Author Topic: Struggling to continue  (Read 14478 times)

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Offline Gromo

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2018, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JGromo
My quit rage project is shaping up nicely. I literally expected to take most of the year on the landscaping I've got already done. It really is helping me along and its probably saving my marriage because this time unlike last time I've got an outlet besides being a fucking dick to my wife and getting pissed every 10 seconds when we are out and about and trying to start fights downtown. I wish I had before pictures better but when I'm done I'll be hosting a KTC party in my perfectly landscaped property, it might still be at my 1 year mark or hell with money as tight as it is right now maybe when I join the comma club. But you fucks that have and are helping me through this shit are all invited.
IÂ’ll bring some PBR.
If you come to my house with PBR...actually I don't hate the stuff its perfectly fine for drinking games. or for that moment early ish in the night when you realize "fuck we're gonna be here for another two hours and I think I just hit my limit..."

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2018, 05:52:00 AM »
Quote from: JGromo
Brain keeps throwing things at me, giving me reasons to cave. It's really annoying. I want to be able to justify cigars. It's not that I want a cigar right the fuck now. Don't get me wrong I do want a cigar right the fuck now. But I keep thinking if I stay quit if I am zero tolerance to myself I wont be able to smoke a cigar when my nephew is born, then that makes me think what about When I have a son. When that son kills his first buck, I wont be able to smoke a cigar with him for the first time. Wont be able to smoke with him when he graduates. at his wedding day. when he has a son.

I want those memories badly. Those are some great memories I have smoking a cigar with my dad, sitting around the campfire, talking about the hunt. My brain wants me to think I can't have those memories without cigars in them. Why can't it be whiskey? Why can't instead of breaking out a handful of 50$ cigars I dont just break out a bottle of high quality whiskey?

I dont know why I want those but I am worried about those days. I'm terrified of the cave, I'm terrified of waking up at day one in my 40's... when the desire for those memories are too strong on a drunken night of celebrating. It makes me sad to not be able to have those memories in my future, how I ruined the possibilities of those memories by putting that poison in my lip. If I could have just left it to a cigar here and there I wouldn't be where I sit today.

Weird head space today. Anyway...just wanted to type out the thoughts maybe I can leave them on paper. All these hypotheticals trying to get me to cave. If we wanna go hypotheticals lets say I have a son and I dont cave...lets say he gets married and I stay clean. Lets say he has a son...wouldn't it be better for me to see the memories he gets to make with his own son then make some romanticized unimportant memories that realistically are just mind games my nicotine obsessed brain is trying to mind fuck me with...better than laying under the dirt and him saying to his son "Well this is your grandpa, boy I remember all those fun nights sitting around a campfire smoking cigars...wasn't so fun at the hospital" Like I said weird head-space. Not caving, not even close to caving. Just...dunno...trapped in my own fucking head.
Can't believe I'm just now getting around to reading the intro threads.
That last one is a powerful statement and a tough read.
You are brutally honest in your posts and it edifies my own quit. I'm 55 days today but I 'feel' a cave perpetually lurking around the corner.
I've got a piece of land as well (16 acres and over 6,000 feet of fencing, a 20 stall rapidly deteriorating horsebarn, and a 50 year old house that needs to be gutted and redone.)
My and my little girls have been clearing fence line a little bit a time, always with daddy and that can in the truck and bulge in his lip. Wish I could get those days and memories as a do over and erase the tobacco.
Keep posting regularly, it's therapeutic to yourself and me.
I appreciate you doing it.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

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outdoortexan cancer

Offline worktowin

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2018, 09:39:00 PM »
Quote from: JGromo
My quit rage project is shaping up nicely. I literally expected to take most of the year on the landscaping I've got already done. It really is helping me along and its probably saving my marriage because this time unlike last time I've got an outlet besides being a fucking dick to my wife and getting pissed every 10 seconds when we are out and about and trying to start fights downtown. I wish I had before pictures better but when I'm done I'll be hosting a KTC party in my perfectly landscaped property, it might still be at my 1 year mark or hell with money as tight as it is right now maybe when I join the comma club. But you fucks that have and are helping me through this shit are all invited.
IÂ’ll bring some PBR.

Offline Gromo

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2018, 06:04:00 PM »
My quit rage project is shaping up nicely. I literally expected to take most of the year on the landscaping I've got already done. It really is helping me along and its probably saving my marriage because this time unlike last time I've got an outlet besides being a fucking dick to my wife and getting pissed every 10 seconds when we are out and about and trying to start fights downtown. I wish I had before pictures better but when I'm done I'll be hosting a KTC party in my perfectly landscaped property, it might still be at my 1 year mark or hell with money as tight as it is right now maybe when I join the comma club. But you fucks that have and are helping me through this shit are all invited.

Offline eric71

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2018, 08:29:00 AM »
Quote from: JGromo
I keep having not a dip dream but a dip memory I guess you'd call it....was like 2 months into my last stoppage maybe out drunk at a Giants game. I remember standing up to go to the pisser and next thing I know I'm walking back to my seat with a dip in....actually that might have been more like 5-6 months now that I think about it was like April and I'd quit that time in november.

That's like all I can think about last night and today just remembering how easy it was to cave...not even one day one hour one 5 minute drunk walk to the shitter...and there she was again with no was the foot in the door that led to my last spiral....
But now you have a source of accountability that you hadn't had in your prior stoppage. You have a group to report to. People waiting to see your daily promise. Sure it's easy to cave. It takes work to be honor your word. My grandfather told me that the difference between a boy and a man is simple. A boy does what he wants, a man does what needs done.

