Author Topic: I quit, or have I?  (Read 3419 times)

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Offline R34P3R

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #65 on: October 18, 2014, 12:56:00 AM »
Thanks for the direction, I had not had much luck finding a smokeless site other then this. Ill still check in on this thread since I seem to have started some waves, but it looks like I am probably best moving over there.

I prefer kindness and support, and wish the world was more like that. If this place is like a military boot-camp designed to break you, its not for me.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #64 on: October 18, 2014, 12:53:00 AM »
Quote from: R34P3R
Yes, apparently you missed a pretty big part of the context. I have quit, cold turky. Its been 6 months. In the past I stopped using because I just lost interest, usually for 6 months at a time. That 6 month mark hit, and the craving kicked in the other night. I came here looking for support to get through the night. I made it very clear I was against the use of the stuff, and supported everyone's mission here. However I did not think that the close minded, 100% commitment with time roll posting was for me. I wanted to open up a discussion about was I really in t wrong having a can every 6 months or when I was in a situation that I was going to either kill my self or someone else if I could not find some comfort?

I never encouraged anyone to try this moderate use thing, I just wanted to talk about it. I did not want to commit to something that should I run into one of those suicidal situations again that I would be banned from going to nicotine to get through the night, and if I broke then I would just hate my self all the more.

I wanted to see if there was anyone who had a success or fail story with using it so sparingly. There was no info anywhere on that kind of thing, because it does not seem to be done. If I, and people like me are ever going to reach a point where we can commit completely, we need to have all the answers, including the stuff I am talking about. And when these questions cross your minds, if you help me answer them, then you will also have the answers.

I thought this was a place that was here to support people in all stages of quitting. Not just for those willing to follow something as strict as what seems to be religious dogma. A few people here helped me, but most were close minded and hostile, who took everything I said waayyyyy out of context and did not read my message as a whole.

Also if you actually took the time to read my posts, I included a good reason to not try doing things in moderation, one I am currently desperately trying to cling to my self to stay quit. If someone acknowledges they have a weakness, and realizes there are a couple situations were use of the stuff could be necessary, we shouldn't be persecuted for being a little different and being willing to think about it. I currently stand by that it is not an option, excluding the afore mentioned dire situation, but I wanted to talk about it. So what happens when people here fail and cave? Do you just berate them and make them feel like shit? That is not support, that is a very toxic environment I don't want to be a part of. A few more GTFOs and I will leave. But I still hope that is not what goes on here, because there is not another place for me to go.
Look man, if you really want to quit you need to let go of the idea that dip "does" anything for you.

Dip is not a cure-all. It fills no voids in your only creates more. Your body/brain comes equipped with every thing you need to deal with shit. It doesn't need any help.

Like I said earlier, I chewed for 15 years and was going through two cans a DAY at the end. I wasn't even catching one tenth of a buzz. I was loading up because I was an addict. No different than a damn crack head.

I had no clue how dependant I was on nicotine until I quit. My body literally flipped out. I can honestly say I was completely lost.

I found myself again, but holy fuck was it hard and holy triple fuck do I never want to go through that again.

The way I see it, you THINK you're different but KNOW you're not. You're looking for someone to tell you it's ok if you use once in awhile, or some assurance that if you cave nobody will jump in your shit.

That doesn't happen here. If you were to cave you'd take some lumps and be asked to answer 3 questions...WHEB did it happen, WHY did it happen, and WHAT will you do differently so it doesn't happen again. Then you will be told to get your ass back to posting roll in a new group abd you would have to build your trust up again.

We're kind of Dicks here. We support one another to no end, but we don't do it while cupping your nut sack. There are other sites that do that, but in my eyes all they are really doing by being nice is providing you a soft landing for when you fail, thus decreasing your odds of staying your quit. is the pussy site if this is too much for you.

Just being honest here.

