Author Topic: No looking back  (Read 26437 times)

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Offline luby

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #105 on: July 07, 2013, 01:20:00 PM »
July 7, 2011
I don't remember the specifics of this Thursday but I do know that today is when things started to go wrong, I didn't have any good reasons, other than the fact I am an addict, nor did I have any tools to deal with it, but "forever" was starting to look way too big. I also remember thinking in these early days of my last attempt that I wish one of my dipping friends was quitting as well so at least I had somebody to talk to, my most successful attempt up to this point me and a work buddy quit at the same time, that one lasted a couple months, this one was completely on my own, and it was getting really shakey, really quick.

Offline luby

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #104 on: July 06, 2013, 11:54:00 AM »
July 6, 2011
As a long time ninja, also known as a lieing sack of addicted monkey shit, the 6th was my first reel test. My wife went back to work which meant I'd have the place to myself all day and that used to mean a long wasted day with a lip full of shame. I got through the 6th, don't remember it being that big of a deal, I worked out, made dinner, caught up on bills.... Just everyday life stuff, and I did it without dipping.
Seemed pretty easy so far.

Offline Souliman

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #103 on: July 05, 2013, 05:58:00 PM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: LionHeartedGirl
Quote from: Luby
July 5, 2011

Long drive home from Seattle to Eugene, but I remember it well, I was with my wife so my new little attempt at quitting wasn't really threatened.. I also remember my wife drove cus my back was acting up and I took a couple pain pills and muscle relaxers that had me very relaxed. I remember being really, really happy that I wasn't chewing, happy that I wasn't wishing my wife wasn't there so I could chew the whole way home.... The third day into my last attempt was a good day.
Reading with great interest...
You are a fucking titan. When they finally turn this little fucking journey of yours into a movie (of which I hope to play the main character...true to form but nakeder) you will be remembered as a truly powerful force. I am glad you are here and have been here for me and the rest of this lot of addicts.


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Re: No looking back
« Reply #102 on: July 05, 2013, 11:06:00 AM »
Quote from: LionHeartedGirl
Quote from: Luby
July 5, 2011

Long drive home from Seattle to Eugene, but I remember it well, I was with my wife so my new little attempt at quitting wasn't really threatened.. I also remember my wife drove cus my back was acting up and I took a couple pain pills and muscle relaxers that had me very relaxed. I remember being really, really happy that I wasn't chewing, happy that I wasn't wishing my wife wasn't there so I could chew the whole way home.... The third day into my last attempt was a good day.
Reading with great interest...

Offline LionHeartedGirl

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #101 on: July 05, 2013, 10:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Luby
July 5, 2011

Long drive home from Seattle to Eugene, but I remember it well, I was with my wife so my new little attempt at quitting wasn't really threatened.. I also remember my wife drove cus my back was acting up and I took a couple pain pills and muscle relaxers that had me very relaxed. I remember being really, really happy that I wasn't chewing, happy that I wasn't wishing my wife wasn't there so I could chew the whole way home.... The third day into my last attempt was a good day.
Reading with great interest...

Quit Date: 5/23/13
HOF: 8/30/13

Offline luby

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #100 on: July 05, 2013, 10:22:00 AM »
July 5, 2011

Long drive home from Seattle to Eugene, but I remember it well, I was with my wife so my new little attempt at quitting wasn't really threatened.. I also remember my wife drove cus my back was acting up and I took a couple pain pills and muscle relaxers that had me very relaxed. I remember being really, really happy that I wasn't chewing, happy that I wasn't wishing my wife wasn't there so I could chew the whole way home.... The third day into my last attempt was a good day.

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #99 on: July 05, 2013, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: Luby
July 4th, 2011
First full day into what I really was feeling was my final quit. Spent the day at the lake with my wife and family. As a long time ninja (caught once in 12 years) being around family meant no dip any way, also I think because of the many times I had to abstain for days at a time and the many attempted quits I didn't get physical withdrawal symptoms that bad. Anyway spent a relaxing day at the lake drinking beer, while I would never advocate it, a few drinks kept me relaxed and off edge.
Anyway it was a good day 2 years ago, I was happy, I was even telling myself, and man this is painful to admit that I was "independent of tobacco"....
Glad to be here and quit with you today bro...and every damn day for that matter.
Make Your Decision

Offline luby

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #98 on: July 04, 2013, 12:09:00 PM »
July 4th, 2011
First full day into what I really was feeling was my final quit. Spent the day at the lake with my wife and family. As a long time ninja (caught once in 12 years) being around family meant no dip any way, also I think because of the many times I had to abstain for days at a time and the many attempted quits I didn't get physical withdrawal symptoms that bad. Anyway spent a relaxing day at the lake drinking beer, while I would never advocate it, a few drinks kept me relaxed and off edge.
Anyway it was a good day 2 years ago, I was happy, I was even telling myself, and man this is painful to admit that I was "independent of tobacco"....

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #97 on: July 04, 2013, 11:15:00 AM »
Quote from: DennyX
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Luby
Been reminiscing on my quit lately as I approach the two year mark. It all starts with my final attempt to quit before I found KTC, and that started 2 years ago today. I had just finished a brutal 20 days stretch of work and had made the decision I was done with the damn skoal mint, when that stretch was over, I had almost 3 week off work, I would be all good and quit when I headed back to work and all those temptations. My wife was at friends about an hour from where I worked and we were gonna spend memorial day together just hanging out. I chewed my face off all day and at the gas station closest to those friend house I chucked an almost empty can, all my spitters and I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.
All hail luby!! Nice work buddy.
I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.


