Author Topic: Diving right in!  (Read 4003 times)

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Offline starr_78

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #64 on: September 05, 2016, 12:39:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Steakbomb18
1,000 days of's surreal, but man am I glad that you've been one of the remaining few in our group to see this day. You deserve it brother and I very happy for you. Here's to keeping this quit train rolling.
I'm really glad you're still here too. So few make it this far. You have! Congrats ;Ironman: !
Thanks guys for the kind words! I am here because it means a lot to be a part of this community. We aren't just here for ourselves but also we are here for each other. I hope that the young quitters understand that and take care of not just themselves but stick around and keep others improve themselves as well. This quit is never ending and leaving will do nothing but become a negative to both you and the rest of the quitters.

Quit on

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #63 on: September 05, 2016, 09:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
1,000 days of's surreal, but man am I glad that you've been one of the remaining few in our group to see this day. You deserve it brother and I very happy for you. Here's to keeping this quit train rolling.
I'm really glad you're still here too. So few make it this far. You have! Congrats ;Ironman: !

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #62 on: September 05, 2016, 08:45:00 AM »
1,000 days of's surreal, but man am I glad that you've been one of the remaining few in our group to see this day. You deserve it brother and I very happy for you. Here's to keeping this quit train rolling.
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #61 on: December 23, 2014, 08:22:00 PM »
Quote from: JustinA
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: starr_78
Thanks all for the support for the 1 year of quit. I am actually typing this today due to a realization I had on a road trip yesterday.

This past weekend my younger brother got married, and I traveled to go be the best man. Really an honor to stand for your brother, and I am proud of him. But I was on my way back yesterday and I had a long time friend/ college roommate with me after the airport. I was going to be driving through his hometown on my way back to my hometown so we thought we could drive together on our way back.

Well he decides right away that he needs a smoke... Well I told him that I would rather he did not do that in my car (Smoking was not ever one of my vises but I just don't like it) So he says well I can just dip some Copenhagen instead.... (MY old brand) so we stop off and he gets some and I am all to familiar with the smell... It didn't smell the same to me this time. I was a little confused.

Then I came to the realization, I have definitely changed in the past year.

I didn't get envious of him as he threw in way too large of a dip. I was feeling bad for him as he put in that dip, because I immediately visualized stained teeth, a mouth full of cancer, and him being completely powerless to nic. This was my imagination playing tricks in my mind, and it was so negative that I am proud of how my brain works now. I used to sensationalize when smelling this oh so familiar smell. Not this time, after fighting to stay quit ODAAT EDD for the past year my mind has been made up. This is a lifelong quit that I have built. This is a quit that I have decided to make with all of you, and I will continue my ODAAT ways and it will be EDD. Not because I am attempting a quit, but because I am freaking killing it. I am so proud of myself, and damn straight I am arrogant about it.

The best decision I have ever made is signing up for KTC. If you are reading this and not yet quit, I urg you to sign up and get involved in this website. It will change your life and make you a better person without nicotine. Gain control of your life.

Day 377
That's a freaking Iron Man right there! Nice Starr. ;Ironman:
Thanks for posting this. That shit is disgusting. Glad you were disgusted by it.
I hit 2 weeks today. I can't imagine a year but you freaking did it! That's just fantastic. Thanks for setting the example and showing that it can be done. Congratulations.
You just had a face to face encounter with nicotine, looked her strait in the eye and gave her a big FU. She'll never be better than you again. Never. And because this guy is a badass quitter, he'll make sure of it.
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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #60 on: December 23, 2014, 11:16:00 AM »
Keep it up, this is awesome. You should be proud for being so strong while your buddies were packing lippers right in front of you. Inspiring.
"Luctor et Emergo".....which means "Struggle and Emerge"

"tough times never last, tough people do"

Offline JustinA

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #59 on: December 22, 2014, 06:38:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: starr_78
Thanks all for the support for the 1 year of quit. I am actually typing this today due to a realization I had on a road trip yesterday.