Quit on...
Quit 06/04/12
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19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #63 on: October 18, 2014, 12:53:00 AM »
Did you go use google to find somewhere to debate nicotine? I'll save you the trouble. Try

Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #62 on: October 18, 2014, 12:40:00 AM »
Quote from: R34P3R
How you define addiction was another topic that we tried to breach and was only met with hostility. I don't think a very rare craving that only happens once in a blue moon where I want a buzz and rush of dopamine to help out on a rough night to be a sign of addiction, especially when if I don't find that buzz, I have no interest, crave, or need for the stuff. Some may still consider that addiction, but before we could talk about it, it got shut down so damn hard. Regardless of whether it is or is not addiction should not matter, point being, my situation is a little different then most.

Why are you still here, only to be hostile? Why would you treat people genuinely in need of help like that? I am done responding to you. I realize a part of this community is toxic, but I still hope that most of it is not. By a few more, I meant a few more people, not just one person repeating them self. Its about if I can find a helpful and supportive community, not just one person being a jerk.

Have some respect for the people who have some questions, and need a slightly different approach then you take. I have respected your methods, and even changed my posts a little to help that cause. Please give me the same dignity.
Take your dignity and shove it up your ass.
No one here is interested in your personal thoughts on addiction.
You stated in your previous post you're here "because there is not another place for me to go".
That is fucking bullshit. Go use google. There are a dozen sites like this. You just happen to choose the one where this bullshit is most likely to go over like a turd in the punchbowl? No, you are here to be a fucking asshole.
If not, go use google, and go find a place where people want to debate this stupid shit. We are here to quit nicotine.
Here's another one for you- Get the fuck out.

Offline R34P3R

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2014, 12:36:00 AM »
How you define addiction was another topic that we tried to breach and was only met with hostility. I don't think a very rare craving that only happens once in a blue moon where I want a buzz and rush of dopamine to help out on a rough night to be a sign of addiction, especially when if I don't find that buzz, I have no interest, crave, or need for the stuff. Some may still consider that addiction, but before we could talk about it, it got shut down so damn hard. Regardless of whether it is or is not addiction should not matter, point being, my situation is a little different then most.

Why are you still here, only to be hostile? Why would you treat people genuinely in need of help like that? I am done responding to you. I realize a part of this community is toxic, but I still hope that most of it is not. By a few more, I meant a few more people, not just one person repeating them self. Its about if I can find a helpful and supportive community, not just one person being a jerk.

Have some respect for the people who have some questions, and need a slightly different approach then you take. I have respected your methods, and even changed my posts a little to help that cause. Please give me the same dignity.

Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #60 on: October 18, 2014, 12:28:00 AM »
Quote from: R34P3R
Yes, apparently you missed a pretty big part of the context. I have quit, cold turky. Its been 6 months. In the past I stopped using because I just lost interest, usually for 6 months at a time. That 6 month mark hit, and the craving kicked in the other night. I came here looking for support to get through the night. I made it very clear I was against the use of the stuff, and supported everyone's mission here. However I did not think that the close minded, 100% commitment with time roll posting was for me. I wanted to open up a discussion about was I really in the wrong having a can every 6 months or when I was in a situation that I was going to either kill my self or someone else if I could not find some comfort?

I never encouraged anyone to try this moderate use thing, I just wanted to talk about it. I did not want to commit to something that should I run into one of those suicidal situations again that I would be banned from going to nicotine to get through the night, and if I broke then I would just hate my self all the more.

I wanted to see if there was anyone who had a success or fail story with using it so sparingly. There was no info anywhere on that kind of thing, because it does not seem to be done. If I, and people like me are ever going to reach a point where we can commit completely, we need to have all the answers, including the stuff I am talking about. And when these questions cross your minds, if you help me answer them, then you will also have the answers.

I thought this was a place that was here to support people in all stages of quitting. Not just for those willing to follow something as strict as what seems to be religious dogma. A few people here helped me, but most were close minded and hostile, who took everything I said waayyyyy out of context and did not read my message as a whole.

