Author Topic: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain  (Read 10926 times)

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #143 on: January 29, 2012, 10:44:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman

I quit today. Humility. Its takes humility to truly step outside yourself and see what you are. You're not always right. If you were, every time you put a lipper in or took a sip of whiskey or swallowed a pill would have been the right way to go. I think you have to concede that you have failures in the past to be able to create victories in the future on these fronts. So when someone here points a direction and you question that direction, concede your past failures and listen before you spit in their eye tell them you know the path.
Indeed. Unfortunately some never find their way to any level of objectivity- they act like my old hound when she was after a porcupine: Ouch that hurts....think I'll try it again....ouch that hurts.....think I'll try it again.....ouch....With each bite she got madder at the porcupine.....

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #142 on: January 29, 2012, 10:35:00 AM »

I quit today. Humility. Its takes humility to truly step outside yourself and see what you are. You're not always right. If you were, every time you put a lipper in or took a sip of whiskey or swallowed a pill would have been the right way to go. I think you have to concede that you have failures in the past to be able to create victories in the future on these fronts. So when someone here points a direction and you question that direction, concede your past failures and listen before you spit in their eye tell them you know the path.

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #141 on: January 14, 2012, 10:10:00 AM »
Quote from: per034
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: loot the boy on Roll Call. Then, get him on it.

Welcome BlueVeinThrobber
Okay Vainy. This is the place to be. No doubt. Here's a great thing to consider: you have quit. You are done my friend. You will not be owned again. For making the decision to do this, I applaud you. This site is extreme. We're about cold turkey and accountability. That means no gum or patches. You are done with nicotine. We build accountability by being involved and posting roll. There are a few secrets that I'll share on getting this done:

1. Read the warm, salmon, quite inviting colored link in upper left called 'Welcome Center' if you haven't already. Then, you read everything on this site. The more you read the more you know what to expect with the different phases of being quit (which you are right?)

2. Post roll. You get up, before you slip off the jammies you run to your computer and post roll saying you will not use nicotine today. This is you putting your word down with the rest of us that you will not use today. You a man of your word Vainster? We do this early and we do it everyday. Don't fuck with the system. You can't get to a computer? You call or text a quit bro/sis that you are quit that day. We quit one day at a time because quitting forever is impossible. Especially, when you are an addict. Way too many steps on the road to forever so we quit today then get up and quit again tomorrow. Got it? Good. Do it.

3. Get involved. The more you read and contribute, the safer your quit. The more you are involved, the safer your quit. I protect my quit with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. Its my priority. I work hard at it and I suggest you should too.

4. Get to know your quit brothers and sisters. Build up the framework for being successful. This will help when shit hits the fan and believe me it will. Your quit group is April which is here:

April 2012

Don't know how to post roll? Look here: How to post roll

Find yourself being someone that needs a helmet and riding the short bus? Here's a video: Roll for slow

5. Get someone in the real world to support your quit as well...oh boy you already got that! ITS ME. You'll have several thousand junkies in here watching your back and one gigantic asshole in the real world. Having someone on the outside as well, you're even more safe.

6. Have a plan. Protect it. Quitting is quitting. Its hard. You've been shoving poison in your body daily. You think your body was excited about that? Fuck no. Quitting is simple but it ain't easy. So have a plan for when the craves hit. Get on the site. Get into chat. Text a brother. Call a brother. Stuff anything in your mouth besides cancer candy because you don't do that anymore. Right?

That's all there is to it. We take it one day at a time. Get up today and quit. Keep your word all day and face tomorrow when its looking you in the mirror. We're all addicts here. This is the framework we live in. You can do this. I know you can. I've done it and do it.

We don't hope (that's a large woman Miles seems to know from under the bleachers), we don't try (we make our own path here) nor wish (wish for what? you're already quit!) and it don't take luck cause luck is for losers. You a loser Vainyrod? No.
Souli is zen of quit. Just practice the poses of wisdom to attain quitlightenment.
Best parts of this are numbers 2 and 4.

If I were a new quitter, those are the ones I would focus on...TODAY

PS. And the winner is Susan....nope
For all the unbelievable support this guy got, and all the attention paid by the baddest of BAMFs on this site... The only post he's made is in this thread. What gives?
I can lead a horse to water but I can't make a jackass drink the punch.