This past weekend my younger brother got married, and I traveled to go be the best man. Really an honor to stand for your brother, and I am proud of him. But I was on my way back yesterday and I had a long time friend/ college roommate with me after the airport. I was going to be driving through his hometown on my way back to my hometown so we thought we could drive together on our way back.

Well he decides right away that he needs a smoke... Well I told him that I would rather he did not do that in my car (Smoking was not ever one of my vises but I just don't like it) So he says well I can just dip some Copenhagen instead.... (MY old brand) so we stop off and he gets some and I am all to familiar with the smell... It didn't smell the same to me this time. I was a little confused.

Then I came to the realization, I have definitely changed in the past year.

I didn't get envious of him as he threw in way too large of a dip. I was feeling bad for him as he put in that dip, because I immediately visualized stained teeth, a mouth full of cancer, and him being completely powerless to nic. This was my imagination playing tricks in my mind, and it was so negative that I am proud of how my brain works now. I used to sensationalize when smelling this oh so familiar smell. Not this time, after fighting to stay quit ODAAT EDD for the past year my mind has been made up. This is a lifelong quit that I have built. This is a quit that I have decided to make with all of you, and I will continue my ODAAT ways and it will be EDD. Not because I am attempting a quit, but because I am freaking killing it. I am so proud of myself, and damn straight I am arrogant about it.

The best decision I have ever made is signing up for KTC. If you are reading this and not yet quit, I urg you to sign up and get involved in this website. It will change your life and make you a better person without nicotine. Gain control of your life.

Day 377
That's a freaking Iron Man right there! Nice Starr. ;Ironman:
Thanks for posting this. That shit is disgusting. Glad you were disgusted by it.
I hit 2 weeks today. I can't imagine a year but you freaking did it! That's just fantastic. Thanks for setting the example and showing that it can be done. Congratulations.

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #58 on: December 22, 2014, 05:54:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: starr_78
Thanks all for the support for the 1 year of quit. I am actually typing this today due to a realization I had on a road trip yesterday.

This past weekend my younger brother got married, and I traveled to go be the best man. Really an honor to stand for your brother, and I am proud of him. But I was on my way back yesterday and I had a long time friend/ college roommate with me after the airport. I was going to be driving through his hometown on my way back to my hometown so we thought we could drive together on our way back.

Well he decides right away that he needs a smoke... Well I told him that I would rather he did not do that in my car (Smoking was not ever one of my vises but I just don't like it) So he says well I can just dip some Copenhagen instead.... (MY old brand) so we stop off and he gets some and I am all to familiar with the smell... It didn't smell the same to me this time. I was a little confused.

Then I came to the realization, I have definitely changed in the past year.

I didn't get envious of him as he threw in way too large of a dip. I was feeling bad for him as he put in that dip, because I immediately visualized stained teeth, a mouth full of cancer, and him being completely powerless to nic. This was my imagination playing tricks in my mind, and it was so negative that I am proud of how my brain works now. I used to sensationalize when smelling this oh so familiar smell. Not this time, after fighting to stay quit ODAAT EDD for the past year my mind has been made up. This is a lifelong quit that I have built. This is a quit that I have decided to make with all of you, and I will continue my ODAAT ways and it will be EDD. Not because I am attempting a quit, but because I am freaking killing it. I am so proud of myself, and damn straight I am arrogant about it.

The best decision I have ever made is signing up for KTC. If you are reading this and not yet quit, I urg you to sign up and get involved in this website. It will change your life and make you a better person without nicotine. Gain control of your life.

Day 377
That's a freaking Iron Man right there! Nice Starr. ;Ironman:
Thanks for posting this. That shit is disgusting. Glad you were disgusted by it.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline rdad

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #57 on: December 22, 2014, 05:37:00 PM »
Quote from: starr_78
Thanks all for the support for the 1 year of quit. I am actually typing this today due to a realization I had on a road trip yesterday.