Every damn day bro 'clap'
Just to clarify these posts will be about how I found KTC. The story gets a bit ugly before it gets better.
Glad to be quit with you my friend.
The best.
Peepers Like Fuck
It has to hurt if its to heal, a wise old man told me that a long time ago and it stuck. I love lubes.
I'll follow these quitters...anywhere, anytime!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline DennyX

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #96 on: July 04, 2013, 11:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Luby
Been reminiscing on my quit lately as I approach the two year mark. It all starts with my final attempt to quit before I found KTC, and that started 2 years ago today. I had just finished a brutal 20 days stretch of work and had made the decision I was done with the damn skoal mint, when that stretch was over, I had almost 3 week off work, I would be all good and quit when I headed back to work and all those temptations. My wife was at friends about an hour from where I worked and we were gonna spend memorial day together just hanging out. I chewed my face off all day and at the gas station closest to those friend house I chucked an almost empty can, all my spitters and I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.
All hail luby!! Nice work buddy.
I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.


Every damn day bro 'clap'
Just to clarify these posts will be about how I found KTC. The story gets a bit ugly before it gets better.
Glad to be quit with you my friend.
The best.
Peepers Like Fuck
It has to hurt if its to heal, a wise old man told me that a long time ago and it stuck. I love lubes.

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #95 on: July 03, 2013, 08:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Luby
Been reminiscing on my quit lately as I approach the two year mark. It all starts with my final attempt to quit before I found KTC, and that started 2 years ago today. I had just finished a brutal 20 days stretch of work and had made the decision I was done with the damn skoal mint, when that stretch was over, I had almost 3 week off work, I would be all good and quit when I headed back to work and all those temptations. My wife was at friends about an hour from where I worked and we were gonna spend memorial day together just hanging out. I chewed my face off all day and at the gas station closest to those friend house I chucked an almost empty can, all my spitters and I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.
All hail luby!! Nice work buddy.
I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.


Every damn day bro 'clap'
Just to clarify these posts will be about how I found KTC. The story gets a bit ugly before it gets better.
Glad to be quit with you my friend.
The best.
Peepers Like Fuck
Make Your Decision

Offline Scowick65

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #94 on: July 03, 2013, 07:31:00 PM »
Quote from: lbj
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Luby
Been reminiscing on my quit lately as I approach the two year mark. It all starts with my final attempt to quit before I found KTC, and that started 2 years ago today. I had just finished a brutal 20 days stretch of work and had made the decision I was done with the damn skoal mint, when that stretch was over, I had almost 3 week off work, I would be all good and quit when I headed back to work and all those temptations. My wife was at friends about an hour from where I worked and we were gonna spend memorial day together just hanging out. I chewed my face off all day and at the gas station closest to those friend house I chucked an almost empty can, all my spitters and I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.
All hail luby!! Nice work buddy.
I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.


Every damn day bro 'clap'
Just to clarify these posts will be about how I found KTC. The story gets a bit ugly before it gets better.
Glad to be quit with you my friend.
The best.

Offline lbj

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #93 on: July 03, 2013, 06:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Luby
Been reminiscing on my quit lately as I approach the two year mark. It all starts with my final attempt to quit before I found KTC, and that started 2 years ago today. I had just finished a brutal 20 days stretch of work and had made the decision I was done with the damn skoal mint, when that stretch was over, I had almost 3 week off work, I would be all good and quit when I headed back to work and all those temptations. My wife was at friends about an hour from where I worked and we were gonna spend memorial day together just hanging out. I chewed my face off all day and at the gas station closest to those friend house I chucked an almost empty can, all my spitters and I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.
All hail luby!! Nice work buddy.
I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.


Every damn day bro 'clap'
Just to clarify these posts will be about how I found KTC. The story gets a bit ugly before it gets better.
Glad to be quit with you my friend.
Take away,take away... take away this ball and chain

Offline luby

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #92 on: July 03, 2013, 01:46:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Luby
Been reminiscing on my quit lately as I approach the two year mark. It all starts with my final attempt to quit before I found KTC, and that started 2 years ago today. I had just finished a brutal 20 days stretch of work and had made the decision I was done with the damn skoal mint, when that stretch was over, I had almost 3 week off work, I would be all good and quit when I headed back to work and all those temptations. My wife was at friends about an hour from where I worked and we were gonna spend memorial day together just hanging out. I chewed my face off all day and at the gas station closest to those friend house I chucked an almost empty can, all my spitters and I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.
All hail luby!! Nice work buddy.
I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.


Every damn day bro 'clap'
Just to clarify these posts will be about how I found KTC. The story gets a bit ugly before it gets better.

Offline cbird65

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Re: No looking back
« Reply #91 on: July 03, 2013, 01:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Luby
Been reminiscing on my quit lately as I approach the two year mark. It all starts with my final attempt to quit before I found KTC, and that started 2 years ago today. I had just finished a brutal 20 days stretch of work and had made the decision I was done with the damn skoal mint, when that stretch was over, I had almost 3 week off work, I would be all good and quit when I headed back to work and all those temptations. My wife was at friends about an hour from where I worked and we were gonna spend memorial day together just hanging out. I chewed my face off all day and at the gas station closest to those friend house I chucked an almost empty can, all my spitters and I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.
All hail luby!! Nice work buddy.
I was done, it felt good.

To be continued.


Every damn day bro 'clap'
Believe Me

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