I am on him.

Offline per034

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #140 on: January 13, 2012, 02:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: loot the boy on Roll Call. Then, get him on it.

Welcome BlueVeinThrobber
Okay Vainy. This is the place to be. No doubt. Here's a great thing to consider: you have quit. You are done my friend. You will not be owned again. For making the decision to do this, I applaud you. This site is extreme. We're about cold turkey and accountability. That means no gum or patches. You are done with nicotine. We build accountability by being involved and posting roll. There are a few secrets that I'll share on getting this done:

1. Read the warm, salmon, quite inviting colored link in upper left called 'Welcome Center' if you haven't already. Then, you read everything on this site. The more you read the more you know what to expect with the different phases of being quit (which you are right?)

2. Post roll. You get up, before you slip off the jammies you run to your computer and post roll saying you will not use nicotine today. This is you putting your word down with the rest of us that you will not use today. You a man of your word Vainster? We do this early and we do it everyday. Don't fuck with the system. You can't get to a computer? You call or text a quit bro/sis that you are quit that day. We quit one day at a time because quitting forever is impossible. Especially, when you are an addict. Way too many steps on the road to forever so we quit today then get up and quit again tomorrow. Got it? Good. Do it.

3. Get involved. The more you read and contribute, the safer your quit. The more you are involved, the safer your quit. I protect my quit with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. Its my priority. I work hard at it and I suggest you should too.

4. Get to know your quit brothers and sisters. Build up the framework for being successful. This will help when shit hits the fan and believe me it will. Your quit group is April which is here:

April 2012

Don't know how to post roll? Look here: How to post roll

Find yourself being someone that needs a helmet and riding the short bus? Here's a video: Roll for slow

5. Get someone in the real world to support your quit as well...oh boy you already got that! ITS ME. You'll have several thousand junkies in here watching your back and one gigantic asshole in the real world. Having someone on the outside as well, you're even more safe.

6. Have a plan. Protect it. Quitting is quitting. Its hard. You've been shoving poison in your body daily. You think your body was excited about that? Fuck no. Quitting is simple but it ain't easy. So have a plan for when the craves hit. Get on the site. Get into chat. Text a brother. Call a brother. Stuff anything in your mouth besides cancer candy because you don't do that anymore. Right?

That's all there is to it. We take it one day at a time. Get up today and quit. Keep your word all day and face tomorrow when its looking you in the mirror. We're all addicts here. This is the framework we live in. You can do this. I know you can. I've done it and do it.

We don't hope (that's a large woman Miles seems to know from under the bleachers), we don't try (we make our own path here) nor wish (wish for what? you're already quit!) and it don't take luck cause luck is for losers. You a loser Vainyrod? No.
Souli is zen of quit. Just practice the poses of wisdom to attain quitlightenment.
Best parts of this are numbers 2 and 4.

If I were a new quitter, those are the ones I would focus on...TODAY

PS. And the winner is Susan....nope
For all the unbelievable support this guy got, and all the attention paid by the baddest of BAMFs on this site... The only post he's made is in this thread. What gives?
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #139 on: January 12, 2012, 07:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: loot the boy on Roll Call. Then, get him on it.

Welcome BlueVeinThrobber
Okay Vainy. This is the place to be. No doubt. Here's a great thing to consider: you have quit. You are done my friend. You will not be owned again. For making the decision to do this, I applaud you. This site is extreme. We're about cold turkey and accountability. That means no gum or patches. You are done with nicotine. We build accountability by being involved and posting roll. There are a few secrets that I'll share on getting this done:

1. Read the warm, salmon, quite inviting colored link in upper left called 'Welcome Center' if you haven't already. Then, you read everything on this site. The more you read the more you know what to expect with the different phases of being quit (which you are right?)

2. Post roll. You get up, before you slip off the jammies you run to your computer and post roll saying you will not use nicotine today. This is you putting your word down with the rest of us that you will not use today. You a man of your word Vainster? We do this early and we do it everyday. Don't fuck with the system. You can't get to a computer? You call or text a quit bro/sis that you are quit that day. We quit one day at a time because quitting forever is impossible. Especially, when you are an addict. Way too many steps on the road to forever so we quit today then get up and quit again tomorrow. Got it? Good. Do it.