Offline Gromo

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2018, 11:34:00 AM »
I keep having not a dip dream but a dip memory I guess you'd call it....was like 2 months into my last stoppage maybe out drunk at a Giants game. I remember standing up to go to the pisser and next thing I know I'm walking back to my seat with a dip in....actually that might have been more like 5-6 months now that I think about it was like April and I'd quit that time in november.

That's like all I can think about last night and today just remembering how easy it was to cave...not even one day one hour one 5 minute drunk walk to the shitter...and there she was again with no was the foot in the door that led to my last spiral....

Offline eric71

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2018, 07:55:00 AM »
Quote from: JGromo
It's been a happy/sad day today...I don't know how to feel because no matter how many times I've quit chew I've never given away my cigars until now...I'm going to miss them I guess, but I think thats mostly because of how much money I've wasted on growing my collection over the years. Slightly regretting not selling them.
That money will be recouped shortly the longer you go without buying cans of cancer. Some lessons cost us financially. Typically, the more they sting, the more lasting the impact.

Offline Gromo

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2018, 04:51:00 PM »
It's been a happy/sad day today...I don't know how to feel because no matter how many times I've quit chew I've never given away my cigars until now...I'm going to miss them I guess, but I think thats mostly because of how much money I've wasted on growing my collection over the years. Slightly regretting not selling them.

Offline Gromo

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2018, 01:39:00 PM »
Quote from: canofbeans
I liked your YouTube vid in your signature. Day 2 of that bullshit today. Amazing how it is impossible to refrain from screaming like a girl at first. IÂ’ve also found it impossible to wack-off in the shower anymore
It's never impossible to wack off in the shower...You can do anything you set your mind just might not be impressive.

LOL I've switched to James Hetfeild yelling. And you gotta rotate constantly. Your body will get used to it so every like 15 seconds I rotate 90 degrees. Which usually results in a little more heavy breathing and yelling. It sounds like someone is being attacked by a bear when I'm showering now. A lot of growling, screaming, cursing, yelling and a bunch of pounding around cause sometimes I have to lightly hit the walls plus I smash myself in the chest and arms the majority of the time.

Best feeling in the world. Go outside in your skivvies turn the sprinklers on and workout. I dunno how healthy that is to do in the places that get to like -9000 degrees but I find it best just below freezing. 26-30ish. Do like a half hour kettle bell workout. I do that when I'm feeling my most down, can't get out of my own head. And I've gone from ready to end it all to 30 minutes later I feel like a million bucks. Like a big dick in the locker-room (Figuratively cause you might become an inny for a little while)

Offline worktowin

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2018, 08:45:00 PM »
Quote from: canofbeans
I liked your YouTube vid in your signature. Day 2 of that bullshit today. Amazing how it is impossible to refrain from screaming like a girl at first. IÂ’ve also found it impossible to wack-off in the shower anymore
Props on the shrinkage!

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2018, 04:48:00 PM »
I liked your YouTube vid in your signature. Day 2 of that bullshit today. Amazing how it is impossible to refrain from screaming like a girl at first. IÂ’ve also found it impossible to wack-off in the shower anymore
Rebel Rouser (retired)

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2018, 06:53:00 PM »
Quote from: skolvikings
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JGromo
I just really wanted to thank everybody for getting me through that shit.

This fucking addiction plays some major mind games and I can't believe the ups and downs.

Right now I'm on like a 2 day up run where I have just wanted to work non stop. Better myself had drive to workout to eat right to make my house look as good as it can. I can't believe how down I was less than a week ago and how just fucking amazing I feel right now. Thank you all.
You think you feel good now... just wait. Winning feels great. Proud to quit with you.
Keep crushing bro, we got your back. Proud to quit with you everyday.
Check out the link in my signature to PAWs. You are going to have a few down episodes during your quit. Might as well learn to deal with them.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2018, 06:13:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JGromo
I just really wanted to thank everybody for getting me through that shit.

This fucking addiction plays some major mind games and I can't believe the ups and downs.

Right now I'm on like a 2 day up run where I have just wanted to work non stop. Better myself had drive to workout to eat right to make my house look as good as it can. I can't believe how down I was less than a week ago and how just fucking amazing I feel right now. Thank you all.
You think you feel good now... just wait. Winning feels great. Proud to quit with you.
Keep crushing bro, we got your back. Proud to quit with you everyday.
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2018, 01:43:00 PM »
Quote from: JGromo
I just really wanted to thank everybody for getting me through that shit.

This fucking addiction plays some major mind games and I can't believe the ups and downs.

Right now I'm on like a 2 day up run where I have just wanted to work non stop. Better myself had drive to workout to eat right to make my house look as good as it can. I can't believe how down I was less than a week ago and how just fucking amazing I feel right now. Thank you all.
You think you feel good now... just wait. Winning feels great. Proud to quit with you.

Offline Gromo

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Re: Struggling to continue
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2018, 11:32:00 AM »
I just really wanted to thank everybody for getting me through that shit.

This fucking addiction plays some major mind games and I can't believe the ups and downs.

Right now I'm on like a 2 day up run where I have just wanted to work non stop. Better myself had drive to workout to eat right to make my house look as good as it can. I can't believe how down I was less than a week ago and how just fucking amazing I feel right now. Thank you all.