection? I understand multiplayer, but surely you just sometimes want to pop in a disk and play without all that hassle...right? And, back in my day, accessories were optional. Fuck all these hidden costs. Minecraft (all squares) requires an HDMI cord for split screen. Fuck that.
Back in my day?
Shit. It happened.