3. Get involved. The more you read and contribute, the safer your quit. The more you are involved, the safer your quit. I protect my quit with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. Its my priority. I work hard at it and I suggest you should too.

4. Get to know your quit brothers and sisters. Build up the framework for being successful. This will help when shit hits the fan and believe me it will. Your quit group is April which is here:

April 2012

Don't know how to post roll? Look here: How to post roll

Find yourself being someone that needs a helmet and riding the short bus? Here's a video: Roll for slow

5. Get someone in the real world to support your quit as well...oh boy you already got that! ITS ME. You'll have several thousand junkies in here watching your back and one gigantic asshole in the real world. Having someone on the outside as well, you're even more safe.

6. Have a plan. Protect it. Quitting is quitting. Its hard. You've been shoving poison in your body daily. You think your body was excited about that? Fuck no. Quitting is simple but it ain't easy. So have a plan for when the craves hit. Get on the site. Get into chat. Text a brother. Call a brother. Stuff anything in your mouth besides cancer candy because you don't do that anymore. Right?

That's all there is to it. We take it one day at a time. Get up today and quit. Keep your word all day and face tomorrow when its looking you in the mirror. We're all addicts here. This is the framework we live in. You can do this. I know you can. I've done it and do it.

We don't hope (that's a large woman Miles seems to know from under the bleachers), we don't try (we make our own path here) nor wish (wish for what? you're already quit!) and it don't take luck cause luck is for losers. You a loser Vainyrod? No.
Souli is zen of quit. Just practice the poses of wisdom to attain quitlightenment.
Best parts of this are numbers 2 and 4.

If I were a new quitter, those are the ones I would focus on...TODAY

PS. And the winner is Susan....nope

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #138 on: January 12, 2012, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: loot the boy on Roll Call. Then, get him on it.

Welcome BlueVeinThrobber
Okay Vainy. This is the place to be. No doubt. Here's a great thing to consider: you have quit. You are done my friend. You will not be owned again. For making the decision to do this, I applaud you. This site is extreme. We're about cold turkey and accountability. That means no gum or patches. You are done with nicotine. We build accountability by being involved and posting roll. There are a few secrets that I'll share on getting this done:

1. Read the warm, salmon, quite inviting colored link in upper left called 'Welcome Center' if you haven't already. Then, you read everything on this site. The more you read the more you know what to expect with the different phases of being quit (which you are right?)

2. Post roll. You get up, before you slip off the jammies you run to your computer and post roll saying you will not use nicotine today. This is you putting your word down with the rest of us that you will not use today. You a man of your word Vainster? We do this early and we do it everyday. Don't fuck with the system. You can't get to a computer? You call or text a quit bro/sis that you are quit that day. We quit one day at a time because quitting forever is impossible. Especially, when you are an addict. Way too many steps on the road to forever so we quit today then get up and quit again tomorrow. Got it? Good. Do it.

3. Get involved. The more you read and contribute, the safer your quit. The more you are involved, the safer your quit. I protect my quit with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. Its my priority. I work hard at it and I suggest you should too.

4. Get to know your quit brothers and sisters. Build up the framework for being successful. This will help when shit hits the fan and believe me it will. Your quit group is April which is here:

April 2012

Don't know how to post roll? Look here: How to post roll

Find yourself being someone that needs a helmet and riding the short bus? Here's a video: Roll for slow

5. Get someone in the real world to support your quit as well...oh boy you already got that! ITS ME. You'll have several thousand junkies in here watching your back and one gigantic asshole in the real world. Having someone on the outside as well, you're even more safe.

6. Have a plan. Protect it. Quitting is quitting. Its hard. You've been shoving poison in your body daily. You think your body was excited about that? Fuck no. Quitting is simple but it ain't easy. So have a plan for when the craves hit. Get on the site. Get into chat. Text a brother. Call a brother. Stuff anything in your mouth besides cancer candy because you don't do that anymore. Right?

That's all there is to it. We take it one day at a time. Get up today and quit. Keep your word all day and face tomorrow when its looking you in the mirror. We're all addicts here. This is the framework we live in. You can do this. I know you can. I've done it and do it.

