Author Topic: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain  (Read 10931 times)

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #98 on: November 30, 2011, 04:23:00 AM »

Offline Mr Nice Guy

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #97 on: November 29, 2011, 10:37:00 PM »
big ups

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #96 on: November 29, 2011, 10:12:00 PM »

I quit today. Few things dancing around in the ole cerebellum tonight...

First, I just want to thank all the good folks here. I'm a lucky man. I know that luck is for folks that don't make their own path but I don't know how else to describe how grateful I am for today.

Second, I said it a few times today but that 365 is not just my hard work but the attention and work of all of us. Quite a few folks have a share of those days.

Third, I really have a hard time describing my state of being now a days. I know a few of you now roll your eyes thinking "here he on some transcendental journey through the acid trips of his youth". No. I've worked hard to get to this spot. I feel so fucking empowered. I have complete conviction in who I am and what I am doing now a days. Did I need quit to give me the confidence? No. Did I need quit to give me peace? I do believe so. There's no conflict today and that has allowed me to see the path. It starts visually and you consciously take a step towards your goal. It takes effort and control to make a "purposeful step". I visualize that step and the path its landing on. Both are manifestations of what I want (the path) and how I am getting it (the step). After a while, the step went from being a short step to a longer step and longer step and longer as I learned to appreciate the strain of changing yourself from something you don't want to be. Its as though now, I'm in a continuous state of step. I can feel the effort and control still but its constant. It doesn't wane or wax. And I don't have to aim for the path because I can always feel it. This is quit nirvana. This is the treading water in the quit pool. Purposeful motion to save your life knowing that all the exertion is worth it to keep your head above water. Its satisfying. Its completion. That effort is the answer to that simple question: do you want to live or die today. A while ago, in this thread somewhere, I bitched about being an addict and having to face the decision every fucking day whether to use or not. Whether to be owned today or not. Today...I enjoy answering that question because the answer has never been clearer. That euphemism of screaming "I quit" from the top of the building is exactly what I feel when I post roll. "I quit. I am no longer owned. I make my path."

There's something about quitters man...they fully appreciate having purpose.

"Congrats on taking a healthy, nic-free trip around the sun, bro." - Radman

Offline AgLawyer

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #95 on: November 29, 2011, 08:58:00 PM »
Huge congrats on the year - your quit is strong and your presence here has strengthened many others. Well done.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #94 on: November 29, 2011, 11:30:00 AM »
The best. B)

Offline AtomicDiesel

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #93 on: November 29, 2011, 11:29:00 AM »
Tree hunnert an sitty fi days. Right the hell on cuz!!!!
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.? Mark 1:15
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever - TJ
KTC Retread...Quit for the final time 10/21/2011
Though I am peaceful, please do not assume that I have somehow forgotten how to be violent.

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #92 on: November 29, 2011, 11:27:00 AM »
A year of freedom and helping others achieve freedom. Outstanding.

Offline dippshit

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #91 on: November 29, 2011, 10:13:00 AM »
Congrats on a year Soul

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline tazmed

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2011, 09:42:00 AM »
Congratulations on your first year!!! 'worship'

Offline ryan

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #89 on: November 11, 2011, 03:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Aglawyer
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door.  He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.
cavers find a way to cave, quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30
One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!"

(source unknown)
That starfish story is completely ghey. Just FYI.
I knew you would like it...but my man card is way too secure to be that one little hit won't effect me in the least....
Mine too. Mine, too.
That is some seriously good shit right there. Yeah, he tossed your advice aside at the moment but you never know, he may have thought twice about it as he drove off. Nonetheless, I have a lot of respect for you stepping out and reaching out to that addict - never know, the next one may respect your advice and have his life saved. I hope you continue to do that.

gmann and his starfish stories...
More proof that red sox fans are cunts.

Good work soul.

Offline AgLawyer

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #88 on: November 11, 2011, 02:51:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door.  He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.
cavers find a way to cave, quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30
One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!"

(source unknown)
That starfish story is completely ghey. Just FYI.
I knew you would like it...but my man card is way too secure to be that one little hit won't effect me in the least....
Mine too. Mine, too.
That is some seriously good shit right there. Yeah, he tossed your advice aside at the moment but you never know, he may have thought twice about it as he drove off. Nonetheless, I have a lot of respect for you stepping out and reaching out to that addict - never know, the next one may respect your advice and have his life saved. I hope you continue to do that.

gmann and his starfish stories...

Offline G

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #87 on: November 11, 2011, 10:50:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door.  He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.
cavers find a way to cave, quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30
One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!"

(source unknown)
That starfish story is completely ghey. Just FYI.
I knew you would like it...but my man card is way too secure to be that one little hit won't effect me in the least....
Mine too. Mine, too.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #86 on: November 11, 2011, 10:30:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door.  He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.
cavers find a way to cave, quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30
One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!"

(source unknown)
That starfish story is completely ghey. Just FYI.
I knew you would like it...but my man card is way too secure to be that one little hit won't effect me in the least....

Offline G

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #85 on: November 11, 2011, 10:27:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door.  He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.
cavers find a way to cave, quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30
One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!"

(source unknown)
That starfish story is completely ghey. Just FYI.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #84 on: November 11, 2011, 10:13:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Quick story. Yesterday, before I took off from Soulville for the BBJ Compound, I stopped at the quickie mart to grab some gum and a few bottles of water(which I regretted later while stuck in traffic in NY). Obviously in a past life that would have included a big ole teat of nicotine for the 5 hour ride. In front of me is some Joe Blow with a green Sox hat on buying a paper and a can of Skoal. The thoughts that ran through my head were joy that I was not that guy anymore. He collected his cancer and I stepped up to the counter with my Big Red and future bladder bursting bottles of water. I went out to the car and looked to see where the guy went. Got into a mini-van, two girls under 10 in the backseat. I thought what a shame.

What would Souli do?

Yeah. I through my stuff in the car and went over to his van. It was raining and I gave him a big smile and asked if he had a minute. I asked him if he wanted to stop. "Stop what?" Chewing cancer my friend. I gave him the name of the website and told him I was Souliman and that we could get it done if he wanted to stop. His response "what the hell is wrong with you bothering strangers like this?" I smiled and apologized for bothering him and politely asked if he thought he was an addict and if he even knew what an addict was. I got a "get the hell out of here" and he shut the door.  He pulled away and the last thing I saw was this little black haired girl looking through window at me. The rain falling made it look like tears coming down the glass. I tried. He failed.
cavers find a way to cave, quitters find a way to quit. ~ 30
One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!"

(source unknown)