Also if you actually took the time to read my posts, I included a good reason to not try doing things in moderation, one I am currently desperately trying to cling to my self to stay quit. If someone acknowledges they have a weakness, and realizes there are a couple situations were use of the stuff could be necessary, we shouldn't be persecuted for being a little different and being willing to think about it. I currently stand by that it is not an option, excluding the afore mentioned dire situation, but I wanted to talk about. So what happens when people here fail and cave? Do you just berate them and make them feel like shit? That is not support, that is a very toxic environment I don't want to be a part of. A few more GTFOs and I will leave. But I still hope that is not what goes on here, because there is not another place for me to go.
If a few more GTFO means you will leave, let me chip in.
No, this site is not here to "support people in all stages of quitting". There are no stages of quitting here, there is just quit.
Whatever the fuck you are doing, its not quitting.
How we treat cavers is none of your business, you are not here to quit, you are a troll.

Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2014, 12:25:00 AM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: Benjo
I was a young aspiring neuroscientist for a while, but I don't see the point you're trying to make with the neuroscience angle, either. No, we're not wired all the same way, but there's an overarching principle to this site, and it's an effective one at achieving what really should be every tobacco user's goal: to put it in the rearview. It's just not a good habit to have, addict or 'casual'.

Our initial advice was very much the same: "Why take the risk?" I don't see why we're veering so far away from that into science and semantics.

I'm not going to dignify the posts by some of the inflammatory messages to me in this thread with direct, individual responses. They come across as so angry that it sounds like they are in day 3 of their quit. Pseudo-intellectual, blah blah blah. But you have been reasonable and open to discussion.

To me, discussing neuroscience is not an angle or semantics- simply a point of discussion relevant to why we're all here. To deny this element and the small victories that are won each day in this field - largely unnoticed by the public - is actually in my opinion taking two steps back in terms of sending big tobacco a message. The fact remains that although this is a cold turkey site, not everyone is built to do it. There are myriad success stories of people using alternative weaning methods- we should not tolerate it on this site, but we should not act like we're better than them, either. We're all wired differently. And that's not even getting into the psychology side of the discussion, which is another issue in and of itself.

The point I guess I'm trying to make is that everyone has different coping mechanisms in their quit. My own quit was called into question in some other thread because I follow accounts on instagram and youtube which glorify dipping. To act as though this has not helped my quit would be a lie.

The OP of this thread came here looking for answers and was instead met with GTFO by some. This is not only the height of douchebaggery, but it exposes people's own insecurities in their quit. Maybe they wish they could also be token dippers, buying a tin once every six months perhaps. Who knows. I'm not here to psychoanalyze anyone. You don't know me and I don't know you. We're all ones and zeros on a screen. Aside from a few discussions, I'm just here to post roll and found the OPs dilemma interesting.
You are the biggest douche I've ever seen on here.
Why are you here?
"Listen man, this site is good for posting roll to keep you on track with your quit. Other than that, you won't find much room for discussion."
You can track your quit on an app on your phone. And you can post roll using a piece of paper and a pencil.

Offline R34P3R

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2014, 12:22:00 AM »
Yes, apparently you missed a pretty big part of the context. I have quit, cold turky. Its been 6 months. In the past I stopped using because I just lost interest, usually for 6 months at a time. That 6 month mark hit, and the craving kicked in the other night. I came here looking for support to get through the night. I made it very clear I was against the use of the stuff, and supported everyone's mission here. However I did not think that the close minded, 100% commitment with time roll posting was for me. I wanted to open up a discussion about was I really in the wrong having a can every 6 months or when I was in a situation that I was going to either kill my self or someone else if I could not find some comfort?

I never encouraged anyone to try this moderate use thing, I just wanted to talk about it. I did not want to commit to something that should I run into one of those suicidal situations again that I would be banned from going to nicotine to get through the night, and if I broke then I would just hate my self all the more.