We don't hope (that's a large woman Miles seems to know from under the bleachers), we don't try (we make our own path here) nor wish (wish for what? you're already quit!) and it don't take luck cause luck is for losers. You a loser Vainyrod? No.
Souli is zen of quit. Just practice the poses of wisdom to attain quitlightenment.

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #137 on: January 12, 2012, 02:50:00 PM »
Quote from: TX_Cope_Quitter
Quote from: vainytime
Souli gave me the push I needed to fight this addiction.  I'm wrapping up day 5. 

i've been working out every morning for a hour which helps calm the nerves for a good part of the day.  my jaw hurts from chewing so much gum and have a bunch of blisters/whatnot from (i think) plowing through so many sunflower seeds. 

the nights have been the most challenging.  cravings are bad and winding down to sleep is the worst. my old routine would be coming back after a long day, pack a huge lip, and relax.  i'd have it in for the entire evening.  does anyone have any advice they can share?

also, i enjoy an adult beverage from time to time (or more) but i've purposely avoided the last 5 days.  the weekend is coming up and i would like to have some beers without falling into a nic trap.  any thoughts or previous experience that may help?  dont think that made sense, but hopefully you know what i mean.

Thx for all the support and ready to continue this fight.
I had the same nightly routine as you. I'm only on day 13 had a really hard time with the feeling that something was missing without my can. The fake dip (tobacco free) is helping alot in my case. There's a list on here with the different types of tobacco free alternatives. Good luck.
Play it safe and dump the beer for a while. Too many caves from getting drunk. I avoided alcohol for about the first 50 days with the exception of one or two with my wife at dinner. You need to get through the first month or two and be more comfortable with your quit before consuming mass quantities of beer! 5 days is awesome but you don't need beer weakening your resolve!

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #136 on: January 12, 2012, 02:41:00 PM »
Quote from: vainytime
Souli gave me the push I needed to fight this addiction. I'm wrapping up day 5.

i've been working out every morning for a hour which helps calm the nerves for a good part of the day. my jaw hurts from chewing so much gum and have a bunch of blisters/whatnot from (i think) plowing through so many sunflower seeds.

the nights have been the most challenging. cravings are bad and winding down to sleep is the worst. my old routine would be coming back after a long day, pack a huge lip, and relax. i'd have it in for the entire evening. does anyone have any advice they can share?

also, i enjoy an adult beverage from time to time (or more) but i've purposely avoided the last 5 days. the weekend is coming up and i would like to have some beers without falling into a nic trap. any thoughts or previous experience that may help? dont think that made sense, but hopefully you know what i mean.

Thx for all the support and ready to continue this fight.
I had the same nightly routine as you. I'm only on day 13 had a really hard time with the feeling that something was missing without my can. The fake dip (tobacco free) is helping alot in my case. There's a list on here with the different types of tobacco free alternatives. Good luck.

Offline LLCope

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #135 on: January 12, 2012, 12:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: loot the boy on Roll Call. Then, get him on it.

Welcome BlueVeinThrobber
Okay Vainy. This is the place to be. No doubt. Here's a great thing to consider: you have quit. You are done my friend. You will not be owned again. For making the decision to do this, I applaud you. This site is extreme. We're about cold turkey and accountability. That means no gum or patches. You are done with nicotine. We build accountability by being involved and posting roll. There are a few secrets that I'll share on getting this done:

1. Read the warm, salmon, quite inviting colored link in upper left called 'Welcome Center' if you haven't already. Then, you read everything on this site. The more you read the more you know what to expect with the different phases of being quit (which you are right?)

2. Post roll. You get up, before you slip off the jammies you run to your computer and post roll saying you will not use nicotine today. This is you putting your word down with the rest of us that you will not use today. You a man of your word Vainster? We do this early and we do it everyday. Don't fuck with the system. You can't get to a computer? You call or text a quit bro/sis that you are quit that day. We quit one day at a time because quitting forever is impossible. Especially, when you are an addict. Way too many steps on the road to forever so we quit today then get up and quit again tomorrow. Got it? Good. Do it.

3. Get involved. The more you read and contribute, the safer your quit. The more you are involved, the safer your quit. I protect my quit with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. Its my priority. I work hard at it and I suggest you should too.