This past weekend my younger brother got married, and I traveled to go be the best man. Really an honor to stand for your brother, and I am proud of him. But I was on my way back yesterday and I had a long time friend/ college roommate with me after the airport. I was going to be driving through his hometown on my way back to my hometown so we thought we could drive together on our way back.

Well he decides right away that he needs a smoke... Well I told him that I would rather he did not do that in my car (Smoking was not ever one of my vises but I just don't like it) So he says well I can just dip some Copenhagen instead.... (MY old brand) so we stop off and he gets some and I am all to familiar with the smell... It didn't smell the same to me this time. I was a little confused.

Then I came to the realization, I have definitely changed in the past year.

I didn't get envious of him as he threw in way too large of a dip. I was feeling bad for him as he put in that dip, because I immediately visualized stained teeth, a mouth full of cancer, and him being completely powerless to nic. This was my imagination playing tricks in my mind, and it was so negative that I am proud of how my brain works now. I used to sensationalize when smelling this oh so familiar smell. Not this time, after fighting to stay quit ODAAT EDD for the past year my mind has been made up. This is a lifelong quit that I have built. This is a quit that I have decided to make with all of you, and I will continue my ODAAT ways and it will be EDD. Not because I am attempting a quit, but because I am freaking killing it. I am so proud of myself, and damn straight I am arrogant about it.

The best decision I have ever made is signing up for KTC. If you are reading this and not yet quit, I urg you to sign up and get involved in this website. It will change your life and make you a better person without nicotine. Gain control of your life.

Day 377
That's a freaking Iron Man right there! Nice Starr. ;Ironman:

Offline starr_78

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #56 on: December 22, 2014, 05:14:00 PM »
Thanks all for the support for the 1 year of quit. I am actually typing this today due to a realization I had on a road trip yesterday.

This past weekend my younger brother got married, and I traveled to go be the best man. Really an honor to stand for your brother, and I am proud of him. But I was on my way back yesterday and I had a long time friend/ college roommate with me after the airport. I was going to be driving through his hometown on my way back to my hometown so we thought we could drive together on our way back.

Well he decides right away that he needs a smoke... Well I told him that I would rather he did not do that in my car (Smoking was not ever one of my vises but I just don't like it) So he says well I can just dip some Copenhagen instead.... (MY old brand) so we stop off and he gets some and I am all to familiar with the smell... It didn't smell the same to me this time. I was a little confused.

Then I came to the realization, I have definitely changed in the past year.

I didn't get envious of him as he threw in way too large of a dip. I was feeling bad for him as he put in that dip, because I immediately visualized stained teeth, a mouth full of cancer, and him being completely powerless to nic. This was my imagination playing tricks in my mind, and it was so negative that I am proud of how my brain works now. I used to sensationalize when smelling this oh so familiar smell. Not this time, after fighting to stay quit ODAAT EDD for the past year my mind has been made up. This is a lifelong quit that I have built. This is a quit that I have decided to make with all of you, and I will continue my ODAAT ways and it will be EDD. Not because I am attempting a quit, but because I am freaking killing it. I am so proud of myself, and damn straight I am arrogant about it.

The best decision I have ever made is signing up for KTC. If you are reading this and not yet quit, I urg you to sign up and get involved in this website. It will change your life and make you a better person without nicotine. Gain control of your life.

Day 377

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2014, 05:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: SAM83
A little birdie just pointed out your 365 (ha, ha)! Congratulations on 1 year. It is an awesome accomplishment! Thanks for being part of my quit early on! 'clap'
This man is as badass a quitter as they come; and he's an even better person. Congrats Starr, I couldn't be more proud of you and honored to be quitting with you every day.
Gratz on the trip around the sun bro!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2014, 04:59:00 PM »
Quote from: SAM83
A little birdie just pointed out your 365 (ha, ha)! Congratulations on 1 year. It is an awesome accomplishment! Thanks for being part of my quit early on! 'clap'
This man is as badass a quitter as they come; and he's an even better person. Congrats Starr, I couldn't be more proud of you and honored to be quitting with you every day.
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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2014, 02:13:00 PM »
A little birdie just pointed out your 365 (ha, ha)! Congratulations on 1 year. It is an awesome accomplishment! Thanks for being part of my quit early on! 'clap'