I wanted to see if there was anyone who had a success or fail story with using it so sparingly. There was no info anywhere on that kind of thing, because it does not seem to be done. If I, and people like me are ever going to reach a point where we can commit completely, we need to have all the answers, including the stuff I am talking about. And when these questions cross your minds, if you help me answer them, then you will also have the answers.

I thought this was a place that was here to support people in all stages of quitting. Not just for those willing to follow something as strict as what seems to be religious dogma. A few people here helped me, but most were close minded and hostile, who took everything I said waayyyyy out of context and did not read my message as a whole.

Also if you actually took the time to read my posts, I included a good reason to not try doing things in moderation, one I am currently desperately trying to cling to my self to stay quit. If someone acknowledges they have a weakness, and realizes there are a couple situations were use of the stuff could be necessary, we shouldn't be persecuted for being a little different and being willing to think about it. I currently stand by that it is not an option, excluding the afore mentioned dire situation, but I wanted to talk about it. So what happens when people here fail and cave? Do you just berate them and make them feel like shit? That is not support, that is a very toxic environment I don't want to be a part of. A few more GTFOs and I will leave. But I still hope that is not what goes on here, because there is not another place for me to go.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2014, 11:55:00 PM »
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: Benjo
I was a young aspiring neuroscientist for a while, but I don't see the point you're trying to make with the neuroscience angle, either. No, we're not wired all the same way, but there's an overarching principle to this site, and it's an effective one at achieving what really should be every tobacco user's goal: to put it in the rearview. It's just not a good habit to have, addict or 'casual'.

Our initial advice was very much the same: "Why take the risk?" I don't see why we're veering so far away from that into science and semantics.

I'm not going to dignify the posts by some of the inflammatory messages to me in this thread with direct, individual responses. They come across as so angry that it sounds like they are in day 3 of their quit. Pseudo-intellectual, blah blah blah. But you have been reasonable and open to discussion.

To me, discussing neuroscience is not an angle or semantics- simply a point of discussion relevant to why we're all here. To deny this element and the small victories that are won each day in this field - largely unnoticed by the public - is actually in my opinion taking two steps back in terms of sending big tobacco a message. The fact remains that although this is a cold turkey site, not everyone is built to do it. There are myriad success stories of people using alternative weaning methods- we should not tolerate it on this site, but we should not act like we're better than them, either. We're all wired differently. And that's not even getting into the psychology side of the discussion, which is another issue in and of itself.

The point I guess I'm trying to make is that everyone has different coping mechanisms in their quit. My own quit was called into question in some other thread because I follow accounts on instagram and youtube which glorify dipping. To act as though this has not helped my quit would be a lie.

The OP of this thread came here looking for answers and was instead met with GTFO by some. This is not only the height of douchebaggery, but it exposes people's own insecurities in their quit. Maybe they wish they could also be token dippers, buying a tin once every six months perhaps. Who knows. I'm not here to psychoanalyze anyone. You don't know me and I don't know you. We're all ones and zeros on a screen. Aside from a few discussions, I'm just here to post roll and found the OPs dilemma interesting.
Did I miss where the OP of this thread said he was seeking "alternative weening methods"?

I'm no neuroscience guru, but to me it sounds like the dude is in denial about becoming truly addicted to nicotine.

If he wants to seek other methods of weening, then he should find another site that caters to that approach.

Ktc doesn't operate like that.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
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3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
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Comma 02/28/15
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14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline FkSkoal

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #56 on: October 17, 2014, 11:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Benjo
I was a young aspiring neuroscientist for a while, but I don't see the point you're trying to make with the neuroscience angle, either. No, we're not wired all the same way, but there's an overarching principle to this site, and it's an effective one at achieving what really should be every tobacco user's goal: to put it in the rearview. It's just not a good habit to have, addict or 'casual'.

Our initial advice was very much the same: "Why take the risk?" I don't see why we're veering so far away from that into science and semantics.

I'm not going to dignify the posts by some of the inflammatory messages to me in this thread with direct, individual responses. They come across as so angry that it sounds like they are in day 3 of their quit. Pseudo-intellectual, blah blah blah. But you have been reasonable and open to discussion.