4. Get to know your quit brothers and sisters. Build up the framework for being successful. This will help when shit hits the fan and believe me it will. Your quit group is April which is here:

April 2012

Don't know how to post roll? Look here: How to post roll

Find yourself being someone that needs a helmet and riding the short bus? Here's a video: Roll for slow

5. Get someone in the real world to support your quit as well...oh boy you already got that! ITS ME. You'll have several thousand junkies in here watching your back and one gigantic asshole in the real world. Having someone on the outside as well, you're even more safe.

6. Have a plan. Protect it. Quitting is quitting. Its hard. You've been shoving poison in your body daily. You think your body was excited about that? Fuck no. Quitting is simple but it ain't easy. So have a plan for when the craves hit. Get on the site. Get into chat. Text a brother. Call a brother. Stuff anything in your mouth besides cancer candy because you don't do that anymore. Right?

That's all there is to it. We take it one day at a time. Get up today and quit. Keep your word all day and face tomorrow when its looking you in the mirror. We're all addicts here. This is the framework we live in. You can do this. I know you can. I've done it and do it.

We don't hope (that's a large woman Miles seems to know from under the bleachers), we don't try (we make our own path here) nor wish (wish for what? you're already quit!) and it don't take luck cause luck is for losers. You a loser Vainyrod? No.
What does Soul have to do to make it to the Words of Wisdom section. He's like Susan Lucci trying to win that first emmy!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline dchogs

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #134 on: January 12, 2012, 08:39:00 AM »
hmmm... thought gmann would have been here by now with that username.

veiny, if gmann tries to take you to a slippery place, try not to struggle too much. he likes it and wastepanel says that just makes it worse.

welcome to the big leagues, kid.
Quit- 5/16/2011. One day at a time.
HoF- 8/23/2011; 2nd Floor- 12/1/2011; 3rd Floor- 3/10/2012; 4th Floor- 6/18/2012; 5th Floor- 9/27/2012; 6th Floor- 1/4/2013; 7th Floor- 4/14/2013; 8th Floor- 7/23/2013; 9th Floor- 10/31/2013; 10th Floor- 2/8/2014; 11th Floor- 5/19/2014; 12th Floor- 8/27/2014; 13th Floor- 12/5/14; 14th floor- 3/15/15; 15th floor- 6/23/15; 16th floor- 10/1/15; 17th floor- 1/9/16; 18th floor- 4/18/16; 19th floor- 7/26/16; 20th floor- 11/4/16; 21st floor- 2/12/17; 22nd Floor- 5/23/17; 23rd Floor- 8/31/17; 24th Floor- 12/9/17; 25th floor- 3/19/18; 26th floor- 6/27/18; 27th floor- 10/5/18; 28th floor- 1/13/19; 29th foor- 4/22/19; 30th floor- 7/31/19; 31st floor- 11/8/19; 32nd floor- 2/17/20; 33rd floor- 5/27/20; 34th floor- 9/4/20; 35th floor- 12/13/20; 36th floor- 3/23/21; 37th floor- 7/1/21; 38th floor- 10/9/21; 39th floor- 1/17/22; 40th floor- 4/27/22; 41st floor- 8/5/22; 42nd floor- 11/12/22; 43rd floor- 2/20/23; 44th floor- 6/1/23; 45th floor- 9/9/23; 46th floor- 12/18/23; 47th floor- 3/27/24.

"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother." (Wm. Shakespeare). For August '11.

Who dares, wins.

Stay quit... it is life or death and that is the undeniable truth.

"To be driven by our appetites alone is slavery, while to obey a law that we have imposed on ourselves is freedom." Rosseau

Offline Radman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #133 on: January 12, 2012, 07:51:00 AM »
Soul, you are kicking this day off right. Yet another epic ramble!

EDIT: Well, maybe not a ramble, but it was surely of epic proportions.

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #132 on: January 12, 2012, 07:42:00 AM »
Quote from: loot the boy on Roll Call. Then, get him on it.