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2014, 08:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: starr_78
So I got to celebrate 200 days of quit (without nic) and am going to be signing up for 3-6-5 with the March 14' Iron Men. Not because I am looking forward, but because I need to keep all parts of my equation strong. That equation is Brotherhood (which is strong in my circle and KTC) + Accountability (post roll daily and keeping my promises not to use nic today) = Success (which is what I feel when I get to tell that nic bitch to go FUCK OFF!) Great day to be quit
Just wanted to bump this little excerpt from yet another entry from the quit gospel according to Starr. Newbies and vets alike, this is a quitter worth following, one that I feel privileged to be a part of his equation..
Congrats on 202 star! Keep it going bro!
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Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2014, 07:54:00 PM »
Quote from: starr_78
So I got to celebrate 200 days of quit (without nic) and am going to be signing up for 3-6-5 with the March 14' Iron Men. Not because I am looking forward, but because I need to keep all parts of my equation strong. That equation is Brotherhood (which is strong in my circle and KTC) + Accountability (post roll daily and keeping my promises not to use nic today) = Success (which is what I feel when I get to tell that nic bitch to go FUCK OFF!) Great day to be quit
Just wanted to bump this little excerpt from yet another entry from the quit gospel according to Starr. Newbies and vets alike, this is a quitter worth following, one that I feel privileged to be a part of his equation..
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: Diving right in!
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2014, 03:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: starr_78
Thanks for all of the support. I want to share a story that happened to me on day 200.

I am on day 199 and dragging my ass to work to finish out the week. I am thinking to myself tomorrow is 200!!! I was excited because I am tasting freedom! These milestones have been a nice way to reflect back and remember that suck and how far I have actually come.... Then I am launched back to reality... I am an addict and there is no way around that.

I get a text message from my old high school friend and college roommate for 2 years. He has now been in the Army for the past 5 years and I see and hear from him very rarely. He is in the Airborne Infantry and is in the "shit" most the time. 3 tours to Afghanistan and he has been stationed in Kuwait for the past year. He is a purple heart recipient and an all around bad ass. I digress from my point, that the looking forward bit me in the ass big time!

He told me he was back in the states and he was going to be heading towards our hometown that afternoon. I thought wow... I need to get my ass back and see him. I get to see him on day 200 of my quit. We start swapping old stories, have a few beers and get to some grilling. Good times, but not a story or beer went by without him either smoking another cigarette or putting in a big dip. I realized that I started to think about the dip after a little while. It entered my mind... One won't hurt.... damn nic bitch and her tricks.

She is sneaky and this is why we have to quit ODAAT and look forward to a +1. I was looking forward to the 200 milestone and the nic bitch was too. I had an easy time refusing any nicotine that night but it wasn't the fact that I had hit 200 days, it was the fact that I had built something worth protecting (My Quit).

Looking back this past 200 days, I had a lot more good days than bad days, but all it takes is one dip, or nasty thought to screw up a damn good thing I have here with my brothers and sisters. So I got to celebrate 200 days of quit (without nic) and am going to be signing up for 3-6-5 with the March 14' Iron Men. Not because I am looking forward, but because I need to keep all parts of my equation strong. That equation is Brotherhood (which is strong in my circle and KTC) + Accountability (post roll daily and keeping my promises not to use nic today) = Success (which is what I feel when I get to tell that nic bitch to go FUCK OFF!) Great day to be quit

Day 202
Early congrats since I wont have much time tomorrow. Great to see you still staying involved and paying it in all directions! Keep it up!
Freedom is an amazing thing! Enjoy it..