To me, discussing neuroscience is not an angle or semantics- simply a point of discussion relevant to why we're all here. To deny this element and the small victories that are won each day in this field - largely unnoticed by the public - is actually in my opinion taking two steps back in terms of sending big tobacco a message. The fact remains that although this is a cold turkey site, not everyone is built to do it. There are myriad success stories of people using alternative weaning methods- we should not tolerate it on this site, but we should not act like we're better than them, either. We're all wired differently. And that's not even getting into the psychology side of the discussion, which is another issue in and of itself.

The point I guess I'm trying to make is that everyone has different coping mechanisms in their quit. My own quit was called into question in some other thread because I follow accounts on instagram and youtube which glorify dipping. To act as though this has not helped my quit would be a lie.

The OP of this thread came here looking for answers and was instead met with GTFO by some. This is not only the height of douchebaggery, but it exposes people's own insecurities in their quit. Maybe they wish they could also be token dippers, buying a tin once every six months perhaps. Who knows. I'm not here to psychoanalyze anyone. You don't know me and I don't know you. We're all ones and zeros on a screen. Aside from a few discussions, I'm just here to post roll and found the OPs dilemma interesting.
Habits begin as cobwebs and end up as chains.
"The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it." -Jordan Belfort

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2014, 09:05:00 PM »
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
Its a straw man because no matter where you fall on the discussion it is fucking irrelevant to whether you can dip and use this website at the same time. But keep promoting your false intellectual bullshit, it is very compelling and interesting.
Is this what happens on these threads? Arrogant assfuckers debate the merits of nicotine and disparage the way we quit here? I wish I had never seen this thread, but now I have. I won't rest until these fucking idiots either shut the fuck up or get lost.
Moderation idiot, neurochemist dork, and anyone else, (I had to skip ahead because your arguments are mindnumbingly stupid) GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. 'Finger'
Fuck you, fuck off.
Shit, when I said I wasn't going to rest until you were gone, I meant I won't rest until after I go out for happy hour, get hammered, then continue this later.
And to the guy who sent me a link, to this huge fucking waste of time that makes my eyes bleed, but now I have to come back because I know it exists, see here
Edit- I honestly thought this was a philosophical thread "I quit or have I".
I didn't realize I was in the intros.
Is this guy the worst fucking :scowick: ever?
Time to pack it up snowflake. Take your horseshit elsewhere. We don't need a part time user who talks shit to quitters.
I think we've found some demand for some new community websites:,,,,,,
FkSkoal is the smartest guy on the site. Just ask him.
No, even he knows he is an idiot. I deal with his type daily. Compensation.

Kudos by the way on that list of fake websites griz. THAT was funny
My only problem with this piece of shit thread is the amount of attention that it is getting.

If this dude wants to be a "part time addict", I wish him luck. No such thing, but I'll throw my support behind peeps that wanna quit. I don't support weekend cocaine users or vodka drunks that switch to beer either. I sure hope your next little buzz isn't the one that chews your pretty face off with cancer.

Good luck.

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #54 on: October 17, 2014, 08:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
Its a straw man because no matter where you fall on the discussion it is fucking irrelevant to whether you can dip and use this website at the same time. But keep promoting your false intellectual bullshit, it is very compelling and interesting.
Is this what happens on these threads? Arrogant assfuckers debate the merits of nicotine and disparage the way we quit here? I wish I had never seen this thread, but now I have. I won't rest until these fucking idiots either shut the fuck up or get lost.
Moderation idiot, neurochemist dork, and anyone else, (I had to skip ahead because your arguments are mindnumbingly stupid) GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. 'Finger'
Fuck you, fuck off.
Shit, when I said I wasn't going to rest until you were gone, I meant I won't rest until after I go out for happy hour, get hammered, then continue this later.
And to the guy who sent me a link, to this huge fucking waste of time that makes my eyes bleed, but now I have to come back because I know it exists, see here
Edit- I honestly thought this was a philosophical thread "I quit or have I".
I didn't realize I was in the intros.
Is this guy the worst fucking :scowick: ever?
Time to pack it up snowflake. Take your horseshit elsewhere. We don't need a part time user who talks shit to quitters.
I think we've found some demand for some new community websites:,,,,,,
FkSkoal is the smartest guy on the site. Just ask him.
No, even he knows he is an idiot. I deal with his type daily. Compensation.