Welcome BlueVeinThrobber
Okay Vainy. This is the place to be. No doubt. Here's a great thing to consider: you have quit. You are done my friend. You will not be owned again. For making the decision to do this, I applaud you. This site is extreme. We're about cold turkey and accountability. That means no gum or patches. You are done with nicotine. We build accountability by being involved and posting roll. There are a few secrets that I'll share on getting this done:

1. Read the warm, salmon, quite inviting colored link in upper left called 'Welcome Center' if you haven't already. Then, you read everything on this site. The more you read the more you know what to expect with the different phases of being quit (which you are right?)

2. Post roll. You get up, before you slip off the jammies you run to your computer and post roll saying you will not use nicotine today. This is you putting your word down with the rest of us that you will not use today. You a man of your word Vainster? We do this early and we do it everyday. Don't fuck with the system. You can't get to a computer? You call or text a quit bro/sis that you are quit that day. We quit one day at a time because quitting forever is impossible. Especially, when you are an addict. Way too many steps on the road to forever so we quit today then get up and quit again tomorrow. Got it? Good. Do it.

3. Get involved. The more you read and contribute, the safer your quit. The more you are involved, the safer your quit. I protect my quit with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. Its my priority. I work hard at it and I suggest you should too.

4. Get to know your quit brothers and sisters. Build up the framework for being successful. This will help when shit hits the fan and believe me it will. Your quit group is April which is here:

April 2012

Don't know how to post roll? Look here: How to post roll

Find yourself being someone that needs a helmet and riding the short bus? Here's a video: Roll for slow

5. Get someone in the real world to support your quit as well...oh boy you already got that! ITS ME. You'll have several thousand junkies in here watching your back and one gigantic asshole in the real world. Having someone on the outside as well, you're even more safe.

6. Have a plan. Protect it. Quitting is quitting. Its hard. You've been shoving poison in your body daily. You think your body was excited about that? Fuck no. Quitting is simple but it ain't easy. So have a plan for when the craves hit. Get on the site. Get into chat. Text a brother. Call a brother. Stuff anything in your mouth besides cancer candy because you don't do that anymore. Right?

That's all there is to it. We take it one day at a time. Get up today and quit. Keep your word all day and face tomorrow when its looking you in the mirror. We're all addicts here. This is the framework we live in. You can do this. I know you can. I've done it and do it.

We don't hope (that's a large woman Miles seems to know from under the bleachers), we don't try (we make our own path here) nor wish (wish for what? you're already quit!) and it don't take luck cause luck is for losers. You a loser Vainyrod? No.

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #131 on: January 12, 2012, 07:38:00 AM »
I missed this originally, but the support in this thread is like a "who's who" of badasses. I just gotta be part of it. Preach on, brother Soul...... preach on.

Vainy: you are here, and you are quit. Do not change either of those things. Look closely at the folks that have posted here. Each of them is available for support anytime you need it. These are not just folks hiding behind a keyboard. Reach out via PM if you need us. Every one of these folks wants you to succeed and is investing personal time in your quit. Don't let them down. That part is simple: just keep your word.

Congratulations on the best decision of your life.

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #130 on: January 12, 2012, 07:28:00 AM » the boy on Roll Call. Then, get him on it.

Welcome BlueVeinThrobber

Offline Souliman

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Re: Souli to AVain, Souli to AVain...come in AVain
« Reply #129 on: January 12, 2012, 07:20:00 AM »
Well Thick n' Vainy I want to offer you a sincere welcome and its about fucking time.

I may have lied about the trannie hookers we supply to all new quitters...just to get you in here...but I think you'll find that folks here have a single goal: protect our quits one day at a time.

WRT to alcohol I would obviously say wait a while. Someone smart here said "If you don't want to slip, don't go to slippery places." And if having a few beers puts you in a slippery place, I would suggest avoiding for a bit.

WRT to your nightly routine of requesting some "teat time" on the cancer hound, break your patterns. Distract yourself from wanting it. Simple tool to do so is get on here and reach out to folks. You'll get more moral support than you can imagine. Enough to get you through it.

The last thing is Roll Call. This is us putting our word down that we won't use today. I suggest you check out the welcome center in the upper left to see how we do it and why we do it.

I'm glad you're here bro. You've made a great decision. If I had some asshole 15 years ago telling me to stop and bringing me to this place, I'd be a different man today.