Kudos by the way on that list of fake websites griz. THAT was funny

Offline Benjo

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  • Interests: Well, there's no acceptable way to say goodbye here. You're either all in, or get out. I'm checking out. I do appreciate having a bunch of quitters to shoot the shit with, to distract each other from difficulty and share encouragement. Those of you who stay and pay it forward are better than I for doing so. I do congratulate all of you for finding the strength to quit and the toughness to stay quit. Stay strong. Stay quit.I just don't feel net positive from the time I spend here, and I don't feel like the KTC system itself has any bearing on my quit. That's not to say it doesn't work if you invest in it, but y'all have known since day one I believe I can do this myself. I've got family and friends I'm accountable to. I've been enjoying every single day of not having to feed an addiction. Even that first week, I loved being able to say no. I'm all in for improving my health and not making stupid choices.I'm going to continue to say no to nicotine for the rest of my life. You do the same. All the best. Ben.P.S. Fuck Marty Barrington.
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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2014, 08:32:00 PM »
The "read this first" gives him permission to post an introduction, even as a current user (which he's not, so far as he's said).

I personally, a week into my quit, haven't taken anything he's said as encouragement to not be a 100% quitter, or "talking shit to me", just as a guy who's not as sure that he wants to never use again. We've all been there, before we came to the obvious and correct decision that the only safe tobacco use is no tobacco use. I don't think that warrants outright hostility.

Reaper, I got yelled at, called a dumbass, etc (for still having an ecig in my house when I started my quit). It's not personal. It's just how things work around here until you demonstrate you're serious about being nicotine-free.
"If you are hoping, you aint quitting. Quitting is a lot more of a sure thing than hoping and trying." -Bronc

Each cue driven crave episode presents an opportunity to extinguish additional conditioning and reclaim another aspect of life.

Offline Cindy

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2014, 08:31:00 PM »

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: I quit, or have I?
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2014, 08:14:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: FkSkoal
Quote from: twballgame9
The neurochemistry straw man reminds me of this
The fact that you would associate neurochemistry with a straw man argument reveals your deep ignorance as well as irreverence of the work that scientific researchers do on a daily basis to keep people like us away from nicotine and ultimately save lives.
Its a straw man because no matter where you fall on the discussion it is fucking irrelevant to whether you can dip and use this website at the same time. But keep promoting your false intellectual bullshit, it is very compelling and interesting.
Is this what happens on these threads? Arrogant assfuckers debate the merits of nicotine and disparage the way we quit here? I wish I had never seen this thread, but now I have. I won't rest until these fucking idiots either shut the fuck up or get lost.
Moderation idiot, neurochemist dork, and anyone else, (I had to skip ahead because your arguments are mindnumbingly stupid) GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. 'Finger'
Fuck you, fuck off.
Shit, when I said I wasn't going to rest until you were gone, I meant I won't rest until after I go out for happy hour, get hammered, then continue this later.
And to the guy who sent me a link, to this huge fucking waste of time that makes my eyes bleed, but now I have to come back because I know it exists, see here
Edit- I honestly thought this was a philosophical thread "I quit or have I".
I didn't realize I was in the intros.
Is this guy the worst fucking :scowick: ever?
Time to pack it up snowflake. Take your horseshit elsewhere. We don't need a part time user who talks shit to quitters.
I think we've found some demand for some new community websites:,,,,,,
FkSkoal is the smartest guy on the site. Just ask him.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."